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Nitlof 12-13-23 08:15 AM

Totem macro with /click
I want to build like a castsequence for my totems. But want to be able to easy change what totems to cast between fights without needing to rewrite the macro.

The solution so far i am looking at is to use /click but i cant understand how to make that into a sequence. Help please!

Playing classic, SOD

SDPhantom 12-14-23 04:38 PM

This is way beyond what a simple macro can do. It'll require an addon to do this and one that would take a significant amount of time to develop. The route I would go is backport the WotLK TotemBar to supply a UI element that would let you select what totems to use. I made one for TBC before discarding it when the client was upgraded to Wrath.

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