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Teksiis 01-22-19 07:07 AM

LF Feedback & Ideas
3 Attachment(s)
The tinkering never stops but this is where I am at for the moment with my UI. My goal is to keep it as clean and tidy as possible while still being very functional.

The Red/Blue bars visible in the first picture indicate Rage and Ignore Pain, and are replaced for my other toons with bars appropriate to their class.

Grid slots in on the left side when in a raid situation filling upwards and to the edge of the screen.

One of the things I am considering is adding a health bar to the weakauras bars in the middle and not running a player frame at all, I would just need to be able to make it behave like a player frame would I suppose or display grid in single player so I have that functionality.

Addons used:

- Pitbull for unit frames only
- ShadowedUF for party/arena/bg frames
- Grid2 + Clique for raid frames
- DiscordArt
- SexyMap
- MoveAnything
- BasicChatMods
- ElkBuffBars
- Dominos & Masque
- Mik's Scrolling Combat Text (Very trimmed down with only 2 options displayed)
- Details
- WeakAuras

*Edit, screenshot added to show ToT, Focus and Focus Target frames.



Teksiis 01-22-19 11:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Updated shot as I made the decision to add my health bar to the cluster I have in the middle and ditch my player frame.

Frames pictured in the shot are Target with ToT just above it, and the two smaller ones off to the right are Focus and Focus Target.

Any feedback or ideas to try are still appreciated.



Thubz 01-23-19 06:54 AM

not bad just not a UI for me
altho as idea to maybe make it look bit more as a full UI is replace some texture bars to make em match all over your screen

Teksiis 01-23-19 08:21 PM

Yup had actually already started changing a few colours and making all the bars the same texture, it's making a really massive difference to the overall look. It flows in a lot better now.

I have made the whole theme a bit darker to the silver borders were starting to annoy me lol.



Teksiis 01-24-19 09:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Thubz (Post 331445)
not bad just not a UI for me
altho as idea to maybe make it look bit more as a full UI is replace some texture bars to make em match all over your screen

Still some fine tuning to do on little bits and pieces like font and alignment but this is where I got it too.

I think I am finally on the home stretch :)



Teksiis 01-25-19 07:58 AM

2 Attachment(s)
.....and finally to a point where I am happy to call it a day and leave it alone for a while :)

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