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Gello 09-13-06 05:19 PM

Can anyone make a round cooldown model?
1 Attachment(s)
For some reason I still can't post on the official forums so I thought I'd ask here while I shelve the project until I can get past this snag:

I'm making a RoundActionButtonTemplate. It looks like this:

My problem is the cooldown model (Interface\Cooldown\UI-Cooldown-Indicator.mdx) is square. Anyone have the software and ability to make a round one? This is sort of ironic since the project was born out of a stubborn attempt to get around the inability to mask textures and models.

If anyone is interested, the buttons are made with a sandwich of textures:
BACKGROUND: the icon itself, one of the standard square Interface\Icons
BORDER: A circular border with a mask that gradients inward to round the corners of the square.
ARTWORK: A highlight effect that goes over the background and icon. Entirely optional but it adds to the illusion of roundness with the glass bubble effect.

If any want to play with it (I'm seriously doubting a response to a round cooldown so I expect this to go on the "long term" shelf), attached are the button and highlight textures. Make sure the icon is centered and 70% of the button.

But if any could create or know of a round model usable in a mod (I assume it'd be a .m2 or .mdx file) that would rule to no end.

JoshBorke 09-13-06 06:43 PM

erm, so if you use the cooldown textures from blizzard, they don't get masked off by the other textures? (I'm a complete n00b though, so take that question with a grain of salt)

Gello 09-13-06 07:29 PM

That's a good suggestion. Adapt 1.0 does it. I can't get a screenshot now but I will later tonight if I remember. Unfortunately as the masks exists now it sort of ruins the circular illusion.

I could break the background/mask into two layers. So it's icon->circle->cooldown->mask->highlight. It'd have to exist over two frameStrata as well but that's probably an acceptable solution if I can't get a "full button" spinner. (it would spin beneat the mask in a smaller circle)

Thanks! I'll look into that route.

phukkitt 09-14-06 09:07 AM

If you finish this, you just have to upload it here! :eek:

This is by far one of the coolest things I've seen so far! :D

ravagernl 09-14-06 09:49 AM

Hehe, funny enough, I hate the cooldown model. I always turn it off with omnicc. I like numbers more.

brotherhobbes 09-14-06 10:18 AM

Looks amazing, Gello.

phukkitt 09-20-06 07:06 PM

Turn this into a real AddOn mod and just include a cooldowncounter that removes the standard cooldown model and replaces it with numbers = Problem solved! :D

Gello 09-20-06 07:33 PM

That's an idea, unfortunately the goal is to completely replace ActionButtonTemplate. So it would work seamlessly with ActionBarButtonTemplate and various mods that use ActionButtonTemplate (like TrinketMenu and ItemRack). Stuff like Omni CooldownCount would work with it seamlessly. Without that goal the project doesn't appeal to me as much.

I ran into problems shrinking the square cooldown and placing it beneath other textures. The beneath bit worked ok but the model didn't want to shrink correctly. I haven't figured out the relationship between the model scale and the model anchors yet.

So unfortunately the project is scrapped for the time being. Slouken posted the possibility of looking at adding masks to textures. If that happens I'm sure more attention will be given to the cooldown model. (It would be insanely awesome if we could mask models too but I'm not going to dream on that one)

Malreth 12-20-06 12:55 PM

Why use a model for the cooldown animation? It's not an exact replacement so I don't know if it'll be acceptable or not, but since you've gone and done a bit of work to change the artwork to make round buttons (that look great, BTW), couldn't you take a texture and use all those extra arguments that we got (the ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy ones) for SetTexCoord() to transform and rotate it? Maybe make a cool little radar sweep texture with a nice alpha shaded gradient and stuff. I've always found the existing cooldown model animation to be a bit hard to see and with that whole glossy highlight that you've got going on there, it might be even harder to see. Plus, a texture is easier to make and modify than an .m2 so there's more customizablity if you go that route.

Anyways, just an idea.

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