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Cide 12-05-06 01:33 PM

CTMod 2.0 Bugs
Please report any bugs you find here, instead of in the other topic. Thank you.

Broken Hope 12-05-06 03:10 PM

Raid Assist seems to be tainting the default UI. Pet action bar doesn't show if the pet is summoned in combat. Disabling Raid Assist fixes this.

cmsciulli 12-07-06 01:43 PM

MT Target Windows Do Not Display
Hi guys,

Before I report my issues I wanted to thank you all for your efforts in getting CT Mod and RaidAssist ready for 2.0.

Now onto the issues. . . I cannot get the MT windows to display. I have that option enabled, I had deleted all previous CT RaidAssist versions, and I deleted my WTF folder to no avail.

My guild was running Naxx last night and though we had all installed the latest version of RaidAssist, the one released yesterday afternoon, only about half the raid could get the MT windows to display. If anyone has any idea how we might correct this issue, please let me know. . . raiding with no Decursive and no MT windows is expensive! ;-)

Also, as has been reported on the official WoW UI forums and as you probably are already aware of, we were all experiencing lag and other various errors as well. I am not sure if those issues have anything to do with your mods, and suspet it is more of a Blizzard issue.

Hevanus 12-07-06 02:55 PM

- CTMod's map addon generated out of range errors constantly while in the BGs, possibly triggered when summoning my Hunter pet. I'm planning to replace it with MetaMap but I thought I should report it anyways. It has been suggested that this may be related to herbalism features of the map addon.

- The player notes component can't be disabled! I want to use AuldLangSyne or (when it's updated) NotesUNeed instead. This is make-or-break for CT_Core for me.

- Didn't seem to be able to move most of the default UI frames around any more. I've since installed MoveAnything! but it's cumbersome to use.

Golam 12-07-06 08:09 PM

CT raid assist problem
small issue (great impact)
normally you would be able to show any buffs as a colored CTraid label.
magic, poison and weakened sould for instance.

with the latest version only weakened soul is shown as a colored label. the other ones dont change the color.

Is there a possibility that they show up again?
I have them marked in my list and total amount i have marked is 3.

Aiue 12-07-06 08:59 PM

Not really bugs, but for me they're issues in themselves.

Since I'm running titanpanel, a few things like the minimap and such are moved down a bit, this seems to make the CT2 button anchoring act a bit weird, wanting to place itself within the actual minimap. Noticeable when I load the game is that other addons adding a minimap icon seem to have their icon actually anchored to the minimap rather than placing it on a certain place on the screen. (I'll get a glimpse before titan is loaded, the minimap is at its original location, along with those other icons, which are moved down with it. The CT2 icon, however, stays a bit below when it loads and never moves.)

Then it's the options window, it always loads at the very top of the screen, and to be able to drag it I have to hide the titanpanel to drag it off. Is there a way to save the last location of the options window?

Hevanus 12-07-06 09:10 PM

1.61 does NOT fix the lag when people in raid die, release, or rez. It's unplayable while recovering from a wipe.

Well, I can't tell if it's 1.61 I'm using - I just got it from but in-game it calls itself 1.6 still.

Update: I think it was caching the old version in my browser (same filenames ftl) - updating now.

Ellusionx 12-07-06 09:43 PM

1.61 doesnt fix the lag when people get moved around the raid,log on and off...etc

I can tell there is a small difference, its a lil bit better but its still isnt resolved. Also debuffs color does not show only PWS.

Golconda 12-08-06 12:50 AM

Something I noticed is that when I am in combat and you click in the main tank button and bring up the target window, I get a MASSIVE amount of bugs caught by BugSack. It also seems to cause a conflict with Chatlink although I haven't figured out why or how the two of these are related and errors are only caused in the raid when something activates during combat. I assume that there are some serious errors because of the protected table issues and the new restrictions from Blizzard.

If anyone knows how to get the errors I would be glad to post what came in my BugSack

ladybadone 12-08-06 01:22 AM

Last night our guild went for the first time to do a raid since the new patch. Several people where updating ctraid. Everytime someone logged out or in or was added to the raid you would freeze up. Also some people had freezes even if this was not happening. They had to log out and disable ctraid. It is the same kinda of thing that was happening a few months ago that people where reporting with freeze lag while using ctraid.

ZenLung 12-08-06 01:23 AM

bugs and annoyances

lag spikes when ppl die , group move etc.
groups and or mt windows not showing for all.
and one of my biggest problems with this new version of ct raid is the fact that u can no longer assign MTs the old way, eg put up a MT 1,2,4,7,8 window with empty windows between em. i hate the fact that u they are direct followups 1,2,3,4,5. get the old way back asap pls !

Halaster 12-08-06 02:13 AM

I also am getting that player notes error in the BG's. Also with the new CTRA 1.61 we had the MT windows set up, however when the raidleader moved the warriors around it changed them to assists # 11-15 and none were being displayed. Even removing them and reassigning didn't work. I too would like to be able to assign MT's by number. Greatly helpflul when your trying to split warriors into teams.

mystiqe1 12-08-06 03:28 AM

Error With Addon: CT_Core
I am getting the above error when loading WOW.
Addon: CT_Core
File: CT_Core_Other.lua
Count: Infinite

Attempt to Perform arithmetic on field "etElapsed" (A nil value)

I also seem to be having problems with my bag slots.
When I try to Disenchant or Add Mana Oil/Wizard Oil/Poisons to my rogue weapons.
I get so many errors that it finally pops windows up for me to Disable the addons.

Any Suggestions?

Kasanna 12-08-06 04:23 AM

CT Buffmod seems to not allow one to click and dismiss or interact with the buffs. Am I doing something wrong or have something turned on (or off) that shouldn't be?

Tristyana 12-08-06 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by ladybadone
Last night our guild went for the first time to do a raid since the new patch. Several people where updating ctraid. Everytime someone logged out or in or was added to the raid you would freeze up. Also some people had freezes even if this was not happening. They had to log out and disable ctraid. It is the same kinda of thing that was happening a few months ago that people where reporting with freeze lag while using ctraid.

I'm experiencing the same thing. Is it accompanied by that horrible "clicking" as well? As I installed all the CT Mods at once, I can't isolate which one is causing it, but I know I didn't have it until I did. I get the video stutter, and the clicking sound whenever raid members are moved around in groups, when people are added or dropped from the raid, or upon the death of ANY raid member.

For some reason, I suspect it might be some sort of conflict with Blizzards frames.

temtress 12-08-06 09:32 AM

Not targeting when selecting from emergency monitor
When clicking on a players health bar from the emergency monitor, it is not targeting them so I can heal. Thanks for any help anyone can give me on this

Temtress, priest, Suramar

mizrolist 12-08-06 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by temtress
When clicking on a players health bar from the emergency monitor, it is not targeting them so I can heal. Thanks for any help anyone can give me on this

Temtress, priest, Suramar

If I know well, Blizzard disabled this function in the UI.

goranden 12-08-06 02:07 PM

no pet bar for water elemental
I summon my water elemental in combat and no pet bar appears so I can't
get him to do anything. I do get an error message and an offer of disabling
and restarting UI or ignoring. Since I am in combat I choose ignore.
I saw Broken Hopes comment above but would rather not disable CTRA just
to get him to work. Hopefully this is easily fixed.

Teclador 12-08-06 05:03 PM

CT_Core Module Chat

i have an 2 problems with the ChatMenuButtons.
There are 4 Buttons (Bottom, Up, Down and let me say the BubbleButton).

When i Loggin i always miss the BubbleButton and to bring it back i must open CT_Core Mod and enable/disable the ChatArrows.

>Actuall Code

-- Chat Arrows

local hide = true;
local menuButton = _G.ChatFrameMenuButton;

-- Generic function to toggle a given ChatFrame's buttons
local function toggleButtons(self, hide)
        local name = self:GetName();
        if ( hide ) then

>Should be Code (Notice, that i have not the correct spelling for the BubbleButton)

-- Chat Arrows

local hide = true;
local menuButton = _G.ChatFrameMenuButton;

-- Generic function to toggle a given ChatFrame's buttons
local function toggleButtons(self, hide)
        local name = self:GetName();
        if ( hide ) then

The other problem is, i use the UI_Scale in the WoW_Grafik_Menu to get more on my screen. But this inflicts the BubbleButton in a crasy way, the Button overlay the BottomButton.

Dålifiskhumo 12-08-06 05:35 PM

Unable to move my casting bar. Maybe its not a bug.

Im able to move my Target frame and Portrait while i have CT_unitframes installed, but not to lock/unlock them. Disabling and Enabling CT_unitframes makes said frames reset.
This is a must have function for me and its somewhat annoying not to be able to lock them.

Zagash 12-08-06 05:46 PM

features missing?

Im a happy user of CT modpack, I like previous CT version really.

I've read through the change list of CT2 on site, but I couldn't find few features I could set in previous version.

- I couldn't figure out how can I detach bars, so I can move (drag and drop) them wherever I want on the ui. (that was a clickable option on the main panel in CT)

- Couldn't find the option to remove background layer in the HP/MP regen window (TickMod)

- I've found some new really nice features, like block trades when using bank or mailbox -- Is it possible to extend this feature to when player uses AH (or is it still exist by blizz for now?)

- More, is it possible to implement an "block sign guild chart" feature which can work just like the block option above -- I got some annoying memorial, when I used Mass Auction to put a bunch of items into AH, and an a$$wipe broke my AH window with his chart page :S (or is it a fault of the mass auction mod, and original Blizz AH panel can block it?)

Vlorn 12-08-06 11:33 PM

Read-Only file in CT_RaidAssist
The file memberBackground.tga is set to read-only in both the standalone CT_RaidAssist and CT_mod2 packages, is there a reason for this?

Having this file read-only prevents programs like UniUploader from being able to update the mod.


ladybadone 12-09-06 02:45 AM

Yeah everytime someone is added or leaved there is that clicking sound as well as that split second freeze. Gets rather annoying in BG. Also I had the same problem with the chat bubble and I did just that, clicked the remove arrows in ctcore to get it back.

Fathersin 12-09-06 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by mystiqe1
I am getting the above error when loading WOW.
Addon: CT_Core
File: CT_Core_Other.lua
Count: Infinite

Attempt to Perform arithmetic on field "etElapsed" (A nil value)

I also seem to be having problems with my bag slots.
When I try to Disenchant or Add Mana Oil/Wizard Oil/Poisons to my rogue weapons.
I get so many errors that it finally pops windows up for me to Disable the addons.

Any Suggestions?

not sure if anyone answered you but i had this problem as well... i had to disable NoteIt MailTo and EasyUnlock mods.

Fathersin 12-09-06 02:00 PM

Ok my error i was getting during a 10 man run..

56:attempt to call table value.

this happen everytime i rez'd anyone.
please note this is before update6 as i hadn't tried it out yet since updating i don't know if it still exsist

akutani 12-09-06 02:41 PM

I see the CT-Core, but I can't download it. Is there anyway to do this? It only lets me download the CT_Raid thing and CT_Mod, but CT_Core is not a link. Is it just not ready, or what?

Thorgrinn 12-09-06 06:03 PM

maybe it is astupid problem, but for us, Poor Healers, the EMERGENCY MONITOR is a must and in this version u seem unable to Target a Friend clicking on his bar in EM....... this means we have to check, go trought the various group to find him and then cast the healing spelll...... usually he dies in the menwhile :(

looking for ur help

zegzav 12-09-06 06:38 PM

Water Elemental bug
With CTMod 2.0 and CTRA 1.62, if I summon my Water Elemental while in combat, the pet interface doesn't appear.

If only CT_UnitFrame is loaded I don't have the bug. It occurs only if CT_Core 2 is loaded or CTRA 1.62.

Several add-ons seem to have this bug. For example GuildEventManager (GEM) 2.21, corrected in 2.22 (

Jalith 12-09-06 08:36 PM

Found a bug with CT Buff mod. It doesn't play nice with Norgannas Auctioneer etc dependancies Enhtooltip, Informant and Stubby when mousing over a weapon buff.
It breaks the tooltips.
Screenshotted with ONLY CTbuffmod, Enhtooltip, Informant and Stubby turned on.

Spoke to the Dev team on Norgannas IRC channel & tested with them & proved to CTbuffmod

ZenLung 12-10-06 08:23 AM

using 1.62 and still have the MT list bug. pls fix

bug: setting MT 1 & 4 (example) shows them directly under each other, instead of leaving open spaces for 2,3.

tindjin 12-10-06 05:50 PM

I'm using the newest (just redownloaded to make sure) CT_Core and CT_RA.

I'm wondering why the option to have the groups arranged alphabetically has switched from right->left to left->right? If you could put in an option to have it go either way that would be great. Not being an Arabic reader it is really confusing to search from L->R when I use the alpha option (which is great for BGs and such)


Vicious_bomber 12-10-06 10:06 PM

I just loaded the recent CTbar mod updae, adn it compleatly broke my interface. I tried to set a new key binding, and it got set to mymouse button, IT would not clear, now I cannot use my mouse it keeps trying to usr the button it was bound too.

THIS SUCKS. It does the same thing on all my toons. Now I can't even talk to people in the world. I removed CTbarmod and it is still messed up. I need help.

EDIT: I deleted CTmod complety and I cannot even check my mail. This freaking BLOWS. I now have to re-install WOW to get my mouse back.

laughingdog 12-10-06 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by ladybadone
Yeah everytime someone is added or leaved there is that clicking sound as well as that split second freeze. Gets rather annoying in BG. Also I had the same problem with the chat bubble and I did just that, clicked the remove arrows in ctcore to get it back.

The sound is something Blizzard added. This isn't caused by CTRA

skarrde 12-10-06 11:49 PM

Noticed that you can't take switch where the timers are on the buffs. Even if you choose below or beside it stays beside.

Kaliaa 12-10-06 11:58 PM

CTRA group windows disappear
I"m using version 1.621

I dc'd a couple of times in BWL tonight. When I logged back in, I had no raid windws at all. That was during combat. Once combat is over, the windows returned.

gaibban 12-11-06 12:27 AM

old ctmod control panel
Old CP was tons more user friendly..has that been eliminated all together? Sorry if this has been posted before.

websterguy 12-11-06 01:18 AM

chat box error
Hi. Downloaded update 8 earlier. Thank you very much for the bars back. Problem is, now every time I log in the chat window scroll arrows disappear and the scroll with the mouse wheel is disabled even though I have those options set the other way. If I open up ct_core and click the "hide scroll buttons" on then off again, it comes back. Change "scroll with mouse wheel" off then on, it comes back. But if I log, they reset, even though the option checkboxes stay.

Baltezar 12-11-06 02:23 AM

Cooldown Counts
If i disable the CC on the barmod options they still show up. even if i check it and uncheck it they still there won't turn off.

ToolPunk 12-11-06 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by skarrde
Noticed that you can't take switch where the timers are on the buffs. Even if you choose below or beside it stays beside.

I have this issue also. Before this last update I could set it to below which helped slim the buff window. I tried wiping the saved variables (maybe the past settings were interfering) no change.

Redunder 12-11-06 03:48 AM

I'm getting a ct_raid assist bug in my chat window as seen in the screenshot... It keeps happening with every action i do, as a note i am using Update2 wwith is on your site.. But the Bug was there before i updated.

mitsu 12-11-06 08:48 AM

i have several problems with the latest ctmod2 version:

a) rightclick -> whisper player in chatframe/friendslist/guildmenu doesn't work,
instead theres an error shown

b) holding alt(selftcast-button) + clicking on a skill on hotbar by mouse doesn't work,
i.e. holding selfcast-button + hitting a buff on ct_bars doesn't perform a buff on myself

ShigaLikeTox 12-11-06 09:33 AM

Self Cast
The self cast key is not functioning anymore. Is it a bug or I miss some setting?
Are there any addons I shoud use?

Slarti 12-11-06 09:48 AM

There is a major bug in CT_RaidAssist (current version) that prevents debuffs from being detected on raid members on localized clients. I dived into the code myself and found that the debuff type strings (like "Curse" or "Poison") returned by the function UnitDebuff() are always the english ones, but you are comparing them to localized strings and therefore debuffs aren't detected correctly on non-english clients.
I did write a quick-and-dirty fix for the problem that consists of changing the lines


while ( debuff ) do
stats.n = stats.n + 1;

in the function CT_RA_ScanUnitDebuffs() to


while ( debuff ) do
if(dType=="Curse") then dType=CT_RA_CURSE end
if(dType=="Poison") then dType=CT_RA_POISON end
if(dType=="Disease") then dType=CT_RA_DISEASE end
if(dType=="Magic") then dType=CT_RA_MAGIC end
stats.n = stats.n + 1;

to translate the debuff type strings to localized ones. This works great for us, but it would of course be great if you'd adress the problem.

Until then, I've now written a tiny fix addon that overwrites the buggy CT_RaidAssist debuff detection routines with corrected ones:

soupe 12-11-06 01:20 PM

I do have an annoying bug with CT Barmod : Self cast keys or R click self cast mods do not work anymore on CT bars only :(

There's another thin i miss from the previous barmod, it's the ability to move changeform / pet bar, pleaaaase, could you bring back this awesome option ? :(

Glayde 12-11-06 03:17 PM


Ever since i started putting mods back into my interface, something terrible has been going on in raids.

Whenever anyone is:

- added/deleted to the raid
- logs in or out while in the raid
- zones/releases while in the raid

I have a second pause.
Multiply this 39 times on a wipe or raid formation, and it can close my client.

On one of the early ctmod releases for 2.0, i didn't have a problem with this.
On later ones I did.
I tracked down the individual mod responsible.

It's CT_Party buffs.

I disable that particular mod, everything is fine.
I don't, I get the pauses anytime anyone in the raid leaves/enters/logs/zones/releases.

It worked fine for an earlier ct version that was housed in

the most recent CTMod seems to have the broken the party buff mod in relation to raids.

CTMod 2 - Update also has the broken version
CTMod 2 - Update also has the broken version

Unfortunately i overwrote my first CTMod i downloaded and I am stuck with the broken CT_Party buffs.

mitsu 12-11-06 03:23 PM

i can confirm your experiences, but didn't want to state them here since i couldn't point out, which addon was causing that exactly..

w4tch0 12-11-06 05:36 PM

Some bugs i have found:

(not sure this is really a bug, but anyway)
I am able to move aroud my unitframe and the unitframe of the target and target of the target, but a feathure to lock the frames is missing. So they are allways moveble and i sometimes move them by accident.... this is very anoying.
Also i am not able to move the party frames (not sure if this is a bug or just a missing/not implemented feathure) but it would be nice if it would be possible.

It does not matter what i set in its settings, I don't see any buffs of my pet (hunter pet), without the mod (default blizzard UI) i can only see pet buffs if I click with my mouse on my pets unitframe, but with CT_partybuffs enabled I don't see pets buffs ever.

Relocating the quest tracker doesn't stick. As soon as I hide the quest tracker anchor and i add another quest to track (by shift click in the quest log), the the tracker gets relocated back to its default possition. And its possible it gets relocated back also on other events (something in tracked quests gets updated/changed/added) but didn't really have time to test this.

magicrub 12-11-06 07:49 PM

scroll buttons/ scroll wheel bug
Scroll buttons on chat pane do not appear when logging in or changing zones even though hide chat buttons option is unchecked in ct_core menu.

Scroll using mousewheel does not work after logging in or changing zones even though scrolling option is checked in ct_core menu.

Teclador 12-11-06 08:57 PM

Some new Bug i found with:

When im for example died in Naxx and i release to get back to instanz, i get a very nerving sound. This sound is played on my Partymembers Buffbar. Whats happens exactly, the Ghost Pic is flickering on/off on/off the whool time i need to get back to instanz.

Dashcan 12-12-06 12:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Past few times I've been in BG's, I get this when I use some items or talents.

Interface\Addons\CT_MapMod\CT_UserNoteMap.lua:668: bad argument #1 to 'select'
(index out of range)

Anyone else get this?

Serjo 12-12-06 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by cmsciulli
Hi guys,

Before I report my issues I wanted to thank you all for your efforts in getting CT Mod and RaidAssist ready for 2.0.

Now onto the issues. . . I cannot get the MT windows to display. I have that option enabled

Same here, both for thanks and for MT window not showing up.


ramzi_ 12-12-06 02:46 AM

When I press my keybinding to try to switch CTRaid from group based sorting to class based, the raid windows remain the same (group based), but the title for each window changes to the different classes (group 1 = warriors, group 2 = druid, etc).

This was one of my favorite features of CTraid, being able to quickly sort the raid into classes on the fly made finding someone very easy.

EDIT: CTraid version 1.621

Jiiri 12-12-06 05:27 AM

Some bugs i have found / or Options I *really* miss :

* I can move my own Characterframe, but there is no option to lock it / undo the changes to restore the original positions.
* I really miss to move the casting bar !

* I like to disable the cooldown counts - before update_8, the cooldown counts were for me not working at all, so I use OmniCC now - the advantage : customizable colors/sizes of the cooldown, and (most important), it counts in minutes:seconds. So e.g. arcane power is 1:26 - I can clearly see the time left, while the CT_mod ´would display 2m and then of a sudden change into 59s. (so I nearly loose a whole minute not knowing that the cooldown is close to 1 minute). Also, now, both Addons interfere, so I have two cooldowns displayed one over the other.
* I like the "redout" feature for casts that are out of range - but I feel like the color of the redout was more opaque/red before the 2.0 ptach - I'd like to see a darker red / option to adjust this value.
* Sometimes the redout feature seems to not work at correctly. (Yesterday I was several times out of range from Chromaggus with flamestrike, although the icon wasn't redout)

* I miss the option to have the time placed below below the buff, and to adjust the buffs horizontally. (a bit like the original WoW-Buffs, but with the detaillevel of the Ctmod.) Maybe you can also program a change in size of the buffduration / blink to visually show when a buff is going to fade ?

* It still seems to be laggy (or maybe it is partybuffs as I read here in the forums). We just yesterday had Nefarions skeletals coming up on us, and we all had lag / 0 fps, then 15 players got disconnected.) We experienced that without CTmod at all the lag wasn't there.
* we miss the "old" designstyle - when not hiding borders, you can't surpress the the spacings, e.g. the CT_raid images/informations of the players are very far away from each other, esp. the MTs.
* I liked the way curses, poisons etc. were detected and showed by coloring the background of each player's information image in an appropriate color. this doesn't seem to work anymore. Bug or not possible anymore ?
* the MT target design also changed ... it looks a bit "chunky", can't say why.
* though not original CT_Mod, I liked CT_Raidicons, a mod which displayed next to an MT the raidicon of his target - this way, you can visually check if he has the right target. It's really a nice option you get used to.

Thanks for listening.


Drag 12-12-06 06:16 AM

got ct update 8.

- missing the ability of moving some standard ui frames like stance/shiftbars, durabilitydoll etc.

- missing the ability to let buttons color grey if abilities are out of range, instead of red only.

- missing the modification of the mana/hp regen popup, like hiding background.

- missing the ability to put BuffMod on and off with a simple check in the options. I had to uncheck the complete addon in the character screen to get rid of it.

- [Bug] scrolling in chat doesnt work after reloading ui or logging in and out, although its still checked in the option menu.

- [Bug] can not see my pet's buffs although "party buff" options are all on max. only way see them is the popup showing buffs when scrolling over my pet's avatar when "Pet Buffs Displayed" is set to 0.

thanks for your time and putting loads of work into this addon.

Shalock 12-12-06 07:13 AM

A little bug...

in any directory have function:


-- Add localizations for a given text string
local localizations;
local num_locales = 3; -- EN, DE, FR


local localeOffset;
function lib:getText(key)
        if ( localizations ) then
                key = self[key];
                if ( not key ) then
                if ( not localeOffset ) then
                        local locale = strsub(GetLocale(), 1, 2);
                       if ( locale == "en" ) then
                                localeOffset = 0;
                        elseif ( locale == "de" ) then
                                localeOffset = 1;
                        elseif ( locale == "fr" ) then
                                localeOffset = 2;
                value = localizations[key+localeOffset];
                if ( not value and localeOffset > 0 ) then
                        value = localizations[key];
                return value;

Wow have now spanish version. With this allways jump window with error by localeOffset null. Please fix it ( only need add option for spanish or if not have translator, only add


                        elseif ( locale == "es" ) then
                                localeOffset = 0;


JimmyJoeBob 12-12-06 02:04 PM

CT_Bar Mod
The bars on the bottom of the screen overlap Aura bars, Pet bars, Druid Form Bars, etc. This is an "Old" problem that has resurfaced. It was fixed once before. Now it has come back.

Xumor 12-12-06 03:35 PM

ct raid, blessing 15 not display on french version

Glayde 12-12-06 05:48 PM

I actually found a working version of the ct_party buffs.

I had the older version in an archived interface folder.
It was like the first release after the 2.0 patch and it does NOT cause any raid lag.

The ct_partybuffs.lua file is dated 12/5/2006 at 7:22pm

Halaster 12-12-06 06:18 PM

All our priests had to remove CTRA for Naxx. The pet bars only show up if CTRA isn't running unfortunately. No idea why it's being hidden when they have CTRA turned on. I tested it myself and sure enough CTRA by itself doesn't let the pet bars show up.

ToolPunk 12-12-06 11:00 PM

Unitframe - This is an issue I had dating back to the original CT mod before 2.0 and I was hoping it would be fixed in this new version. The issue is with displaying the Values on Health bars (not percentage). The Health bar on my targets displays a Percentage and not Values.

Barmod - Everything seems to be fine to me other then the fact that I can't wait till Bottom Bar comes out. The reason being the shift upwards for the Pet/Stance/Aura bar shifts too high, so I can't wait till I can actually move it around.

MailMod - This also was a Pre 2.0 issue I was hoping would be fixed. Sometimes after opening (in any way, all, selected, manualy) the mail (leaving none in the box) the mail icon stays there afterwards. Also, sometimes when I log in the icon is there but there is no mail.

Core - All the time, when logging in the chat arrows are not displayed. Workaround, if I check hide chat arrows and the uncheck it they will display.

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