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Cairenn 05-18-19 05:30 PM

Attention Authors (and Users) of WoW Classic Addons

Now that we've gotten a bunch of you into the beta, we've opened up a download category, Addons for WoW Classic - General for your use.

While we are still in beta and until it starts populating, we are just going to have a single category "General" that all addons will go in. As the category starts filling up and as we get closer to release, we still start creating more specific categories and move them in accordingly.

Users, please note: These are addons that are for the beta of WoW Classic. They will not work on the Live servers!

Edit: We know folks are just trying to be helpful, but if an addon isn't yours, don't upload it!

devilArt 05-21-19 01:33 PM

What's the API status of classic server, 1.x or 8.x?

Fizzlemizz 05-21-19 01:54 PM

Modified 8.2 I believe (could be 8.1).

devilArt 05-21-19 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 332173)
Modified 8.2.

thanks, that's a relief.

JDoubleU00 05-21-19 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 332173)
Modified 8.2 I believe (could be 8.1).

I thought I read that there was a lot of functionality that wouldn't be allowed. I may have confused this with what the classic client does vs. retail. Is there a list of things that won't work (besides the obvious no automation etc...)?

SDPhantom 05-21-19 03:35 PM

It's actually modified 8.0, and the Interface number is 11302.
Ketho made a post comparing the API to 8.1.5.

JDoubleU00 05-22-19 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by SDPhantom (Post 332176)
It's actually modified 8.0, and the Interface number is 11302.
Ketho made a post comparing the API to 8.1.5.

Thanks, I'll take a second look at it.

ebonyfaye 05-22-19 02:45 PM

am still waiting on my beta invite... i think the two ptr bug got me!

Fizzlemizz 05-22-19 06:21 PM

I received an invite for the two hour stress test this morning. I'm torn as to whether I should consider myself lucky or appreciate the joke :banana:

Xrystal 05-23-19 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 332181)
I received an invite for the two hour stress test this morning. I'm torn as to whether I should consider myself lucky or appreciate the joke :banana:

Yep me too .. I'm hoping that was based on my opt in to the beta rather than via the addon author sites. ... but I doubt it.

Edit: And of course I thought it was later in the day for me so didn't even log in at the time available as I was asleep rofl. But just logged in now to assess nUI before doing house/garden work ... 38 log in errors, predominantly frame and event non existent errors .. which means for the most part I should be able to check and bypass code not relevant to Classic .. hopefully I'll have time to test before the server closes down .. if not it will have to wait until next access occurs.

MooreaTv 05-23-19 03:33 PM

What is the eventual branching/tagging strategy here ?

ie as an addon author (and likewise for users, ui wise) how do I indicate 2 versions for 1 addon

I hope we won't just clone all addons with a random classic prefix/suffix - it'll be a nightmare

What I propose is support for git branches or multiple top tags (If I manage to write an addon that does work with same code for both, than I can tag a single release with both the classic and bfa versions, somehow)

Any other ideas/thoughts ?

ps: I asked the same here

ps: also waiting on full beta but was able to start to test on stress test finally, unfortunately there are only a few hours left (and I also had 2 PTRs but got support to delete one of them, possibly too late... I hope it can be manually fixed by someone somehow)

JDoubleU00 05-23-19 04:16 PM

I got the stress test invite also and was reunited with an old friend or two. You are 192 in the queue and unable to connect to any servers. Blizzard never seems to do well with stress testing. Then again, this could be a success since they now know what they have to do to to prevent these kind of issues.

Xrystal 05-24-19 05:03 AM

I'm hoping in nUI's case that the same addon can be used in both Classic and Current servers using the Number of Expansions constant that can be used to test whether it is on a Classic server or Current. Then apply the code blocks that are appropriate. Then it would be the case of simply uploading as normal. Hopefully :)


Originally Posted by MooreaTv (Post 332187)
What is the eventual branching/tagging strategy here ?

ie as an addon author (and likewise for users, ui wise) how do I indicate 2 versions for 1 addon

I hope we won't just clone all addons with a random classic prefix/suffix - it'll be a nightmare

What I propose is support for git branches or multiple top tags (If I manage to write an addon that does work with same code for both, than I can tag a single release with both the classic and bfa versions, somehow)

Any other ideas/thoughts ?

ps: I asked the same here

ps: also waiting on full beta but was able to start to test on stress test finally, unfortunately there are only a few hours left (and I also had 2 PTRs but got support to delete one of them, possibly too late... I hope it can be manually fixed by someone somehow)

Dejablue 05-24-19 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 332151)

Now that we've gotten a bunch of you into the beta, we've opened up a download category, Addons for WoW Classic - General for your use.

While we are still in beta and until it starts populating, we are just going to have a single category "General" that all addons will go in. As the category starts filling up and as we get closer to release, we still start creating more specific categories and move them in accordingly.

Users, please note: These are addons that are for the beta of WoW Classic. They will not work on the Live servers!

Any word on invites for authors like Cairenn and crew have graciously procured for us with past expansions?

Also, anyone know if you have to be subscribed to WoW to get an invite? Their criteria was a lot more vague than usual.


lightspark 05-24-19 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dejablue (Post 332198)
Any word on invites for authors like Cairenn and crew have graciously procured for us with past expansions?

Yeah, she asked addon devs about it few weeks ago in WoWUIDev IRC and Discord servers, it wasn't done here because she only had a dozen of keys.


Cairenn: If I get another chance to get more folks in, it'll be announced in those 2 locations again.
Cairenn: It's not like the usual expansion betas, ya know?
Cairenn: I only had like a dozen keys

Originally Posted by Dejablue (Post 332198)
Also, anyone know if you have to be subscribed to WoW to get an invite? Their criteria was a lot more vague than usual.

Yes, to get invited into beta you have to opt-in and have an active sub.

But Blizz also said this recently:

That said, the amount of closed beta invites that we’re sending out is rapidly decreasing as we have met our current population needs for testing. We’ll regularly reevaluate the need for additional invites as we go through the testing process.

Dejablue 05-24-19 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by lightspark (Post 332199)
Yeah, she asked addon devs about it few weeks ago in WoWUIDev IRC and Discord servers, it wasn't done here because she only had a dozen of keys.

Yes, to get invited into beta you have to opt-in and have an active sub.

But Blizz also said this recently:

Yeah having a subscription has never been a requirement before; seems odd.

Hopefully there is an open beta like the original vanilla launch had so I can assess the situation and get my addons in order.

Thank you for the info.


Fizzlemizz 05-24-19 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 332197)
I'm hoping in nUI's case that the same addon can be used in both Classic and Current servers using the Number of Expansions constant that can be used to test whether it is on a Classic server or Current. Then apply the code blocks that are appropriate. Then it would be the case of simply uploading as normal. Hopefully :)

One of those will be forever "Out-of-Date" which might seem apt for Classic :). Supporting multiple ##Interface: ids or some such would be nice but unlikely I'm thinking.

If the Classic API is pretty much "Set in stone" then two (three/four if TBC etc. servers do come out) might not be such an onerous thing (except for those that feel the need to "backport" every enhancement they make).

Xrystal 05-24-19 02:54 PM

Hmm, didn't get the out of date flag come up when using nUI during that 2 hour stress test window. But then maybe not all of the addon version checks aren't in place.

Fizzlemizz 05-24-19 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 332207)
Hmm, didn't get the out of date flag come up when using nUI

I did when I hadn't changed the interface from 80100 to 11302 (and unchecked the OOD box).

Maybe someone with Beta can confirm.

Xrystal 05-24-19 04:46 PM

Hmm, maybe I had OOD box ticked .. I normally do rofl.

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