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Ither 12-04-11 09:04 PM

New Start
I decided a new start was needed to fall in love with WOW all over again.

This time it was a new server, faction, and role.

For the past seven years I've always played a protection Paladin and never a warrior. This time I chose to be a holy Paladin and a protection Warrior.

Let me just say I am LOVING the healing Paladin--I can't get enough of it. I've always played Priests for my healing class.

Landrell 12-04-11 09:16 PM

I'm right with you there.

For the longest of time I was a Nelf Huntard on my old Server, for about 5-6 years. I grew tired of the same old faces and the same old mess. I ended up just not having fun anymore. I wanted to try something new and different, a class that I had a very hard time getting into, but always thought that they were cool. So, leaving my old one behind and my toon, I went to a new server (rp server) and made myself a Dwarf Shaman.

I've never had more fun ... ever! The community is awesome too which helps with natural anti-so******tic tendencies!

Flarin 12-04-11 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 248671)
I decided a new start was needed to fall in love with WOW all over again.

This time it was a new server, faction, and role.

For the past seven years I've always played a protection Paladin and never a warrior. This time I chose to be a holy Paladin and a protection Warrior.

Let me just say I am LOVING the healing Paladin--I can't get enough of it. I've always played Priests for my healing class.

How are you finding the Holy Pally for leveling? I always leveled them as Prot and slowly multi-mob grinded out quests. Are you leveling via questing, instances, both?

Just curious - I have never leveled as a "healing" class - I usually level as DPS or Prot and then switch at the end.

Ither 12-04-11 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Flarin (Post 248675)
How are you finding the Holy Pally for leveling? I always leveled them as Prot and slowly multi-mob grinded out quests. Are you leveling via questing, instances, both?

Just curious - I have never leveled as a "healing" class - I usually level as DPS or Prot and then switch at the end.

Strictly dungeons at the moment. Up to level 30 now without any questing.

I'll have to find my way around it, but I'll manage to level up holy the whole way if I have to quest.

A lot of people will probably hang me, but the one biggest mistake Blizzard made was dual spec. I absolutely despise the concept and feel it destroyed the realness of the game. I truly miss the days where you only had one spec and you learned to be DAMN good at that spec. That's what I felt like when I played until then LOL.

Flarin 12-04-11 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 248676)
Strictly dungeons at the moment. Up to level 30 now without any questing.

I'll have to find my way around it, but I'll manage to level up holy the whole way if I have to quest.

A lot of people will probably hang me, but the one biggest mistake Blizzard made was dual spec. I absolutely despise the concept and feel it destroyed the realness of the game. I truly miss the days where you only had one spec and you learned to be DAMN good at that spec. That's what I felt like when I played until then LOL.

I actually like the way (sorry is this is a derail) Skyrim does it. It is more realistic - if you wield a 2H weapon, well, that skill gets increased. If you melee and get beat on whilst wearing heavy armor, well, that skill gets increased. If you suddenly switch to spells - guess what - you start building those skills but your melee skills sit idle. I of course am not sure this would work in a MMO, but I sure am enjoying it in Skyrim - it feels SO REAL. And a little plug - I haven't kills a single "boar" yet :)

I am actually VERY hopeful for MoP - but I am not excited about WoW at the moment and am waiting. In Warhammer there were these "Public Quests" which it appears WoW is now adapting in MoP - these were events that as you breezed into a new area an indicator would pop up that you needed to achieve (if you chose) a certain objective to get the public quest to the next "stage". Some of these were PvP related as well - so you were not only trying to do the objective, but always watching your butt for opposing faction folks. I hope in MoP its like that it was refreshing and you could receive soem nice gear and money.

I have never leveled that way - via instances only - that would be fun I think as long as you could keep progressing and not his a hole. As DPS it would be hard to queue I think because of the long queue times - I would be on Facebook or something whilst I wait lol.

Rilgamon 12-04-11 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 248676)
I truly miss the days where you only had one spec and you learned to be DAMN good at that spec. That's what I felt like when I played until then LOL.

This :) But you'll reconsider when it comes to level 84 and questing ... a holy paladin is not fun to go through fireland dailies or tol barad quests ;) With my prot pala I stopped the thrall questchain because my dmg was so damn low ;)

But even when you stick to just one spec you learn nothing these days. Mobs die too easy and to fast.

Ither 12-04-11 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rilgamon (Post 248679)
This :) But you'll reconsider when it comes to level 84 and questing ... a holy paladin is not fun to go through fireland dailies or tol barad quests ;) With my prot pala I stopped the thrall questchain because my dmg was so damn low ;)

But even when you stick to just one spec you learn nothing these days. Mobs die too easy and to fast.

Oh I know LOL.

I ran shadow on my Priest until 85, switched to Holy. I just refuse to do it. Consider it a challenge for me, would keep me interested.

I do think about my dailies and especially things like AT and so forth.

Lily.Petal 12-05-11 12:11 AM

Pretty much just waiting for the monk class myself. I love my rogue... but 4 years of playing them has got me tired. I want to be a draenei monk and kick people in the face with my hooves. HOOVE KICK.

Gonna be fun. Friends have been trying to get me to try SWToR when it comes out, which I might o: The females have some awesome... lines (:

Definitely going back to a PvP server though, went to a PvE one for Raiding and worst decision ever.

I mean, you can't even go gank in TB, neither of the zones unless the event is on. How stupid is that? Freakin' retarded; if the event for WG wasn't ongoing, I could still gank people there. Why not in TB? And not the Peninsula, but the actual area with the raid.

So happy that PvP is being mainly focused on for the next xpac with the entire alliance vs horde plot like in classic. Think I will go Hunter/Monk for MoP; keep away from my rogue for a bit.

Nibelheim 12-05-11 12:26 AM

I got pretty tired of the rogue as well. Problem was no other class really kept me interested as much.

I do miss the classic days. Brewing poisons, Fadeleaf and Swiftthistle collecting, leveling up lockpicking, poison quests, swirly ball, killing Mages before they could say "Omgroguefrostnovaicelancefrostbostringoffrosticelancefrostboltgyahaha"....

Ahh, nostalgia. Ever accompanying me wherever I travel.

Lily.Petal 12-05-11 12:32 AM

Hell No.

Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 248684)
... Brewing poisons, Fadeleaf and Swiftthistle collecting ...

F*** yes. MY SWIRLY BALL OF DOOOOOOM. (hums the Doom Song)

Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 248684)
... leveling up lockpicking, poison quests, swirly ball, killing Mages before they could say "Omgroguefrostnovaicelancefrostbostringoffrosticelancefrostboltgyahaha"...

Nibelheim 12-05-11 12:44 AM

That's the nostalgia talking. I'm innocent, I swear!


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 248685)
Hell No.

Lily.Petal 12-05-11 12:56 AM

I got you talking above your quotes again.


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 248687)
That's the nostalgia talking. I'm innocent, I swear!

OT: Good luck with leveling your toons (: I just wish the leveling process wasn't just so boring; reading the quest text is more fun these days.

Flarin 12-05-11 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 248684)
I got pretty tired of the rogue as well. Problem was no other class really kept me interested as much.

I do miss the classic days. Brewing poisons, Fadeleaf and Swiftthistle collecting, leveling up lockpicking, poison quests, swirly ball, killing Mages before they could say "Omgroguefrostnovaicelancefrostbostringoffrosticelancefrostboltgyahaha"....

Ahh, nostalgia. Ever accompanying me wherever I travel.

So those 20 stacks of Fadeleaf sitting on my unused level 74 Rogue are useless? ;)

Nibelheim 12-05-11 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Flarin (Post 248690)
So those 20 stacks of Fadeleaf sitting on my unused level 74 Rogue are useless? ;)

Nah. Given another 10 or so years, they'll sell for top copper on the Nostalgia Market :)

Lily.Petal 12-05-11 01:47 AM

World of Warcraft 2 will b e out by then.

Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 248691)
Nah. Given another 10 or so years, they'll sell for top copper on the Nostalgia Market :)

Flarin 12-05-11 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 248692)
World of Warcraft 2 will b e out by then.

It already is - its called Skyrim..

Oh man - sorry - pancakes, waffles, blueberry jam... Sorry!

Aftermathhqt 12-05-11 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Flarin (Post 248693)
It already is - its called Skyrim..

Oh man - sorry - pancakes, waffles, blueberry jam... Sorry!

Skyrim sucks just bugg off.

Flarin 12-05-11 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Game92 (Post 248698)
Skyrim sucks just bugg off.

No need for violence. Just an opinion. I happen to like it, and its a great diversion. I haven't had to kill 10 boars, collect 10 feathers, etc yet - its unique. And when games that come out that have something good - Blizzard usually finds a way to incorporate them into WoW. Look at - well - um - EVERYTHING in the last 2 expansions - remnants of Warhammer, Aion, LOTRO can be seen in them. Its not a BAD thing to have competition - really - it can make one stronger.

Back on topic, sort of - my last holdout - for when I REALLY plan on quitting WoW - is the Warlock. I have never played one - past level 10. When it gets so bad I can take it no more - I am rolling a Warlock on a PvP server and going to do nothing but play him (or her) until max level. I currently have every other class level 70 - 85, but no Warlocks yet.

Ither 12-05-11 08:28 AM

Holy lord.

I go to sleep to dream about lillies, I mean flowers, I mean turkey's....I wake up to 17 some replies.

Coote 12-05-11 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 248676)
I'll have to find my way around it, but I'll manage to level up holy the whole way if I have to quest.

On the bright side, "Shockadin" isn't too awful to level as from around 30s-50s. Not anywhere as fast as Ret, but only slightly slower than Prot.


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 248683)
Pretty much just waiting for the monk class myself. I love my rogue... but 4 years of playing them has got me tired.

I know how that feels. I've been playing a rogue for 3 years, and I sometimes get incredibly tired of it. I'm pretty much holding on to the rogue until MOP, where I'll decide if I want to go Monk (depends on how many people in the guild reroll, really), stick with it, or go with something I've never played at any level cap (Hunter/Warlock/Warrior).


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 248683)
Definitely going back to a PvP server though, went to a PvE one for Raiding and worst decision ever.

I've already sort of rerolled on a PVP server. I'm spending time leveling a Druid over there whenever I'm not on my rogue. It's a pretty chill guild with nearly the exact opposite kinds of people as my main Alliance guild is.


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 248683)
So happy that PvP is being mainly focused on for the next xpac with the entire alliance vs horde plot like in classic.

I was under the impression MOP was more focusing on the war between Horde and Alliance, and not necessarily PVP. I'm still hoping for some good PVP, though. The new battlegrounds looked pretty awesome.

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