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Shaddoh 09-11-12 02:47 PM

Rythal!! Read this...
So, as you probably know, the original "author" updated Carbonite only to break it! So, here it is....

Dude, you have to make your own addon. Get a site, set up shop, and people will follow you. Set up a Pay Pal acct and have people donate (who can), I know I will. And believe me, most here will follow you. I DO NOT want to support someone that does NOT play WoW like the rest of us and who claims they only play to update this addon. As their "update" shows they don't play at all.

Please Rythal, for the love of Azeroth and for the Alliance and Horde alike, make your own version!


P.S. If you build it, we will come!

Rythal 09-11-12 03:01 PM

It will come... some day... not sure when... but I will be doing it, if only I could figure out a name for it then I could get the ball rolling on forum/topics people can set to watch for the eventual progress.

Tho really don't like discussing it here in the carbonite forums for the same reason as I said Dugi was being rude posting his addon here, it's not carbonite related, and even if it's something that is nothing more then an idea floating in my head it's still an alternative product and disrepectful to the carbonite team talking about it in there forums.

NM just saw it got moved :P so it's ok now!!

nexusguard 09-11-12 03:04 PM

i agree and sent you a message as well ... its sad when devs shun the extra help til they can complete things ... you piss off one fan and then you **** on the person that helps you you piss off more then one person ... you really should look at yoru fan base for carbonite and retract what you said because i see in your near future your comment to rythal about dont mess with your property when he clearly stated he was bandaiding in his forum post and link to a bandaid til you guys could work out other kinks and didnt have to rush and your FANS (probably close to 5000 downloaders or more) could have something that would keep them going til you fixed it ... but no you screwed him over and now you screwed yourself ...

RYTHAL you will have my support on anything you do buddy ...

Shaddoh 09-11-12 03:06 PM

If you don't want to discuss it here, we should find a place to do so. Even if it's a thread on some forum, we need to point all of the dedicated users to the thread so we can start brain storming a name for you addon and just how to go about getting it started. I got your back man and I'd like to help any way I can.

Rythal 09-11-12 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shaddoh (Post 263444)
If you don't want to discuss it here, we should find a place to do so. Even if it's a thread on some forum, we need to point all of the dedicated users to the thread so we can start brain storming a name for you addon and just how to go about getting it started. I got your back man and I'd like to help any way I can.

It's ok, the mods already moved the post to the proper forum.

Coasty 09-11-12 03:31 PM

Rythal, it's good to hear you say you'll be working on a Carbonite replacement in the near future.

I'm still using your fan update instead of 5.041 as, after testing, I found 5.041 had a whole slew of problems and LUA errors.

I'll be looking forward to your replacement for Carbonite as the developers attitude and shoddy 5.04 update (and frame rate hit that came with it) seriously pissed me off.

Pennet 09-11-12 03:40 PM


I added Rythal's 50407 update to my zipped copy of 4.301, and uploaded it to a popular file sharing service, one that involves eyepatches and wenches and ARRGH! It is indexed and searchable now.

Rythal 09-11-12 03:41 PM

So... my first challenge, is coming up with a name for it.. I've never been good at names for anything I've ever written (first WoW project, but been writing stuff for many previous games, hell some is even here on MMOUI for EQ2 under a different name :P)

I know a lot of you said names mixing google or carbonite, but my goal with the new project is something completely modular.. you can pick or chose what you want to run... so in theory it would be [NAME] Maps, [NAME] Quest, [NAME] PVP etc..

After I figure out a name, the next step is figuring out which part is wanted the most.. (I'm fairly sure I know the answer but really it's up to you the users which part you want first and one can never be sure)

So let the fun begin!

Cairenn 09-11-12 03:44 PM

The fairly obvious name would be Rythal's, so it would be Rythal's Map, Rythal's Quest, etc.

And, let us know what we can do to help. If you want to allow multiple people to work on it with you (or even if you don't), you can look at using our SVN or Git version control, you should think about setting up your portal so you can give it it's own little home on the site, etc.

Quartz 09-11-12 03:48 PM

Darn- just posted in the old thread - missed the redirect here by 2 mins:(

Rythal, I'm so thrilled that you're working on a replacement. Dont knock yourself out, but I'm sure many people, myself included are looking forward to using your shiny new version.

Dont forget to add a big donate button - I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Youve made a lot of people happy:)

PS My vote would be the map first.

Rythal 09-11-12 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 263462)
The fairly obvious name would be Rythal's, so it would be Rythal's Map, Rythal's Quest, etc.
And, let us know what we can do to help. If you want to allow multiple people to work on it with you, you can look at using our SVN or Git version control, set up your portal so you can give it it's own little home on the site, etc.

It could work... but to me it feels to egotistical to shove my name on it all :P tho I may just do part of it... RyMap ... RyQuest.. that might work.

Rythal 09-11-12 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Quartz (Post 263463)
PS My vote would be the map first.

yeah something tells me that's 99.9% of the vote

Elizerain 09-11-12 03:53 PM

Thanks, Rythal! Let us know when ur project comes out. Again, thanks for everything u have done. We look forward to ur new projects...:banana::banana::banana::banana:

Darkshadow29 09-11-12 03:58 PM

I want to think you for all you have done, and offer any help I can give. I would love to donate some money to you Rythal for your work, and when I can I will, but right now me and my wife are in college (her for RN, me for IT). but if you set up a paypal donation link and let us know where it is, when we get some money we will through it your way. maybe it can help you out in your day to day life, and you can see that we do really want to thank you for your work.

Cairenn 09-11-12 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263464)
It could work... but to me it feels to egotistical to shove my name on it all :P tho I may just do part of it... RyMap ... RyQuest.. that might work.

*nod* I know what you mean. The only reason I suggested it is because it helps make sure it doesn't get confused with some other addon somewhere down the line. I do like your idea of Ry[whatever], it accomplishes the same thing. :)

Reddsonja 09-11-12 04:07 PM

Good Luck and thank you Rythal. If you do set up a portal to your project make sure to update this thread with a link. I'm looking forward to see what you come up with!

Sharparam 09-11-12 04:08 PM

If you're going to allow others to contribute to it. Please consider using GitHub :)

I just find that it's a lot easier to fork/submit patches/pull requests via GitHub (or other similar sites like BitBucket), so it would be awesome if that's where your project will be.

(With git it will also be trivial to push updates to both github and wowinterface, I do that all the time for my own projects)

dhjohn 09-11-12 04:15 PM

My vote is:
1) The map (with the minimap integration)
2) and if possible, the pvp maps.

I loved your carb fix, and I can't wait for your add-on. :D

Kathan 09-11-12 04:31 PM

RyMap, has a good ring to it. :)

I think the majority of the Carbonite userbase is now behind you after the debacle of an update that was put out by them.

mordaria 09-11-12 04:31 PM

My vote would also be for the map (with the ability to show herb and mining nodes from gatherer on it). Quest tracking is nice cause im lazy but the map is more useful to me than quest tracking at this point.

mynex 09-11-12 05:01 PM

Rythal - Name for Add-on Suggestion
Rythal's Add-on's or... *drumroll* -= RytOn =-

As in 'Right On' - Right on target, right on track, right on man!

RytOn Maps
RytOn Quests
RytOn Tracking
RytOn >insert name here<


As for what to work on... Core aspects... at least what I consider core aspects (ymmv :p)
1. Maps - General World, Instances, BG's, DMF, etc...

2. Quests - Suggest using a SQL (MySQL specifically) DB to hold the info (there's reasons why and if you wish to discuss the more technical aspect as to why, I'm more than happy to)... have it be an optional 'user supplies info' pulling from their clients... people are far more willing to donate their CPU cycles and info if they have a choice about doing so!

3. Tracking - Everything that the default Blizz tracker has and more - track guildies, fish, enemy players, achievement items (books, NPC's etc), ore nodes, herbs, etc... again, you can use a DB to hold this info... and again, make it optional...

4. Warehouse/Alt Info tracking (i.e. account wide info availability) - there's a couple of add-on's I use for this now on top of (your fixed) carbonite... I want to know whether or not I have that cooking recipe on all my alts, whether or not my horde toon has >profession< at X level for my ally guildie who's also got a horde toon, etc...

After that, adjusting/adding/tweaking features of these 4 core items.


From a marketing perspective, you, right now, your name, is a win... capitalize on it... Even knowing that it's going to take you a while to get a barebones, proto-alpha test map type add-on going, people are, and will, wait and help you out.

In fact, while my LUA-fu skills are only marginal, my DB skills are pretty advanced... So I am offering to help on the DB design side of things when/if you get to that point. I'll help out however I can, and now, actually have motivation to improve my LUA-fu. :p My time, like yours, is limited, but I will give what time I can.

And to note, I made an account not too long ago (even thought I've been using Carbonite since BC time frame), specifically to thank you, just hadn't gotten to it yet, before the *cough* shenanigans *cough* of the Carbonite Dev's came up.. I was just too disgusted with them, their attitude, and their treatment of you and their 'fans' and victims, er, donors... until I saw this thread and your intentions. :)

So, _____THANK YOU_____ for your fix (which I'm still using and will continue to use until I finally get around to installing other add-ons that do what I want/need them to do). :D


Xcari 09-11-12 05:16 PM

Definitely use "Rythal" - not egotistical - it's how we'd love to honor you : ) First priority - the maps (including minimap), with the quest location areas shown; with my eyesight, the "ant trail" is a life saver, as is the arrow on the map turning as my character turns, so I can see the new direction I'll be headed. Second, the listing of current quests on the active screen, so we don't have to click out to the quest log to see what's in the list.
And thank you again. I'm saving up to be able to donate! .../cheers for Rythal
OR , like mynex's idea! RytOn!

Quartz 09-11-12 05:16 PM

Ryton - love it!

Altogetherjohn 09-11-12 05:33 PM

One more future supporter

Count on me for support once you're ready for it. I bookmarked this thread and will keep checking to see how you are progressing on RyQuest, or whatever you end up naming it.

I understand your not wanting to name it for yourself, but we -- your growing loyal fan base -- like the reference to the one who brought forth, Phoenix-like, our former favorite addon.

Again, thanks for all you've done.


Catitude 09-11-12 05:46 PM

:D RytOn Maps? Too :cool:

You have my support as well
I thought of Carbon-Free but you have a true following here & it seems only fitting that your name be a part of it. It also takes us to a new beginning and a fresh start is what we all need.

I look forward to a true addon from you & thank you so much.

Maggz 09-11-12 06:27 PM

Carbonized...... just because.!

Thorzon 09-11-12 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by mynex (Post 263486)
Rythal's Add-on's or... *drumroll* -= RytOn =-

As in 'Right On' - Right on target, right on track, right on man!

RytOn Maps
RytOn Quests
RytOn Tracking
RytOn >insert name here<



Rythal, you must do this. The carb dev's have proven they are motivated by nothing more than greed.

Whye 09-11-12 06:46 PM

"RytOn" I agree!
I completely agree with this name! It just works. I can speak for my ENTIRE guild (even if it isn't that large), in saying that we are all behind you 100%.

My personal thoughts on order are map and quests, cause I could get lost in a paper bag trying to find a tiger. Then my next thought is Warehouse features. The ability to tell friends yeah I have {insert item here} on another character without having to log off every five seconds is nice.

Keep up the good work, enjoy the fame (yeah, you're getting famous around here), and most of all enjoy Mop when it releases. :p

Darksol 09-11-12 07:02 PM

Go for it!
Hey Rythal, loved your work with carbonite and wanted to thank you again.

I'm behind you all the way on your add-on and am ready to donate as soon as you give us the word.

I rather like your Ry(name) idea for the add-on but you shouldn't feel weird about using the full name.

As for my suggestions on priorities, I always really enjoyed the ability to track quest GIVERS more than anything in carbonite... Everything else it did was kinda standard but I had never encountered that in an add-on before and I'd love to see it in your new work if possible.

Anyways, make sure to drop us a link whenever you're set cause we're all rooting for ya.

Ketho 09-11-12 07:07 PM

I'm thinking it will be a huge undertaking, considering this for the original Carbonite code:
  • all the code is arguably obfuscated (no idea if it was previously even more obfuscated the likes of Bejeweled)
  • all the code is unindented
  • the variable names are unintelligible
  • lack of any comment lines
  • everything is in one huge file of 26.000 lines
  • around 60 leaking globals, including the underscore which taints the Glyph frame (until the next Live patch)
  • license issues

I noticed Rythal already has done a lot of work to the fan update, localization and all (!) which is really great

But just trying to be realistic and constructive now, and looking from an addon author's point of view. Rythal already mentioned to be actively playing WoW and not having enough time to make it before MoP hits ..

I'm wondering though, is this is going to be a set of new projects written from the ground up, or a fork from Carbonite?

MindOfAProdigy 09-11-12 07:09 PM

You could name it Carbonized just to take a Jab at the shambling corpse that is Carbonite in its current form

mccompunerd 09-11-12 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263464)
It could work... but to me it feels to egotistical to shove my name on it all :P tho I may just do part of it... RyMap ... RyQuest.. that might work.

I think that would work really well. I don't really care about the name of the addon, as long as we can get the useful functionality from that other one ;) Main thing for me is the Google maps style map with integrated minimap. Beyond that I have other addons that can fill in.

Rythal 09-11-12 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 263512)
I'm thinking it will be a huge undertaking, considering this for the original Carbonite code:
  • all the code is arguably obfuscated (no idea if it was previously even more obfuscated the likes of Bejeweled)
  • all the code is unindented
  • the variable names are unintelligible
  • lack of any comment lines
  • everything is in one huge file of 26.000 lines
  • around 60 leaking globals, including the underscore which taints the Glyph frame (until the next Live patch)
  • license issues

I noticed Rythal already has done a lot of work to the fan update, localization and all (!) which is really great

But just trying to be realistic and constructive now, and looking from an addon author's point of view. Rythal already mentioned to be actively playing WoW and not having enough time to make it before MoP hits ..

I'm wondering though, is this is going to be a set of new projects written from the ground up, or a fork from Carbonite?

When I did my fan update I removed most of the obfuscation just so I could work on it (took 3 days to do that alone LOL). Something tells me it was that fact that pissed off the original authors more then anything else.

The addon will be completly new from the ground up not using anything from carbonite, and fully modular so people can pick and chose which parts they want to use. I have no intentions of having it done by MoP's release, nor does anyone expect it to... but carbonite is going on 5-6 years old, the code is very outdated was buggy but usable, and vastly needs a rewrite starting from the bottom floor. I've already decided to try and use libmapdata to cut down on some of it's memory usage.

Rythal 09-11-12 07:40 PM

ugh... it is sooooo tempting to do carbonite-mop-050408 :/ the two glaring bugs I had left (green missing texture in twilight highlands... start area second level maps), are the 2 things they actually fixed in 5041.... but I keep slapping my hand and saying NO!

VincentSDSH 09-11-12 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263515)
...and fully modular so people can pick and chose which parts they want to use.

That just brought a tear to my eye. Thank you! That always irritated the hell out of me about Craponite.

/another vote for "Carbonized" :D

DJ Particle 09-11-12 08:12 PM

I agree with "RytOn" for a name.

Would using Kickstarter be against the Blizzard Add-on rules?

Also, another thing to think about...I just hope CBC doesn't still try to get your add-on banned for some "functionality" or "look and feel" reason...

Shaddoh 09-11-12 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263515)
When I did my fan update I removed most of the obfuscation just so I could work on it (took 3 days to do that alone LOL). Something tells me it was that fact that pissed off the original authors more then anything else.

The addon will be completly new from the ground up not using anything from carbonite, and fully modular so people can pick and chose which parts they want to use. I have no intentions of having it done by MoP's release, nor does anyone expect it to... but carbonite is going on 5-6 years old, the code is very outdated was buggy but usable, and vastly needs a rewrite starting from the bottom floor. I've already decided to try and use libmapdata to cut down on some of it's memory usage.

Dude, I wish I knew how to write code to help you make a new addon. Hell, I wish I even knew where to start! I think something like that would be really cool and fun to do.

antiquada 09-11-12 08:20 PM

You have my support no matter what you do.

I was one of those players that had a monthly subscription to Carbonite. That should tell you how long I've been using it. I have also donated through Paypal over the last few years hoping it would bring the devs back after each expac to keep the addon going.

Of course I respect their right to their own code but because of their non playing status and lengthy lapses in keeping their users informed or just lack of communication I don't trust their knowledge of the changes in the game to be able to make Carbonite the addon I want to use.

Please if you can, set up a Paypal donate button somewhere and I will contribute to it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Maybe you can put up a request list (I know the map is 1st) that can be voted on for the functions to be added next to your new addon. I have to say that the quest tracker (tom tom integration) , Google API map, and the nodes (herb, mining) function are what I use the most. I have made over 750K gold in game over the last 2 years mining and herbing using the nodes/map overlay function.

It's actually a pleasure to watch the quests in a zone shift position as I get closer to them and be able to click on one and watch the arrow point to it and guide me.

Sorry about the rambling but you have my support on your new addon.

Torhal 09-11-12 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by mynex (Post 263486)
2. Quests - Suggest using a SQL (MySQL specifically) DB to hold the info (there's reasons why and if you wish to discuss the more technical aspect as to why, I'm more than happy to)... have it be an optional 'user supplies info' pulling from their clients... people are far more willing to donate their CPU cycles and info if they have a choice about doing so!

Impossible: WoW's Lua is sandboxed, meaning there is no access to the filesystem or third-party programs. I'm also quite sure nobody wants to download and install an SQL server to run an AddOn. :)

Rythal 09-11-12 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by DJ Particle (Post 263524)
I agree with "RytOn" for a name.

Would using Kickstarter be against the Blizzard Add-on rules?

Also, another thing to think about...I just hope CBC doesn't still try to get your add-on banned for some "functionality" or "look and feel" reason...

Carbonite and Cartographer were two addons that did the same thing... smooth moving google style maps, and so long as I don't use any of there code, the have no grounds since the images are all pulled from wow's data files.

As for kickstarter, even if I wanted to I couldn't.. it's for americans only and i'm a canuck :P

MidgetMage55 09-11-12 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by DJ Particle (Post 263524)
I agree with "RytOn" for a name.

Would using Kickstarter be against the Blizzard Add-on rules?

Also, another thing to think about...I just hope CBC doesn't still try to get your add-on banned for some "functionality" or "look and feel" reason...

That is an interesting question. Donations are allowed and that is precisely what kickstarter is. Not sure if you can set a minimum and still consider it a donation however. Certainly worth looking in to.

gorkha 09-11-12 10:00 PM

100%. Rythal is the man, saved my ass with those fan updates. The "official" Carbonite update pissed me off enough to finally register on these forums to express my gratitude to Rythal. And.. errrr thanks to whoever whoever put his version on TPB - THX i was an idiot and overwrote his good version with the crap version.

Beregwyn 09-11-12 10:06 PM

Thank You
I have been using Carbonite for a long time. At one point I paid for it. I just wanted to thank you for a job well done. I for one will never be using it again. I, as a developer myself, am appalled my the smugness of the carbonite developers. I understand having other obligations outside of a game. I have three kids, a full time job and a reservist in the military all at the same time. That does not give you the right to be smug. I myself would have been grateful for the help. If you do decide to do your own add on, I will be donating. These smug individuals have gotten enough of my money. Again, thank you very much.

lgscarfia 09-11-12 10:27 PM

Carbonite map still broken
I have had enough of carbonites issues ive been down and unable to play for like two days trying to get the map to work, honestly it worked with Rythal's fix. after the update it went to crap again. map and minimap still pretty much fadded out and no matter what i do cant fix it decided to go back to rythals fix and it is no longer there. after reading posts ive realized that the Carbonite developers are just a joke pass on the project to an active wow fan to continue like other addon makers have.

oh and officially Addons are all licensed by Blizzard Entertainment, since it is thier code they are modifying...copyright doesnt exist here.

Seerah 09-11-12 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by lgscarfia (Post 263543)
oh and officially Addons are all licensed by Blizzard Entertainment, since it is thier code they are modifying...copyright doesnt exist here.

This is incorrect and false information. ;)

Torhal 09-11-12 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by lgscarfia (Post 263543)
oh and officially Addons are all licensed by Blizzard Entertainment, since it is thier code they are modifying...copyright doesnt exist here.

Absolutely incorrect. The creator or creators of a work retain full copyright. No Blizzard employee has ever worked on one of my projects, nor have I been asked to waive my rights to them. Nor am I using Blizzard's code - I am hooking into the public-facing API they have provided, using my own code.

There is widespread confusion over Blizzard's AddOn Policy, but if you read it they are not claiming ownership (which they could not, legally, do). What they are stating is a set of guidelines for what they will allow to run on their game. They have the ability to prevent an AddOn from running in their game if it does not conform to these standards. That is all.

I'm done de-railing this thread, but I felt it was important to clarify this.

Cairenn 09-11-12 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by lgscarfia (Post 263543)
oh and officially Addons are all licensed by Blizzard Entertainment, since it is thier code they are modifying...copyright doesnt exist here.

Rythal 09-11-12 11:19 PM

*slips a pillow onto the desk so Cairenn can't get hurt* :D

MidgetMage55 09-11-12 11:41 PM

When ever there is a dispute about who can do what with an addon we get these posts.

Here is a short version for all those people following up:

1) Blizzard doesn't own your addon or its code.
2) Copyright is automatic at the time of creation. You do NOT have to register it for it to be so.
3) If there isn't a license then its all rights reserved
4) I shot Kennedy, Lincoln, Reagan, McKinley, Jackson, Garfield, and the sheriff but not the deputy. In that order.

On a more direct note: Rythal you are certainly taking this all in stride. 2 thumbs up!

Cairenn 09-11-12 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263553)
*slips a pillow onto the desk so Cairenn can't get hurt* :D

Thanks Rythal. :) It does get painful after a while. /sigh

Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 263558)
4) I shot Kennedy, Lincoln, Reagan, McKinley, Jackson, Garfield, and the sheriff but not the deputy. In that order.


Rythal 09-11-12 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 263558)
On a more direct note: Rythal you are certainly taking this all in stride. 2 thumbs up!

Meh... I program for the love of programming, life's to short to get worked up over the little things :)

Serra44 09-12-12 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263460)
So... my first challenge, is coming up with a name for it.. I've never been good at names for anything I've ever written (first WoW project, but been writing stuff for many previous games, hell some is even here on MMOUI for EQ2 under a different name :P)

I know a lot of you said names mixing google or carbonite, but my goal with the new project is something completely modular.. you can pick or chose what you want to run... so in theory it would be [NAME] Maps, [NAME] Quest, [NAME] PVP etc..

After I figure out a name, the next step is figuring out which part is wanted the most.. (I'm fairly sure I know the answer but really it's up to you the users which part you want first and one can never be sure)

So let the fun begin!

You're probably far too modest for it, but just bloody name it 'Rythal' already! You deserve it and everyone who's used your fan update will be looking for it in the right place. Besides, it sounds like 'Right-all' which is perfect for what you do!

The part which is wanted the most.. well hmm, lemme think... MAP! :banana:

mynex 09-12-12 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 263529)
Impossible: WoW's Lua is sandboxed, meaning there is no access to the filesystem or third-party programs. I'm also quite sure nobody wants to download and install an SQL server to run an AddOn. :)

Yes, WoW's Lua is sandboxed, however, calls to client side are easily enough done to a DB, and no, you don't need an SQL server to access information in a DB.

The sharing of info (Quest/Item/etc ID's) can be set up to be done outside of WoW, there's plenty of examples of this already (Gatherer, Gathermate, and the like).

This is not too complicated, but does take some finesse.


Peterbus 09-12-12 12:52 AM

So, I too set up an Account just for getting a chance to talk to Rythal.

I've used Carbonite for a while now. At first I used quite a few Features, but most of them are simply overload. Why did they make it this way? Money of course. They wanted to supply a suite that did most of what was needed when they were still able to leech money off of people.

As it has been stated over and over again: They don't care.

Rythal does. And so do we.

I was very happy with the fan update and I'm sad to see how the CB Authors react. Simply a shame. No decency in their bones.

What I am here for is this:
I would like to offer to help with your standalone Addon, since a Name has been established (RyTon's Carbonized [Module Name] it was, I believe).

Keep up the good work and attitued!

Torhal 09-12-12 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by mynex (Post 263571)
Yes, WoW's Lua is sandboxed, however, calls to client side are easily enough done to a DB, and no, you don't need an SQL server to access information in a DB.

The sharing of info (Quest/Item/etc ID's) can be set up to be done outside of WoW, there's plenty of examples of this already (Gatherer, Gathermate, and the like).

This is not too complicated, but does take some finesse.


Ok, then please explain: How would an AddOn access an SQL database? Gatherer and Gathermate do not use one - I can't even conceive of how you think this is the case; it is simply not possible.

AddOns use SavedVariables (which are global variables within WoW's Lua environment) that are read from disk when the UI loads and saved to disk when the UI is unloaded. All of this is done on a per-file-per-AddOn basis in WTF/Account/<account name>/SavedVariables/ and/or WTF/Account/<server name>/<character name>/SavedVariables/. Each file contains one or more Lua tables or strings or numbers.

Edit: Just to clarify, I've been writing AddOns for nearly five years now. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. :D

Xrystal 09-12-12 06:24 AM

Confirming with Torhal, the only way you would be able to benefit from an external data source is to export and import via an external application to read from/write to the external data source and read from/write to the saved variables files while not in the game so that the data is available in game next time you log in. At no point can you change data in an external source and have it available in game without running the special routine after logging out of the game.

EmyrB 09-12-12 07:21 AM

Do It! Do It! Do It!

Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263516)
ugh... it is sooooo tempting to do carbonite-mop-050408 :/ the two glaring bugs I had left (green missing texture in twilight highlands... start area second level maps), are the 2 things they actually fixed in 5041.... but I keep slapping my hand and saying NO!

This would be sooo cool!!

yodawhip 09-12-12 07:59 AM

I would call it Prodigy or Progeny or something "all-encompassing" like PanOptik(z) (panoptic)

Great to hear that Rhy is a Canadian.

Oh lol I got a real kick in the pants name suggestion:

How about calling it "CarbonLite"
See where i'm going with this ... CarbonRite or CarbonSpite lol toomuchphun


hatori1181 09-12-12 08:44 AM

I had a thought. I have no programming skill so I have NO clue if this is even possible...

One of my favorite add-ons is Titan panel. Could it be possible to make a google map add-on that has modules? It would let people that can make modules that they want, and cam make the entire add-on an a-la-carte mod. Want a quest tracker? add the module. mining nodes? Archaeology sites? ect, ect.

It would allow people to make modules for the map on their own, and save one person, or even one group of people from doing all of the work. give us a google map framework, and show us how to make modules for it, and let those people talented enough to make modules go nuts.

Baltharus 09-12-12 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 263529)
Impossible: WoW's Lua is sandboxed, meaning there is no access to the filesystem or third-party programs. I'm also quite sure nobody wants to download and install an SQL server to run an AddOn. :)

I have SQL Server installed on my computer <.<

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