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Mwelling1 09-25-12 01:29 PM

Missing Quest Button
Hello, is anyone else having issues completing the various Panderian vehicle quests? I cannot see the button necessary to click on these quests and have to turn off nui in order to see and click the button. Is there another way to interact with the button that I have not figured out yet? And is this something being looked into?


Xrystal 09-25-12 02:05 PM

Which quests in particular ? I've just got home from work so haven't had the opportunity to try out the new quests yet.

Hopefully its the new extra action bar that so far has only been in instances which makes implementing it hard. If not then it should be one of the bars already set up to work and as far as I have seen so far still working in 5.07.26. Can you confirm you are using that version ?

A screen shot with nUI and without nUI will also help. And if you're confident enough type /fstack and hover the mouse over the non nUI frame you are seeing and then take a screen shot and it should give us a hint as to which frame it is supposed to be displaying.

Xrystal 09-25-12 02:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ah I see what you mean. 3rd quest in or so for Alliance at least.

Okay, figured out the problem. Must be the way their new bar system works. Bartender has the same problem. However if you keep in the vehicle you will find that periodically through the quest it will come and go depending on whether you have an action to do at the time.

spiel2001 09-25-12 04:59 PM

I *think* you just have to modify the RegisterStateEngine( nUI_ActionBar, "visiblity", ... ) command to add "[extrabar] 13;" to the list between the 12 and 14 bars Xrystal.

Xrystal 09-25-12 05:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
nah, tried that before and it caused wipes for everyone in raids when they couldn't use both the main bar and the extra bar at the same time. I think you have to design it as a special bar of its own that spawns when its needed. unfortunately being a instance only bar it makes for testing difficulty.

But yeah once I could see that the bar is changed to the vehicle bar using the override system that was introduced in the expansion, the screen shot, and the individual bar appears as required each time it is needed as the screenshot attached shows when it first tells you to start attacking.

The PH box area just above the action bar to the right I believe is my current attempt at an extraactionbar setup but as you can see it seems to appear unexpectedly. Such as when you change stances or jump in a vehicle.

spiel2001 09-25-12 08:20 PM

I would think that they don't need the possess bar and the main bar at the same time... perhaps override the possess bar with the extra bar?

Meh... that would be complicated, too.

Do they use both the pet bar and the extrabar at the same time? It strikes me that the vehicle/pet are interchangable... you never need both. So maybe create a bar where the pet bar is for the extrabar and hide the pet bar when the extrabar is active?

Seer 09-26-12 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 265059)
Ah I see what you mean. 3rd quest in or so for Alliance at least.

Okay, figured out the problem. Must be the way their new bar system works. Bartender has the same problem. However if you keep in the vehicle you will find that periodically through the quest it will come and go depending on whether you have an action to do at the time.

The first q you get a vehicle (the one you're referring to) seemed bugged for many players, the action bars didn't pop up untill you get "control" so to say, after you've been flown till the start point of the q. It never disappeared for me after that (Well, till after the q was done :-p)

A quest you get later in the "fish people village", one that's tells a story of 4 npc's in a similar fashion as the q "the day deathwing came" (or something) worked without any problems. The vehicle in that case is the person telling the story and you reenact him/her.

There's another quest that occurs a lot later, after you done some killing in a mine you need to hop in a cart and get driven by a pandaren and you need to hold of attackes, but with that one I never did get an action bar..

Seer 09-26-12 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 265070)
Do they use both the pet bar and the extrabar at the same time? It strikes me that the vehicle/pet are interchangable... you never need both. So maybe create a bar where the pet bar is for the extrabar and hide the pet bar when the extrabar is active?

Ussually you lose your pet when you enter a vehicle, and IIRC as a result the pet bar. Don't remember ever using the pet at all in a vehicle. In most cases the vehicle "becomes" the pet, so you can see its health.

Mwelling1 09-26-12 11:55 AM

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you with more information. The quest I'm stuck on right now due to this issue is "Clear the Way". Where you must slay 10 virmen and avoid the elite named Ook-Ook. If you get to close to him he throws a cage on you that you can only get out of by hitting the button that appears. The nui dashboard covers up the button for me in this case.

I also ran into an earlier quest named "A Lesson in Bravery". During this quest you get picked up by a Great White Plainshawk to fight it in the air. It this grabs you in its talons and there was supposed to be a button that popped up for you to click to get out of the talons. I died the first time due to no button. Second time I just ended up killing the bird despite the fact I was grasped in its talons. So I moved on.

The other quests where your action bar becomes some sort of vehicle bar or the button appears after a delay seem to be working fine. Sorry for the misdirection on that, I should have been more clear.

Hopefully this helps sort out the issue.


garrocha 09-26-12 04:14 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mwelling1 (Post 265125)
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you with more information. The quest I'm stuck on right now due to this issue is "Clear the Way". Where you must slay 10 virmen and avoid the elite named Ook-Ook. If you get to close to him he throws a cage on you that you can only get out of by hitting the button that appears. The nui dashboard covers up the button for me in this case.

I also ran into an earlier quest named "A Lesson in Bravery". During this quest you get picked up by a Great White Plainshawk to fight it in the air. It this grabs you in its talons and there was supposed to be a button that popped up for you to click to get out of the talons. I died the first time due to no button. Second time I just ended up killing the bird despite the fact I was grasped in its talons. So I moved on.

The other quests where your action bar becomes some sort of vehicle bar or the button appears after a delay seem to be working fine. Sorry for the misdirection on that, I should have been more clear.

Hopefully this helps sort out the issue.


I sorry, my english is very poor. If I am not wrong to the button to which it refers Mwelling1 it is the fact that I indicate in her screenshot of interface of wow, In another screenshot with nUI the button is not, I have used nUI Transparant Black Dashboard to verify that the button does not exist and order the screenshot to show it.

Please if there is some solution that we could do comment on it in the forum and let's be able arrange it. If not, comment on it, to be able to wait patiently while a solution comes

thk u

Attachment 7216

Attachment 7217

spiel2001 09-26-12 04:55 PM

For that single button missing... you can create a macro '/click ExtraActionButton1' and put that macro on your action bar. It will work in place of the missing button.

Xrystal 09-26-12 06:00 PM

They're using the extra action button in a quest ? That would be cool, would make it a might bit easier to test attempts at getting it to display within nUI.

Mwelling1 09-26-12 06:26 PM

I do have that action keybound and attempted to use that on both quests I mentioned and that did not work. :-( I am past that now but will try it again on the next toon I level.


Xrystal 09-26-12 07:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I am getting closer to figuring out that button rofl .. here's my latest screenshot showing it being display. Quite clearly when it isn't. Rofl.

Until I hit that quest that needs it I won't know for sure if it is almost there or not haha

Mwelling1 09-27-12 01:30 PM

Thanks for your hard work on the issue! I found another quest named "Unmasking the Yaungol" that I picked up from Shado-Master Chong in the Shado-Pan Fallback building located in Kun-Lai Summit. The button is needed to steal the mask from the npc in order to complete the quest successfully.


spiel2001 09-27-12 07:52 PM

Xrystal -- talking with my contact over in Blizz land... I'm told there may be a "[extrabutton]" macro condition that can be used to show/hide that extra action button in the event you wan't to play with that.

I'm going to work with it on nUI6 and see what I can muster up.

Xrystal 09-28-12 12:40 AM

Yeah there is .. I was using that in the buttonbar.lua file along with [overridebar]. The override bar is working exactly as intended but the extra bar is exactly that but I think there is a vehicleui tag that you have to use as well as that quest triggers a vehiclebar change just as it makes the button appear so it might be that my attempt at introducing it as a new bar may be working but until I test the [vehicleui][extrabar] combo macro conditional on the next quest that uses it I won't know for sure.

Driztdourden 09-28-12 07:24 AM

This extra button popping up thing, seems to be something Blizz have taken to heart, and use more and more. Allso outside instances.
As it is now, in the quests that require it, I will log out and disable nUI log in do the Q, log out and enable nUI again. Kinda a hassle so a fix will be appreciated.
The button looks just like the one Deathwing raid, and as in your example Xrystal, and I get that is is hard to fix :-) but I am addicted to nUI so I will wait patiently.

Chmee 09-28-12 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Driztdourden (Post 265271)
This extra button popping up thing, seems to be something Blizz have taken to heart, and use more and more. Allso outside instances.
As it is now, in the quests that require it, I will log out and disable nUI log in do the Q, log out and enable nUI again. Kinda a hassle so a fix will be appreciated.
The button looks just like the one Deathwing raid, and as in your example Xrystal, and I get that is is hard to fix :-) but I am addicted to nUI so I will wait patiently.

You don't have to log out for that. Use Addon Control Panel.

Xrystal 09-28-12 04:18 PM

2 Attachment(s)
For testing purposes Scott: - Uses Override Bar .. see screenshot

spiel2001 09-28-12 05:14 PM

Note I said "extrabutton" -- not "extrabar" -- i.e... a macro condition specifically for dealing with that extra action button.


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 265256)
Yeah there is .. I was using that in the buttonbar.lua file along with [overridebar]. The override bar is working exactly as intended but the extra bar is exactly that but I think there is a vehicleui tag that you have to use as well as that quest triggers a vehiclebar change just as it makes the button appear so it might be that my attempt at introducing it as a new bar may be working but until I test the [vehicleui][extrabar] combo macro conditional on the next quest that uses it I won't know for sure.

Xrystal 09-28-12 05:41 PM

ah, Im sure I was using extrabar and it almost worked .. interesting .. will have to try the button one.

Xrystal 09-29-12 12:10 AM

Hmm are you sure they said extrabutton? This post says extrabar

Xrystal 09-29-12 07:20 AM

Well looks like Calamity Jade quest may use the extra action button. As in it seemed I should have an action button displayed but I didn't get one ... will have to wait until I get to test it again with my next toon. Unfortunately I didn't jump out quickly enough to get to try it a few times rofl

edit: Make that the quest 'What's mined is Yours' quest. I've abandoned it and will try it without nUI and see what appears to confirm.

edit2: Then again with base UI it doesn't show a vehicle bar change. Just the hop out button and you use your own spells to attack the mobs. Checking to see if my attempts at getting the extra bar to work has messed up nUI's way of dealing with it.

edit3: Okay, we have a problem. I reverted back to 5.07.26 without my extra changes and found that the page changing code I implemented due to the extra changes with vehicle and override bars seem to be at fault.

We need to somehow have the overridebar/vehiclebar work so that if there are no buttons needed. For this quest it triggers a vehicle being used but we don't want to override the bar with its abilities or lack of it. However, when mounting in the tournament argent grounds you want the override bar to update with its abilities. Somehow this isn't working. If I change the line in buttonbar.lua to the following:

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", "[vehicleui] 12; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1" );

The argent tournament works fine but the quest replaces the action bar with empty buttons so you're stuck trying to defend yourself with no abilities and the fair games don't show their buttons either. With the following:

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", "[vehicleui] 12; [overridebar] 14; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1" );

You get a similar effect but the fair games work fine as they use the overridebar trigger. With the following:

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", "[overridebar] 14; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1" );

You get the quest working fine and possibly the fair games but can't test that yet but the argent tournament bar won't change its buttons. So needless to say I am a bit stuck at the moment.

spiel2001 09-29-12 08:48 AM

No... this is a new thing.

There are now several quests that give you a vehicle exit button but do *not* give you a vehicle bar. For these quests, the [vehicleui] macro condition is false, but the UnitCanExit() API call is true.

I have asked the Blizz team to add a [canexit] macro so we can support that and the indication is that they will. At present, I can't see a way to make it work other than to not hide the built in Vehicle exit button... but that can be a real pain, too.


Xrystal 09-29-12 08:50 AM

Ah, gotcha.

At least it isn't some sort of change I implemented .. I feel somewhat relieved rofl.

edit: Now to get back to my extrabar version to carry on testing..

spiel2001 09-29-12 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 265306)
Hmm are you sure they said extrabutton? This post says extrabar

Yes... both [extrabar] *and* [extrabutton]

Straight from Blizz... but he was operating from memory. So... there's an outside chance.

spiel2001 09-29-12 10:09 AM

Here's a question.... do you *ever* have a vehicle UI bar *and* need to use your main action bar (or the "extra" bar)?

I can't think of a single case. Am I wrong?

That being the case.... I should think the vehicle buttons should stay on the main action bar. But I am unsure if you ever need the vehicle UI and the extra bar at the same time... I'm guessing no.

Gawd... I hate this. It's so confusing this mishmash of bars and buttons we seem to have now. Trying to figure out rules for what bars to show when and what you can/cannot hide is starting to give me a headache.

For the moment in nUI6...
  1. If you are in Pet Battle... I hide all of the bars except the pat battle bar and even the minimap so you have a clean UI to work with.
  2. If you have a possession bar, I show it to the left of the main action bar
  3. If you have a stance/stealth bar, I show it to the right of the main action bar
  4. If you have a pet bar, I show it above the main action bar
  5. If you have a vehicle UI bar, I replace the main action bar with it
So... do we ever need the extra bar and main bar at the same time? (I don't think so)

Is the "extra bar" the same as the "extra action button" ? (I don't think so)

Does the "extra bar" use the same keybinds as the main action bar? (I don't think so)

Would it be better to replace the pet action bar with the vehicle action bar? (I don't think so... I don't think you ever use the vehicle UI and the main action bar at the same time)

Does the vehicle action bar use the same key binds as the pet action bar? (I think it uses the main action bar key binds)

*IF* the extra bar does *not* replace the main bar or use the same key binds, would replacing the possession bar with it be a problem?

Then there's the issue of the vehicle exit button and the extra action button still to be sorted out.

I seriously need more caffeine. Feedback anyone?

Xrystal 09-29-12 01:37 PM

So far from what I have read and seen we need at least:

Main action bar + extra bar at the same time
Warlocks and hunters would need that plus the pet bar.

Not sure if possessbar is only used if you are possessed or if you are possessing someone and gaining access to their abilities .. or both.

Override Bar from what I have seen adjusts the main bar depending on the situation at hand, usually in some sort of vehicle with abilities such as the argent tourney and the fairground games.

Looking at the blizzard code at :

ExtraActionBarFrame contains 1 button ExtraActionButton1 - [extrabar]
OverrideActionBar contains 6 buttons OverrideActionBarButtonX - [overridebar]

The macro conditionals aren't inside the blizzard code ( I checked ) but they were mentioned by blizz on their forums as added and the overridebar one works and the extrabar one I had working but because it replaced the main bar it wasn't 100% correct so people wiped in dungeons due to no access to their main action bar at the same time.

nUI would work fine as it is if we can get the extra bar set up using the [extrabar] 13 setting to turn on its page but as an actual extra bar than replace the main bar.

As in when I had the following code set up people could see the extraactionbutton appear and use it but they couldn't fight as they had lost their main action bar buttons.

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", "[vehicleui] 12; [extrabar] 13; [overridebar] 14; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1" );

hopefully that helps somewhat ..

Xrystal 09-29-12 01:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Another quest with special action button :

probably the overridebar in action setting up the buttons for the vehicle as you ride the dragon around sealing the rifts.

crazzzzi 09-29-12 03:13 PM

i'm horde and so far i haven't had an issue with the buttons or bars not working, i just got the quest "Calamity Jade" so i will see how this works

spiel2001 09-29-12 03:23 PM

I'm thinking that I'll just add the vehicle exit button as a single button to the right of the pet bar and the extra action button as a single button to the left of the pet bar.

That way they fit cleanly into the UI and don't interfere with any other buttons/bars.

Xrystal 09-29-12 03:44 PM

sounds like the best idea Scott. Would make your CDO happy rofl.

crazzzzi 09-29-12 11:20 PM

i did the Calamity Jade quest a little while ago. when i was in the mine cart i had the leave vehicle button, but no other action buttons. my guildies told me that your normal attacks were used to fend off the bad guys. hope this helps you clear up the button/bar issue

Xrystal 09-30-12 02:16 AM

Yeah, it seems to be another *feature* of the blizzard bar system where you are in a vehicle but you aren't supposed to have a vehicle bar. Unfortunately they haven't given us a trigger that allows us to do that particular quirk of the system.

But yes, that is the quest I was testing all sorts of combinations out on until Scott found that out from his Blizzard contact.

Xrystal 09-30-12 04:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, this is definitely an extraactionbar quest ..

This is the screenshot with the base UI. nUI still not working with my attempts at getting the button to appear ... but at least I can test it now..

spiel2001 09-30-12 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 265376)
sounds like the best idea Scott. Would make your CDO happy rofl.

I have *NO* idea what you're talking about.

spiel2001 09-30-12 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 265405)
Yeah, it seems to be another *feature* of the blizzard bar system where you are in a vehicle but you aren't supposed to have a vehicle bar. Unfortunately they haven't given us a trigger that allows us to do that particular quirk of the system.

But yes, that is the quest I was testing all sorts of combinations out on until Scott found that out from his Blizzard contact.

Have you tried using "[target=vehicle, exists] show; hide" to deal with the vehicle exit button? I put that in the nUI6 code last night, but didn't get to a quest where I could test it before I crapped out.

spiel2001 09-30-12 06:43 AM

I *think* I have the extra action button sorted out... but, like the vehicle exit button, I crapped out last night before I could test it.

Here's a few snippets of the code (not all of it, or exact, as that gets a bit crazy with all the nUI6isms) I'm using a single button action bar for this...


        local extraButton  = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", buttonName, parent, "ExtraActionButtonTemplate" );

        local children = { extraButton:GetRegions() };
        extraButton:SetAttribute( "action", nil );
        extraButton:SetID( 1 );
        -- find the decorative art around the button and hide it

        for i,child in ipairs( children ) do
            if child.GetTexture
                if child:GetTexture() == "Interface\\UnitPowerBarAlt\\SpellPush-Frame"

        extraButton:SetParent( actionBar:GetParent() );
        actionBar:SetParent( extraButton );
        actionBar:SetScript( "OnShow",
       GetOverrideBarSkin() or DefaultExtraActionStyle );
                ActionButton_UpdateUsable( extraButton );

Xrystal 09-30-12 07:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well think I managed to finally get it working with version 5. Cheated somewhat and just reparented the real actionbar and button and just made sure they were shown on creation and then let blizz sort out visibility rofl .. cheating I know but seeing as its just temporary until you get 6 sorted it's better than nothing.

Lua Code:
  1. local anchor     = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI_ExtraActionBarEvents", WorldFrame );
  2. local frame      = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI_ExtraActionBar", nUI_Dashboard.Anchor, "SecureFrameTemplate" );
  4. local f = ExtraActionBarFrame
  5. f:SetParent(frame)
  6. f:ClearAllPoints()
  7. f:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0)
  8. f.ignoreFramePositionManager = true
  10. local b = ExtraActionButton1
  11. frame.button = b
  13. local s =
  14. s:SetTexture(nil)
  16. f:Show()
  17. b:Show()

Xrystal 09-30-12 03:43 PM

And it looks like the extra button cheat I set up is also working as a mover as well.

I'll do some tidying up of the code and post up what needs to change. It's not perfect but will work until version 6 is available.

Daveo77 09-30-12 03:50 PM

Cool. Looking forward to this.

Helidoc 09-30-12 04:44 PM

Nice work, looking forward to it :banana:

Xrystal 09-30-12 05:14 PM

I wish I could take credit but the only work I did on it was write the code from the code in this thread and test it .. repeatedly .. to make sure it worked with nUI.

crazzzzi 09-30-12 05:46 PM

you and Scott totally rock!!! thx for going the extra 10 miles on this thing, now hopefully you can get some time to enjoy Mists

Xrystal 09-30-12 06:03 PM

rofl, yeah it does get a bit boring repeating the same quests over and over and over rofl .. but glad that they finally added the features to regular play as it does make it a bit hard to test addons with those features if they only occur in raids haha.

But got my warlock almost to 88. Most of it yesterday and today mind you .. think I got half a level during the week due to 11 hr work days rofl.

wacko1 10-08-12 11:18 AM

picked up the 2 lua bar files xrystal posted up there somewhere.

the darkmoon quest whereu have to shoot the targets doesnt switch to the gun actionbar.

and another ( cooking ) quest in valley of the 4 winds still doesnt show the new big button.

quest im talking about it "chasing the chicken" , i figured out i had to push the button when i got the wrong chicken and used the extrabutton macro.

its getting a little frustrating , gambling when u should use the button on which quest or in which dungeon

havent checked the dungeons yet since i installed the 2 new files xrystal posted.

yet another quest i hope will help scott or xrystal fixing this thing :D

Xrystal 10-08-12 01:47 PM

Hmm, never seen a chasing the chicken quest yet.

Will have to check the fair again to see if my new changes has messed up the old changes but they shouldn't have because they were totally different bars and files.

The fair uses the Override bar which changes your main action bar for the game/ride etc and then switches back when you exit the *vehicle*.

The instances and quests that have a single pop up button that pops up when needed and doesn't stay on screen all the time is the Extra Action Bar and that was working when I was finishing up my warlock to 90 yesterday.

The link in my signature shows the files I change and are using myself. I'm levelling my druid now so will have the opportunity to double check that my multi tests prior to finding the final solution didn't make the tests pass when they really failed. But that may take another week depending on work finish time and whether I get asked to do a dungeon run on the warlock.

The thread also should list the known quests I stumbled across that use the Extra Action Bar and perhaps the Override Bar ( the latter I can't remember though ).

Blanckaert 10-08-12 08:43 PM

Chicken Quest is a Daily, lvl 90....

the '/click ExtraActionButton1' Does work for that quest.
(sorry I got Xry's 'new' file after I did the quest)

Xrystal 10-09-12 01:39 AM

Ok, just hit 90 so I'm sure I'll see it soon. Otherwise my Druids questing will come across the other quests in time.

Blanckaert 10-09-12 06:30 PM

Xrystal's 'latest' patch file, I did get the 'extrabutton' pop up on the screen.... dont need the macro anymore...

I dont know about any other quests yet (that I can do with My 90) working on lvl'g other toons to see if it still pops up on those other quests.....

Belechannas 10-09-12 06:56 PM

Latest patch worked flawlessly for me on the Chicken quest. Thanks Xrystal!

spiel2001 10-09-12 07:08 PM

Xrystal --

I think I have found a reliable way to display the vehicle exit button (at least it's worked for me so far)

Here's the snippet I'm using...


        local actionBar = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI6_VehiceExitBar", nUI6_UIParent, "SecureHandlerStateTemplate" );
        local exitButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "nUI6_VehicleExitButton", actionBar. "ActionButtonTemplate" );
        -- set button size, bar size, anchor points, blah blah blah

        exitButton:SetAttribute( "action", nil ); = nil;
        exitButton:SetScript( "OnClick", VehicleExit );

        exitButton.icon:SetTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Up" );
        exitButton:SetPushedTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Down" );
        exitButton:SetHighlightTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Highlight", "ADD" );

        local highlightTexture = exitButton:GetHighlightTexture();
        local pushedTexture = exitButton:GetPushedTexture();

        exitButton.icon:SetTexCoord( 0.140625, 0.859375, 0.140625, 0.859375 );
        pushedTexture:SetTexCoord( 0.140625, 0.859375, 0.140625, 0.859375 );
        highlightTexture:SetTexCoord( 0.130625, 0.879375, 0.130625, 0.879375 );
        RegisterStateDriver( exitButton, "visibility", "show" );
        RegisterStateDriver( actionBar, "visibility", "[vehicleui] show; [target=vehicle, exists] show; hide" );

Maybe you can use some of this for a better managed exit button than throwing it over the main action bar?

Xrystal 10-10-12 12:47 AM

I just used your existing code for the vehicle button it might prove a bit more visually appealing as a separate entity to the bar. I just don't want to mess up what I have managed to get working rofl.

Can you email over the next version of nUI6 so that I can test the button stuff while Im levelling the druid to see if the action bars change properly.

spiel2001 10-10-12 05:54 PM

I'll get a copy packaged up tomorrow evening and send it over to you. I'm away from the house this evening.

wacko1 10-10-12 08:52 PM

thx for the "last patchfiles" .

tried running the quests and dungeons where the button is needed and it works flawless.


Xrystal 10-11-12 12:26 AM

Sweet, finally nUI5 can be left as is while we wait for nUI6 to come into play.

wacko1 10-11-12 01:16 AM

:D lets see whos faster..... scott with getting nui 6 ready for release or blizz to mess up nui5 again :D

Xrystal 10-11-12 05:50 AM

ooh low blow.

With the amount of changes between 5 and 6 I am sure 5.1 will be out before 6 is completely finished. And of course that probably means that I'll be doing more fixes rofl.

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