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podboq 12-06-11 05:47 PM

# of team members in area....suggestion
I like the feature that reports how many team members are in the area clicked on... that's useful to be sure; however... would it be possible to also include the number of enemy players in an area as well?

For example: In Arathi Basin, I'll click on the Farm's icon, and click 'guard', and the addon will report in chat how many team members are in the area...

But if the resource is getting attacked, and I click help, it would be great to know how many enemies are in the area, to facilitate sending in enough defense troops to deal with the threat.

Click Farm's icon and select guard, get a report that there are 3 Alliance (for example) in the area, it'd be great to also know that 6 horde are attacking it, so we can rally 5 more Alliance to help the 3 already there....

Is this possible? Please say it is!!

If it's possible, please add it SOON, season 11 just started today, and it'd be a great feature to have for rated BGs!

Cowmonster 12-06-11 09:27 PM

The only thing that springs to my mind would be if all members of your group had an addon that parsed their individual combat log events and searched for actions done by enemy players to identify them. This would only work if all members had the addon and the enemy player(s) did something that triggered the combat log event unfiltered. The addons of all the members of your group sharing information would make it possible (at least to some extent) to triangulate positions and get a fairly decent idea of the movement of the enemy players and the numbers at each base. This of course wouldn't give you their exact locations at all times, but when six of them roll into farm and start healing/stealthing/attacking/etc then you could have an addon telling you that there are six known to be actively doing something at farm. Since blizzard gives you information about the specs of all people in a BG/arena you could take it a step further and have the addon alert you that two healers, two rogues, a warrior and a DK are there which would also help those that are at the base to know that there are two healers that need to be focused and a couple of stealthers that need to be watched for.

Lily.Petal 12-07-11 11:17 AM

Well, with my basic knowledge I'm sure that you could create and addon that just looked through your combat log to judge who your enemies are and general location. I assume that's how Carbonite worked with their enemy tracker at least.

A friendly tracker would be easier I assume, there are already several addons that do this, though I don't use them so I can't really name them off the top of my head.

And I know there's a new addon out that tells you if someone goes into stealth, which to me I hate since I play a rogue, but you'd need to look at it to see exactly how it does it. Again I assume combat log watch.


Originally Posted by Cowmonster (Post 248868)
The only thing that springs to my mind would be if all members of your group had an addon that parsed their individual combat log events and searched for actions done by enemy players to identify them. This would only work if all members had the addon and the enemy player(s) did something that triggered the combat log event unfiltered. The addons of all the members of your group sharing information would make it possible (at least to some extent) to triangulate positions and get a fairly decent idea of the movement of the enemy players and the numbers at each base. This of course wouldn't give you their exact locations at all times, but when six of them roll into farm and start healing/stealthing/attacking/etc then you could have an addon telling you that there are six known to be actively doing something at farm. Since blizzard gives you information about the specs of all people in a BG/arena you could take it a step further and have the addon alert you that two healers, two rogues, a warrior and a DK are there which would also help those that are at the base to know that there are two healers that need to be focused and a couple of stealthers that need to be watched for.

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