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zork 11-11-09 04:47 AM

Patch 3.3 = Death of QH and Carbonite?
For those of you who aren't on the PTR.

Blizzard implemented a new quest system that works like the big quest helper addons available.

It will show you the areas where your questmobs are and the order to do them.


Quest Tracking Feature
o Players can now track quest objectives on the map (‘M’ key).
o Quest Log
o A Show Map button has been added to the Quest Log. Selecting a quest and pressing this button will open the map for the zone in which the quest objective is located displaying the associated area of interest. Any other active quests in a player’s Quest Log for that zone will also be displayed.
o Map
o The map interface has been separated into four separate panes: a map pane (left), a pane listing active quest names for the zone being viewed (right), a pane listing the full quest text for any highlighted quest (bottom left), and a pane listing the quest rewards for any highlighted quest (bottom right).
o All active quests listed in the right pane for the zone being viewed on the map will be assigned a number. These numbers will be displayed on the map according to the areas of interest for each quest.
o Highlighting a quest name in the right pane will highlight the corresponding area of interest on the map in the left pane, show its quest text in the lower left pane, and list the quest rewards in the lower right pane.
o Given that some quest objectives can be achieved in multiple locations within a given zone, highlighting such a quest will highlight an area of interest closest in proximity to the character’s current location.
o This feature can be disabled by un-checking the Show Quest Objectives box in the bottom right corner of the new map interface, restoring the map to its standard full-screen display.
o Clicking on the arrow in the top right corner of the new map interface will hide all but the map pane, bringing the map out of full-screen mode and allowing players to leave it open while navigating a zone or engaging in combat.
o Objectives Tracking
o This frame has been improved to offer new functionality and can be used with the new shrunken map option.
o The Objectives frame is now docked below the mini-map next to the right 2 action bars and will track up to 10 quests for a zone.
o Numbers have been added next to each quest name and objective corresponding with those areas of interest displayed on the map.
o If a quest objective has been completed, the number will be replaced with a yellow question mark symbol.
o The arrow button in the top right corner of the Objectives frame can be used to toggle between minimizing and maximizing the quest objective display.
o Quest Difficulty Tracking
o This feature is off by default and can be enabled in the Objectives window from the Interface Options menu. Turning this feature on will color-code all quest names displayed in the map interface according to difficulty (grey, green, yellow, orange, and red).

So basically QH and Carbonite are not needed anymore, atleast not for questing purposes.

What do you think, will you still use them and why?

Cairenn 11-11-09 05:10 AM

You are aware that there is already another post about this, only 4 down from this one, right? I don't think we really need another. As such, I'm closing this.

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