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Phanx 04-11-12 01:00 AM

Looking for mouse recommendations
I've been using a basic Microsoft Intellimouse Optical 5-button mouse for the last 10 years, and while it still works great, I'm looking to upgrade. However, I'm having trouble finding a modern mouse that I don't hate, and I'm hoping you guys might have some ideas.

Based on my experience using my own mouse vs using other people's mice, my criteria are:
  1. Back and foward buttons on opposite sides of the mouse.
  2. Symmetrical shape.
    I'm strictly right-handed, but every "ergonomic" mouse shaped for the right hand I've ever used has driven me nuts.
  3. Large size and decent (or adjustable) weight.
    Original Xbox controller was the best, 'nuff said.
  4. At least 5 buttons, but does not have a whole numpad on the side.
    I am not really that excited about 6+ buttons, since apparently Windows doesn't support them as mouse buttons, and the software just fakes it by binding those buttons to infrequently used keys like PageUp/PageDown or running a macro, neither of which can completely replace a mouse button in WoW due to the way it handles clicks vs keypresses... unless you use the Official WoW Gaming Mouse with WoW art all over it and 34904832 buttons on the side, and then Blizzard will go along with the mouse software and agree that they're real mouse buttons. :mad:
  5. Not wireless.

I've already tried the Razer Lachesis and the SteelSeries Sensei, and sent them both back.

The SteelSeries was nice and big, with a classic mouse shape and buttons that weren't too stiff but still had good tactile feedback when clicked. On the down side, the side buttons were too far back (I could get the left ones by lifting and folding my thumb, but the right ones were impossible to get without totally repositioning my hand), the mouse wheel was a little stiff, and the slippery chrome finish was too shiny and, well, slippery.

The Razer looked cool but the long, flat shape was actually pretty annoying to use. The side buttons were way too stiff, and the rectangular sides coupled with the top of the mouse being much wider than the bottom meant that it was really hard to reach the right-side buttons (ring/pinky fingers). It also was much lighter than the SteelSeries, though I did like the matte black slightly-rubbery finish better.

Also, the extra buttons on both led me to discover the Windows-only-supports-5-mouse-buttons issue described in #4 above. While the price is not really an issue, I do feel like it's a waste of money to spend $30+ more for extra buttons when I can't fully utilize them.

I might try the SteelSeries Kana, which just has one button on each side. Based on the product photos though, I'm concerned that the side buttons are also going to be too far back.

Any ideas?

Coote 04-11-12 02:39 AM

I've been using a R.A.T. 5 for a while, and it mostly fits criteria. It's not symmetrical at all, though. The weight is adjustable with the 5 and 7 series, and the length is also adjustable. You don't need to re-position your thumb to hit the forward/backward buttons at all, and there's even a side-scroll wheel above them that can also be programmed for use as back/forward (much easier to use this way, even). 5 and 7 are mostly the same, except 7 is more adjustable, and 6400 DPI twin laser vs 5600 DPI laser in the 5. I've found that properly adjusted, it fits your hand much better than any other mouse on the market.

PS: I agree, the original Xbox controller was the best. I have big hands, and the 360 controller is pretty freaking cramped.

semlar 04-11-12 08:47 AM

I've had a logitech g9x for a few years. It's accurate, reliable and fairly customizable, but if you need to palm your mice it's not for you.

p3lim 04-11-12 11:48 AM

I've had 2 Razer Diamondbacks, 2 Razer DeathAdder (one of them 3.5G) and a Razer Mamba. The latter of these models share the same design as far ergonomy goes.

The Diamondback has gone out of production, thus unavailable.

I would not recommend the Mamba, due to the fact the laser is not working well (tracking z-axis makes it sensitive to vibrations), aswell its very expensive (although wireless).

The DeathAdder I would recommend, its very ergonomic, has a nice weigth (148g), and comes in a left-handed version aswell.

Bornabe 04-11-12 12:15 PM

Razor Orochi... it's what you're looking for 100%... it 'CAN' be wireless for those moments on the go and needing a quick mouse, but is 'also' and dominantly used as a wired USB mouse.

Look that one up, I've had mine now for what feels like forever, but it's the best mouse I've ever owned and used, and I've had all of the Razor and Logitech top-rated mice.

Phanx 04-11-12 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by TMcMahon51 (Post 255322)
I've been using a R.A.T. 5 for a while, and it mostly fits criteria.

Hmm. I know a guy who has one of those. It doesn't look very comfortable, but next time I see him I'll ask if I can play with it.


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 255327)
I've had a logitech g9x for a few years. It's accurate, reliable and fairly customizable, but if you need to palm your mice it's not for you.

The palm of my hand never touches the mouse. I mostly hold the mouse with my fingertips, with the heel of my hand on the mousepad, and occasionally rest the front of my hand (whatever the hand equivalent of the ball of your foot is) on the back of the mouse.

Also, that mouse has the back/forward buttons both on the thumb side, and no buttons on the other side. I use one like that at work, and even for just basic stuff like web browsing I'm always hitting the wrong one, and having to move my thumb to use each button is annoying.


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 255330)
The DeathAdder I would recommend, its very ergonomic, has a nice weigth (148g), and comes in a left-handed version aswell.

Back and forward buttons are on the same side. :(


Originally Posted by Bornabe (Post 255331)
Razor Orochi... it's what you're looking for 100%... it 'CAN' be wireless for those moments on the go and needing a quick mouse, but is 'also' and dominantly used as a wired USB mouse.

Hmm. It looks very small, like a laptop mouse. Or am I looking at the wrong one in the comparion photo on the Razer site?

After looking around at the options, I'm beginning to think I should just stock up on 10-year-old Microsoft Intellimouses and use those forever. :(

semlar 04-11-12 06:47 PM

I think you've had bad experiences with mice which have poor designs. You shouldn't need to reposition your thumb at all to hit either side button, it should only involve rocking your thumb back and forth.

I was always under the impression that any mice with buttons on the opposing side were simply ambidextrous, but I guess if it feels comfortable to you then you could use them however you want.

I suggest going to a store with display models and finding one with the right feel for you, though. Or maybe try out your friend's mice.

Seerah 04-11-12 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 255345)
You shouldn't need to reposition your thumb at all to hit either side button, it should only involve rocking your thumb back and forth.

Agreed. I have itty-bitty hands, and I can still handle both buttons on the left side. The pad of your thumb presses the forward button, and the curve from the first knuckle of your thumb presses the back button (though, in my case, it's a bit lower and on the inside of my thumb than that, because... well, itty-bitty hands). Have you tried using the buttons this way, rather than reaching the pad of your thumb back to the second button?

Qupe 04-11-12 10:03 PM

I know you mentioned you dislike mouse designs that are right or left hand specifically and you wanted back/forward buttons on opposite sides but the Logitech MX Revolution is easily the most comfortable mouse I've ever used. I've recommended it time upon time upon time to multiple people and not a single person has expressed anything but their undying love for it.

It's big, it's decently heavy, and it's wireless but has the ability to charge while you're using it; it comes with an Eneloop rechargeable battery and recharges with a USB cord that plugs into the front of the mouse. It also has Logitech's awesome "smooth scrolling" which is a button toggle that lets your mousewheel free spin and scroll mega ultra quickly.

As well as all of the standard mouse options, L/R Up/Down middle mouse button scrolling, Back/Forward buttons and the addition of two more buttons that, by default, are a zoom button (sort of acts like ctrl+mousewheel) and a program swap button (the equivalent of the alt+tab "menu") - both of which are rebindable with the software that comes with the mouse.

Not sure how standard mouse software is now-a-days in non-gaming mice, but SetPoint (Logitech's mouse software) is pretty strong and allows per-application bindings of almost every single mouse button.

My ONLY complaint about this mouse is the fact that it's higher DPI setting is only accessible by binding a mouse button to it and setting the DPI higher than the default. Other than that, I can't imagine myself ever using another mouse.

Perk #12571529182751925 is the fact that it comes with Logitech's AMAAAAAZING warranty; 3 year warranty, that during the time, is replaced without sending your current mouse in and replaced for pretty much any reason. After 3 years, they ask for your current mouse back but the replacement is still free. Not to mention, if your mouse isn't produced anymore they upgrade it to the best possible version of your mouse "type" (ie - gaming mouse, wired standard mouse, wireless gaming, etc...).

If you'd ever consider a R/L mouse design and are unsure hit up a Best Buy/Office Max whatever and give it a go - I love this thing and I "claw" my mouse like you do (I think that's what you described). Pretty much the only part of my hand touching the mouse are my fingers, thumb rests on the lower part of the "thumb area" and the bottom of my palm sits on my mousepad. My hands are also small as hell and all buttons are easily accessible.

It basically feels like an "ambidextrous" mouse design because of where your fingers - as a claw-er - rest on the mouse.

Wimpface 04-11-12 10:28 PM

Razer Naga! Even though it's completely the opposite of what you specified you wanted.

The only drawback is that it breaks easily and doesn't have a long lifetime. I'm on my second already. :(

Phanx 04-12-12 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 255345)
I think you've had bad experiences with mice which have poor designs. You shouldn't need to reposition your thumb at all to hit either side button, it should only involve rocking your thumb back and forth.

While this sounds fine in theory, in practice my thumb does not normally lay along the mouse in a way that would make that possible. Only the tip of my thumb touches the mouse, mainly because I hold the mouse slightly on the diagonal with the front turned toward my thumb and the back turned toward my pinky. Only my ring finger has more-than-just-the-tip contact with the mouse, so two buttons would be fine on that side... maybe I should get a left-handed mouse. :p


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 255345)
I was always under the impression that any mice with buttons on the opposing side were simply ambidextrous, but I guess if it feels comfortable to you then you could use them however you want.

They are ambidextrous, but I think most people only use them with one hand or the other (rather than switching off which hand is using the mouse at any given moment), and companies make them primarily as an alternative to making purely left-handed mice. If it works with either hand, left-handed users can use it, but it doesn't exclude right-handed users either, so it appeals to a wider consumer base.


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 255346)
Have you tried using the buttons this way, rather than reaching the pad of your thumb back to the second button?

My mouse at work has both buttons on the same side. I hate it... having my whole thumb touching the mouse feels the same as having my whole palm touhcing the mouse. It feels very awkward and I feel like I have less fine control over the mouse movement with my hand like that. :(


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 255345)
I suggest going to a store with display models and finding one with the right feel for you, though. Or maybe try out your friend's mice.

But it's so far away! And I can't do it on the internet at work! :p

Othgar 04-13-12 05:46 AM

Just going to throw my .02 out there, I've been using the Steel Series WoW mouse for 2 years now and I love it. It's big, it's fairly heafty, has 14 buttons (that all work in WoW as mouse buttons not Macros or keybinds), and it's not too bad on the eyes with adjustable LED's and all that jazz. A couple of the buttons are slightly out of reach but not horribly so it's responsive and has nice feedback when clicking. I tried the Naga a while back and just couldn't get used to it's size or layout so I returned it and tried the R.A.T. 7 but found it was too uncomfortable. I've used a ton of other standard mice and none have been nearly as good as my WoW mouse. The price tag is a little steep but honestly it's worth every penny.

Again just my .02 and all that.

warmonger2012 04-26-12 12:12 PM

How about a mouse with no keys at all ? A customizable touch Mouse for example, have a look at this ( sorry its german :S )
Looks kinda cool !

Phanx 04-26-12 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Othgar (Post 255420)
... Steel Series WoW mouse ... has 14 buttons ...

Too many buttons. Even two on the same side is a bit annoying on my work mouse; I end up hitting the wrong one all the time. That's the main reason I want an "ambidextrous" mouse, because it's symmetrical with one button on either side. 10 buttons or whatever under my thumb would be an absolute disaster. :(


Originally Posted by warmonger2012 (Post 255888)
How about a mouse with no keys at all ?

I saw that, and it does look very cool, but I'm concerned that (a) WoW would not recognize different regions as different "buttons" for the purpose of binding clicks to functions in the game, and (b) I would have a hard time touching/tapping/whatever the correct region for, say, "middle click", the same way I currently have trouble clicking the correct thumb button when the small back/forward buttons are both on the same side of the mouse. If I knew anyone who had one, I'd give it a try, though.

As a followup for TMcMahon51, the guy I knew who had an R.A.T. mouse broke it, so I haven't been able to try it.

Guess I'm going to have to actually find a physical store that has display models for a bunch of gaming mice and actually go there and try them all. :(

MiRai 06-17-12 01:24 PM

The thread is a little old but, it's still only second on this forum so I'll throw a post in here. ;)

I too, hold the mouse with my fingertips which makes my palm hover over the mouse itself, and I found the R.A.T. mice (actually bought the old R.A.T. 5 and the newest R.A.T. model) difficult to work with because of this. These mice have a weight system that is able to be set up by the user as per their preference. The only problem I found with that is the chassis itself is so light, that when you load enough weights on the back of this mouse, I found myself constantly doing "wheelies" with it in situations with a lot of action. Pulling the mouse up far enough would make the lazer lose its position and cause the pointer on screen to stop moving for a split second until it came down close enough to the surface to pick back up. It is a cool mouse because it's fun to take it apart and reconfigure it to your liking, but because I normally hold my thumb on the mouse with a little pressure to help me move it around, I found the side buttons of the R.A.T. family to be difficult to work with.

I'm surprised that there wasn't a recommendation for the Logitech G700. I moved from a Razer Lachesis to this G700 and I haven't regretted it once. The G700 has an unlockable mouse wheel which I find myself using constantly to scroll through long web pages (usually viewed on a vertical oriented monitor) or when I'm trying to get down to line 2000 in some code quickly. Unlock, spin, and profit.

This mouse is also the only mouse that I know of (not claiming to have used all mice) that has left and right tilt buttons on the mouse wheel. By default the left/right tilt will scroll web pages and the like left and right but, seeing as every button on this mouse can be re-defined (unlike the R.A.T. mice I tried), you can use these buttons in games as well (WoW obviously doesn't interpret left/right tilt as anything in game until you remap it to a keystroke of some sort).

The Logitech software also lets you use different profiles per window/exe. So, for example, I can have the software remap the left/right tilt buttons to something else when the WoW window is in focus so that I can use them in game; however, if I tab out to a web page they are automatically back to being left and right scroll without me having to do anything.

It's a very handy mouse and I have recommended it to many, many people. I urge anyone who is in the market for a new mouse to give this one a try.

I would suggest looking on other sites for deals on the mouse as you can usually find them.

Kolakhan 06-18-12 07:25 AM

I have a different issue. A large hand and I would like to be able to rest my palm on the mouse rather than drag it around on the mouse pad. Also my "pinky" finger is always "hanging out" to the the side with nothing to grab on to and "goes to sleep" as a result. I know it sounds crazy but I need a very large mouse I can grasp with my whole hand. I have been looking for years and have yet to find one. I would appreciate any suggestions, thanks.

Shini 06-18-12 11:16 AM

@Kolakhan - Sounds to me like you need the SteelSeries Cataclysm edition mouse..
For me, its HUGE, but the hand sits perfectly on it (the WHOLE hand rofl)...

As for the rest, i'd recommend the Razer Naga
While it looks small (and is small, if you have big hands you probably shouldnt go for it..), my hand sits on it perfectly, and its design feels to me like... like its something my hand was just missing all this time :D

While i agree that the 12 side buttons arent all functional, 10,11,12 aren't that easy to come by and in a millisecond reaction time probably don't fir the bill, the other 9 side buttons are VERY easy to get used to and really make a world of difference...

I switched from a wireless mouse to this one and thought the cord would be an issue and i have to say - I don't notice the cord at all...

So yeah, i would recommend:

Razer Naga (small to medium hand)
SteelSeries Cataclysm (medium to big hand, tends more to the big though :P )

P.S - if your looking @ razer naga's molten core edition, the 2 side buttons just to he left of your left button (top 2 side buttons on the left) are REALLY unused, they are quite hard to get to because of the design of the mouse and how your left finger "sits in" the button...
So between razer MC edition and Elite edition, if you were worried about losing these 2 side buttons - don't be...

P.P.S - Razer have a wow addon for easy button config and binding :)


kaels 07-12-12 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by MiRai (Post 256916)
I'm surprised that there wasn't a recommendation for the Logitech G700. I moved from a Razer Lachesis to this G700 and I haven't regretted it once. The G700 has an unlockable mouse wheel which I find myself using constantly to scroll through long web pages (usually viewed on a vertical oriented monitor) or when I'm trying to get down to line 2000 in some code quickly. Unlock, spin, and profit.

I use the G700 and I think it's The Best Mouse Ever, but it basically doesn't fit any of Phanx's criteria other than weight. It's asymmetrical, it has no buttons on the finger side, it has four buttons on the thumb side, and it's wireless (although one can use it wired as I do, so that one might not be a killer). It's basically wrong for her in every conceivable way.

For anyone looking for a big heavy asymmetrical multi-thumb-button gaming mouse with optional wireless mode, though, I'll reiterate that the G700 is the Best Mouse Ever.

Phanx 07-12-12 10:52 PM

Yeah I've basically just given up the search, and am still using my 10-year-old Microsoft Intellimouse, though I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to do that since the right button is getting pretty worn out and frequently thinks I've released it while I'm still holding it down. :(

p3lim 07-13-12 12:49 AM

Just with the first requirement most of your options goes out the window :p

Phanx 07-13-12 02:19 AM

I know. :(

Shadowcall 07-13-12 03:21 AM

What about Razer Taipan
Is has a symmetrical shape, nine programmable buttons, two on each side, and is just a bit smaller then your IntelliMouse.

Phanx 07-13-12 03:56 AM

Hmm, that's a new one... and it's already backordered, haha. I'll keep an eye on it; thanks for the tip!

zohar101 07-13-12 07:41 AM

Try Razer Deathadder. I had the exact same issue with Lachesis as you did. I like to palm the mouse with my whole hand, not just with tips of my fingers and Lachesis was damn annoying about that.

Deathadder fits me like a glove, it's not heavy but not annoyingly light either and buttons have just the right amount of resistance for me/not too soft a click. It's not a slick surface but coated with same matte stuff like Lachesis so you won't slip and slide and it's only 5 buttons, two on the side, easily reachable by thumb (and not blocky like lachesis, that was awkward to reach).

It's by now an old mouse and it's only upgraded over the years in terms of dpi but to date I have not found anything really more comfortable and availability certainly isn't the issue. I got it at first cause it used to be the only razer mouse to have mac drivers as well as pc ones, but I fell in love with it and haven't changed it in the past 5 years.

It's wired btw, forgot to mention that. I can't stand wireless mice partly cause of battery issues but partly cause it's just a weight in the mouse that I don't like to feel.

Phanx 07-13-12 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by zohar101 (Post 258192)
Try Razer Deathadder. ... only 5 buttons, two on the side, ...

That's exactly what I don't want. I want one button under my thumb, and one button under my ring/pinky fingers on the opposite side of the mouse. Two buttons on each side would be okay, since I could remap AB-CD to AA-BB, but I do not want all of the buttons on only one side.

Shadowcall 07-18-12 07:05 AM

Another one, though is smaller then Taipan:

And if you are a fan of Tron is even better :)

L.E. And again another one:

I can't find infos about the size of it.

Last One:
This one has one button on each side and is as big as Taipan

zork 07-18-12 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Shadowcall (Post 258374)

Hmm..I had the Intelli myself for a long time. It seems that this mouse has exactly the same shape.
I'm currently using the Microsoft Habu. (Razer Microsoft collab)

To be honest I don't like the mouse that much.

The latest tomshardware review on mice is from 2010...

Shadowcall 07-18-12 02:39 PM

More :D :
This one has wired and wireless versions,2817,2347355,00.asp
Maybe you can still find one in stores

I use a Logitech G5 at home, but i might buy one that i posted here

MoonWitch 11-06-14 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Qupe (Post 255350)
Perk #12571529182751925 is the fact that it comes with Logitech's AMAAAAAZING warranty; 3 year warranty, that during the time, is replaced without sending your current mouse in and replaced for pretty much any reason. After 3 years, they ask for your current mouse back but the replacement is still free. Not to mention, if your mouse isn't produced anymore they upgrade it to the best possible version of your mouse "type" (ie - gaming mouse, wired standard mouse, wireless gaming, etc...).

Couldn't help but revisit this topic; since I too am again looking for one.

At work - they use PS2 mice for our Wyse thin clients. I can't live without back/forward buttons and that speed scroller for Excel. So I did stock up on that one mouse that meets all I need (M500

For my mac, I am pretty much left with But for gaming, it's not the best. Have to admit it though, that warranty IS good. I complained about mouse feet - how I couldn't replace them and had issues finding a new suitable mouse. They sent me a new M705.

But it's the gaming side I got stuck with.

Phanx 11-06-14 11:31 PM

I've been using a Razer Taipan that someone helpfully abandoned at my workplace, and while it's acceptable and meets most of my criteria, I have resigned myself to the fact that the Microsoft IntelliMouse 1.0 was just the pinnacle of mouse design and no mouse will ever be that good again.

My main complaint is that you have to run the bloated Razer software in the background all the time in order to make the buttons work as desired (it has 2 buttons on the left and 2 on the right; normally both sides are a copy of button4/button5, but I want both buttons on the left to be button4, and both on the right to be button5). With older Razer mice you only had to run the software once to program the mouse, and then the mouse retained that programming on its own, but apparently Razer has since decided that convenience is less important than saving 25 cents on the manufacture of a $50 mouse.

It's even more annoying because it required me to register an account and provide a bunch of personal information before I could even use the software; it does have an "offline" mode but you can't use it without registering and logging in first. Obviously I entered fake information and blocked the program from accessing the internet, but none of that should have been necessary in the first place. :mad:

However, if you like having buttons 4 and 5 on the same side of the mouse, or don't mind running bloated spyware on your computer, I would tentatively recommend this mouse.

Resike 11-07-14 04:15 AM

I'm using Razer Mamba since 6+ years from now. I know it's not fully quailfied for your needs, but it's a superior mouse, specially if you like the shape of the DeathAdder.

Also you don't have to use the Synapse 2.0, you can use the older drivers too:,76,171,29,76,171,172

However Mamba is NOT cheap, but it's worth it if you want a quality/smart mouse for the next 4-5 years.

Phanx 11-07-14 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 299755)
I'm using Razer Mamba since 6+ years from now. I know it's not fully quailfied for your needs, but it's a superior mouse, specially if you like the shape of the DeathAdder.

Wireless? Asymmetrical shape? Buttons 4 and 5 on the both sides of the mouse? That's pretty much not a match for any of my requirements? :p

Edit: I was wrong, mine is a Taipan... and unfortunately it's not supported by any older drivers.

Resike 11-07-14 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 299756)
Wireless? Asymmetrical shape? Buttons 4 and 5 on the both sides of the mouse? That's pretty much not a match for any of my requirements? :p

Edit: I was wrong, mine is a Taipan... and unfortunately it's not supported by any older drivers.

It's wired/wireless. Yes it's assimetrical, but since you are right handed and the mouse is very well designed i don't think you would have any issues with it (It's specially good for bigger hands and has a really good heavier weigth). Well you said buttons are fine on the same side, if there is 2 of it.

Also whats your mouse grip tpye?

Phanx 11-07-14 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 299757)
Well you said buttons are fine on the same side, if there is 2 of it.

I meant it's okay if there are 2 buttons on each side -- that way I can program both on the left to act as button4 and both on the right to act as button5. :p


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 299757)
Also whats your mouse grip tpye?

Fairly well illustrated by the "claw" section of this image:

...except the palm and heel of my hand are't touching anything, and my wrist is resting on the jelly roll of my mousepad.

Edit: Another complaint about the Tapian. The side buttons are so tiny. :(

However, I did just notice there's some glorious Intellimouses on Amazon for reasonable prices... might have to grab those.

Resike 11-07-14 05:35 AM

I have also used a Trackball for years, it's very precise and can be much more faster then a regular mouse, however it takes time to master it and requires very frequent cleaning.

Talyrius 11-07-14 09:27 AM

I use a claw grip not because I want to, but because I have to. Nearly all mice are too small for my hands and if they aren't, they lack other features I want. :mad:

MoonWitch 11-07-14 11:42 AM

My problem is RSI - I am actually a clawer. But after a while it gets so bad, I actually have to use my trackpad (macbook) with my left hand :P For everything this is fine, except gaming. :P

Basically, I can't even use my pinky with buttons, it hasn't the strength (I am serious). I used to own a Lachesis. most expensive mouse ever bought. It died after two years, Razer wouldn't replace it. So I am not keen on going Razer again, but other then Razer and Logitech, not much choice if you use a Mac. Though Microsoft mice would work fine too - BUT they rarely seem to have a back/forward button that I can rebind :P

MoonWitch 11-07-14 11:58 AM

also Phanx? Ambidextrous - 2 buttons either side. And should be rewindable to have aa-bb as you'd like. Not sure about weight or size though.

p3lim 11-07-14 03:37 PM

The Mionix Avior series has the same attributes, two buttons on either side that can be assigned to whatever you'd like.

Phanx 11-07-14 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by MoonWitch (Post 299779) Ambidextrous - 2 buttons either side. And should be rewindable to have aa-bb as you'd like. Not sure about weight or size though.

I tried the original Sensei back when I was beginning my search... the side buttons were too far back and really hard to reach without completely adjusting my grip on the mouse, and the wheel was way too stiff. The only change it looks like the Raw version has is a rubberized surface instead of shiny chrome.


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 299799)
The Mionix Avior series has the same attributes, two buttons on either side that can be assigned to whatever you'd like.

Looks small in the pictures, but it says it's the same length as the Taipan... might be worth checking out if I get tired of the Taipan and all of the used Intellimouses I just ordered for $20-25 each are defective. :p

MoonWitch 11-08-14 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 299821)
I tried the original Sensei back when I was beginning my search... the side buttons were too far back and really hard to reach without completely adjusting my grip on the mouse, and the wheel was way too stiff. The only change it looks like the Raw version has is a rubberized surface instead of shiny chrome.

Twas worth the suggestion. I am weary of "trying" mice that cost me more than food at work for a month. However, I find it hugely annoying that my middle mouse doesn't accept clicks in WoW (I used to bind that one to Leap of Faith, shift click; rez etc... I have a set habit for bindings on all characters).


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 299821)
Looks small in the pictures, but it says it's the same length as the Taipan... might be worth checking out if I get tired of the Taipan and all of the used Intellimouses I just ordered for $20-25 each are defective. :p

How many did you buy? I am curious now :P

Phanx 11-09-14 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by MoonWitch (Post 299850)
I am weary of "trying" mice that cost me more than food at work for a month.

It only cost me return postage to try, since I bought it on Amazon with free shipping. :P

But I agree that it is annoying having to order it, wait for it to arrive, try it out, be disappointed, and send it back. Also seems silly to spend $50-100 for a fancy gaming mouse when I really don't need any of their special features, they just happen to be the only ones that come in "ambidextrous shape with more than 2 buttons" models.


Originally Posted by MoonWitch (Post 299850)
How many did you buy? I am curious now :P

I bought 3. All were marked as "Like New" or "Very Good" from third-party sellers on Amazon. If they all work, that should keep me stocked up until mice are no longer a thing. The one I bought (new) in 2002 would probably still be just fine if I took it apart and cleaned out whatever is making one of the buttons sticky, but I'm not exactly sure how to take it apart (no screws or apparent snap-together points) so I haven't tried.

semlar 11-09-14 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 299928)
The one I bought (new) in 2002 would probably still be just fine if I took it apart and cleaned out whatever is making one of the buttons sticky, but I'm not exactly sure how to take it apart (no screws or apparent snap-together points) so I haven't tried.

Mouse screws are often covered by their feet/glide pads.

AlleyKat 11-09-14 04:13 AM

SS Sensei or Genius NetScroll 100

Talyrius 11-09-14 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 299930)
Mouse screws are often covered by their feet/glide pads.

Yes, this is almost always the case. I've had to fix and clean a lot of mice over the years. If in doubt, Google something like "disassemble intellimouse" to be sure.

MoonWitch 11-09-14 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Talyrius (Post 299943)
Yes, this is almost always the case. I've had to fix and clean a lot of mice over the years. If in doubt, Google something like "disassemble intellimouse" to be sure.

I swear, it's fun :P

Meh, I should continue on writing (nanowrimo) and research (work - powershell)

Phanx 11-14-14 04:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The first one has arrived, and it is fully functional (and programmed in multiple techniques)... BEHOLD, THE GLORY OF THE INTELLIMOUSE!

(and it's so much less yellow from oxidation than my old one, too!)

Edit: Anyone want a Razer Taipan? I don't want any money for it, and will even mail it for free (within reason) but if you want to throw me a Cinder Kitten or the upcoming BABY SPACE GOAT OMG SO CUTE or something I wouldn't complain. Send me a PM!

MoonWitch 11-14-14 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 300398)
The first one has arrived, and it is fully functional (and programmed in multiple techniques)... BEHOLD, THE GLORY OF THE INTELLIMOUSE!

(and it's so much less yellow from oxidation than my old one, too!)

Edit: Anyone want a Razer Taipan? I don't want any money for it, and will even mail it for free (within reason) but if you want to throw me a Cinder Kitten or the upcoming BABY SPACE GOAT OMG SO CUTE or something I wouldn't complain. Send me a PM!

If I didn't live in Belgium which makes it very bizarre shipping; I'd jump on it. And a Cinder Kitten can be gifted right?

Phanx 11-14-14 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by MoonWitch (Post 300401)
If I didn't live in Belgium which makes it very bizarre shipping; I'd jump on it. And a Cinder Kitten can be gifted right?

Yes, it can, and I just looked up shipping rates to Belgium; it's about the same cost as a real money pokemon. PM me if you want to make a trade. :p

Miralen 11-14-14 07:42 AM

All I can say is, Jebus, from the little bit of your picture Phanx, I wish my desk was spic and span like that!

And I recognize that mouse, that was my first mouse and it was pretty goodly back in the days when I was playing counter strike.

I would recommend the Logitech MX Revolution as that was my favorate mouse but I do not believe it is in production anymore..but I miss the free wheel spin logitech has...

Phanx 11-14-14 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Miralen (Post 300404)
All I can say is, Jebus, from the little bit of your picture Phanx, I wish my desk was spic and span like that!

I had to dust it after looking at the picture... almost re-took the picture but decided not to bother. The rest of my house is pretty disorganized and frankly filthy in places, but my desk is actually important, dammit!

... and now, of course, it is a sacred temple to the glory of the Intellimouse once more. :D

10leej 11-14-14 12:00 PM

This is all better than my desk qq, and yes I do use both the computers at the same time the bigger one is my nas

(honestly it's really just a temporary setup so I haven't cared much for cleaning it up)

JDoubleU00 11-14-14 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by 10leej (Post 300417)
This is all better than my desk qq, and yes I do use both the computers at the same time the bigger one is my nas

(honestly it's really just a temporary setup so I haven't cared much for cleaning it up)

CRT? Really?

JDoubleU00 11-14-14 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 300405)
I had to dust it after looking at the picture... almost re-took the picture but decided not to bother. The rest of my house is pretty disorganized and frankly filthy in places, but my desk is actually important, dammit!

... and now, of course, it is a sacred temple to the glory of the Intellimouse once more. :D

I somehow figured that your desktop area was organized. Mine is a disaster.

Phanx 11-14-14 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by 10leej (Post 300417)
This is all better than my desk qq...

Wow, that picture is like a time machine all the way back to 2005 or so. Not only is that a CRT, but it looks tiny... 17 inches? How do you even live?!


Originally Posted by rocnroll (Post 300419)
I somehow figured that your desktop area was organized. Mine is a disaster.

It will be even more organized when my ROBOT ARM ARRAY arrives, though I may need to reinforce/replace my cheap folding table excuse for a desk before I can install it.

Kkthnx 11-14-14 01:50 PM

Anyways. I am gonna shoot a mouse suggestion just for the hell of it. I gave into this mouse my co-worker told me about and bought it. FireGlider Optical... This mouse is simply amazing. No issues at all and fits the hand perfect. Two of my friends bought it as well and retired their Nagas for it.

Seerah 11-14-14 01:55 PM

My mouse: Gigabyte M6980x
I need something a little more ergonomic and slanted, and I like to rest my palm on the mouse. I could use something with a bit more of a slant, though... Would try this, but don't think I'd be able to slide in my keyboard tray with it. :o

The only picture I have of my desk right now is when I got my 27" monitor, and everything was cleared off it from cleaning. So... It's way messy right now, and I'm not about to take a picture of it for you. ;)


JDoubleU00 11-14-14 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 300420)
Wow, that picture is like a time machine all the way back to 2005 or so. Not only is that a CRT, but it looks tiny... 17 inches? How do you even live?!

It will be even more organized when my ROBOT ARM ARRAY arrives, though I may need to reinforce/replace my cheap folding table excuse for a desk before I can install it.

Oh, I have the older version of that (no cable management or USB hub). They are awesome. Unfortunately, my temp desk will not support them. :(

Phanx 11-14-14 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by rocnroll (Post 300438)
Oh, I have the older version of that (no cable management or USB hub). They are awesome. Unfortunately, my temp desk will not support them. :(

I'm pretty sure mine won't either, and they'll end up sitting in the corner for 6 months until I finally get around to replacing my desk. I've been "setting up a home media server" for the last year... it's still not operational, but at least I finally got around to assembling all the components a couple weeks ago. A friend once told me the government should investigate how to weaponize my laziness. I think he was on to something. >_>


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 299755)
However Mamba is NOT cheap, but it's worth it if you want a quality/smart mouse for the next 4-5 years.

Also just noticed this and giggled at the last part... my first Intellimouse lasted 12 years (and is really still quite usable) so now that I have three more, I think I'm pretty much set on mice to last through the robot apocalypse.

sirann 11-14-14 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 300439)
I think I'm pretty much set on mice to last through the robot apocalypse.

Assuming they're not in on the apocalypse too.

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