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Seerah 02-05-11 01:39 PM

UI Screenshot Gallery
What is this thread for?
This thread is a gallery of UI layouts. If someone needs an idea for their UI, this is a place they can look to for inspiration.

What kind of screenshots can I post here?
Anything that is in a "finished" (or finished enough - ie, "show off") state can be posted here. Feel free to post more than one screenshot - idle, combat, raid, etc. Also feel free to attach the screenshots to your post if you do not have an imageshack or similar hosting account.

If you want/need feedback on your UI, or wish to post snippets of UI elements you are working on (ie, unit frames, custom art, etc.), feel free to start a thread in this forum.

What if I want to give feedback or ask a question on a UI in this thread?
At the top-right of every post in every thread is the post number. This gives you a link to that specific post. Once you have the link for the post as reference, there are two ways you can go about this.
  1. Send the author of the UI a Private Message.
  2. Create a new thread in this forum.
Anything posted in this thread that doesn't belong will either be moved to its own thread or deleted. Exception: if you wish to make a quick little comment about one of the UIs above yours - when posting your own UI screenshots - you may do so in the same post. :)

What should I include with my UI screenshot(s)?
If you like, you may include a list of some of the addons you used and any other information you have so that anyone viewing the thread will know how you obtained the look. Other comments about your UI (such as class or role, functionality, etc.) are also welcome. :)

Welcome to our UI gallery!

Haleth 02-05-11 01:48 PM

My UI:

sacrife 02-05-11 02:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My 99% complete UI.

MidgetMage55 02-05-11 02:34 PM

One I made for my Rogue.

Usual bar paging. The data feed bar at the bottom is also the enemy cast bar. It also is my chat input bar. If you are typing when a cast is coming the outer edge (about2-3 pix) will glow yellow and progress as a cast bar as a reminder.

ToT and Focus bars are just text. Party frames sit below the data feeds and are just smaller versions of the main unit frames. Bars on the bottom right are CD's and Target auras respectively. Tooltip is anchored near the map and set to expand from the top right corner.


General addons used:

Stuf Unit Frames.
AZCastbar (player, target, GCD, mirror, and CD)
Chatter (for the chat entry placement)
Pocketplot Minimap
Who Framed Watcher Wabbit to move minimap elements.

Kendian 02-05-11 02:43 PM

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This first time since Cata launch I've been able to setup a split vertical UF (player) and feel comfortable with it. Its actually how I always set up my UI, but something was off for awhile. I like it, (finally, rofl) . Disregard the sStats placement at bottom (forgot to set em up before I posted). A lot of people don't really dig the vertical player frames, but I've loved them since my first go 'round with RothUI, and have been tweaking a variation of the split UF ever since. :)
@Midgetmage: I like it, its clean, informative, and seems to show exactly what you need, when you need it.

Edit: Oh, almost forgot..the tdps (and corresponding KG panel) is supposed to fade ooc, but again, forgot to tweak it, lol.

nin 02-07-11 12:23 PM

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zork 02-10-11 01:51 AM

Roth UI 4.006a for WoW patch 4.0.6

Ferous 02-12-11 08:14 PM

OMG a new thread!!! :eek: Same UI I've been using for a long time! :)

Messed up link lol and wrong screenshot, and it resized for some reason... Sorry :(

nom4k 02-14-11 10:57 AM

Older screenshot, but still uptodate concering ui elements. Mostly a roth diablo ui ripoff. Standard UF are reworked blps, a bit darker...

khangg 02-14-11 11:58 AM

here's my current ui flying and in combat

Kendian 02-18-11 07:51 PM

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Damn, that's sexxa~ :D

jasje 02-19-11 05:13 AM

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Edited version of Tukui, think this is the first one :P
two layouts are included wich can be toggled via the config.lua

strykerk 02-20-11 11:04 AM

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Current UI setup with a combat raid shot.

Kendian 02-22-11 08:55 PM

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Back to basically what I had pre-Cataclysm. It's not fancy, but I kinda dig it.:)
Let me know what ya think~
Edit: whoops, forgot the minimap border, lol. But you get the gist~

Vranx 02-25-11 10:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Vranx UI, details are listed here.

nulir 03-05-11 04:44 AM

my ui, im always redoing things, but i like it the way it is right now
mana/powerbars in classcolor

fishing in OG, just to show the castbar overlaying the mana/powerbar.

combat, in group with my wifes rouge, red aggro border on the groupframe

in group as a healer, bar1 changes to bar2 (heals) when targeting freindley.
castbar in the groupframes (the yellowbar on the right groupmember, warlock)

Dreadlorde 03-16-11 06:40 PM

OOC, Combat, More Combat. The only thing that needs 'fixing' is the stupid casting bar spark in stuf. I can't find an option to turn it off.

Abdiel123 03-17-11 10:59 AM

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Close enough to finished.

markhr 05-03-11 12:44 PM

2560x1600 default UI (mostly like it but, for the addons I'd like to use, patch day keeps breaking things and I don't have the knowledge to fix them)

chunter 05-13-11 12:12 AM

help that's my ui-interface.
i come from china,I want to know which interface you like.
you'd better update ui.
OK that's all ,thanks,
My english is poor.

Jynks 06-03-11 04:27 PM

My new UI in Action...

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 1 ]

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 2 ]

Tonyleila 07-01-11 12:16 AM

LeilaUI v3.06
My UI - old screenshot i'll upload new tonight

> download here:

Tomine 08-22-11 07:07 AM

Tomine UI: finished! Download link:


Party / Combat:

sportsbb 09-03-11 04:56 PM

Its not perfect of complete.

lerb 09-03-11 05:24 PM

vivianalive 10-14-11 09:51 AM

Hi this is CeeUI 2.3.5 preview edition. I was inspired by Tomnie at very first.
You can find more info at my blog.

Resting – no target

Resting – targeted

In Combat – Team

Kapone 12-25-11 05:41 PM

Reborn ui got reborn.
First of many thanks too sycobob who made a fan update on the older reborn ui.

6 too 8hours a day for the past 7 days..

Qupe 01-25-12 05:51 PM

Quse UI
Think it's finally feature complete now!
(feh, curse you error text I haven't filtered)

Landrell 02-01-12 03:24 PM

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This has been in the works for some time. I haven't changed it in almost a month, so I must have done something right to make me want to stick with it!

Kendian 02-18-12 07:37 AM

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Been playing with this for about a week, It's starting to grow on me.
First pic is unfinished (data feeds and ToT) but wanted to show raid frames, and second pic is a little more polished.

Ferous 02-18-12 02:05 PM

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Same ole' same ole' lol

MarujinChina 02-21-12 07:25 PM

Marujins Hunter Ui

its still in process

i like it simple and clean some buttons are not visible as long i not hover over them.

p3lim 03-02-12 01:01 AM

Same as always..

Limb0 03-02-12 03:52 PM



10m (out of combat)

eiszeit 05-07-12 01:42 AM

Something simple. Modified addons so they suit my needs. Screenshot isn't actually latest version since I have now a small EP/REP bar below my action bars.. since I am farming reputation currently.

lerb 06-10-12 02:16 AM

I'm not one of the minimalist people. Yes, I like it simplistic and stripped, in a way, but I still want my UI to look "robust", so to speak. This is where this inspiration has led me so far. What do you guys think? Speech is free :)

Something to note is the bossframes, they have been modified to no longer hold a portrait or a powerbar. They just look big and silly in this screenshot :p

It may look cluttered, but I'm playing on a 1366x768 screen so it's hard to avoid :p

CClassiquee 06-24-12 08:46 AM

This is a old screenshot, the quest log is transparant now.
I'm looking for a nice buff addon but can't seem to find one.
Satrina Buff Frames isn't working for me.
I'm using bBuff right now, it's quiet good but still not happy about the way it looks.

Myridin 06-28-12 04:24 AM

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This is my current work in progress, I like the centre box idea behind it, but I'm not really happy with the minimap/skada position.

However, if I put it on the bottom right corner and make a panel for it, it's not going to look symmetric anymore because the chat doesn't have a panel, and I kind of wanted to avoid that. Any suggestions would be perfect.

sikwidit 06-28-12 03:43 PM

eiszeit 07-23-12 05:53 AM

A mix of my normal UI with Butger's GW 2 interface.


out of combat
"art" stuff at the bottom in black and class colored.

in combat
"art" stuff at the bottom in black and red (combat indicator).
another in combat color for dk, since red to red would be a bit.. nonsense.

Maybe I'll change everything a bit more and such but.. at the moment I am quite satified. Simple and solid. :)

WowMaster242 07-30-12 10:15 AM

Punishor - 85 Tauren Pally - Dragonblight
1 Attachment(s)
Check This Out Guys

Wullie 07-30-12 10:22 AM

My UI which can be downloaded here.

eiszeit 08-02-12 01:58 AM

Mayron 09-04-12 12:59 PM

This is my second and primary UI I am currently using. Its aim is to be very easy to use, graphically pleasing, well positioned and clean. I try to make it as uncluttered as possible without having to strain your eyes to see everything especially when in a hurry.

I've been working on this UI for many years now and for me its graphically pleasing and everything is well positioned with clever functionality to it such as being able to press the Expand and Retract button to add a new action bar row and move everything up to make room. You can also press the "D" or "H" button next to the chat box to quickly swap layouts from "Damage / Tank" to "Healer". I focused on making it easy and effective to use in the game by making sure that every UI element was kept at a good size to as not to strain your eyes while also making sure that the screen was not cluttered.

And yes you can easily move the chat box and swap its art work to have it at the bottom left corner instead of top right! There are instructions on how to do this and much more. You can disable class colours and set the colours of the background frames to anything you want. This UI is fully customisable and comes with a very nice Set-up AddOn that contains a list of helpful tips so that you can read them for help directly in the game rather than having to minimize WoW to load up the internet. It is suitable for all classes, specs and roles and comes in 4 different Resolutions. It is very possible to configure it yourself for other resolutions as well but the below four are just the ones I've fixed it to work for so far:

1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1600x900 and 1440x900

Please help me by offering constructive criticism/feedback and recommending it to friends if you like it. Thank you!

Screen Shots:


Setup Addon:

Chat Box in the Bottom Left Corner:


25 Player Healing:

Extra row of Action Bars at the Bottom:

There are many more screen shots available on the Information page...

I hope you like it! Any feedback is greatly appreciated but before asking questions please check the home page for extra information as well as the F.A.Q's at the bottom since the question may have already been answered:

Download Page with Information here!

Deadcenter 09-13-12 08:04 PM

I use X-Perl Unitframes, Dominos, Titan Panel, and Carbonite

Ither 09-22-12 05:10 PM

Back to the drawing board; I typically had things "oversized" because of the 2560x1600 resolution.

This looks awkward doesn't it? LOL.


The big black box at far right is where Omen and Recount show up; it's blank because well, I'm in Stormwind.



Vis 09-22-12 06:58 PM

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To add to the show.. my constantly evolving WIP from the past 2 years or so, lol. Serves me well for any and all roles.

Landrell 10-17-12 10:47 AM

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Been a while since I've uploaded a worthwhile UI. Keeping it small, simple, and stream line this time around instead of my usual graphic intensive direction.

Constie 12-02-12 03:56 AM

I post my UIs that are finished enough to be presentable here, along with addon lists. Here is a raid shot of the latest one:

Kendian 12-03-12 06:48 PM

This is what I use, I'm pretty satisfied with it.

Elloria 01-01-13 09:53 PM

Been playin my monk more lately. Using my wildheart UI with some changes.

Bloodheir 04-29-13 10:42 AM

This is my Lui
Hello everyone!

This is my Lui.

Native resolution 2560x1600 Links below.

10leej 04-29-13 05:15 PM

I managed to unbury some really old UI pics.

I used to have a thing against the player frame at that point in time

kinda hard to imagine just how drastically different my UI is now

Resike 04-30-13 12:05 AM

p3lim 05-10-13 07:34 PM

Same as always..

Constie 05-11-13 07:40 AM

I still have a couple of little things to fix, but here:


Pum164 07-11-13 02:57 PM

Hey guys here my UI during an encunter:

qoolu 07-30-13 09:59 AM


would be nice to get some feedback.

Spyro 11-10-13 02:40 PM

Karastrasza 11-24-13 08:23 PM

Here is a picture of my UI in raid combat. If you like it, you can download it here <3

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