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sigg 10-08-11 09:42 AM

PTR 4.3 with RDX

I created a new branch RDX 8.2 for the PTR 4.3.

Actually there is one error with the secureAuraAPI.

Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:810: attempt to get length of local 'display' (a number value)Stack trace:-----------Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:1015: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:923>[C]: in function `Show'

It is a Blizzard bug.


Brainn 10-18-11 02:14 PM

i get this error on the ptr whenever i try to open any of the right-click menus (on packages/objects in the browser, on window title bars, ...)


Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\Grid.lua:327: Division by zero

Stack trace:
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\Grid.lua:361: in function `SetCellDimensions'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\FrameClasses\List.lua:126: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\FrameClasses\List.lua:124>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\FrameClasses\List.lua:163: in function `Update'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\FrameClasses\List.lua:42: in function `SetDataSource'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\PopupMenu.lua:238: in function `Expand'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectBrowser.lua:529: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectBrowser.lua:496>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectBrowser.lua:196: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectBrowser.lua:192>

sigg 10-18-11 02:34 PM

fix in git.

thanks Brainn.

The secured aura stuff is still buggy...

Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:189: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)

Stack trace:
Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:209: in function <Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:208>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:727: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:700>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:1015: in function `SecureAuraHeader_Update'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:656: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:652>

Brainn 10-18-11 02:44 PM

ok forget about the last error, it disappeared after using the correct version :o

now the only thing i have is:

Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:189: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)

Stack trace:
Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:209: in function <Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:208>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:727: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:700>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:1015: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:923>
[C]: in function `Show'
[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Buffs:uf_self_buffbar..."]:66: in function <[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Buffs:uf_self_buffbar..."]:37>
...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:270: in function <...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:259>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:114: in function `LoadState'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:212: in function `SetupWindow'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:449: in function `hsig'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:119: in function `Dispatch'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:938: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Timers\Schedulers.lua:144: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Timers\Schedulers.lua:131>

this appears when i have a window open that contains a secure aura icon feature.

and another thing: there is some new type of "extraactionbar" that is used in the new raid-encounters. it contains a button with a special ability, but not like the "possess"-bar the ability does not replace your skills but is an additional skill you can use. this frame does not show, and since rdx is the only addon i have enabled currently its obvious that it somehow interferes with it.
the only thing i currently know about that frame is the button is named "ExtraActionButton1", since whe could use a /click ExtraActionButton1 macro to use the skill.

sigg 10-18-11 02:51 PM


and another thing: there is some new type of "extraactionbar" that is used in the new raid-encounters. it contains a button with a special ability, but not like the "possess"-bar the ability does not replace your skills but is an additional skill you can use. this frame does not show, and since rdx is the only addon i have enabled currently its obvious that it somehow interferes with it.
the only thing i currently know about that frame is the button is named "ExtraActionButton1", since whe could use a /click ExtraActionButton1 macro to use the skill.
I need to dig in the Blizzard code.

Brainn 10-18-11 04:22 PM

ok, the division by zero error returned :confused:
i did not change anything, just restartet the client and now its there again

sigg 10-19-11 04:24 AM

The same error message ?

Brainn 10-19-11 07:16 AM

yes, its the same error - the strange thing is it sometimes comes up with the error and sometimes not, i could not find what condition caused it :(

another thing: when the error did not come up, i could edit some objects, but i could not edit an auralist object - right click -> edit in the repository browser and nothing happens, i got no error but the editor window just did not show up :confused:

Brainn 10-19-11 01:06 PM

ok i did not see that you pushed a new version to fix the division by zero error, i will check later if the problems still exist with that version.

Brainn 10-20-11 04:26 AM

after a quick test with the latest 8.2 branch release the division by zero error seems to be gone, editing aurafilter objects works too.
the only error i got was with secure aura icons as you said its still bugged:

Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:189: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)

Stack trace:
Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:209: in function <Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:208>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:727: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:700>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:1015: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua:923>
[C]: in function `Show'
[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Buffs:uf_self_buffbar..."]:66: in function <[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Buffs:uf_self_buffbar..."]:37>
...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:270: in function <...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:259>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:114: in function `LoadState'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:212: in function `SetupWindow'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:449: in function `hsig'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:119: in function `Dispatch'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:938: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Timers\Schedulers.lua:144: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Timers\Schedulers.lua:131>

there is more raid-testing sheduled for today, i hope we get enough people up for tonight so i can do some more testing.

Goldpaw 10-20-11 10:03 AM

As far as I can see, this bug is out of our hands, and yet another (new) Blizzard bug in the SecureGroupHeaders.lua file:

The division by zero errors are all related to UnitPowerMax() and/or UnitPower() sometimes returning 0 for non-combat/vanity pets on the PTR. Which is why it seems to be random, as it seems to only happen the instant a pet gets into your range. At least this one is something we can easily fix! :)

Brainn 10-20-11 03:12 PM

this specific div0 error had nothing to do with UnitPower() or stuff like that, anyway its gone now.

from todays testing i can say everything is working fine (except the secureaura stuff)

Talyrius 10-20-11 06:37 PM

I don't understand Blizzard's reluctance to correct many of their long-standing coding oversights—especially within the secure headers.

sigg 10-21-11 01:44 AM

I just hope that they will not let a new bug like the one on the enchant weapon. The secured aura always display the main enchant buff two times and we are not able to remove the offhand enchant with right click. I received too many complains about that.

Talyrius 10-21-11 06:00 AM

Indeed. They didn't even add support for the ranged slot. :eek:

Goldpaw 10-21-11 06:22 AM

I'm just crossing my fingers that they do it properly when they fix it this time. The whole secure aura thing has been clunky and buggy at best since they implemented it.

The worst case scenario is that these bugs go live. But let's stay positive! :)

Brainn 10-27-11 08:10 AM

with the latest ptr-patch ( the secureaura bug seems to be fixed, i can use my old auraframe without errors now.
but i got a new bug:

Interface\AddOns\VFL\Metadata\Textures.lua:23: attempt to call global 'GetNumMacroIcons' (a nil value)

Stack trace:

this pops up right after login, the "Blizzard Icons" category in the texture-selection window does not get populated. i did never realy use that anyways since finding the one you want in a list of hundreds of icons is not that easy, but i did a quick look through the new blizzard-code and came up with this fix:

\VFL\Metadata\Textures.lua, Line 22++

---------- All blizz icons
for i=1,#GetMacroIcons( MACRO_ICON_FILENAMES ) do
        local name = string.format("bicon%03d", i);
                name = name;
                category = "Blizzard Icons";
                title = name;
                path = "Interface\\Icons\\" .. ICON_PATH[i];
                dx=32; dy=32;
        }, true);

propably not the most elegant solution but it seems to work

Brainn 11-04-11 03:02 AM

looks like they changed some stuff for the minimap-icons...

...erface\AddOns\RDX\Designs\Buttons\MinimapButtons.lua:28: attempt to call global 'MiniMapLFG_UpdateIsShown' (a nil value)

Stack trace:
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Pool.lua:104: in function `Acquire'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\UI\Core.lua:704: in function `AcquireFrame'
[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Artframes:af_minimap..."]:115: in function <[string "-- UnitFrame: win_Artframes:af_minimap..."]:39>
...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:270: in function <...erface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Layout_SingleUnitFrame.lua:259>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:63: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\Function.lua:62>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:114: in function `LoadState'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:212: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:137>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Windows\Obj_Window.lua:264: in function `oi'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectDB.lua:223: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectDB.lua:213>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:375: in function `hsig'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:119: in function `Dispatch'
[string "local encid = "dk_openrdx7";..."]:8: in function `f'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:723: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:696>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:841: in function `oi'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectDB.lua:223: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\ObjectMgr\ObjectDB.lua:213>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:1020: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:991>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_Desktop.lua:1043: in function `SecuredChangeDesktop'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:413: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:408>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:421: in function `SecuredChangeState'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:383: in function <Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:363>
Interface\AddOns\RDX\DesktopMgr\Obj_DUI.lua:533: in function `hsig'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:119: in function `Dispatch'
Interface\AddOns\RDX\Init.lua:76: in function `hsig'
Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:119: in function <Interface\AddOns\VFL\Core\DispatchTable.lua:117>

from a quick look at the blizzard interface data (in Interface\FrameXML\LFGFrame.lua) the call to that function is replaced with MiniMapLFG_Update(), but if i use this function in the MiniMapButtons.lua file instead of the one that produces the error the minimap-lfg-button only shows while i am qued in dungeon or raidfinder and hides if not qued.

unlimit 11-04-11 09:51 AM

Brainn broke blizzard.

Brainn 11-04-11 07:58 PM

actually those are changes to support the raid-finder in the dungeon-finder icon. you can only use one of those at a time and they both use the same minimapicon-frame, just with a different 'skin'

unlimit 11-14-11 03:44 AM

Could we have an update of the 4.3 branch to include all of our current changes / fixes on live when you get the chance, Sigg?

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