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Paprika 10-12-10 12:59 PM

Carbonite and World of Warcraft 4.0.1

Originally Posted by tarix (Post 208870)
Carbonite does not work properly with 4.0 so this is all moot.

Is this true?

S@thi 10-12-10 02:27 PM

Let's hope not...

voodoodad 10-12-10 04:49 PM

Well, it is true that it's not working with 4.0, but it may or may not be that the devs are working on a new version.

jesskitsune 10-12-10 07:25 PM

so far it does not work with the new patch which makes my life hard im so used to carbonite i need it back. i realyl hope they update fast

twinsx2dad 10-12-10 08:34 PM

No work with new patch & my concern is that this project may be dead.

The worst thing Blizzard could do was remove the ability to subscribe or purchase addons like this one.

S@thi 10-12-10 08:40 PM

Well i'd like to hear any news....
I can't live without carbonite (in-game)
It's been a tool I used all the time.. and there is'nt a replacement for it..
Dear authors if you read this please inform the community...

dante83r 10-12-10 08:51 PM

update news
I read in the supporters thread that an update was slated to be released last weekend. Obviously, it didn't happen, so lets hope that it will be released very shortly.

thafuture 10-12-10 09:20 PM

carbonite is a legendary breakthrough of addon technology complete with quest, minimap, enemy detectors and more.... anybody who's been exposed to this legendary addon for more than a day can NOT play WoW without it... with that said I guess it's time for me to redownload crossfire and pwn some noobs and be called hacker repeatedly before being vote kicked by my jealous teammates who see me with 20 kills and 2 deaths

mccompunerd 10-12-10 09:39 PM

well, Carbonite screwed up when i logged in today. had to log out and disable it just to be able to adjust my other addons without getting errors every time i moused over the minimap.
I love the addon, and am already missing it. Don't think i'm gonna play near as much without it.

PuhPuhPally 10-12-10 10:24 PM

I agree. I would not play near as much if this amazing addon were no longer by my side. The map interface alone makes it worth it, but it's so much more than that.

I dare say I might let my subscription run out and abandon the game if I can no longer have Carbonite or an equivalent replacement. I'm somewhat of a noob to WoW still and I don't know my way around every crevice, nook and cranny in this game.

To put it simply, I would rather spend 2 minutes on a quest as opposed to 10 or more.

Nimbus792 10-12-10 10:25 PM

Carbonite! Come back to us!

shadowdragonjpi 10-12-10 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by PuhPuhPally (Post 209058)

To put it simply, I would rather spend 2 minutes on a quest as opposed to 10 or more.

I agree, Carbonite is 40x the addon that Questhelper ever was, with not even 1% of the errors questhelper caused by improper information.

Nimbus792 10-12-10 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by PuhPuhPally (Post 209058)

I dare say I might let my subscription run out and abandon the game if I can no longer have Carbonite or an equivalent replacement.

Not gonna lie, when I first read this I thought you were an idiot then I tried actually going out and questing and I realized.. I agree 100%, there's just something about Carbonite that when you've used it for a certain period of time you just don't wanna play the game without it.
It also doesn't help that QuestHelper is obsolete as well...

gadgetmama 10-12-10 11:06 PM

"I dare say I might let my subscription run out and abandon the game if I can no longer have Carbonite or an equivalent replacement. I'm somewhat of a noob to WoW still and I don't know my way around every crevice, nook and cranny in this game."

Agreed. I was just really getting into this game and now without Carbonite, I feel a bit more lost. Also agreed with the spending 2 minutes vs 10. :-P
I need carbonite back or I will not play much.

BearGriz72 10-12-10 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by shadowdragonjpi (Post 209064)
I agree, Carbonite is 40x the addon that Questhelper ever was, with not even 1% of the errors questhelper caused by improper information.

Questhelper is dead as of 4.x so no help there anyway. Anybody have an ETA on a Carbonite update for 4.0.x? :o

Elfshine 10-12-10 11:22 PM

Bit by bit Blizzard is achieving what it intended to: putting the add-on developers out of business and leaving us high and dry. It's their way or the highway. They now have 12 million players, and frankly, they could give a damn about us old farts.

They've killed Questhelper, seems they've made Carbonite's life difficult and there really isn't anything else out there worth downloading. So we either muddle through and ask stupid questions in /1 (and get such helpful answers and "Press Alt-F4") or we bail completely.

With the massive changes I've seen in beta, I have no clue how we are going to make it without a quality questing/leveling add-on such as Carbonite.

ozzydreamer 10-12-10 11:23 PM

Dev's pls respond
I'm just not sure why the Dev's haven't responded at all about this? I'm willing to donate some, but I don't have a lot of money. This addon IS the single most important addon for levelers and VERY important even for those at top level. I've become SO accustomed to Carbonite. Please come out with something soon.

thafuture 10-12-10 11:25 PM

hell every place with more than 2 forks in the road is a maze to me...without carbonite I got lost in stormwind.... 3 times in a row...... IN STORMWIND

Cindy1002 10-12-10 11:27 PM

Well, back to using Tomtom, Lightheaded, and Mapster I guess. Gonna have to look into a trainer/vendor tracker though.

Jigain 10-13-10 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by dante83r (Post 209025)
I read in the supporters thread that an update was slated to be released last weekend. Obviously, it didn't happen, so lets hope that it will be released very shortly.

Yes, there was an update promised for the weekend... that year. And it did come, and all was joy.


Originally Posted by PuhPuhPally (Post 209058)
I dare say I might let my subscription run out and abandon the game if I can no longer have Carbonite or an equivalent replacement.


Originally Posted by gadgetmama (Post 209079)
"I dare say I might let my subscription run out and abandon the game if I can no longer have Carbonite or an equivalent replacement.[...]"


If you're playing the game just so you can use a particular addon, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider what the game is all about. :P


Anywho, the way I see it, Carbonite has made quite a name for itself, and if fataal and Haavok won't continue supporting Carbonite, I'm sure some other author will take it upon himself to keep the masterpiece alive.

Chmee 10-13-10 12:39 AM

You guys crack me up. The update will come when it's ready. Chill.

jman037 10-13-10 12:41 AM

I keep reading in both threads about this update and 4.0 that there doesn't seem to be any update incoming...

If that is so, what addons can we use to replace Carbonite? I'd rather not replace it as it has become NECESSARY for my play.. But if they (developers) have given up on it then I need to move on.

Ideas anyone on how to fix this?

jman037 10-13-10 12:43 AM

Chmee, haven't you got a Puppeteer or 2 to tear up? ;-)

Chmee 10-13-10 12:45 AM

Heheheh. "You scream, and you leap." Heheheh.


bmtphoenix 10-13-10 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Chmee (Post 209105)
You guys crack me up. The update will come when it's ready. Chill.

Truth of the matter is, there probably is no update. Everyone should now get on with their lives.

Mechrior 10-13-10 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 209104)
Anywho, the way I see it, Carbonite has made quite a name for itself, and if fataal and Haavok won't continue supporting Carbonite, I'm sure some other author will take it upon himself to keep the masterpiece alive.

Unless they go the route of mazzle and bury their head in the sand!

OldHarry 10-13-10 03:36 AM

It was so sad when I logged my first toon this morning and no working carbonite. Carbonite is the add that taught me about supporting the system and seeing how the developers really do work to keep things running smooth.

voodoodad 10-13-10 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mechrior (Post 209130)
Unless they go the route of mazzle and bury their head in the sand!

Blasphemer! To compare the Carb devs to the arch-demon Mazzle!

(Mazz, if you're still lurking out there in the shadows somewhere just remember, YOU'RE the GREATEST! please don't throw a curse on me...)

blade3976 10-13-10 04:08 AM

you all really need to bring carbonite back i am really thinking about leaveing wow with out it and i think there alot of ppl that thinks the same

Eternal Nether 10-13-10 04:45 AM

It has already been stated that they will indeed create a new version for cataclysm. So just chill and if we're lucky it will be out by the end of the week. :banana:

Luftwaffles 10-13-10 04:56 AM

LOL.. you guys need to chill the f*ck out. The update hasn't been on live for even 24 hours yet, and you're already hopping about and screaming "the end is nigh!"

There are tons of addons currently not working, and Carbonite is a rather complex one.

voodoodad 10-13-10 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by blade3976 (Post 209141)
you all really need to bring carbonite back i am really thinking about leaveing wow with out it and i think there alot of ppl that thinks the same

Welcome to Beta!

oh, wait...

bmtphoenix 10-13-10 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Eternal Nether (Post 209148)
It has already been stated that they will indeed create a new version for cataclysm. So just chill and if we're lucky it will be out by the end of the week. :banana:

Yeah, that was August. And zero communications since then.

I do think it's totally screwed up that Blizz freaked out about someone else making money off an addon, then promptly made millions off non-combat pets and mounts. Seriously. Millions.

Carbonite is one of the main reasons that I refused to buy any of that crap.

Kleyemax 10-13-10 08:26 AM

Seriously People
1: Patience - the Devs will either state they are no longer gonna update carbonite to work with cata, or they will inform you all when the update is available. Either way, learn to keep your mouth shut and be patient. If you love the addon so much, then dont be a dick and piss the devs off to the point they stop updating it.

2: Ignorance - To all the people complaining that Blizz makes addons obsolete for some reason to eliminate 3rd party developers, your a F%@#ing moron. You obviously understand nothing about programing or game developement. Again learn to keep your mouth shut when you dont even have a base understanding of what your talking about.

3: Lazy - To all those who "cant play WoW without Carb", get a life. I love the carbonite add-on and understand the loss if the devs discontinued. However, to act as though all life comes to an end when carb doesnt work is just laziness. Get your d*mn quests, and go find the objectives based on the info your given. Its not that hard, just takes a little more time. Get over it. Hell Blizzard has even added minimal questhelper ideals to make it that much easier.

4: Thank you Devs - To the developers of a great addon, I say Thank you. This has been the addon I alwasys install and update FIRST. Excellent work and never any major errors or crashes because of carbonite. Everyone here should be gratefull for the devs effort and quality put into this project. :cool:

Mysfit 10-13-10 08:42 AM

All you people screaming you need carbonite I hoped you all clicked on the donate button. I have and will do so agian with the 4.0 update. If you havent then you dont deserve the addon considering the work the devs put in to it.

schwim 10-13-10 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Luftwaffles (Post 209150)
LOL.. you guys need to chill the f*ck out. The update hasn't been on live for even 24 hours yet, and you're already hopping about and screaming "the end is nigh!"

Agree with the sentiments and have enjoyed a laugh at the expense of people that threaten to stop playing a game because of an addon... I was bummed at the loss of it, but found during the questing last night that WoW has made great strides in tracking quests. While Carbonite's additional map is preferable, I no longer find it mandatory.

...BUT this update made me appreciate the developers that took the time to have their addons ready for the 4.0 drop. I'm enjoying all of my other necessary addons because of their hard work. I was moved to the point of donating, in fact :)

Sythalin 10-13-10 08:54 AM

Disclaimer: If you've had issues with my straight forwarded bluntness, stop reading here.

Oh my god I've never seen a larger group of crybabies in my life. Not even on the official forums. If you are going to quit if Carbonite isn't updated then good riddance. You are most likely the same lot that are whining about CC being an important factor again and still wiping their tears about HC no longer being 10min aoe farmfests. In the end it's the same complaint:

"Omg I actually have to forth some EFFORT to play?"

It's been said before and I'll reiterate it; If a single addon makes or breaks the game for you, then you play for the wrong reasons. God forbid people actually READ quest text for info instead of skipping it and waiting to follow an arrow like a lemming.

There are PLENTY of addons that can replace Carbonite's functions. If you're not even going to try and look, that's your own damned fault.

coorsd 10-13-10 08:56 AM

Yup, I hope the addon is updated. but it is also a lot of work and not really a money maker for them anymore. I will contribute again if they come up with a 4.01 cata version.

Thanks for your hard work Developers. It would be helpful if you would take a few minutes to post your intentions as to what you plan to do.


merak69 10-13-10 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209215)
Oh my god I've never seen a larger group of crybabies in my life. Not even on the official forums.

Let me preface this with I've been a long time Carbonite user and paid for it back when there was a paid version and its a very nice addon. To your point, if Carbonite went away I'd probably be a little sad but I'd be fine.

In everyone else's defense however, I'm fairly certain you've had a beta account for awhile and the PTR was up for awhile as well. It was more than enough time to update my addons to be compatible and while mine aren't anywhere as complicated as Carbonite, I guess there was an expectation that Carbonite would already be compatible when the patched dropped (set by both past experience and posts on the forums).

DKsDEVIL 10-13-10 09:28 AM

well for me it is simple no carbonite no wow, the normal map in wow suck, the " quest helper " thing in wow suck.

os no carbonite no wow, i play fore questing and questing without carbonite is ike driving a car without wheels

Celleana 10-13-10 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209215)
Disclaimer: If you've had issues with my straight forwarded bluntness, stop reading here.

Oh my god I've never seen a larger group of crybabies in my life. Not even on the official forums. If you are going to quit if Carbonite isn't updated then good riddance. You are most likely the same lot that are whining about CC being an important factor again and still wiping their tears about HC no longer being 10min aoe farmfests. In the end it's the same complaint:

"Omg I actually have to forth some EFFORT to play?"

It's been said before and I'll reiterate it; If a single addon makes or breaks the game for you, then you play for the wrong reasons. God forbid people actually READ quest text for info instead of skipping it and waiting to follow an arrow like a lemming.

There are PLENTY of addons that can replace Carbonite's functions. If you're not even going to try and look, that's your own damned fault.

totally agree


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209215)
There are PLENTY of addons that can replace Carbonite's functions. If you're not even going to try and look, that's your own damned fault.

too bad for the silver plate, but all nice things must come to an end


Originally Posted by neilh (Post 209120)
I see lots of people say please Carbonite keep it going, it is the best Addon I have Used, can't play WOW without it, well I agree with all those thoughts to me it is one of the best helpfull Addons for WOW. I have just made my donation to them, if you love it so much then make Donations to keep it going help the people that put in many hours of work to help make the questing and playing so much easier.

of course an issue like this one will not stay idle for too long, someone will take over for sure, if dev does not do it by itself afterall... just need some time...

in my opinion, developpement have abbandonned that project, and there will be no V4.0.1, and asking for it would be asking for a favor.

that being said.

you do not get favors by yelling, complaining, or spitting to anyone's face.

so donnate now for having the possibility to use the best add on around for free, for quite a while without being asked nothng in return. that would be a warm thanks to the developpers in my opinion. and perhaps then, they will decide not to let the project die

donnate again once you get that damn carbonite v4.0.1 to prove them that was the right decision...


The worst thing Blizzard could do was remove the ability to subscribe or purchase addons like this one.

Bit by bit Blizzard is achieving what it intended to: putting the add-on developers out of business and leaving us high and dry. It's their way or the highway. They now have 12 million players, and frankly, they could give a damn about us old farts.

They've killed Questhelper, seems they've made Carbonite's life difficult and there really isn't anything else out there worth downloading..
don't you start to get it??



This is the home of CARBONITE®, a multi feature addon developed by game industry veterans to improve and enhance the game playing experience of World of Warcraft. Our mission is to provide the most feature rich and reliable addon in the WOW universe.

Version 3.34 is now available (June 25)
Works on English, German, French and Spanish clients. UI is mostly in English.
Supports WotLK expansion and patch 3.35..

i bet industry veteran will understand better the sound of money than the sound of complaint.

ask yourself... what are you ready to do to get this add on?
if the answer is something close to WHINING... GTFO

Sable711 10-13-10 10:09 AM

Don't give up hope!
remeber this WoW first started without Mods then develepers were able to create them. A mod can always be created and don't give up hope with this one! Patients is all you need, remember this patch just came in.

Reddsonja 10-13-10 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by DKsDEVIL (Post 209223)
well for me it is simple no carbonite no wow, the normal map in wow suck, the " quest helper " thing in wow suck.

os no carbonite no wow, i play fore questing and questing without carbonite is ike driving a car without wheels

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe playing WoW without Carbonite is like driving a car with a few bugs splattered on the windshield! lol.

I'm pretty new to wow myself (a little over a year) but only started using Carbonite a little while ago. I love it and would be happy to throw a few bucks their way if they can keep it going.

Celleana 10-13-10 10:21 AM

Oct 13, 2010 12:14:43 GMT-04:00
Receipt No: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Hello Celleana,
You sent a payment of $10.00 USD to Carbon Based Creations, LLC.
This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *CARBONBASED.
Merchant information
Carbon Based Creations, LLC
[email protected]
Instructions to merchant
None provided
Shipping information
montreal qc Canada
Shipping method
Not specified
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Carbonite Addon
Vote: xxxx $10.00 USD 1 $10.00 USD

Insurance: ----
Total: $10.00 USD


basicmountain 10-13-10 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kleyemax (Post 209199)
1: Patience - the Devs will either state they are no longer gonna update carbonite to work with cata, or they will inform you all when the update is available. Either way, learn to keep your mouth shut and be patient. If you love the addon so much, then dont be a dick and piss the devs off to the point they stop updating it.

2: Ignorance - To all the people complaining that Blizz makes addons obsolete for some reason to eliminate 3rd party developers, your a F%@#ing moron. You obviously understand nothing about programing or game developement. Again learn to keep your mouth shut when you dont even have a base understanding of what your talking about.

3: Lazy - To all those who "cant play WoW without Carb", get a life. I love the carbonite add-on and understand the loss if the devs discontinued. However, to act as though all life comes to an end when carb doesnt work is just laziness. Get your d*mn quests, and go find the objectives based on the info your given. Its not that hard, just takes a little more time. Get over it. Hell Blizzard has even added minimal questhelper ideals to make it that much easier.

TOTALLY AGREE with this one - While Carbonite is probably one of, if not the best addon in game, Blizz's quest tracking system in game isn't half bad (no where near as good as carbonite) but if ya would read the quest log and go to the general area pointed to by the number on the default blizz map you'll be able to complete your quests - even if you spend a little more time on them cause you don't have exact coords... lazy f*&ks learn how to read and stop bi+¢hin.


Originally Posted by Kleyemax (Post 209199)
4: Thank you Devs - To the developers of a great addon, I say Thank you. This has been the addon I alwasys install and update FIRST. Excellent work and never any major errors or crashes because of carbonite. Everyone here should be gratefull for the devs effort and quality put into this project. :cool:

Carbonite Developers have always had one of the best addons in game. All I can say is thanks for providing such an awesome addon to help levling and farming so much easier. No other addon compares with it when you're trying to farm or get your questing done. Keep up the good work and thanks again.

argetlam_mayonaka 10-13-10 11:02 AM

Yea, I've not seen this many crybabies in a long time. Carbonite doesn't make the game. The only thing I use Carbonite for is questing until 80 and then I just use the map when I'm farming. Other than that, nada. As to there being other addons that do the same thing as Carbonite, this is very true. Most are just too sorry to look for them. If an update happens, awesome, if not, I'm sure someone else will come along and make a clone of it.

S@thi 10-13-10 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Celleana (Post 209248)
Oct 13, 2010 12:14:43 GMT-04:00
Receipt No: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Hello Celleana,
You sent a payment of $10.00 USD to Carbon Based Creations, LLC.
This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *CARBONBASED.
Merchant information
Carbon Based Creations, LLC
[email protected]
Instructions to merchant
None provided
Shipping information
montreal qc Canada
Shipping method
Not specified
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Carbonite Addon
Vote: xxxx $10.00 USD 1 $10.00 USD

Insurance: ----
Total: $10.00 USD


Fixed Donnate for you.
And did the same 2 days ago...
I really hope they put some effort into working this again on 4.0.1 and future patches,xpacs

Edāll 10-13-10 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209215)
Disclaimer: If you've had issues with my straight forwarded bluntness, stop reading here.

Oh my god I've never seen a larger group of crybabies in my life. Not even on the official forums. If you are going to quit if Carbonite isn't updated then good riddance. You are most likely the same lot that are whining about CC being an important factor again and still wiping their tears about HC no longer being 10min aoe farmfests. In the end it's the same complaint:

"Omg I actually have to forth some EFFORT to play?"

It's been said before and I'll reiterate it; If a single addon makes or breaks the game for you, then you play for the wrong reasons. God forbid people actually READ quest text for info instead of skipping it and waiting to follow an arrow like a lemming.

There are PLENTY of addons that can replace Carbonite's functions. If you're not even going to try and look, that's your own damned fault.

to make a member of curse staff rage on you guys this bad you are some very sad little people with epeens bigger than your brains really how can so much stupidity be present on one forum thread i thought incest was an uncommon occurrence but the lvl and sheer amount of stupidity and nerd raging over a "as not yet updated addon' leads me to believe otherwise really all of you lifeless ragers should really ask your parents if they are related.... because your stupidity leads me to believe they are......

Reddsonja 10-13-10 11:58 AM

One of the things I love most about carbonite is this: Carbonite:Enemy detected nearby

This is so wonderful when you're fighting the other faction.. when they res and "attempt" to hide, carbonite will let you know, and usually it'll even pick up their location on the map pretty accurately. This is such a wonderful function for all lvl players, especially in the endgame/world pvp.

oimmuk 10-13-10 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by jesskitsune (Post 208996)
so far it does not work with the new patch which makes my life hard im so used to carbonite i need it back. i realyl hope they update fast

I feel your pain. I am thinking of forming a support group called Carbonite Annonomus for those of us who have become addicted.... I do hope it will be back soon.

TrotskyIcepick 10-13-10 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Edāll (Post 209283)
to make a member of curse staff rage on you guys this bad you are some very sad little people with epeens bigger than your brains really how can so much stupidity be present on one forum thread i thought incest was an uncommon occurrence but the lvl and sheer amount of stupidity and nerd raging over a "as not yet updated addon' leads me to believe otherwise really all of you lifeless ragers should really ask your parents if they are related.... because your stupidity leads me to believe they are......

Why is it stupid to want such a fun and useful addon updated? And the above is the single longest un-punctuated, grammatically incorrect English language sentence in the whole prat.


There are PLENTY of addons that can replace Carbonite's functions. If you're not even going to try and look, that's your own damned fault.
Oh yeah?...right...OK.....So now I have to bloat my system with Altoholic, QuestHelper, Chinchilla/Mapster, Cartographer, TomTom etc just to achieve the same functionality of a single low footprint addon like Carbonite.....Thanks Chaos for your invaluable contribution.

ItalianDragn 10-13-10 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by coorsd (Post 209216)
Yup, I hope the addon is updated. but it is also a lot of work and not really a money maker for them anymore. I will contribute again if they come up with a 4.01 cata version.

Thanks for your hard work Developers. It would be helpful if you would take a few minutes to post your intentions as to what you plan to do.


I paid for it when they went the paid route... and when the new one comes out I plan on making a donation.

till then I wait patiently. CARBONITE ROCKS!

Roeland 10-13-10 01:07 PM


Guys thanks for the good work on carbonite the past years. I hope you find the energy and time to provide the wow-community with a new version.

Sythalin 10-13-10 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Edāll (Post 209283)
to make a member of curse staff rage on you guys this bad you are some very sad little people with epeens bigger than your brains really how can so much stupidity be present on one forum thread i thought incest was an uncommon occurrence but the lvl and sheer amount of stupidity and nerd raging over a "as not yet updated addon' leads me to believe otherwise really all of you lifeless ragers should really ask your parents if they are related.... because your stupidity leads me to believe they are......

Ok, please don't use me as an example if this is the direction you are gonna take it. It's one thing to tell as it is, it's another to be plain out rude and disrespectful. Completely uncalled for dear sir.


Originally Posted by TrotskyIcepick (Post 209319)
Oh yeah?...right...OK.....So now I have to bloat my system with Altoholic, QuestHelper, Chinchilla/Mapster, Cartographer, TomTom etc just to achieve the same functionality of a single low footprint addon like Carbonite.....Thanks Chaos for your invaluable contribution.

You're welcome? I never claimed people would get the same performance using other addons. You seem to misunderstand the difference between "functionality" and "performance".

I was planning to start a replacement thread tonight when I got home, but seems someone beat me to it. I will still post later, but it's kinda hard to do that now while I'm at work doing this on my phone during breaks. In the meantime, perhaps you could find a good therapy group for your anger management problems, especially the part where it's quite misdirected.

TrotskyIcepick 10-13-10 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209338)
Ok, please don't use me as an example if this is the direction you are gonna take it. It's one thing to tell as it is, it's another to be plain out rude and disrespectful. Completely uncalled for dear sir.

Quite right Mr Chaos, if I was angry in my post it was at this idiot, not you.


Originally Posted by ChaosInc (Post 209338)
You're welcome? I never claimed people would get the same performance using other addons. You seem to misunderstand the difference between "functionality" and "performance".

I was planning to start a replacement thread tonight when I got home, but seems someone beat me to it. I will still post later, but it's kinda hard to do that now while I'm at work doing this on my phone during breaks. In the meantime, perhaps you could find a good therapy group for your anger management problems, especially the part where it's quite misdirected.

I don't think I was being angry with you, I was just making a very valid point, just maybe a little sarcastically. I do understand the difference between functionality and performance, both happen to be important to me using as I do a graphically underpowered laptop to play on. Frankly having played scores of RPG's since the MUDS of the late 70's, I find tracking quests subsequent to my 2nd/3rd toon extremely tedious and Carb eases that tedium greatly (don't get me started on farming profession mats). And, if you can think of another addon that provides a quest database like Carb I'd be very surprised

Other than that, you do make a valid point, people should stop whinging 5 minutes after a massive WoW update and give the Carb devs a chance to update, which given the massive popularity of their addon, I'm sure they will.

PS. If anyone wants to whine about something much more important....what about the god-awful mess Blizz has made of the talenting system!?!? I've specifically leveled a lock to 36 with just the necessary Affliction talents to make PvE a dream, and enough Destruction to make instances a blast.....and now I have had to make a difficult choice...A or D? I do both PvE and instances so ......

voodoodad 10-13-10 01:27 PM

Well, it took 24 hours this time, but Carbonite Madness has struck again.

TrotskyIcepick 10-13-10 01:51 PM

Nice reference to Monty Python's Holy Grail in your sig.....I used to run around the school playground quoting from that movie.

Sorry, this is off whatcha gonna do?

cmwalkerb 10-13-10 01:54 PM

The 4.0 Patch has been out for 1 day. Everyone just needs to relax and learn to play the game the old school way. We are all just lucky that Blizzard allows add ons in the first place and need to be patient when someone who is not making any real money (except donations) is not able to get their add on working as quickly as everyone would want. Carbonite is such an impressive add on that we are all fortunate that they will fix it at all. I hesitate to add that Dec 7 Cat is to be released and I am sure with all the changes to old kingdom it is going to go down again. That time may be a much more extended down and repair process.

sys3175 10-13-10 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by cmwalkerb (Post 209382)
The 4.0 Patch has been out for 1 day. Everyone just needs to relax and learn to play the game the old school way. We are all just lucky that Blizzard allows add ons in the first place and need to be patient when someone who is not making any real money (except donations) is not able to get their add on working as quickly as everyone would want. Carbonite is such an impressive add on that we are all fortunate that they will fix it at all. I hesitate to add that Dec 7 Cat is to be released and I am sure with all the changes to old kingdom it is going to go down again. That time may be a much more extended down and repair process.

I'm not quite sure if this is bitching or not (well some people are). A little communication would however be nice. It isn't like this patch snuck up on us, and in the past all updates have been available on patch day (generally). A dev coming on and saying "we are working on it, it is more work then we had thought and bear with us" would be enough to shut up a majority of the people. I too am someone who bought carbonite before blizz changed their policies, I have donated since. However if you aren't going to let the people who potentially fund the project know that the project is even alive I doubt you can expect much from us.

BTW.. December is a little under 2 months away. If I paid for something which won't work for 2 months because of something that will be coming down the line later on, it is of little consolation.

xXTroubleXx 10-13-10 03:22 PM

24 hours from the first post.. Anyone would expect this question to be at the top of the list the day of the patch. Number one, I am suprised that they did not have a canned topic already up. Number two, wow its been 24 hours and still nothing. Yeah, I wanna rush right out and give you $$ for this great communication.

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