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cokedrivers 02-22-14 07:57 PM

Help with some Font settings

Disreguard this post..

Was able to work most of the issues out with the "search" function.

for those that might want to see the code im currently using.

This code was posted by Phanx and editied to my likeing.

local shorts = {
        { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
        {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --  1b+ as 8.3b
        {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
        {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --  1m+ as 7.4m
        {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
        {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --  1k+ as 2.5k
        {    0,  1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
for i = 1, #shorts do
        shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"

hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then
                return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
        for i = 1, #shorts do
                local t = shorts[i]
                if style == "NUMERIC" then
                        if value >= t[1] then
                                        return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])                               
                if style == "BOTH" then               
                        if value >= t[1] then
                                        return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)                               

Now just to search and figure out how to adjust the size of Healthbar/Manabar fonts for each unitframe.


Duugu 02-22-14 08:09 PM

Öhm. :)

What is C["unitframes"].fontStyle and where does it come from?

cokedrivers 02-23-14 11:56 AM

I've been able to do the following for the player but how would I do this for Arean and boss frames?


        PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        PlayerFrameAlternateManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");

Phanx 02-23-14 08:16 PM

I vaguely remember posting that... not sure if it was in my original version, or from your edits, but here's a slightly more efficient version:

local shorts = {
        { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
        {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --  1b+ as 8.3b
        {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
        {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --  1m+ as 7.4m
        {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
        {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --  1k+ as 2.5k
        {    0,  1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
for i = 1, #shorts do
        shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"

hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then
                return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
        for i = 1, #shorts do
                local t = shorts[i]
                if value >= t[1] then
                        if style == "BOTH" then
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])                               

There's no point in checking the style twice for every threshold; just check it once after you find the applicable threshold.


Originally Posted by cokedrivers (Post 291013)
Now just to search and figure out how to adjust the size of Healthbar/Manabar fonts for each unitframe.

Generally, if you just want to change the size of a fontstring, while preserving the other properties:


local font, _, flags = fontstring:GetFont()
fontstring:SetFont(font, 18, flags) -- 18 being your new size

However, since the text on health and mana bars inherits from the TextStatusBarText font object, if you want them all to be the same size, it's easier just to change the font object; your changes will propigate to all fontstrings using it, and you only need to do it once, instead of once for each frame:


local font, _, flags = TextStatusBarText:GetFont()
TextStatusBarText:SetFont(font, 18, flags) -- 18 being your new size

cokedrivers 02-23-14 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291041)
I vaguely remember posting that... not sure if it was in my original version, or from your edits, but here's a slightly more efficient version:

local shorts = {
        { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
        {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --  1b+ as 8.3b
        {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
        {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --  1m+ as 7.4m
        {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
        {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --  1k+ as 2.5k
        {    0,  1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
for i = 1, #shorts do
        shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"

hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then
                return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
        for i = 1, #shorts do
                local t = shorts[i]
                if value >= t[1] then
                        if style == "BOTH" then
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])                               

There's no point in checking the style twice for every threshold; just check it once after you find the applicable threshold.

Generally, if you just want to change the size of a fontstring, while preserving the other properties:


local font, _, flags = fontstring:GetFont()
fontstring:SetFont(font, 18, flags) -- 18 being your new size

However, since the text on health and mana bars inherits from the TextStatusBarText font object, if you want them all to be the same size, it's easier just to change the font object; your changes will propigate to all fontstrings using it, and you only need to do it once, instead of once for each frame:


local font, _, flags = TextStatusBarText:GetFont()
TextStatusBarText:SetFont(font, 18, flags) -- 18 being your new size

Thank You for the help.

I want to be able to adjust each frames font size individually per what the user wants.

I think ill just stick with doing it the long way per frame.


PS this is what im talking about the long way.

My current unitframes addon:

local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database

if C["unitframes"].enable ~= true then return end

-- Special Thanks to the guys over at Arena Junkies for most of these scripts

local _G = _G

-- Player Frame
if C["unitframes"].player.enable then

        -- Frame Scale
        PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        PlayerFrameAlternateManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet,"THINOUTLINE");
        PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet, "THINOUTLINE");


-- Target Frame
if C["unitframes"].target.enable then

        -- Frame Scale
        TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        TargetFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");


-- Focus Frame
if C["unitframes"].focus.enable then

        -- Frame Scale
        FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")
        FocusFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")


-- Party Frames --
if C["unitframes"].party.enable then

        -- Clear all old settings

        -- Create new locations
        PartyMemberFrame1:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].party.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetY);
        PartyMemberFrame2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame1, 0, -75);
        PartyMemberFrame3:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame2, 0, -75);
        PartyMemberFrame4:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame3, 0, -75);

        -- Make the new locations stay
        PartyMemberFrame1.SetPoint = function() end;
        PartyMemberFrame2.SetPoint = function() end;
        PartyMemberFrame3.SetPoint = function() end;
        PartyMemberFrame4.SetPoint = function() end;

        -- Set the scale of all the frames
        -- Set Font Size
        PartyMemberFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
        PartyMemberFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")

 -- Arena Frames
if C["unitframes"].arena.enable then
        LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI"); -- You only need to run this once. You can safely delete any copies of this line.
        ArenaEnemyFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame5HealthBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
        ArenaEnemyFrame5ManaBarText:SetFont(C["media"].font, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");

        if C["unitframes"].arena.tracker == true then
                trinkets = {};
                local arenaFrame,trinket;
                for i = 1, 5 do
                        arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i;
                        trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames);
                        trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6);
                        trinket:SetSize(24, 24);
                        trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
                        trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket;
                local events = CreateFrame("Frame");
                function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID)
                        if not trinkets[unitID] then
                        end ;     
                        if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then
                                CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1);
                                SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY");
                function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
                        local _, instanceType = IsInInstance();
                        if instanceType == "arena" then
                        elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then
                                for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do
                                        trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0);
                events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end);

 -- Boss Frames
if C["unitframes"].boss.enable then
        for i = 1,4 do
                local boss = _G["Boss"..i.."TargetFrame"];
                if boss then
                        boss:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].boss.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetY);
                        boss.ClearAllPoints = function() end;
                        boss.SetPoint = function() end;               

-- Font Style thanks to Phanx from WoWinterface.
local shorts = {
        { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
        {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --  1b+ as 8.3b
        {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
        {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --  1m+ as 7.4m
        {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
        {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --  1k+ as 2.5k
        {    0,  1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
for i = 1, #shorts do
        shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"

hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then
                return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
        for i = 1, #shorts do
                local t = shorts[i]
                if value >= t[1] then
                        if style == "BOTH" then
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])                               

-- Disable healing/damage spam over player/pet frame:
PlayerHitIndicator.SetText = function() end
PetHitIndicator.SetText = function() end

cokedrivers 03-02-14 01:57 PM

One more question concerning font.

How can I make the following font classcolor to match the person:
  • Me
  • Pet
  • Target
  • Target of Target
  • Party Members

Thanks for any help with this.

Phanx 03-02-14 07:47 PM

The simplest solution is probably going to be to hook the function that sets the text:


hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
        if not then return end

        if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) then
                -- Color by class:
                local _, class = UnitClass(self.unit)
                local color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
      , color.g, color.b)
                -- Not a player. Return to default color:
      , 0.82, 0)

Feel free to color non-players by reaction instead of using the default color.

If you wanted to color pets by their owner's class, the simplest solution would probably be to look at the pet's creature type and just make an assumption -- eg. beast = hunter, demon = warlock, etc.

cokedrivers 03-04-14 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291244)
The simplest solution is probably going to be to hook the function that sets the text:


hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
        if not then return end

        if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) then
                -- Color by class:
                local _, class = UnitClass(self.unit)
                local color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
      , color.g, color.b)
                -- Not a player. Return to default color:
      , 0.82, 0)

Feel free to color non-players by reaction instead of using the default color.

If you wanted to color pets by their owner's class, the simplest solution would probably be to look at the pet's creature type and just make an assumption -- eg. beast = hunter, demon = warlock, etc.

Thank you for this it works great.

Im confused on trying to do the "reaction" part.

I've tried:

      [reaction].r, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].g, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].b)
but I keep getting errors.

Even tried:

                FACTION_BAR_COLORS = {
                        [1] = {r = 0.8, g = 0.3, b = 0.22},
                        [2] = {r = 0.8, g = 0.3, b = 0.22},
                        [3] = {r = 0.75, g = 0.27, b = 0},
                        [4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.7, b = 0},
                        [5] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1},
                        [6] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1},
                        [7] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1},
                        [8] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1},
                local reaction = UnitReaction(self.unit, "player");
      [reaction].r, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].g, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].b)

so any help would be great.

and thanks again for all your help.


Error I keep getting:

Message: ...ace\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:199: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Time: 03/04/14 13:18:37
Count: 5
Stack: ...ace\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:199: in function <...ace\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:188>
[C]: in function `UnitFrame_Update'
...terface\AddOns\Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:275: in function `ArenaEnemyFrame_UpdatePet'
...terface\AddOns\Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:47: in function <...terface\AddOns\Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:25>

Locals: self = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrame {
 0 = <userdata>
 menu = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:295
 name = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrameName {
 DropDown = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrameDropDown {
 manabar = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrameManaBar {
 portrait = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFramePortrait {
 healthbar = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrameHealthBar {
 unit = "arenapet5"
reaction = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = ArenaEnemyFrame5PetFrameName {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"

Phanx 03-04-14 06:51 PM

Post your entire code if you want help with it. Your snippet refers to a variable that may or may not be defined correctly or incorrectly or at all somewhere else, but you didn't post that part, so it really tells me nothing.

cokedrivers 03-04-14 08:29 PM

Entire Code
Sorry about that.

Lua Code:
  1. local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database
  3. if C["unitframes"].enable ~= true then return end
  6. -- Special Thanks to the guys over at Arena Junkies for most of these scripts
  7. -- [url][/url]
  9. local _G = _G
  12. -- Player Frame
  13. if C["unitframes"].player.enable then
  15.     -- Frame Scale
  16.     _G["PlayerFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].player.scale);  
  17.     PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  18.     PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  19.     PlayerFrameAlternateManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  20.     PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet,"THINOUTLINE");
  21.     PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet, "THINOUTLINE");
  23. end
  25. -- Target Frame
  26. if C["unitframes"].target.enable then
  28.     -- Frame Scale
  29.      _G["TargetFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].target.scale);
  30.     TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  31.     TargetFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  33. end;
  35. -- Focus Frame
  36. if C["unitframes"].focus.enable then
  38.     -- Frame Scale
  39.      _G["FocusFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].focus.scale)
  40.     FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")
  41.     FocusFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")
  43. end;
  46. -- Party Frames --
  47. if C["unitframes"].party.enable then
  49.     -- Clear all old settings
  50.     PartyMemberFrame1:ClearAllPoints();
  51.     PartyMemberFrame2:ClearAllPoints();
  52.     PartyMemberFrame3:ClearAllPoints();
  53.     PartyMemberFrame4:ClearAllPoints();
  55.     -- Create new locations
  56.     PartyMemberFrame1:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].party.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetY);
  57.     PartyMemberFrame2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame1, 0, -75);
  58.     PartyMemberFrame3:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame2, 0, -75);
  59.     PartyMemberFrame4:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame3, 0, -75);
  61.     -- Make the new locations stay
  62.     PartyMemberFrame1.SetPoint = function() end;
  63.     PartyMemberFrame2.SetPoint = function() end;
  64.     PartyMemberFrame3.SetPoint = function() end;
  65.     PartyMemberFrame4.SetPoint = function() end;
  67.     -- Set the scale of all the frames
  68.     PartyMemberFrame1:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  69.     PartyMemberFrame2:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  70.     PartyMemberFrame3:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  71.     PartyMemberFrame4:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  73.     -- Set Font Size
  74.     PartyMemberFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  75.     PartyMemberFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  76.     PartyMemberFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  77.     PartyMemberFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  78.     PartyMemberFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  79.     PartyMemberFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  80.     PartyMemberFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  81.     PartyMemberFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  82. end;
  84.  -- Arena Frames
  85. if C["unitframes"].arena.enable then
  86.     LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI"); -- You only need to run this once. You can safely delete any copies of this line.
  88.     ArenaEnemyFrames:SetScale(C["unitframes"].arena.scale);
  90.     ArenaEnemyFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  91.     ArenaEnemyFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  92.     ArenaEnemyFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  93.     ArenaEnemyFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  94.     ArenaEnemyFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  95.     ArenaEnemyFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  96.     ArenaEnemyFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  97.     ArenaEnemyFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  98.     ArenaEnemyFrame5HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  99.     ArenaEnemyFrame5ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  102.     if C["unitframes"].arena.tracker == true then
  103.         trinkets = {};
  104.         local arenaFrame,trinket;
  105.         for i = 1, 5 do
  106.             arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i;
  107.             trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames);
  108.             trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6);
  109.             trinket:SetSize(24, 24);
  110.             trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  111.             trinket.icon:SetAllPoints();
  112.             trinket.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelry_trinketpvp_01");
  113.             trinket:Hide();
  114.             trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket;
  115.         end;
  116.         local events = CreateFrame("Frame");
  117.         function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID)
  118.             if not trinkets[unitID] then
  119.                 return;
  120.             end ;      
  121.             if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then
  122.                 CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1);
  123.                 SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY");
  124.             end;
  125.         end;
  126.         function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
  127.             local _, instanceType = IsInInstance();
  128.             if instanceType == "arena" then
  129.                 self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED");
  130.             elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then
  131.                 self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED");
  132.                 for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do
  133.                     trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0);
  134.                     trinket:Hide();
  135.                 end;        
  136.             end;
  137.         end;
  138.         events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end);
  139.         events:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
  140.     end;
  141. end;
  143.  -- Boss Frames
  144. if C["unitframes"].boss.enable then
  145.     for i = 1,4 do
  146.         local boss = _G["Boss"..i.."TargetFrame"];
  147.         if boss then
  148.             boss:SetScale(C["unitframes"].boss.scale)
  149.             boss:ClearAllPoints();
  150.             boss:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].boss.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetY);
  151.             boss.ClearAllPoints = function() end;
  152.             boss.SetPoint = function() end;    
  153.         end;
  154.     end;
  155. end;
  157. -- Font Style thanks to Phanx from WoWinterface.
  158. local shorts = {
  159.     { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
  160.     {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --   1b+ as 8.3b
  161.     {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
  162.     {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --   1m+ as 7.4m
  163.     {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
  164.     {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --   1k+ as 2.5k
  165.     {    0,   1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
  166. }
  167. for i = 1, #shorts do
  168.     shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"
  169. end
  171. hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
  172.     local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
  173.     if style == "PERCENT" then
  174.         return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
  175.     end
  176.     for i = 1, #shorts do
  177.         local t = shorts[i]
  178.         if value >= t[1] then
  179.             if style == "BOTH" then
  180.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
  181.             else
  182.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])             
  183.             end
  184.         end
  185.     end
  186. end)
  188. hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
  189.     if not then return end
  191.     if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) then
  192.         -- Color by class:
  193.         local _, class = UnitClass(self.unit)
  194.         local color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
  195., color.g, color.b)
  196.     else
  197.         -- Not a player. Return to default color:
  198.         local reaction = UnitReaction(self.unit, "player");
  199.[reaction].r, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].g, FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].b)
  200.     end
  201. end)
  203. -- Disable healing/damage spam over player/pet frame:
  204. PlayerHitIndicator:SetText(nil)
  205. PlayerHitIndicator.SetText = function() end
  206. PetHitIndicator:SetText(nil)
  207. PetHitIndicator.SetText = function() end

Lua Code:
  1. local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database
  3. -----------------
  4. -- Media Options
  5. -----------------
  6. DB["media"] = {
  7.     ["fontNormal"] = "BasicUI NORMAL",
  8.     ["fontBold"] = "BasicUI BOLD",
  9.     ["fontItalic"] = "BasicUI ITALIC",
  10.     ["fontBoldItalic"] = "BasicUI BOLD ITALIC",
  11.     ["fontNumber"] = "BasicUI NUMBER",
  12.     ["fontSize"] = 15,
  13. }
  15. --------------
  16. -- Unitframes
  17. --------------
  18. DB["unitframes"] = {
  20.     ["enable"] = true,
  21.     ["player"] = {
  22.         ["enable"] = true,          -- Enable Player Frame Adjustments
  23.         ["scale"] = 1.15,           -- Player Frame Scale
  24.         ["fontSize"] = 13,          -- Stausbar Font Size
  25.         ["fontSizepet"] = 10,           -- Stausbar Font Size
  26.     },
  27.     ["target"] = {
  28.         ["enable"] = true,          -- Enable Target Frame Adjustments
  29.         ["scale"] = 1.15,           -- Target Frame Scale
  30.         ["fontSize"] = 13,          -- Stausbar Font Size
  31.     },
  32.     ["focus"] = {
  33.         ["enable"] = true,          -- Enable Focus Frame Adjustments
  34.         ["scale"] = 1.15,           -- Focus Frame Scale
  35.         ["fontSize"] = 13,          -- Stausbar Font Size
  36.     },
  37.     ["party"] = {
  38.         ["enable"] = true,
  39.         ["scale"] = 1.15,
  40.         ["fontSize"] = 11,          -- Stausbar Font Size
  41.         ["position"] = {
  42.             ["relAnchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
  43.             ["offSetX"] = 10,       -- Controls the X offset. (Left - Right)
  44.             ["offSetY"] = -150,     -- Controls the Y offset. (Up - Down)
  45.         },
  46.     },
  47.     ["arena"] = {
  48.         ["enable"] = true,
  49.         ["scale"] = 1.5,
  50.         ["fontSize"] = 11,          -- Stausbar Font Size
  51.         ["tracker"] = true,
  52.     },
  53.     ["boss"] = {
  54.         ["enable"] = true,
  55.         ["scale"] = 1.15,
  56.         ["fontSize"] = 13,          -- Stausbar Font Size  
  57.         ["position"] = {
  58.             ["relAnchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
  59.             ["offSetX"] = -50,      -- Controls the X offset. (Left - Right)
  60.             ["offSetY"] = -250,     -- Controls the Y offset. (Up - Down)
  61.         },
  62.     },
  63. }

Lua Code:
  1. ----------------------------------
  2. -- Engine to make all files communicate.
  4. -- Credit Nightcracker
  5. ----------------------------------
  7. -- including system
  8. local addon, engine = ...
  9. engine[1] = {} -- B, functions, constants
  10. engine[2] = {} -- C, config
  11. engine[3] = {} -- DB, database, post config load
  13. BasicUI = engine --Allow other addons to use Engine

Lua Code:
  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- This Module loads new user settings if BasicUI_Config is loaded
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database
  6. --Convert default database
  7. for group,options in pairs(DB) do
  8.     if not C[group] then C[group] = {} end
  9.     for option, value in pairs(options) do
  10.         C[group][option] = value
  11.     end
  12. end
  14. if IsAddOnLoaded("BasicUI_Config") then
  15.     local BasicUIConfig = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("BasicUIConfig")
  16.     BasicUIConfig:Load()
  18.     --Load settings from BasicUIConfig database
  19.     for group, options in pairs(BasicUIConfig.db.profile) do
  20.         if C[group] then
  21.             for option, value in pairs(options) do
  22.                 C[group][option] = value
  23.             end
  24.         end
  25.     end
  27.     B.SavePath = BasicUIConfig.db.profile
  28. end

Is there any other code that you might need?


Phanx 03-04-14 09:23 PM

UnitReaction can return nil. Here's a version based on the coloring in my oUF layout that will do class colors for players, or gray for tapped units, or reaction colors for other units, with a fallback in case of invalid class/reaction data:

Lua Code:
  1. hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
  2.     if not then return end
  4.     local color
  5.     if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
  6.         local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
  7.         color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
  8.     elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
  9.         color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
  10.     elseif UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then
  11.         color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[1]
  12.     else
  13.         local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
  14.         color = reaction and FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] or FACTION_BAR_COLORS[5]
  15.     end
  17.     if not color then
  18.         color = NORMAL_FONT_COLOR
  19.     end
  21., color.g, color.b)
  22. end)

cokedrivers 03-11-14 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291299)
UnitReaction can return nil. Here's a version based on the coloring in my oUF layout that will do class colors for players, or gray for tapped units, or reaction colors for other units, with a fallback in case of invalid class/reaction data:

Lua Code:
  1. hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
  2.     if not then return end
  4.     local color
  5.     if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
  6.         local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
  7.         color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
  8.     elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
  9.         color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
  10.     elseif UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then
  11.         color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[1]
  12.     else
  13.         local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
  14.         color = reaction and FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] or FACTION_BAR_COLORS[5]
  15.     end
  17.     if not color then
  18.         color = NORMAL_FONT_COLOR
  19.     end
  21., color.g, color.b)
  22. end)

The above code didn't work for me, I think the reasoning is your oUF_Phanx uses tags form oUF which in turn does not work with the default unit frames.

What I was able to use was the name coloring from nTooltip with some modifications.

The only down fall to this coding is that the player's name is not class color matched, but all targets become classcolor, grey for dead or tapped, and normal color for npc's.

Here is the code:
Lua Code:
  1. hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
  2.     if not then return end
  4.     function BasicUI_UnitColor(unit)
  5.         local r, g, b
  7.         unit = "target"
  9.         if (UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) then
  10.             r = 0.5
  11.             g = 0.5
  12.             b = 0.5
  13.         elseif (UnitIsPlayer(unit)) then
  14.             if (UnitIsFriend(unit, 'player')) then
  15.                 local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
  16.                 r = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class].r
  17.                 g = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class].g
  18.                 b = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class].b
  19.             elseif (not UnitIsFriend(unit, 'player')) then
  20.                 r = 1
  21.                 g = 0
  22.                 b = 0
  23.             end
  24.         elseif (UnitPlayerControlled(unit)) then
  25.             if (UnitCanAttack(unit, 'player')) then
  26.                 if (not UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
  27.                     r = 157/255
  28.                     g = 197/255
  29.                     b = 255/255
  30.                 else
  31.                     r = 1
  32.                     g = 0
  33.                     b = 0
  34.                 end
  35.             elseif (UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
  36.                 r = 1
  37.                 g = 1
  38.                 b = 0
  39.             elseif (UnitIsPVP(unit)) then
  40.                 r = 0
  41.                 g = 1
  42.                 b = 0
  43.             else
  44.                 r = 157/255
  45.                 g = 197/255
  46.                 b = 255/255
  47.             end
  48.         else
  49.             local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, 'player')
  51.             if (reaction) then
  52.                 r = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].r
  53.                 g = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].g
  54.                 b = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction].b
  55.             else
  56.                 r = 157/255
  57.                 g = 197/255
  58.                 b = 255/255
  59.             end
  60.         end
  62.         return r, g, b
  63.     end
  65.     local r, g, b = BasicUI_UnitColor(unit)
  67., g, b)
  68. end)

Thanks for the help on this.

One last quest for you Phanx

The numeric code seems to show 0 ("Zero") when a target is dead is there a way to remove these when the target is dead?

Something like:
Lua Code:
  1. if UnitIsDead("target") then
  2.      TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues:Hide()
  3. end

Again Thank You for all your help with the coding.

Phanx 03-11-14 04:05 PM

Your code is creating a new copy of a function every time any unit frame is updated, which is really bad. It's also hardcoding the unit to "target" which is probably not what you want, unless you only want your code to work on the target frame, in which case it's still the wrong way to go about it; if you want to limit it to the target frame, you need to check the actual unit and return out if it's not "target", as the current method will color every unit frame according to the properties of your current target.

The code I posted has nothing to do with oUF or tags, but after looking at it again, I see I forgot to define the "unit" variable. You should really have some kind of error display turned on. It will make things so much easier for you (and anyone else who tries to help you) while you're working with code. If you already have one (I recommend BugSack) then you should really post the error message when you report that something "doesn't work".

Anyway, here is a fixed version:


hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
        if not then return end
        local unit = self.unit -- THIS WAS MISSING

        local color
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
                local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
                color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
        elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
                color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
        elseif UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then
                color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[1]
                local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
                color = reaction and FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] or FACTION_BAR_COLORS[5]

        if not color then
                color = NORMAL_FONT_COLOR
        end, color.g, color.b)

Edit: And for your "hide text on dead units" just do this:


hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        if value == 0 then
                return fontString:SetText("")

        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then

cokedrivers 03-11-14 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291448)
Your code is creating a new copy of a function every time any unit frame is updated, which is really bad. It's also hardcoding the unit to "target" which is probably not what you want, unless you only want your code to work on the target frame, in which case it's still the wrong way to go about it; if you want to limit it to the target frame, you need to check the actual unit and return out if it's not "target", as the current method will color every unit frame according to the properties of your current target.

The code I posted has nothing to do with oUF or tags, but after looking at it again, I see I forgot to define the "unit" variable. You should really have some kind of error display turned on. It will make things so much easier for you (and anyone else who tries to help you) while you're working with code. If you already have one (I recommend BugSack) then you should really post the error message when you report that something "doesn't work".

Anyway, here is a fixed version:


hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
        if not then return end
        local unit = self.unit -- THIS WAS MISSING

        local color
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
                local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
                color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
        elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
                color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
        elseif UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then
                color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[1]
                local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
                color = reaction and FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] or FACTION_BAR_COLORS[5]

        if not color then
                color = NORMAL_FONT_COLOR
        end, color.g, color.b)

Edit: And for your "hide text on dead units" just do this:


hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
        if value == 0 then
                return fontString:SetText("")

        local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
        if style == "PERCENT" then

Thank You for the updates they work perfectly.

Also installed bugsack as suggested. Right now no errors.

Thanks again for all your help.

cokedrivers 03-12-14 08:09 AM

Pet Name Color to White
I've been trying all morning to get the pet eg beast, demon, and elemental to have there names white.

At first I tried UnitIsPet(unit) but it seems that the wow api does not have that in it.

Then I went searching and found UnitCreatureType(unit) then I tried:
Lua Code:
  1. if UnitCreatureType("beast") or UnitCreatureType("demon") or UnitCreatureType("elemental") then
  2., 1, 1)
  3. else
  4., color.g, color.b)
  5. end

But the above code turned every name color white.

So I did more searching and found a post that had a function created for UnitIsPet so I copy/pasted the:
Lua Code:
  1. local function UnitIsPet(unit)
  2.     local guidtype = tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID(unit),5,5),16)%8
  3.     if guidtype==4 then return true end
  4.     return false
  5. end
then I changed the code to:
Lua Code:
  1. if UnitIsPet(unit) then
  2., 1, 1)
  3. else
  4., color.g, color.b)
  5. end

and this changes the Pet name color to White but bugsack gives me this error:

5x BasicUI-5.4.4\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:193: bad argument #1 to "strsub" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
BasicUI-5.4.4\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:193: in function <BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:192>
BasicUI-5.4.4\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:220: in function <BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes\Unitframes.lua:198>
<in C code>
Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:275: in function "ArenaEnemyFrame_UpdatePet"
Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:47: in function <Blizzard_ArenaUI\Blizzard_ArenaUI.lua:25>

unit = "arenapet1"
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1

Im trying more and more to get this lua coding figured out.

Hopefully this is enough info for you.

If not below is the complete Unitframes.lua just in case.


Lua Code:
  1. local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database
  3. if C["unitframes"].enable ~= true then return end
  6. -- Special Thanks to the guys over at Arena Junkies for most of these scripts
  7. -- [url][/url]
  9. local _G = _G
  12. -- Player Frame
  13. if C["unitframes"].player.enable then
  15.     -- Frame Scale
  16.     _G["PlayerFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].player.scale);  
  17.     PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  18.     PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  19.     PlayerFrameAlternateManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  20.     PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet,"THINOUTLINE");
  21.     PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].player.fontSizepet, "THINOUTLINE");
  23. end
  25. -- Target Frame
  26. if C["unitframes"].target.enable then
  28.     -- Frame Scale
  29.      _G["TargetFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].target.scale);
  30.     TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  31.     TargetFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].target.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  33. end;
  35. -- Focus Frame
  36. if C["unitframes"].focus.enable then
  38.     -- Frame Scale
  39.      _G["FocusFrame"]:SetScale(C["unitframes"].focus.scale)
  40.     FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")
  41.     FocusFrameTextureFrameManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].focus.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE")
  43. end;
  46. -- Party Frames --
  47. if C["unitframes"].party.enable then
  49.     -- Clear all old settings
  50.     PartyMemberFrame1:ClearAllPoints();
  51.     PartyMemberFrame2:ClearAllPoints();
  52.     PartyMemberFrame3:ClearAllPoints();
  53.     PartyMemberFrame4:ClearAllPoints();
  55.     -- Create new locations
  56.     PartyMemberFrame1:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].party.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].party.position.offSetY);
  57.     PartyMemberFrame2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame1, 0, -75);
  58.     PartyMemberFrame3:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame2, 0, -75);
  59.     PartyMemberFrame4:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", PartyMemberFrame3, 0, -75);
  61.     -- Make the new locations stay
  62.     PartyMemberFrame1.SetPoint = function() end;
  63.     PartyMemberFrame2.SetPoint = function() end;
  64.     PartyMemberFrame3.SetPoint = function() end;
  65.     PartyMemberFrame4.SetPoint = function() end;
  67.     -- Set the scale of all the frames
  68.     PartyMemberFrame1:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  69.     PartyMemberFrame2:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  70.     PartyMemberFrame3:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  71.     PartyMemberFrame4:SetScale(C["unitframes"].party.scale);
  73.     -- Set Font Size
  74.     PartyMemberFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  75.     PartyMemberFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  76.     PartyMemberFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  77.     PartyMemberFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  78.     PartyMemberFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  79.     PartyMemberFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  80.     PartyMemberFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  81.     PartyMemberFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].party.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  82. end;
  84.  -- Arena Frames
  85. if C["unitframes"].arena.enable then
  86.     LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI"); -- You only need to run this once. You can safely delete any copies of this line.
  88.     ArenaEnemyFrames:SetScale(C["unitframes"].arena.scale);
  90.     ArenaEnemyFrame1HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  91.     ArenaEnemyFrame1ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  92.     ArenaEnemyFrame2HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  93.     ArenaEnemyFrame2ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  94.     ArenaEnemyFrame3HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  95.     ArenaEnemyFrame3ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  96.     ArenaEnemyFrame4HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  97.     ArenaEnemyFrame4ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  98.     ArenaEnemyFrame5HealthBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize,"THINOUTLINE");
  99.     ArenaEnemyFrame5ManaBarText:SetFont(C['media'].fontNormal, C["unitframes"].arena.fontSize, "THINOUTLINE");
  102.     if C["unitframes"].arena.tracker == true then
  103.         trinkets = {};
  104.         local arenaFrame,trinket;
  105.         for i = 1, 5 do
  106.             arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i;
  107.             trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames);
  108.             trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6);
  109.             trinket:SetSize(24, 24);
  110.             trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  111.             trinket.icon:SetAllPoints();
  112.             trinket.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelry_trinketpvp_01");
  113.             trinket:Hide();
  114.             trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket;
  115.         end;
  116.         local events = CreateFrame("Frame");
  117.         function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID)
  118.             if not trinkets[unitID] then
  119.                 return;
  120.             end ;      
  121.             if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then
  122.                 CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1);
  123.                 SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY");
  124.             end;
  125.         end;
  126.         function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
  127.             local _, instanceType = IsInInstance();
  128.             if instanceType == "arena" then
  129.                 self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED");
  130.             elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then
  131.                 self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED");
  132.                 for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do
  133.                     trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0);
  134.                     trinket:Hide();
  135.                 end;        
  136.             end;
  137.         end;
  138.         events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end);
  139.         events:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
  140.     end;
  141. end;
  143.  -- Boss Frames
  144. if C["unitframes"].boss.enable then
  145.     for i = 1,4 do
  146.         local boss = _G["Boss"..i.."TargetFrame"];
  147.         if boss then
  148.             boss:SetScale(C["unitframes"].boss.scale)
  149.             boss:ClearAllPoints();
  150.             boss:SetPoint(C['unitframes'].boss.position.relAnchor, UIParent, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetX, C['unitframes'].boss.position.offSetY);
  151.             boss.ClearAllPoints = function() end;
  152.             boss.SetPoint = function() end;    
  153.         end;
  154.     end;
  155. end;
  157. -- Font Style thanks to Phanx from WoWinterface.
  158. local shorts = {
  159.     { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
  160.     {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --   1b+ as 8.3b
  161.     {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
  162.     {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --   1m+ as 7.4m
  163.     {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
  164.     {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --   1k+ as 2.5k
  165.     {    0,   1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
  166. }
  167. for i = 1, #shorts do
  168.     shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"
  169. end
  171. hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
  172.     if value == 0 then
  173.         return fontString:SetText("")
  174.     end
  176.     local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
  177.     if style == "PERCENT" then
  178.         return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
  179.     end
  180.     for i = 1, #shorts do
  181.         local t = shorts[i]
  182.         if value >= t[1] then
  183.             if style == "BOTH" then
  184.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
  185.             else
  186.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])             
  187.             end
  188.         end
  189.     end
  190. end)
  192. local function UnitIsPet(unit)
  193.     local guidtype = tonumber(strsub(UnitGUID(unit),5,5),16)%8
  194.     if guidtype==4 then return true end
  195.     return false
  196. end
  198. hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
  199.     if not then return end
  200.     local unit = self.unit -- THIS WAS MISSING
  202.     local color
  204.     if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
  205.         local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
  206.         color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
  207.     elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
  208.         color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
  209.     elseif UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then
  210.         color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[1]      
  211.     else
  212.         local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
  213.         color = reaction and FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] or FACTION_BAR_COLORS[5]
  214.     end
  216.     if not color then
  217.         color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)["priest"]
  218.     end
  220.     if UnitIsPet(unit) then
  221., 1, 1)
  222.     else
  223., color.g, color.b)
  224.     end
  226. end)
  229. -- Disable healing/damage spam over player/pet frame:
  230. PlayerHitIndicator:SetText(nil)
  231. PlayerHitIndicator.SetText = function() end
  232. PetHitIndicator:SetText(nil)
  233. PetHitIndicator.SetText = function() end

Vrul 03-12-14 09:39 AM

UnitGUID can return nil so you need to account for that:

local function UnitIsPet(unit)
    local GUID = UnitGUID(unit)
    return GUID and tonumber(GUID:sub(5, 5), 16) % 8 == 4

UnitGUID returns nil when the game first loads so probably best to wait for a PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event to use it. If that's not an option you could do something more generic:

local function UnitIsPet(unit)
    return UnitPlayerControlled(unit) and not UnitIsPlayer(unit)

Your code:

if UnitCreatureType("beast") or UnitCreatureType("demon") or UnitCreatureType("elemental") then, 1, 1)
else, color.g, color.b)

doesn't work because UnitCreatureType takes unitIDs like 'target' and returns string like 'Beast' or 'Demon'. It wouldn't work the way you want anyway since it would return 'Beast' for a druid in bear or cat form.

cokedrivers 03-12-14 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Vrul (Post 291464)
UnitGUID can return nil so you need to account for that:

local function UnitIsPet(unit)
    local GUID = UnitGUID(unit)
    return GUID and tonumber(GUID:sub(5, 5), 16) % 8 == 4

UnitGUID returns nil when the game first loads so probably best to wait for a PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event to use it. If that's not an option you could do something more generic:

local function UnitIsPet(unit)
    return UnitPlayerControlled(unit) and not UnitIsPlayer(unit)

Your code:

if UnitCreatureType("beast") or UnitCreatureType("demon") or UnitCreatureType("elemental") then, 1, 1)
else, color.g, color.b)

doesn't work because UnitCreatureType takes unitIDs like 'target' and returns string like 'Beast' or 'Demon'. It wouldn't work the way you want anyway since it would return 'Beast' for a druid in bear or cat form.

Thank You for the info.

I have added:

local function UnitIsPet(unit)
    return UnitPlayerControlled(unit) and not UnitIsPlayer(unit)

and bugsack is not giving me any errors and my all player pets have there names with a white color.

Thanks again

Vrul 03-12-14 11:30 AM

Based on what you are using it for you don't really need a separate UnitIsPet function, also the class name used to index CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS and RAID_CLASS_COLORS should be in all caps:

hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
    if not then return end

    local unit, color = self.unit
    if UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
            local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
            color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
            color = HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR
    elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
        color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
        color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") and 1 or UnitReaction(unit, "player") or 5]
    if not color then
    end, color.g, color.b)

cokedrivers 03-12-14 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Vrul (Post 291473)
Based on what you are using it for you don't really need a separate UnitIsPet function, also the class name used to index CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS and RAID_CLASS_COLORS should be in all caps:

hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
    if not then return end

    local unit, color = self.unit
    if UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
            local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
            color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
            color = HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR
    elseif UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
        color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
        color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") and 1 or UnitReaction(unit, "player") or 5]
    if not color then
    end, color.g, color.b)

Again Thanks it works like a charm.


cokedrivers 03-12-14 02:57 PM

Statusbar Text
the following code was supplied by Phanx but I was wondering if there is a way to make it do the following.

Full Health = 345K
Full Mana = 160K
Not Full Health = 160K/345K
Not Full Mana = 80K/160K

Code Supplied by Phanx:
Lua Code:
  1. local shorts = {
  2.     { 1e10, 1e9, "%.0fb" }, --  10b+ as  12b
  3.     {  1e9, 1e9, "%.1fb" }, --   1b+ as 8.3b
  4.     {  1e7, 1e6, "%.0fm" }, --  10m+ as  14m
  5.     {  1e6, 1e6, "%.1fm" }, --   1m+ as 7.4m
  6.     {  1e5, 1e3, "%.0fk" }, -- 100k+ as 840k
  7.     {  1e3, 1e3, "%.1fk" }, --   1k+ as 2.5k
  8.     {    0,   1,    "%d" }, -- < 1k  as  974
  9. }
  10. for i = 1, #shorts do
  11.     shorts[i][4] = shorts[i][3] .. " (%.0f%%)"
  12. end
  14. hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextStringWithValues", function(statusBar, fontString, value, valueMin, valueMax)
  15.     if value == 0 then
  16.         return fontString:SetText("")
  17.     end
  19.     local style = GetCVar("statusTextDisplay")
  20.     if style == "PERCENT" then
  21.         return fontString:SetFormattedText("%.0f%%", value / valueMax * 100)
  22.     end
  23.     for i = 1, #shorts do
  24.         local t = shorts[i]
  25.         if value >= t[1] then
  26.             if style == "BOTH" then
  27.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[4], value / t[2], value / valueMax * 100)
  28.             else
  29.                 return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])             
  30.             end
  31.         end
  32.     end
  33. end)

Thank in advance for any help.

Phanx 03-12-14 06:16 PM

Add the part highlighted in teal:

                                if value < valueMax then
                                        for j = 1, #shorts do
                                                local v = shorts[j]
                                                if valueMax >= v[1] then
                                                        return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3] .. "/" .. v[3], value / t[2], valueMax / v[2])

                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])

cokedrivers 03-13-14 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291481)
Add the part highlighted in teal:

                                if value < valueMax then
                                        for j = 1, #shorts do
                                                local v = shorts[j]
                                                if valueMax >= v[1] then
                                                        return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3] .. "/" .. v[3], value / t[2], valueMax / v[2])

                                return fontString:SetFormattedText(t[3], value / t[2])

Thank You for this code it works perfectly.

Last question then I think I'm done with font's.

My tooltip addon I use is based primarily off of nTooltip and for his pets he uses a color like:


r = 157/255
g = 197/255
b = 255/255

How would I get the highlighted yellow code to be this color:


hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
    if not then return end

    local unit, color = self.unit
    if UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
            local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
            color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
            color = HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR
    elseif UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) then
        color = GRAY_FONT_COLOR
        color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") and 1 or UnitReaction(unit, "player") or 5]
    if not color then
    end, color.g, color.b)

I know its a minor thing but I would like when I tooltip over a unit for the color in the tooltip to match the color of the font on the unit.

I know I couldjust change the tooltip font to:


r = 1
g = 1
b = 1

and this would give me a white on the tooltip. But I kinda like the other color.

Thanks again for all your guys help with my font questions.


Phanx 03-13-14 04:36 PM


local PET_COLOR = { r = 157/255, g = 197/255, b = 255/255 }

hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
    if not then return end

    local unit, color = self.unit
    if UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
            local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
            color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
            color = PET_COLOR

cokedrivers 03-13-14 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 291499)

local PET_COLOR = { r = 157/255, g = 197/255, b = 255/255 }

hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self)
    if not then return end

    local unit, color = self.unit
    if UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
        if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
            local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
            color = (CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS)[class]
            color = PET_COLOR

So simple yet I couldn't figure it out.

Now for a personal question do you do programming for a living or is this just a hobby like me?

Either way you are great at it and thank you for all you do for us less then program savvy people.


cokedrivers 03-31-14 11:05 AM

Yet another font string question...

Is there a way to hide a party members realm, I've search the forums and only found this function for the chat not for the unit frames.

I would really like to change "-REALNAME" to (*) if possible.


Clamsoda 03-31-14 11:16 AM

Lua Code:
  1. -- originalName is defined is this fashion as an example; in practice
  2. -- you will want to pass whatever variable contains the NAME-REALM key
  3. -- into strsplit().
  4. local originalName = "Clamsoda-BleedingHollow"
  5. local unitName, unitRealm = strsplit("-", originalName)
  7. print(unitRealm and unitName.."(*)" or unitName)

What is happening here is that strsplit will pass everything before and after the defined delimiter to as many variables as we allow it to. NAME-REALM keys are always delimited by a "-", and I am almost positive that no REALM keys contain a "-", thus we can safely split the name from the realm in this way. If unitRealm becomes defined, we print unitName with "(*)" concatenated; else we print just the name.

This should be quite adaptable, let me know if you need any further assistance.

cokedrivers 03-31-14 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Clamsoda (Post 291849)
Lua Code:
  1. -- originalName is defined is this fashion as an example; in practice
  2. -- you will want to pass whatever variable contains the NAME-REALM key
  3. -- into strsplit().
  4. local originalName = "Clamsoda-BleedingHollow"
  5. local unitName, unitRealm = strsplit("-", originalName)
  7. print(unitRealm and unitName.."(*)" or unitName)

What is happening here is that strsplit will pass everything before and after the defined delimiter to as many variables as we allow it to. NAME-REALM keys are always delimited by a "-", and I am almost positive that no REALM keys contain a "-", thus we can safely split the name from the realm in this way. If unitRealm becomes defined, we print unitName with "(*)" concatenated; else we print just the name.

This should be quite adaptable, let me know if you need any further assistance.

Will this just work on Party member names or all name game wide?


Clamsoda 03-31-14 12:05 PM

I doesn't necessarily pertain to anything in particular, it is just applied API. Technically, you could pass any name token through it as long as there aren't any "-" outside of the delimitation. If there is no realm name, you just get a name; if there is a realm name, you get the "(*)".

The one issue I see is the inconsistency in how name-realm tokens are passed through certain functions and events at the moment. "(*)" has typically been used for units on other realms, but some events -- CLEU for example -- are passing names with realms attached regardless of if they are on your realm or not.

Tl;dr: You may get "(*)" for units that are on your realm as well, giving the false impression that they are cross-realm.

Of course, you could cache your realm and match it against what got split and go from there.

cokedrivers 03-31-14 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Clamsoda (Post 291851)
I doesn't necessarily pertain to anything in particular, it is just applied API. Technically, you could pass any name token through it as long as there aren't any "-" outside of the delimitation. If there is no realm name, you just get a name; if there is a realm name, you get the "(*)".

The one issue I see is the inconsistency in how name-realm tokens are passed through certain functions and events at the moment. "(*)" has typically been used for units on other realms, but some events -- CLEU for example -- are passing names with realms attached regardless of if they are on your realm or not.

Tl;dr: You may get "(*)" for units that are on your realm as well, giving the false impression that they are cross-realm.

Of course, you could cache your realm and match it against what got split and go from there.

Ok so something like:
Lua Code:
  1. if then
  2.         for i = 1, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do
  3.             local partyFrame = "PartyMemberFrame"..i
  4.             local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name
  5.             local unitName, unitRealm = strsplit("-", originalName)
  6.             _G[partyFrame].name:SetText(unitRealm and unitName.."(*)" or unitName)         
  7.             _G[partyFrame]:SetScale(;
  8.             _G[partyFrame.."HealthBarText"]:SetFont(db.fontNormal,, "THINOUTLINE");
  9.             _G[partyFrame.."ManaBarText"]:SetFont(db.fontNormal,, "THINOUTLINE");
  10.     end

Should set the name of my party members to just there name?

Clamsoda 03-31-14 01:03 PM

That looks functional to me, log into WoW and try it =~].

cokedrivers 03-31-14 01:47 PM

when I log in I get this error with all addons enabled:

3x BasicUI-5.4.7\Modules\Unitframes.lua:50: bad argument #2 to "strsplit" (string expected, got table)
<in C code>
BasicUI-5.4.7\Modules\Unitframes.lua:50: in function <BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:7>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":5
(tail call): ?
AuctionLite-v1.8.12\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:558: in function "EnableAddon"
AuctionLite-v1.8.12\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:571: in function "EnableAddon"
AuctionLite-v1.8.12\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:651: in function <AuctionLite\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:306: in function "UIParentLoadAddOn"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:329: in function "CombatLog_LoadUI"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:742: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:705>


and this one with just BasicUI enabled:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:50: bad argument #2 to 'strsplit' (string expected, got table)
Time: 03/31/14 12:45:00
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `strsplit'
Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:50: in function <Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:7>
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:543: in function `EnableAddon'
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:556: in function `EnableAddon'
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636: in function <...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:621>
[C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:306: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:329: in function `CombatLog_LoadUI'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:742: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:705>

Locals: <none>

Duugu 03-31-14 01:51 PM

It's a table value. The fontstring widget itself.

Clamsoda 03-31-14 01:52 PM

Lua Code:
  1. local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name

needs to be

Lua Code:
  1. local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name:GetText()

cokedrivers 03-31-14 02:52 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Clamsoda (Post 291856)
Lua Code:
  1. local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name

needs to be

Lua Code:
  1. local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name:GetText()

Ok this is not working for me.

Below I have attached my Unitframes.lua, Phanx helped me with a code to change my Unit Text color and I think it is conflicting with this script.

I get this error:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:52: bad argument #2 to 'strsplit' (string expected, got table)
Time: 03/31/14 13:48:33
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `strsplit'
Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:52: in function <Interface\AddOns\BasicUI\Modules\Unitframes.lua:7>
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:543: in function `EnableAddon'
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:556: in function `EnableAddon'
...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636: in function <...ce\AddOns\BasicUI\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:621>
[C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:306: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:329: in function `CombatLog_LoadUI'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:742: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:705>

Locals: <none>

Thanks for helping with this.

Clamsoda 03-31-14 04:43 PM

I suspect the issue is that you are iterating over every possible party unitframe, even when no unit has been assigned to it. If there is no unit, there is no name token to pass into strsplit.

What I suspect you need to do is listen to GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE and iterate over the party frames that actually have assigned units.

That is the only thing I can think of looking over your code.

Hopefully someone else will take a look and offer some insight.

Phanx 03-31-14 05:01 PM

It would be simpler to just ignore the original text and get the name again:

If you wanted to show the realm name again in the future, add a second argument true to GetUnitName:

_G[partyFrame].name:SetText(GetUnitName("party"..i, true))
However, the error you posted indicates that either:

(a) you did not, in fact, make the change Clamsoda suggested, as your originalName variable is still referring to the fontstring, rather than its text contents, or

(b) the unit in question doesn't exist. Using GetUnitName instead of manipulating the existing text will avoid this problem, but you should really not bother doing anything with frames that aren't shown. I see you're checking GetNumGroupMembers() >= 1 on each loop iteration; this is wasteful and won't achieve the desired result anyway, because having 1 party member doesn't mean you have 4 party members. Instead, just check that the frame being processed is shown:


                for i = 1, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do       
                        local partyFrame = "PartyMemberFrame"..i
                        if partyFrame:IsShown() then
                                local originalName = _G[partyFrame].name:GetText()
                                local unitName, unitRealm = strsplit("-", originalName)
                                _G[partyFrame].name:SetText(unitRealm and unitName.."(*)" or unitName)

However, upon looking at your file, this entire block of code is pointless, because you only run it once when you log in, at which time information about party members may not even be available, and certainly won't update when your group changes. Instead, you should add this code to your UnitFrame_Update hook and remove it from your OnEnable function:


        hooksecurefunc("UnitFrame_Update", function(self, isParty)
                if not or not self:IsShown() then return end
                -- other code here is fine, just omitted from this post for brevity
      , color.g, color.b)
                if isParty then
               or unit))


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