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LustSinister 03-09-19 08:25 PM

Issuse with Minimap
When I go into the great seal It's fine but when I leave it is super zoomed in. It also happens in New Dalaran when you walk in the underbelly entrance by The The Violet Citadel and come out. Odd thing is it doesn't do it on the other underbelly entrance by Krasus Landing.

Example By Krasus Landing where the map goes back by it's self.

Example By The Violet Citadel Where it ends up being super zoomed in and I have to zoom out.

ircdirk 03-12-19 12:19 PM

Thanks for reporting. I have noticed this problem before. In spare time i will get this fixed eventually.

magmouth 10-01-20 02:03 PM

Replying to this thread to confirm that I am having this same problem as well.

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