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Tithulta 03-03-09 10:54 AM

Possible to add password to character selection screen?
I know blizzards position on this an why they will never do it. I have to share my account with family members some responsible adults.....some no so responsible kids 8-10yr old. I really wish i could just block them from using my account, but can't/won't.(for now) I would love it if an addon could pasword protect characters in some way to keep them from stealing the gold from my bankers to buy their next blue weapon for 165g. 10-20g doesn't bother me too bad, but that last one hurt as it was half the gold that particular character had. Any ideas out there? even possible? work around like a addon that locks away the gold. once upon a time my older nephew who used to play all the time til he started dating and driving had a "gold saving helper or something" i dont even remember what it was called or what it did exactly.

Torhal 03-03-09 11:12 AM

You should get Depositbox.

Seerah 03-03-09 11:21 AM

And you could also try this:

Make a message that says "Don't steal my money!"

Just as a warning, though, Blizzard does not allow for account sharing except for with one minor in your household. Also note that the more people who know your login info, the greater risk you have of being hacked in the future.

Tithulta 03-03-09 04:47 PM

i know technically i have 3 accounts which ahve 2 users each. though we all know the pw to each account except the youngest who share my account. I'll check deposit box and see if it'll be any help


Sepioth 03-03-09 08:43 PM

Here is a great idea.

Don't let them play if they can't be responsible. Simple really. Tell them if they want to play they need to stop or you will "punish" them by blocking access to WOW by changing the password.

If they can not be responsible enough to not steal from you characters then maybe they are not responsible (or mature) enough to be playing a game rated for "Teens".

Sounds like a better solution to me than having an addon be the parent :)

Yhor 03-03-09 09:00 PM

I must agree with Sepioth here. If they steal from family (or someone in the same house), then what is stopping them from ruining your reputation by stealing from others on your character? I've seen a huge increase in ninja and theft threads on my realm's forums lately, and more often than not the excuse is "my kid brother was playing my character" or "my kids share this account". To me, my reputation is valued twice as much as the gear or items I have and to keep hearing these excuses is a huge turn off for WoW.

The next time they take your gold/stuff, make them do chores to earn the money for their own account and let them be on their own to see what it takes to earn what they get. Just a suggestion.

Akryn 03-03-09 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 118975)
Sounds like a better solution to me than having an addon be the parent :)

I agree, although I got the impression that the OP is not the parent either, though that's just a guess.

The thing about addons is that they can be disabled/removed on the char select screen...there's really nothing you can do to stop someone who has account access from doing stuff on that account. Now, if you had another account that you could make a banker char on, that might do it. You could also set up a small addon that auto ran

when your character(s) logged in so it looked like you didn't have anything to long as no one noticed.

tinyu 03-03-09 10:29 PM

im pretty sure you could make a addon that would ask for a code on login and if the code was entered wrong it would exit wow (possibly) but all it would take is someone to disable the addon to get around it.

Bangerz 03-04-09 08:20 PM

Bang! Character Lock

Ta da! :banana:

BFSskepsis 03-05-09 01:24 AM

would be awesome if you could make it /exit instead of /logout because /logout takes 30 seconds.

Petrah 03-05-09 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kithicor (Post 119079)
would be awesome if you could make it /exit instead of /logout because /logout takes 30 seconds.

I agree... would be much better if it could be done!

Tristanian 03-05-09 04:14 AM

In my humble opinion, the reason no one has bothered (or will ever bother) putting some effort into a character "lock" addon, it's because it is simply put, pointless. There are so many ways that someone (who isn't necessarily tech-savy) can bypass the intended protections, it's not even funny. Character/Account protection are features that addons were never designed to cover or include and rightfully so.

Bangerz 03-05-09 04:59 AM

Added both the suggestions for the ForceQuit and Log. Assuming there aren't any bugs I will probably leave it at that.

@Tristanian: Hay! I just did! :banana:

Tithulta 03-05-09 09:36 AM

wow all you guys are right on many points. I am not their father my daughter is 3 yr old and will not play wow or other mmorpg for a long time. My issue is 2 nephews, there are 3, but one is quite responsible after learning more an more about the game. The 2 youngest think they have to have that "cool" blue item irregardless of their level vs item level. I hope I've recently made it abundantly clear that i expect them to behave responsibly and ethically. They've been told by me(their uncle) and their parents that this is it. Any further problems an they'll loose their WoW privilege.

Im using deposit box right now and i think it'll will work for now provided my nephew doesn't disable addons. Even so I don't think I'll have any more problems, I told all 3 that i expect them to police each other and i know they know right from wrong. They now should understand right and wrong also exist online/WOW as well. Plus I logged onto all the accounts and stripped their characters of all armor and weapons so when they logged on they'd think they had lost all the armor and blues. Told them next time I'd vendor everything instead of leaving it in the backpack.

My advice to anyone who reads this....don't let kids start playing WoW at all. Buy them something like Morrowwind/ dungeon siege or other standalone games. Much safer and less issues. I can't count the arguments between me, my parents(who pay for 2, of 3 accounts) and my sisters/and their husbands.

thanks for all the responses and i agree about the game/addon not being a proper parent.

Cairenn 03-05-09 02:28 PM

Point of interest, sharing accounts is against Blizzard's TOU. As such, I'm locking the thread.

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