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Hadar 09-28-08 02:38 PM

Hadar's Holy Hope - WOTLK Beta disccussion
(I'm moving beta mod discussion out here.)

For WOTLK, here is how things are turning out:

Blessing circle is pretty much the same. It changes between regular and greater blessings by clicking the center button. The "top" 4 buttons are the blessing spells and the "bottom" 4 are the "Hand of" spells.

Seal circle is also similar in function as on live. The biggest change is that the center circle can cast on of the 3 different judgement spells. You toggle which one by right clicking the center. The center icon also changes depending on which judgement is chosen.

The Spec circle is giving me problems. With the addition of new spells, I've come to the conclusion that I'm out of room to add new buttons without making it look like crap. On live, the spec circle also has some core spells that any spec can use and that has always bugged me. This circle is very far from finished.

I'm toying with the idea of a "DPS" oriented circle. It'd primarily have buttons for offensive oriented spells and abilities. Judgement in the center (working like it does in the seal circle) with spells around it like Divine Storm, Crusader strike, consecration, etc. The issue I have with this is that it is mainly aimed at Retribution spec and others wouldn't find it useful at all. They could just turn it off, but still not ideal. Protection speced pallys may find some use for it if I tailor it to include some of the Prot spec abilities they get. But now we're running back into what the "spec" circle should be in the first place.

I've also thought about moving all the univeral spells and abilities to their own "Misc" circle. This would free the spec circle up some if I went this route. I've given thought to removing some of those spells entirely from the circles since I'm sure mst would have them bound in other ways.

The mount stuff from the original isn't coming back. It's too much work and there are better alternatives to it, especially with the revamp of the mount system and the underlying API.

Configuration is on my mind and I intend to add in a way to configure the circles using a nice UI within the game at some point. It won't be in for the 3.02 patch to the live servers and I'm kinda doubting it'll be ready for WOTLK release itself. There is a way to configure the circles if you're prepared to edit some code, but it isn't simple. It's actually there right now in the current live release, but the code you'd have to edit is changing format with the new version. But, given some time and effort I'll make it happen.

I'd like to put the beta code out at some point but it just isn't ready yet. If you REALLY want a rough version with a messed up spec circle and other bits of crazy to play with in the beta, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Again, feel free to comment and give suggestions. I moved this conversation to the forums here for the purpose of feedback. :)

Thanks all,

birdeye 10-14-08 10:35 AM

Seeing as the patch is being launched today, is it possible for us to get an updated version or will the 2.4 version still work?

cjrzasa 10-14-08 07:06 PM

any update?
bump..i use this addon religiously...any kind of update would be helpful

Rhambette 10-14-08 10:04 PM

I'm dead in the water with the patch out today! HELP!!!! I've also used my HHH religiously, and am lost having to try to use action bars! I'm a healer, and a LOT rides on my ability to do my job. Right now i can't even quest!!! ANYTHING till the full version comes out - PLEASE.

Suggestion wise, it sounds like you're on the right track - those extra Judgement Spells are going to take some getting used to for all of us. I thought you'd incorporate them similarly to how you have the Greater and Regular blessings set up.

Keep up the great work, honestly, but PLEASE - gotta have something to get me through the next few weeks.

Kaeosbourne 10-15-08 01:15 AM

I, too, eagerly await this for WotLK...

bodan98 10-16-08 03:44 AM

have you thought about making 3 different setups selectable from an options window? one for each school, Ret Prot and Holy, or just each circle configureable to one of the 3 schools?

btw i luv this mod to the point i havent played since i found HHH it didnt work with the new patch. hope you find the time to put out a fix.

Hadar 10-16-08 12:35 PM

I have a working version but it is very unpolished and not "ready". I haven't had time to finish it up, but I'm hoping to find some time this weekend. Sorry for the delay. I'll try to get something usable ready soon.

Emy 10-16-08 02:16 PM

Thanks Hadar - we love you! ;)

Turbo Mach 5 10-16-08 02:42 PM

Thanks for your continued support of Holy Hope, Hadar! When you release this (in whatever form) I'm sure it will rock!

ikigamo 10-16-08 03:18 PM

I also use HHH exclusively for my seals and micromanaging the 10min buffs (which apparently I don't need to worry about anymore?). So Hadar, I'm glad I found your thread, and just wanted to let you know that I will not be playing wow until something like your revision is up and running.

You rock, and in thinking about it, it is quite amazing that there are some pallies like us that will actually put down WoW until your modified addon is released.

At least I'd feel a little groovy.


ikigamo 10-16-08 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by bodan98 (Post 104633)
have you thought about making 3 different setups selectable from an options window? one for each school, Ret Prot and Holy, or just each circle configureable to one of the 3 schools?

This is a good idea, although I vaguely understand the +time it will take to do this. You sound like you are soloing this stuff, Hadar. Maybe we could find a person/persons that could help out with this beta and cut down on the work load.

You mentioned customizability with the buttons. Honestly, if you made it editable enough for the average user, I imagine it would cut down on the work you want to do with this addon. Essentially people could build their own swiss army knives.

Snake655 10-17-08 08:44 AM

Thanks a lot for your work

Rairch 10-17-08 11:48 AM

Oh phew you are updating HHH , I've levelled my Pally to 64 so far & I've used HHH since about level 10, just rebuilt my UI after patching & there is a beeg space where my three fave circles should be :(

GL in getting it completed soon!

p.s don't fancy having a crack at updating Necrosis too? :rolleyes: Saturday's raids going to be interesting without it! :O

Tamatea 10-18-08 10:37 AM

I really hope you will make a new version of Holy Hope.
Thanks :)

Anoira 10-19-08 07:35 AM

Half the palidin i should be without your mod!
It is great news to hear that you are working on keeping this alive. I know that I am just not as effective when i have to edit some crappy bar mod to look like your mod just to get by :(

Can't wait till it's done!!!

of Moon Guard

Hadar 10-20-08 01:27 AM

I've put up a beta version. It's unfinished but works. The new "DPS" circle has no options so you can't hide it. Sorry if it gets in the way. I'll be adding the options to hide it like the others soon.

Sarkan-ZdC 10-20-08 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hadar (Post 105666)
I've put up a beta version. It's unfinished but works. The new "DPS" circle has no options so you can't hide it. Sorry if it gets in the way. I'll be adding the options to hide it like the others soon.

Thanks anyhow. As soon as I can hide that I go back to it. I was always just using the buff circle for buffs I needed fast in combat (for the rest I use ZOMG)

Hadar 10-20-08 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sarkan-ZdC (Post 105668)
Thanks anyhow. As soon as I can hide that I go back to it. I was always just using the buff circle for buffs I needed fast in combat (for the rest I use ZOMG)

If you want a quick and dirty way to hide it, you can type this (or make it a macro):

/run HHH_DPSCenterButton:Hide()

That'll hide the entire circle until you log in again or reload your UI.

Leandrys 10-21-08 08:35 AM

Hello Hadar,
Just a post to thank you : great work as usual ! As I am playing with the french version of the game (yes i'm french and that's why my english is bad), I manage to translate the addon in order to be able to use it.
I have just a problem. Each time I log in, I have to disable again the spec circle (as a retpal, I prefer to use the new DPS circle instead).

Here is the translation if you want to use it for a future release !

-- Hadar's Holy Hope
-- Frensh localization

if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then

HHH_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Hadar's Holy Hope ("..GetAddOnMetadata("Hadar_HolyHope", "Version")..")";
HHH_OPTIONS_SUBTEXT = "Ces options controlent les propri\195\169t\195\169s de l'addon Hadar's Holy Hope.";


might = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de puissance",
wisdom = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de sagesse",
kings = "B\195\169n\195\169diction des rois",
sanctuary = "B\195\169n\195\169diction du sanctuaire",

salvation = "Main de salut",
freedom = "Main de libert\195\169",
sacrifice = "Main de sacrifice",
protection = "Main de protection",

gmight = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de puissance sup\195\169rieure",
gwisdom = "B\195\169n\195\169diction de sagesse sup\195\169rieure",
gkings = "B\195\169n\195\169diction des rois sup\195\169rieure",
gsanctuary = "B\195\169n\195\169diction du sanctuaire sup\195\169rieure",

sojustice = "Sceau de justice",
solight = "Sceau de lumi\195\168re",
sowisdom = "Sceau de sagesse",
sorighteousness = "Sceau de pi\195\169t\195\169",
somartyr = "Sceau du martyr",
soblood = "Sceau de sang",
sovengeance = "Sceau de vengeance",
socorruption = "Sceau de corruption",
socommand = "Sceau d'autorit\195\169",

hammerofjustice = "Marteau de la justice",
avengingwrath = "Courroux vengeur",
divineshield = "Bouclier divin",
righteousdefense = "D\195\169fense vertueuse",
cleanse = "Epuration",
holywrath = "Fureur vertueuse",
exorcism = "Exorcisme",

divinestorm = "Temp\195\170te divine",
crusaderstrike = "Inquisition",
repentance = "Repentir",

holyshock = "Horion sacr\195\169",
divinefavor = "Faveur divine",

holyshield = "Bouclier sacr\195\169",
avengersshield = "Bouclier vengeur",

divineillumination = "Illumination divine",

hammerofwrath = "Marteau de courroux",
redemption = "R\195\169demption",
divineintervention = "Intervention divine",

consecration = "Cons\195\169cration",
divinestorm = "Temp\195\170te divine",

jolight = "Jugement de lumi\195\168re",
jowisdom = "Jugement de sagesse",
jojustice = "Jugement de justice",

sacredshield = "Bouclier sacr\195\169",
divineplea = "Supplique divine",

righteousdefense = "/cast [help] D\195\169fense vertueuse; [target=targettarget, help] D\195\169fense vertueuse; D\195\169fense vertueuse;",

["Kings"] = "Symbole des rois",
["Hearthstone"] = "Pierre de foyer",

["Length"] = "Longueur",
["Active"] = "Actif",
["Lock"] = "Bloquer",
["UnlockText"] = "D\195\169bloqu\195\169s",
["LockText"] = "Bloqu\195\169s",
["Tooltips"] = "Informations",
["Blessing"] = "B\195\169n\195\169dictions",
["Seal"] = "Sceau",
["Mount"] = "Montures",
["Off"] = "D\195\169sactiv\195\169es",
["Partial"] = "Partielles",
["Total"] = "Compl\195\168tes",
["Spec"] = "Sp\195\169",
["Redemption"] = "R\195\169demption",
["Show"] = "Montrer"

Thank you again for the great addon :).

Hadar 10-21-08 07:38 PM

I'll check on the Spec circle thing. You might want to delete the saved variables file and start fresh as some stuff changed there.

Thanks for the translation. That's one thing I need from people if you can. Since there were spell name changes I don't have good translations for them. Right now, only the English file is ready. If you want to supply me with translations, please do!


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