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Cairenn 03-31-11 11:20 PM

Introducing the WoWInterface Authenticator!
[Edit] April Fools! Yes, this was our April Fools joke for 2011. A number of you saw right through it really quick, thanks for understanding why we deleted your posts so that it wouldn't give away the joke. For the rest, gotcha! ;)

In all seriousness, though, please don't take our joke as mocking the security concerns these days. Unfortunately a lot of what I posted about malicious programmers etc. is, in fact, a problem. Also, your safety using, and enjoyment of, our site really is our first concern. That said, we aren't adding an authenticator to the site at this time.

Please browse and download from the internet safely!


As you know, we pride ourselves first and foremost on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for our users, both in downloading files and in participating in our community via our forums and irc channels. In an effort to further enhance this safe environment, we are happy to introduce the WoWInterface Authenticator!

It is an unfortunate reality these days that malicious programmers run amok, keylogging people, stealing identities, infecting computers with viruses and trojans. While we have an almost completely impeccable reputation (we’ve only ever been compromised once in our 9+ years of running our sites), we are constantly working to increase the security of our sites, implementing new layers to our protocols. Taking a page from Blizzard’s book, and now Trion as well, we are adding an authenticator to our site’s repertoire as well.

For the ability to post in any threads or comments, upload or download files, or to use our SVN repositories, Git repositories or Portal system, you will have to log in and authenticate. You will still be able to browse our site without an authenticator, but in order to use any of our services beyond just browsing, you will need to have one attached to your account and use it prior to doing anything more than browsing.

For authors, this helps guarantee that even in the extremely unlikely event that we are ever compromised again, you can still be assured that the only one that is accessing your uploads/repositories/portal system is you. This helps protect you from accusations of releasing malicious files.

For all users, this is yet again another level of security that helps you be assured in the knowledge that anything you download from our site has been provided by a reputable author. As well, this will help immensely in guaranteeing that the posts you read, PMs you receive, etc. are by people who are invested in the community. This should cut down drastically on the number of spammers or malicious coders who try to post messages or send PMs that appear authentic but are actually harmful.

This new protocol will go into effect on 11 April 2011, which will allow people the time to order their authenticators and for their shipments to be received. We also, however, don’t want to make it so that people feel that they can’t use our site any more due to the cost of the authenticators. As such, we’ve made a deal with our suppliers that will allow us to sell them to you for the extremely reasonable price of $4.99 USD.

Activities on WoWInterface that will require sign in and use of the Authenticator:
  • Posting in any threads or comments;
  • Using our Private Messaging system or our Email system;
  • Downloading any files;
  • Authors uploading any files;
  • Submitting to our SVN or Git repositories;
  • Submitting to our Portal System.
Activities on WoWInterface that will not require sign in and use of the Authenticator:
  • Reading threads and comments;
  • Browsing addons.
Please note:
  • This protocol will go into effect on 11 April 2011;
  • Authenticators will cost $4.99 USD
  • Domestic orders will ship within 1 to 2 business days from receipt of order;
  • International orders will ship within 1 week from receipt of order;
  • Please go to our store to place your order;
  • No private information (payment options, shipping address) will be required until your final checkout.
How this will work:
  • When you first receive your authenticator, you will need to log into your account on the site.;
  • Below your username on the right end of the menu bar, you will see a “User Control Panel” option;
  • After clicking that, you will see a menu down the left hand side of the page. Choose “Edit Profile”;
  • Under that , you will see a spot where you can enter the Serial Number of your Authenticator to tie it to your account. This serial number can be found on the back of your authenticator;
  • Enter the serial number and press “Save changes” at the bottom of that page;
  • The next time you log into the site, you will see a spot for you to enter the numeric code at the same time as your username and password;
  • Press the button on the front of the authenticator to get the random numeric code to enter for your current session;
  • You will only have to log in once per session;
  • A session will last 4 hours, or any time you’ve navigated away from the site and come back.
We’re really excited about this further layer of security for our site and we hope you will see the benefits in it as well. Go here to order yours now!

Psychoholic 03-31-11 11:29 PM

So you have to pay 5 dollars in order to post addons and such?
(just to make sure i get this right)

But I think it's worth it. Seeing how its a big step towards security

EDIT: my first time to be FIRST!!

and i got fooled ...

Coote 03-31-11 11:34 PM

But I can't afford the $4.99 for one. Somebody please buy one for me, and mail it to me.

Please PM TMcManon51 if you are willing to buy one for him, to get his mailing address. TMcManon, you should never put personal information like that right out in the public like that. Danger Will Robinson Danger! ~ Cairenn

Nibelheim 03-31-11 11:34 PM

Ouch. Seems a little heavy-handed, and no doubt it'll reduce a fair amount of WoW-I posters/authors. However, if the extra security benefit is seen as worth it, then I guess that's the way it is :)

Is there going to be an application for smart-phones?

Dolby 03-31-11 11:35 PM

Yes $5 and it lasts for a year. Small price to pay for security in my opinion.

We are working on an iphone and android app, should be out in a few weeks.

Nobgul 03-31-11 11:42 PM

Ok so it's 2 am ish my computer starts beeping like crazy my rss client is feeding new news from the only one I have WOWI front page news. Anyway I look and WTF guys way to let your staff know about something this big!

So now I have a WoW Authenticator, Rift Authenticator, Final Fantasy Authenticator, Banking Authenticator and now Wowinterface. I will need a separate keyring just for all of them.

yea ok GG I am going back to bed way to tired to deal with this now. I sure hope I get one for free, even know I am just the uninformed staff.

Nibelheim 03-31-11 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nobgul (Post 233448)
So now I have a WoW Authenticator, Rift Authenticator, Final Fantasy Authenticator, Banking Authenticator and now Wowinterface. I will need a separate keyring just for all of them.

You need an authenticator for your authenticators, so you can authenticate that your authenticators are authentic.


"Due to high demand we are now out of stock, we expect more April 21st."
"This protocol will go into effect on 11 April 2011."

Looks like there will be a Posting Gap :)

unlimit 03-31-11 11:53 PM

I can't wait!

I wish all of my favorite sites had autheticators. :)

Really happy I ordered mine before they went OOS.

buena42 03-31-11 11:59 PM

Good thing I ordered mine so quickly, I see they are out of stock already!!

I am glad to know I will be safely browsing come the eleventh.

Tekkub 04-01-11 12:10 AM

Can I just attach my wow token to my WoWI account? I mean, you guys threw those things at me when I was at blizzcon last... I don't want to carry around two tokens.

Cairenn 04-01-11 12:15 AM

Sorry Tekkub, but no. These are completely separate from your Blizzard authenticator. It would spoil a lot of the security these provide if you used the same one for everything. All anyone would need to do then would be to get hold of the one you have and they'd have access to everything.

voodoodad 04-01-11 12:23 AM

I don't know what to say. I logged on to do a final check for files posted before going to bed, and I just now find this out?

Was it too much trouble to at least let your staff know before making a huge change like this?

I, for one, simply can't afford an extra 4.99 just in order to keep doing my job here. Why should our loyal userbase have to pay in order to keep using a website which was always free? And SHOULD REMAIN THAT WAY!

I guess at this point it's already a done deal, and anything I have to say here will just be ignored anyway, but just let me say I'm really, really disappointed...

MidgetMage55 04-01-11 12:24 AM

Good thing I bought out nearly all the stock. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

Now accepting suck-ups, Yes men/women, groupies, or rule over a small country in exchange for authenticators.

Hegarol 04-01-11 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 233443)
Yes $5 and it lasts for a year. Small price to pay for security in my opinion.

We are working on an iphone and android app, should be out in a few weeks.

Great to there. I won't order then and wait for the app :)

Nibelheim 04-01-11 12:36 AM

What about my user-base? They can't pay $5 for asking me a question. This is bad :(

Ynyswarlock 04-01-11 01:20 AM

i think its a grand idea security is of paramount importance in these times, shame its out of stock and takes so long to ship to the UK

gothicknight 04-01-11 01:39 AM

Ok just so i am understanding, it is going to cost me $4.99US (probably more cause i am from Australia) per year to ask for help with, download and upload addons to WoWInterface??

Not quite sure how to feel about this. Guess i will have to wait for the iphone app and go from there.

Lily.Petal 04-01-11 02:03 AM

/cry; these sold out super quick Dx

And I beg of you, PLEASE put one out for the BlackBerry Storm 9550 if you can. I was really sad when Blizz didn't give the app to 9550, but to the 9550 (2).
I love WoWInterface, and would love to buy one though!

My only complaint is that you use it for your log in, then every single comment you post on the site. If anything I'd like to last for the duration of your session. (just my opinion)
I hope it doesn't require us to use it for edits of posts, I do that plenty enough as it is without an authenticator z_z

EDIT: Just read the last line on your post saying sessions last for 4 hours ;D nevermind what I said above!
EDIT2: Dx It goes into effect April 11th, but no more will be available till April 22nd gah! That's 10 days I will be rocking back and forth! Some of the addons I use aren't posted on Curse, probably Ace though. Will have to check!

Cladhaire 04-01-11 02:23 AM

I, for one, welcome our new authenticated overlords.

Mischback 04-01-11 03:12 AM

I think security will be worth this small amount of - trouble...

Guys, no updates to anything until Android-App is out there! ;) Be sure to ask any questions before 11th April, perhaps after that there's nobody to respond! ;)

I hope WoWI can maintain their current state of credibility and usability, because I just love all the guys, talking and joking around here... ;)

Will have some hard time until I can post again...

Shikary 04-01-11 03:40 AM

Goodbye to Wowinterface I guess.. :(

Oh, hi there Curse, my old nemesis, how did you find me down here?!

Anj 04-01-11 05:07 AM

Is it possible to order a set of 3 (one for each computer in the house: bedroom, living room, laundry room) that would show the same authenticator code so I don't input codes 3 times every time I use the 3 computers?

I also want to order screen protectors to keep the screen pristine. Oh, and also 3 cases. Do you have different colored, silicon cases so I know which authenticator to use for each computer?

Thanks! WoWInterface is the best!

haylie 04-01-11 05:22 AM

I think it's a great idea and a welcome increase in security. You can never be too careful out there! Keep up the good work guys!

Dawn 04-01-11 05:29 AM

So authors are supposed to pay for being able to upload addons. That's ... great. :banana:

I don't know how many hacker attacks you have to fight off each day, but I don't suppose it's that many after all to justify the need of an authenticator.

For me the internet is free. Imagine every site would require you to get an "authenticator", just to be able to interact with other (forum posts, woot) or even give something of your own work away for free ... imagine deviant art would require everyone to pay 5 dollars before they can post stuff. Basically any site that that is DEPENDENT on an active user base. That really feels stupid. Even though I suppose that's what we will see in the internet a lot more, because people seem to need to make money out of every crap they get their dirty hands on.

And stop this damn "OH MY SECURITY NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED" way of thinking, live isn't about security it's about facing what's thrown at you and grow over it. "Security" (like that) is just the concern of people that have no real issues, at all. So they make some up not to be bored. And to feed on the anguish, tears and money of others. *switches browser tab for buying an AK-47 to protect from evil terrorists nearby*

Will probably continue to lurk wowi, but that's about it. Feels kinda sad. Not that anyone would care anyway, but hey it's a free post opportunity! I couldn't resist! :p

Btw, that's not because 5 Dollars is a biggy. I follow a basic principle/belief of mine. So I don't blame anyone but myself for my decision.

haylie 04-01-11 05:39 AM

I doubt it was a decision taken lightly. If they really thought the authenticator is the only way to fend off attacks and ensure a safe environment for addon developers and users, it could only mean it was absolutely needed.

Of course, I only use this forum nowadays for lurking and only rarely post, so my word doesn't really weigh too much. I guess you'll see less trolling from me - now that's gotta be worth more than 5$.

dslater38 04-01-11 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 233443)
Yes $5 and it lasts for a year. Small price to pay for security in my opinion.

We are working on an iphone and android app, should be out in a few weeks.

Do you really need to create a custom app for this? I have a generic RSA SecureID application on my iPhone now and my PC. All it needs to make it work with a particular site is some kind of key file from the server.

I don't have an issue with the $4.99 price tag - but I do have an issue with having to carry around yet another piece of hardware just for the sake of accessing a web site - it's just one more small item to get lost right when I need it.

Vancha 04-01-11 06:43 AM

It's about time. I first started coming here for addons due to all the other sites having keyloggers or dodgy files (this was some years ago), but this is icing on what's been a very tasty cake.

Anyone who has any problem with having to come up with $5 for this is clearly just wrong in the head.

LittleWhiteDove 04-01-11 06:49 AM

Ok - this sounds like a good idea. Additional protection for the site and for users. I don't post very often in the forums but I do use a number of addons so please put me down for one of these authenticators when they are back in stock. (Please send a pm or an e-mail)

A quick question. If I need to use one of the protected areas after April 11 and before I receive my authenticator will there be some way to do so?

fixitman333 04-01-11 06:51 AM

I understand how requiring an authenticator for uploading anything (files, posts, etc) can improve security. I even understand how it would help protect the repository. I can't understand how requiring one for downloading does anything for security though. We'll be able to browse the site without one (which requires downloading data), so why require one for simply downloading updated addons?

Edit: I have no issue with the price, this just seems like too much hassle for my needs. I already deal with an authenticator for my WoW accounts. It can be really aggravating to have to wait for a new code to pop up for each account when I multibox. I just have to remember that having all three accounts stolen would be worse. I can't see a security downside to my not having an authenticator for wowinterface though.

AcidWeb 04-01-11 07:05 AM

Damn... Authenticators are not secure. What if some esper will read token from my mind before in use it?

IMHO some USB-thingy to collect blood sample and check DNA of user is better.

Cabby 04-01-11 07:15 AM


Ok, got it out of my system. :D

Can't believe so many people want to complain about something they can't control.

oimmuk 04-01-11 08:11 AM

Well I live on a fixed income and I already have to pay monthly for Wow and had to buy an authenticator for there to keep my account from getting hacked...again... I really do not have to worry about my account getting hacked here, but I feel that to ask your Authors who put their free time into making these addons and who post them here for others to share is a bit much. I would like to see Authors get a free authenticator for their service to the public. BTW I am not an author. To ask the people who trust your site to provide us with the best addons and most secure addons I think it is a worth while idea... I however as I mentioned before am on a fixed income and am afraid that I will not be able to buy one, so I guess that when my addons get too old I will have to use the blizz UI.

Seerah 04-01-11 08:55 AM

I had a feeling that something like this was coming. I think I caught a little blip of a conversation between Cairenn and Dolby when logging onto the staff IRC channel one day, and that was quite a while ago so they've been thinking this over a lot.

You have no idea how many times we find hackers knocking at our (the site's) door, spam and keylogger posts we delete, PMs we have to delete from the system that get spammed to authors, etc. As Cairenn stated, our main goal is to have a *safe* (and happy!) place for our users.

/me waits for the phone apps so she can still browse away from home

Oh - and I second the request for Blackberry support for my hubby!

Poreo 04-01-11 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Shikary (Post 233479)
Goodbye to Wowinterface I guess.. :(

Oh, hi there Curse, my old nemesis, how did you find me down here?!

Sadly, this

AsheruWolf 04-01-11 10:54 AM

Damn now I goto wait for the I phone App cause I don't trust the mailmen they ware uniforms... Oh can't talk now I see the UPS guy driving up... One day I will find out what is in that big brown truck!

Doskious 04-01-11 10:55 AM

Downloading needs Authentication???

Originally Posted by fixitman333 (Post 233499)
I understand how requiring an authenticator for uploading anything (files, posts, etc) can improve security. I even understand how it would help protect the repository. I can't understand how requiring one for downloading does anything for security though. We'll be able to browse the site without one (which requires downloading data), so why require one for simply downloading updated addons?

Edit: I have no issue with the price, this just seems like too much hassle for my needs. I already deal with an authenticator for my WoW accounts. It can be really aggravating to have to wait for a new code to pop up for each account when I multibox. I just have to remember that having all three accounts stolen would be worse. I can't see a security downside to my not having an authenticator for wowinterface though.

I have to confess, requiring an authenticator for *file downloads* seems unjustifiable to me - both for the "site navigation" reason that fixitman333 identified and also because the process of downloading a file is an output from, rather than an input to, the WoWInterface system. In order to ensure system security, inputs need to be carefully managed/watched/regulated, but outputs need not be so limited, inasmuch as the system itself controls the outputs.

In short, until now I have enjoyed the environment of WoWInterface substantially over the environment of other WoW Addon sites. I have not created any addons, and have only replied infrequently in addon-based threads, but I have downloaded almost all of my addons from here - this site has been my first stop before loading WoW almost every day to check for updated mods that I use, and come April 11, I'll be denied that option.

While I don't object to the notion of authenticators costing $5, I do strenuously object to the imposition of totally unnecessary "security" measures that are designed to chisel any amount of money out of me so that I can continue to download files. I don't object to requiring an authenticator to post, I certainly don't object to requiring an authenticator to author files - these are legitimate sources of system input that the authenticator system will protect. I don't even object to the notion of requiring an authenticator to maintain a list of favorite addons (though it seems to me that this feature could be segregated from sensitive regions of the system in a way to preclude needing to require an authenticator). Downloading is not a system input (if it is presently designed to allow system input, then somebody seriously messed up that design), and as such, as I understand it, should be able to be executed in the absence of an authenticator without any security risks.

I would greatly appreciate an explanation of why downloads are included in the authenticator blanket, including what security risks unauthenticated downloads pose.


Edit: Well played. I cannot read backwards, nor can I properly make sense of a calendar.

Led ++ 04-01-11 11:17 AM

I make authenticators for a living.

Did you know they're made out of chicken fat?

Aprikot 04-01-11 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Led ++ (Post 233532)
I make authenticators for a living.

Did you know they're made out of chicken fat?

You're mistaken. I actually minored in chemistry, and am pretty sure the compound you're referring to is from the fat of a certain domestic pig species. This same compound (C13H18O2) is widely used in LCD panel manufacturing, and is also found in several over the counter pain relief medications. As they say, truth is often stranger than fiction. :)

Seerah 04-01-11 12:04 PM

Dolby and Cairenn must be working/sleeping, but....

As always, we are open to your feedback. We appreciate all of you and listen to your comments/concerns. :)

Nestaron 04-01-11 01:23 PM

WoWI Authenticator
Right, i can understand that WoWI wants to improve their security, but doing this at the cost of the users?
First of all, if my law education is right and compared that with the Blizzard Entertainment addon policy (AddOns must be free of charge) your charging a user 4.99 to access a site with addons, so basicly users have to pay for addons that should be free.
I can understand if you could download and browse addons for free, but have to pay for the upload, comments etc, even that will probably take away the donations from some addon developers.

This is just my personal view of this decision about the WoWI authenticator.
Goodbye WoWI community.

Yasharah 04-01-11 01:24 PM

hmmm...1. april?

Rigorous 04-01-11 01:40 PM

Indeed, it is .... amusing....that such a drastic measure would just happen to be announced on April 1st, of all days.
What are the chances that is merely a coincidence? Worse than 1 in 365, I'd say.

Methinks Dolby and Cairenn be pullin' a fast one on us all.

If so, then "Bravo!" I say...well played.
If not, well then "Bye! Thanks for the memories!"

Nobgul 04-01-11 01:48 PM


Methinks Dolby and Cairenn be pullin' a fast one on us all.

If so, then "Bravo!" I say...well played.
If not, well then "Bye! Thanks for the memories!"
I honestly Don't think it is a joke, I got the shipping receipt in my e-mail this morning from the order that Cairenn or Dolby placed for me. I assume that the rest of the staff have gotten Similar e-mails.

It seems to be a bit to much work to go through for a joke.

Yasharah 04-01-11 01:52 PM

it has to be a joke!

Flyingtoes 04-01-11 02:07 PM

Hmm.. First april.. My spider sence is tingleling...

Dolby 04-01-11 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingtoes (Post 233559)
Hmm.. First april.. My spider sence is tingleling...

Nah, its probably just your shampoo.

Waky 04-01-11 03:07 PM

Hmm I wonder? Who can read backwards?


I want to know how many people noticed this person only has 1 post :P

Lordyfrb 04-01-11 03:26 PM

I actually called April fools back on page 2 just before Haylie posted, but some how my post mysteriously dissapeared!

Dolby 04-01-11 03:29 PM

Yeah we had some problems with our forum software deleting specific posts in this thread for some reason.

I'm still not convinced, I don't think its an april fools joke.

Waky 04-01-11 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 233573)
Yeah we had some problems with our forum software deleting posts in this thread for some reason.

I'm still not convinced, I don't think its an april fools joke.

lol :banana:

Petrah 04-01-11 03:51 PM

I bought 10 of these suckers... now selling them on Ebay should anyone want one!

Rigorous 04-01-11 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nobgul (Post 233555)
It seems to be a bit to much work to go through for a joke.

Sorry, but the above and your "shipping receipt" are a bit suspect given your "Super Moderator" (read: "In On It Now") title.

I seem to recall that this site has a long history of well played April Fools pranks.

Aprikot 04-01-11 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lordyfrb (Post 233572)
I actually called April fools back on page 2 just before Haylie posted, but some how my post mysteriously dissapeared!

Lol, I think many did. The mods were playing delete post whac-a-mole.

haylie 04-01-11 04:59 PM

I actually wanted to call you guys on it since my first post, but decided not to spoil the fun. And fun I had.

Can't believe people actually fell for it. I mean, even without noticing the date you should have known that Blizzard would never allow a site to charge users for downloading addons. You guys are so gullible. That's why this is my favorite trolling place <3

Ither 04-01-11 05:10 PM

You peoples take this day way to seriously ....

I want to share this story, because to me it sums up the idiocy in this thing we call "fools".

So, I get to work early with a great day ahead of me. Finish up a few documents, write a few emails, check a few people and go home for a long and much needed weekend.

Mr. Joe Blow walks into my office;

"Storm, I need to talk to you."


"Well, as you may or may not have know I am interested in pursuing a different avenue in my career.... fast forward.... I would like to hand you my official resignation."

a few minutes go by as I'm reading this and thinking.


another sixty seconds go by.

"Storm? I was joking, it's April Fools."

another 30 seconds go by.


Well Mr. Joe Blow, your performance has been, how can I say it, less than average. I have been more than patient with you by pointing out obvious downfalls through the months hoping that you would realize and change the way you conduct your tasks. It seems to me that in light of your recent action, you have yet to realize the problems in your ethics and found time to draw up this joke in light of breaking the ice? At this time I will sign and honor your resignation, please clear your things and good luck on your future endeavor.

"What? You're letting me GO?"

I am not letting you go or firing you, I am simply honoring your request.

"But that was a joke."

I understand that Mr. Blow, but given your performance I need someone on my team with professional, timely execution, and ability; all of which you lack. Please collect your things and go home. I will notify HR and they will work on your exit interview.

--Storms out of my office slamming my door--

I'll cut the end part, basically I get a call to see the President and HR Director. They ask if what I did was a joke to him in light of his action. I said no, produced my documentation showing the recorded conversations, problem areas, and his lack to change.

So the moral of the story? Watch what and who you play an April Fools joke on because in the end, you may be without a job!

I have zero guilt for the situation that took place and in fact I am rather pleased because now I can find a competent Technology professional who has ability and dedication.

Dolby 04-01-11 05:19 PM

Sounds like a horrible place to work imo. I'd think it would be better to motivate your employees that
are under performing first since thats really the job of a good boss. Ofcourse I don't know the history.

I'm so happy I work for ZAM where my bosses can take a good joke and get in the spirit of the day. I'd probably be trying to find a new job if the atmosphere wasn't as such.

Ither 04-01-11 05:25 PM

It's very horrible.

I would not come anywhere near it.

You think your spoiled now, you'd be dog.... over here.

I eat people like you for breakfast.

You have your dreams.

You have your goals.

You have your expectations.

I take those dreams.

I take those goals.

I take those expectations.

I eat them.

I make you feel like the smallest guy in the world.

I chew you up.

I spit you out.

In other words I still think April Fools is stupid and my story above was the only five minutes of "FOOLS" you get.

Now I must go board my G6 and head to Paris because this weekend is all about luxury and life.

NO, ok that was another FOOLS for you. I'm going to sit my fat arse on the couch, eat my hoho's, and watch Desperate Housewives reruns.

OH Dolby, I'll see you at BlizzCon. I heard you guys need shade outside.

Slap ol'Cair for me and tell her she's awesome. :)

Dolby just FYI, I'm totally pulling your chain dude! I'm not THAT bad of a leader LOL.

Dolby 04-01-11 05:33 PM

Still not convinced its an April fools joke.

Ither 04-01-11 05:36 PM

Laughing out Loud

haylie 04-01-11 05:36 PM

April Fools, stupid? Blasphemy!

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