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Mazzlefizz 07-01-07 01:25 AM

Bug Report Thread
This thread is a place to post and discuss bugs, i.e. errors or things that are not behaving in the way that they are intended. To be clear:

* This is not a place for questions.
* This is not a place for suggestions.
* This is not a place for feature requests.

I encourage you to verify problems other people have posted, adding more information from your experiences if possible. Also, be precise and thorough in your posts. Things you should include:

* Description of what happened and what led to it. What mazzifier settings you used, if applicable.
* If there's an error message, the exact error. You can click on the bugsack icon to get the full error. Simple cut and paste it from that window into your bug report. This is by far the most important thing you need to include.
* Your aspect ratio or resolution
* Class, level, race
* Which button layout you chose (if it has to do with buttons)
* Any extra add-ons you may be using
* A screenshot, if applicable

To keep things clean and on point, I'll be deleting posts that don't meet these guidelines.

And please try to use correct spelling and grammar. Complete sentences and paragraphs go a long way. It's hard enough trying to figure out what people mean.

stec 07-01-07 09:54 AM

One thing ive come to notice is with a lvl 9 hunter i created today whenever i log in its like its re-mazzifying and all options go back to how i set them in the mazzle process, any extra buttons i put out have gone, follow terrain turns back on auto target self turns off, and theres a few other things, seems a bit odd too many, anyone else seen this.

Il try this on my main and re-edit this post. oh ive logged in and out an extra 4 times on this char just too check and it does it every time.

Just checked with my main and it didnt do it so it only seems to happen on my new lil char. no errors in bugsack or any dodgy noises just te woosh sound whenever i log my new char in and everything re-sets to default setup again :(.

Sorry if im not making much sense the shedevil is cracking the whip cause i need to go make tea for the tribe. so im kinda rushing this

vampiricwound 07-01-07 10:04 AM

i got an error with nquestlog

[2007/07/01 09:45:50-2-x1]: nQuestLog-1.0\modules\BlizzardFrames.lua:22: AceDB-2.0: "RegisterDefaults" has already been called for "BlizzardFrames"::"profile".
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:492: in function `?'
Dewdrop-2.0-42066 (DewdropLib):663: in function <...erface\AddOns\DewdropLib\Dewdrop-2.0\Dewdrop-2.0.lua:604>


i had noticed that it wasnt updating the quest item completion as well (although when i moused over the quests the tooltip was updated) i ended up closing the minion, and when i went to go re-open it the poor thing wasnt loading....could be i need to update the ace-addons and libraries in already? (gonna try this when i get home from work anyway)

*edit* that seems to have fixed it...i like the idea of making it so that the ace addon program will not overwrite any of the modified items :D makes me less afraid to update anything

jrod39 07-01-07 01:45 PM

Hey mazz just wanted to ask , i see in the change log that you improved the code for using different pc with different aspect ratios. the prob i have is that my laptop is set up but when i got to my desk top everything button wise is screwed up is there any way to fix this or am i just gonna have to live with it also great job i love this ui thanks for making wow fun to play :)

Mazzlefizz 07-01-07 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by jrod39
Hey mazz just wanted to ask , i see in the change log that you improved the code for using different pc with different aspect ratios. the prob i have is that my laptop is set up but when i got to my desk top everything button wise is screwed up is there any way to fix this or am i just gonna have to live with it also great job i love this ui thanks for making wow fun to play :)

You still have to do the same thing I described before. You mazzify the buttons on the computers with the largest aspect ratio separately. First you do everything but the buttons at the correct aspect ratio. Then you do just the buttons, manually choosing the aspect ratio of the smaller computer.

The only difference now is that you don't have to do a third step and remazzify the layout afterwards again.

(If you're curious, it needs your "true" aspect ratio to set things up correctly when you log in. In the new version, it no longer changes that "true" value when you mazzify only the buttons. Previously, the third step would fix that value to be correct.)

airdragon 07-01-07 05:50 PM

Did an upgrade install, then did a clean install (deleted WTF folder etc) am getting this error every time I log in.

[2007/07/01 17:37:23-43-x1]: Capping\core.lua:146: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Capping\core.lua:146: in function `?'
Capping\core.lua:66: in function <Interface\AddOns\Capping\core.lua:65>


I tried to check to see if it was the Capping mod itself but cannot seem to find anything that says this. Only new mod I have loaded is Craftlist2, otherwise its identical to default Mazzle pack. I did try enabling/disabling several addons to see what could be messing with it (Aloft, Quatz, etc) and nothing seems to be the culprit atm.

WyldAynjel 07-01-07 09:04 PM

I redownloaded the entire package and installed another clean configure, and now it's working fine. I think perhaps evil leper gnomes got into the Ui and decided to configure it themselves.

All is right in the world of Mazzle.

Mazzlefizz 07-01-07 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by airdragon
Did an upgrade install, then did a clean install (deleted WTF folder etc) am getting this error every time I log in.

[2007/07/01 17:37:23-43-x1]: Capping\core.lua:146: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Capping\core.lua:146: in function `?'
Capping\core.lua:66: in function <Interface\AddOns\Capping\core.lua:65>


I tried to check to see if it was the Capping mod itself but cannot seem to find anything that says this. Only new mod I have loaded is Craftlist2, otherwise its identical to default Mazzle pack. I did try enabling/disabling several addons to see what could be messing with it (Aloft, Quatz, etc) and nothing seems to be the culprit atm.

Looking at that line in capping, I'd try deleting your capping settings. It seems to be missing a very basic setting and I don't mess with that in the Mazzifier.

airdragon 07-02-07 04:43 AM

It went away after another reinstall. I have no idea how it got there or anything. And yes it was a setting screw up, though nothing changes it. I'll just mark it up as evil Leper Gnomes like the previous poster.

Detritus 07-02-07 06:31 AM

First off, great UI, great update. I use this all the time and have sent in a donation by way of thanks.

On to the bug report, I've got a couple of issues:
Deadly Boss Mods doesn't seem to work. I disable BigWigs/Little Wigs and Enable DBM. Everything seems to work fine but I've got no FuBar button. I try the /dbm command to config it and I get a message saying it can't be run "GUI Locked". I'm using BigWigs at the moment, which is more than capable but, I'd really prefer to be using DBM.

The quick raid icon assignment icons only appear in the target frame when you are raid leader, not when you are raid assistant (which also has the ability to assign raid icons). Not strictly a bug, but annoying all the same.

CyCircled doesn't seem to work. I enable it, I can see the FuBar icon, configure it but the buttons don't seem to change at all. I've reloaded the UI and tried various skins to no avail. I'll play around with this more tonight and see if I can get anything more meaningful to report.

Mazzlefizz 07-02-07 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Detritus
First off, great UI, great update. I use this all the time and have sent in a donation by way of thanks.

On to the bug report, I've got a couple of issues:
Deadly Boss Mods doesn't seem to work. I disable BigWigs/Little Wigs and Enable DBM. Everything seems to work fine but I've got no FuBar button. I try the /dbm command to config it and I get a message saying it can't be run "GUI Locked". I'm using BigWigs at the moment, which is more than capable but, I'd really prefer to be using DBM.

The quick raid icon assignment icons only appear in the target frame when you are raid leader, not when you are raid assistant (which also has the ability to assign raid icons). Not strictly a bug, but annoying all the same.

CyCircled doesn't seem to work. I enable it, I can see the FuBar icon, configure it but the buttons don't seem to change at all. I've reloaded the UI and tried various skins to no avail. I'll play around with this more tonight and see if I can get anything more meaningful to report.

I don't know what your issue with DBM is. I routinely use it. I don't think it ever had a Fubar menu. I did hide the minimap button like most add-ons, but you can access it through MazzleOptions. I'm not sure what you mean by GUI locked.

And I haven't had any problems using cyCircled nor have I got any similar reports. I'd look for changes or updates you possibly made.

SirQuester 07-02-07 02:32 PM

Here's an error I get upon login, the only one which doesn't allow nQuestlog to work at all:

[2007/07/02 16:20:27-19-x1]: Quixote-1.0-41795 (Quixote):287: attempt to get length of local 't' (a nil value)
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):329: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:310>

I updated all the addons through the ace updater (had to use mirror to do so) but that didn't correct the problem.

Nynaeve 07-02-07 02:35 PM

Detritus, first off like your name.
Second, make sure you are enabling cycircled in the Mazzifier, when it askes you if you want circle buttons, and you say why yes i certainly am cooky. I don't think just enabling it via /commands will work with Mazzle.
I enabled it with my shaman via Mazzifier, and now have cooky skared-off rounded buttons!

Mazzlefizz 07-02-07 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by SirQuester
Here's an error I get upon login, the only one which doesn't allow nQuestlog to work at all:

[2007/07/02 16:20:27-19-x1]: Quixote-1.0-41795 (Quixote):287: attempt to get length of local 't' (a nil value)
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):329: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:310>

I updated all the addons through the ace updater (had to use mirror to do so) but that didn't correct the problem.

You should probably post this in the ace forums. I don't do anything to that library. And I too have gotten quixote errors in the past, usually in arenas, strangely enough.

Rallahr 07-02-07 03:01 PM

I get this annoyanse, some sort of tips is showing up randomly (I think) and can't be "clicked" away. I have to wait :(
If you don't see what it is; it's the little window saying something about reagents right above the character.

Nynaeve 07-02-07 03:09 PM

I get that too, Rallahr. The only way I have found to make it go away, is to open up my bags and mouseover stuff in it, usually goes away if I mouseover a reagent for Leatherworking. This si the only profession I have had this happen with so far.

Mazzlefizz 07-02-07 03:19 PM

I get that too. I suspect ATSW. Mousing over anything will clear it.

Arkive 07-02-07 08:02 PM

After installing, I stopped getting enemy cast bars from Antagonist until I went in and enabled the Group cast option. As a note, the Self Relevant option, while not turned on, was not related to this. This happened on both my mage and paly, and both had virtually empty WTF folders (there definitely weren't any saved variables related to Antagonist anyway).

Blacknoir 07-02-07 09:20 PM

Autobar gone...
Step 1: Search FAQ - Check
Step 2: Search Bug Report Thread - Check

Problem: Was walking a guildmate through Mazzle install - Her autobar has suddenly gone away.

Before that happened:
Installed new Mazzle from scratch (backed up Interface). Everything worked fine.
Installed !!!StandAloneLibraries
Updated Mods using WAU -> no externals

What happened next:
Autobar dissapeared. Only green dot in center of the screen. No option to hook it back to Mazzle Damage Frame. Nothing in the bars themselves.

What we tried to do:
Re-mazzifying with Addon selection and only checking Autobar - didn't fix it.
Deleting Autobar.lua in /WTF/Savedvariables - didn't fix it.
Deleting Autobar and Autobarconfig directories and re-WAU'ing - didn't fix it.

What we did NOT do:
Delete Interface/WTF Folders and re-install Mazzle completely.

Why we didn't do that:
1. I Spent 3 hours configuring her layout over Vent. I was tired.
[Edit below]
2. *MY* Autobar, which I also updated with WAU, didn't go missing.

Question #1: Is Autobar one of those "old" mods that shouldn't be updated?
Question #2: Will I be skewered with a hot poker for updating with WAU?
Question #3: Should I just nuke everything and spend another 3 hours in vent with her re-doing her layout?
[Edit below]
Question #4: If this isn't a bug, and rather an "idiot" thing, will I be berated for posting in the Bug Report thread?

Hey Mazzle - thanks for a kick-butt compilation. :)

Blacknoir of Zul'Jin

Seerah 07-02-07 10:07 PM

All mods should work perfectly fine as 1.1 was just released yesterday. You should not have to run WAU.

Mazzlefizz 07-02-07 11:07 PM

Blacknoir, I think you're making things far more complicated than they should be.


Originally Posted by Blacknoir
Before that happened:
Installed new Mazzle from scratch (backed up Interface). Everything worked fine.
Installed !!!StandAloneLibraries
Updated Mods using WAU -> no externals

That's not a clean install, which is what I recommended people do in the release thread. And there was no need to run WAU as Seerah mentioned.


Originally Posted by Blacknoir
What we did NOT do:
Delete Interface/WTF Folders and re-install Mazzle completely.

That is a clean install and what you should do.


Originally Posted by Blacknoir
Why we didn't do that:
1. I Spent 3 hours configuring her layout over Vent. I was tired.
[Edit below]

If you were spending all that time creating a custom button layout, just copy over the BongosActionBars.lua file from that interface folder over to your new one after the clean install. And make sure you uncheck the "Place spells in buttons" when you mazzify, so it doesn't alter the server-side button contents.


Originally Posted by Blacknoir
2. *MY* Autobar, which I also updated with WAU, didn't go missing.

As a general piece of advice for everyone, the WAU is not a magical utility that pumps out fixes every day. It gives you the latest beta builds. Latest betas can mean new bugs as well as new fixes. I wouldn't recommend just running it all the time, like a lot of people seem to be doing. I certainly don't. The only reason it was required for 1.0 was b/c the package was a several months old.

gasgsm 07-03-07 02:20 AM

I use yor amazing pack and Healbot Continued addon. Everething works perfect but after I enter /hb reset command to reset all Healbot options his window disappears. Minimap icon still work but main addon window not displayed. Reload UI not fix this problem. Can you give me some advise wich addon can couse such conflict or maybee you can give me some hints how to solve this problem. Thank You!

malad 07-03-07 02:37 AM

First things first: 1.1 is beyond expectations, it's brilliant.


Not exactly a bug, but just a redundancy issue. I noticed that I was getting duplicate quest progress notifications. E.g. "Dark Iron Slaver Slayed 8/15" twice over. I'm not sure where the 2nd notification was coming from. I disabled all of nQuestLog's notifications and that fixed it. Just an observation =)

Detritus 07-03-07 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nynaeve
Detritus, first off like your name.
Second, make sure you are enabling cycircled in the Mazzifier, when it askes you if you want circle buttons, and you say why yes i certainly am cooky. I don't think just enabling it via /commands will work with Mazzle.
I enabled it with my shaman via Mazzifier, and now have cooky skared-off rounded buttons!

I enabled it via the Mazzle options. The /dbm commands were just because I could see no FuBar icons or Niagra menu options for configuring it.

As Mazzle states, this problem may be related to other mods I have installed (of which I only have 5). I'll disable them later this week when I'm next on and check functionality then.

Detritus 07-03-07 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

I don't know what your issue with DBM is. I routinely use it. I don't think it ever had a Fubar menu. I did hide the minimap button like most add-ons, but you can access it through MazzleOptions. I'm not sure what you mean by GUI locked.

And I haven't had any problems using cyCircled nor have I got any similar reports. I'd look for changes or updates you possibly made.

Any chance you could make Raid Icons available to Raid Assistants as well as Raid Leaders? Happy to pop in and make this modification to the code myself if it's simple.

moondoggy 07-03-07 04:56 AM

1 button..
i've got no problems except one so far.i have been using the default mazzle class button layouts and the first button in the 2nd row to the right of minimap is really messed up somehow.i am talking about the button with "1" for hotkey.basically only the right side of the button works on 2 layouts i've tried so far on my priest and other words the "hot spot" does not happen until i mouse over on right side only.if i click directly in middle or to the left on the button NOTHING happens at all.only extra i have added as far as buttons go is i did add the 2 extra skins for cycircled onyx and gold orbs.that is the only button that does this.

*edit-after further playing with this i see that it is not the button but the position of where the button actually is placed.i made a new button and put it there with the same result and at the same time i moved the original button over even an inch and it works there something in the art that is not seen and is on the same "layer" blocking part of the button in this spot?i'm using a 1600x1200 resolution btw

**edit-a more exact description of the where the "dead" spot is from the middle top to bottom left going counter clockwise.

stec 07-03-07 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by malad
First things first: 1.1 is beyond expectations, it's brilliant.


Not exactly a bug, but just a redundancy issue. I noticed that I was getting duplicate quest progress notifications. E.g. "Dark Iron Slaver Slayed 8/15" twice over. I'm not sure where the 2nd notification was coming from. I disabled all of nQuestLog's notifications and that fixed it. Just an observation =)

Read known issues mate, its all there!

Blacknoir 07-03-07 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Blacknoir, I think you're making things far more complicated than they should be.

Thank you for the advice, Mazzle, and thank you for not skewering me with a hot poker. I will get this done with her today, and get her Mazzified again.

Once again, thank you *greatly* for this contribution to the community.
-Bn of Zul'Jin

Mazzlefizz 07-03-07 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by moondoggy
i've got no problems except one so far.i have been using the default mazzle class button layouts and the first button in the 2nd row to the right of minimap is really messed up somehow.i am talking about the button with "1" for hotkey.basically only the right side of the button works on 2 layouts i've tried so far on my priest and other words the "hot spot" does not happen until i mouse over on right side only.if i click directly in middle or to the left on the button NOTHING happens at all.only extra i have added as far as buttons go is i did add the 2 extra skins for cycircled onyx and gold orbs.that is the only button that does this.

*edit-after further playing with this i see that it is not the button but the position of where the button actually is placed.i made a new button and put it there with the same result and at the same time i moved the original button over even an inch and it works there something in the art that is not seen and is on the same "layer" blocking part of the button in this spot?i'm using a 1600x1200 resolution btw

**edit-a more exact description of the where the "dead" spot is from the middle top to bottom left going counter clockwise.

An attached screenshot would help.

Mazzlefizz 07-03-07 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Detritus
Any chance you could make Raid Icons available to Raid Assistants as well as Raid Leaders? Happy to pop in and make this modification to the code myself if it's simple.

Yes, that should be doable.

Mazzlefizz 07-03-07 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by gasgsm
I use yor amazing pack and Healbot Continued addon. Everething works perfect but after I enter /hb reset command to reset all Healbot options his window disappears. Minimap icon still work but main addon window not displayed. Reload UI not fix this problem. Can you give me some advise wich addon can couse such conflict or maybee you can give me some hints how to solve this problem. Thank You!

No idea. I don't use healbot or do anything to healbot. I'd post on a healbot forum/thread.

Detritus 07-03-07 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

I don't know what your issue with DBM is. I routinely use it. I don't think it ever had a Fubar menu. I did hide the minimap button like most add-ons, but you can access it through MazzleOptions. I'm not sure what you mean by GUI locked.

And I haven't had any problems using cyCircled nor have I got any similar reports. I'd look for changes or updates you possibly made.

Switched all other mods off. Enabled CyCircled. Got the following message:

[2007/07/03 23:17:58-24-x1]: cyCircled-0.5\plugins\AutoBar.lua:13: attempt to index field 'display' (a nil value)
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):329: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:310>


Looks like the Autobar plugin is causing the problems.

As far as DBM goes, same problem. No bugsack error but it doesn't show in FuBar and I can't find it in Niagra. When I type /DBM I get the following error:

Mazzlefizz 07-03-07 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Detritus
Switched all other mods off. Enabled CyCircled. Got the following message:

[2007/07/03 23:17:58-24-x1]: cyCircled-0.5\plugins\AutoBar.lua:13: attempt to index field 'display' (a nil value)
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):329: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:310>


Looks like the Autobar plugin is causing the problems.

Yeah, that's something I would go to the ace forums and ask about in the cyCircled thread. I don't use the add-on myself.


Originally Posted by Detritus
As far as DBM goes, same problem. No bugsack error but it doesn't show in FuBar and I can't find it in Niagra. When I type /DBM I get the following error:

Like I said before, DBM is not an ace add-on. As such, it will neither appear in Niagara nor Fubar (unless they recently made a fubar plugin for it). You can pull up the options via MazzleOptions or by simply typing /dbm.

As for your error, it looks you manually disabled some of the load on demand DBM add-ons, which is why /dbm isn't working for you. Either re-enable them or use the Mazzifier 'Add-On Selection' portion. I suggest the Mazzifier so that it will stay enabled in case of future mazzifying of add-on selection.

If you still get that error after doing that, let me know.

moondoggy 07-03-07 06:19 PM

its just the 1st button in top row on the right side of minimap.left side of it is completely dead for me in all layouts and in all art skins.i just deleted bongos and put in bartender instead for me,i just like it better.

thanks for respose and thanks even more for making this great ui for us to use!

brynchel 07-03-07 08:20 PM

First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.

moondoggy 07-03-07 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by brynchel
First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.

try Ctrl-right click or disable the addon Clique ;)

vampiricwound 07-03-07 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by brynchel
First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.

i had a similar issue on my paladin....go into clique, find what its trying to cast when you rightclick the model, and either disable that...or change the binding (for example, on my pally, it was flash of now its shift-rightlclick to cast it)

Mazzlefizz 07-03-07 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by brynchel
First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.

Not to single you out, but this is yet another question answered in the FAQ. People, please look there. The search on the forums quickly becomes useless as people make slews of posts about the same stuff over and over.

Tavaesoe 07-03-07 09:50 PM

After having used the starting interface(0 addons) all the way to 70 I got kinda tired of the plain one. I saw a Screenshot of Mazzle and was hooked, Downloaded it, loved the gnome(gnome powar) spent around three hours getting my buttons just right :D .

After that goofed off for an hour crafted some, quested some ect. then logged out. When I logged in all was good, noticed that show helm was off, turned it on and went my merry way. After about 15 mins WoW crashed, (not the ui, wow). Figured I had messed something up, logged back in and turned helms off, after about 5ish mins wow crashed. After trying a third time it crashed almost as soon as WoW loaded.

Long story short, After a short period of time wow crashes, and gives me this error log:
World of WarCraft (build 6803)

Exe: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Time: Jul 3, 2007 10:32:40.703 PM
User: HP_Administrator

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #131 (0x85100083) File Corrupt
Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
File: Data\common.MPQ

Cached Read = Decompression failed
Raw Read = ReadFileUnbuffered() Failed

After that there are a bunch of numbers and files, I Searched the boards(and used google) and could only find a solution for Mac crashes, I'm on an HP with windows XP installed. I have no other Addons running. I Can't bring myself to reinstall it after taking so long do redo my buttons don't want to have to do it again :eek: . I thought about moving the common.mpq file but its almost 3gbs so fifured it was important...

Thanks for an awesome UI! I hope I Didn't overlook something and if so just turn me into a leper gnome and I'll be along my way :(

Surefire 07-04-07 12:09 AM

Warlocks ShardAce
Hey great job with the UI mazzle I don't know what I do without your compilation. Anyways the new ShardAce doesn't seem to work too well. I set the max amount of soulshards to 16 but the mod doesn't delete shards no matter what number i set it to. Clicking on the number of shards I had in the little circle above Autobar would delete excess shards, but then I had a little problem with shards going to the wrong bag and such and it was all a big mess. I think I got the bag sorter to work now though, but I'm still having problems with excess shards.

vampiricwound 07-04-07 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tavaesoe
After having used the starting interface(0 addons) all the way to 70 I got kinda tired of the plain one. I saw a Screenshot of Mazzle and was hooked, Downloaded it, loved the gnome(gnome powar) spent around three hours getting my buttons just right :D .

After that goofed off for an hour crafted some, quested some ect. then logged out. When I logged in all was good, noticed that show helm was off, turned it on and went my merry way. After about 15 mins WoW crashed, (not the ui, wow). Figured I had messed something up, logged back in and turned helms off, after about 5ish mins wow crashed. After trying a third time it crashed almost as soon as WoW loaded.

Long story short, After a short period of time wow crashes, and gives me this error log:
World of WarCraft (build 6803)

Exe: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Time: Jul 3, 2007 10:32:40.703 PM
User: HP_Administrator

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #131 (0x85100083) File Corrupt
Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
File: Data\common.MPQ

Cached Read = Decompression failed
Raw Read = ReadFileUnbuffered() Failed

After that there are a bunch of numbers and files, I Searched the boards(and used google) and could only find a solution for Mac crashes, I'm on an HP with windows XP installed. I have no other Addons running. I Can't bring myself to reinstall it after taking so long do redo my buttons don't want to have to do it again :eek: . I thought about moving the common.mpq file but its almost 3gbs so fifured it was important...

Thanks for an awesome UI! I hope I Didn't overlook something and if so just turn me into a leper gnome and I'll be along my way :(

that looks more like your common.MPQ file is messed up....reinstall WoW (or copy the common.mpq file from your disk....if i recall all the patches are done as a seperate MPQ i think that should work....but i might be wrong)

could just be more or less coincedence, since mods dont do anything to the MPQ files

Erkal 07-04-07 01:52 AM

Hey, ever since I installed 1.1 ive been getting bad latency and often disconnecting. I did a clean install with new folders. Im guessing there is an addon with grabs info from the net like lightheaded, but i disabled that and my latency is still around 800, and its normally 300-400.

Nynaeve 07-04-07 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Erkal
Hey, ever since I installed 1.1 ive been getting bad latency and often disconnecting. I did a clean install with new folders. Im guessing there is an addon with grabs info from the net like lightheaded, but i disabled that and my latency is still around 800, and its normally 300-400.

I don't think lightheaded grabs info from the net, it has loadondemand files that store the info. It is not the culprit.
Have you tried disabling other mods?

Mazzlefizz 07-04-07 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Erkal
Hey, ever since I installed 1.1 ive been getting bad latency and often disconnecting. I did a clean install with new folders. Im guessing there is an addon with grabs info from the net like lightheaded, but i disabled that and my latency is still around 800, and its normally 300-400.

I don't think add-ons can affect latency. They certainly can't communicate with anything outside of WoW.

Detritus 07-04-07 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

I don't think add-ons can affect latency. They certainly can't communicate with anything outside of WoW.

Only mod I've had issues with is CyCircled (in 1.01, I can't get it working in 1.1 as there's a clash with Autobar which the author is looking to fix). Cycircled caused a large jump in CPU usage and drop in FPS whilst raiding. This wasn't enough to disconnect me, however, and only occurred inside Karazhan, not solo or in Shattrath...weird. Problem went away when I disabled CyCircled.

malad 07-04-07 11:10 AM

I noticed that the "Emphasis" pane of Hourglass was covering my Target of Target in the HUD. I use resolution 1650x1050 at aspect ratio 1.6. Just an observation I had, it was pretty easily fixed actually.

Kaivin 07-04-07 02:12 PM

I noticed a bug with FUBAR

I cant right click onit or any icon on it for some reason.

If functions, but i cant click on it or change any settings on it.

Help.... :/

Mazzlefizz 07-04-07 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Detritus
Only mod I've had issues with is CyCircled (in 1.01, I can't get it working in 1.1 as there's a clash with Autobar which the author is looking to fix). Cycircled caused a large jump in CPU usage and drop in FPS whilst raiding. This wasn't enough to disconnect me, however, and only occurred inside Karazhan, not solo or in Shattrath...weird. Problem went away when I disabled CyCircled.

Interesting. I've had a couple reports of something like this from friends. I pointed them to the usual cpu culprits, but I wonder if it was this.

Mazzlefizz 07-04-07 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kaivin
I noticed a bug with FUBAR

I cant right click onit or any icon on it for some reason.

If functions, but i cant click on it or change any settings on it.

Help.... :/

Did you install 1.1?

Draouka 07-04-07 03:11 PM

Small bug with a frame
Hey Mazzle, first off this is a great ui.

So i have this weird issue where the target box (when i click on someone the box that pops up) gets off-center. The frame of it is slightly off when its on the bottom where it should be, but occasionally the frame moves completley to the top of the screen. Sometimes a reloadui command will correct and others it just stick on until i exit the game. I hope this made sense.


Chimera_2001 07-04-07 04:40 PM

awesome work with v1.1, only found one very minor irritation so far. I'm not able to cast raid votes with ORA since upgrading from 1.01. I get the following error...

[2007/07/04 19:30:15-230-x15]: oRA2_Leader\Ready.lua:303: attempt to index field 'votes' (a nil value)
Dewdrop-2.0-42066 (DewdropLib):2315: in function <...erface\AddOns\DewdropLib\Dewdrop-2.0\Dewdrop-2.0.lua:230

the ORA ready-check works fine, only the custom vote that has a problem.

Just tried mazzifying the settings for ORA & still get the same thing

**Edit 2**
NVM - Wowaceupdater fixed it

Mazzlefizz 07-04-07 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Draouka
Hey Mazzle, first off this is a great ui.

So i have this weird issue where the target box (when i click on someone the box that pops up) gets off-center. The frame of it is slightly off when its on the bottom where it should be, but occasionally the frame moves completley to the top of the screen. Sometimes a reloadui command will correct and others it just stick on until i exit the game. I hope this made sense.


Considering that it's never moved in game -- just shown and hidden -- I don't know why that would happen. Screenshot would help.

Kaivin 07-04-07 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

Did you install 1.1?


Should i reinstall 1.1 again, just to see what happens?

Mazzlefizz 07-04-07 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kaivin

Should i reinstall 1.1 again, just to see what happens?


The only thing I've heard like that is with some old Fubar related libraries prior to 1.1. Perhap, if you installed any extra add-ons, one of them contains an old library that had that conflict. If you have, I'd try disabling them.

Marthisdil 07-04-07 07:18 PM

Mazzle. When I join a group, the mod switches to group mode. Targets have the quick buttons to assign raid icons to them on the target window.

When I remove the last group member, it says it switches back to solo mode, however, the raid icon overlay is still on the target window.

Thanks for such a great UI! Sitll learning and finding things!


Kaivin 07-04-07 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz


The only thing I've heard like that is with some old Fubar related libraries prior to 1.1. Perhap, if you installed any extra add-ons, one of them contains an old library that had that conflict. If you have, I'd try disabling them.

The only mod i added was SpamMeNot, i think. I'll see what happens if i disable it.

EDIT: and GuildCalendar

Edit: Disabled both. Still nothing. Cant click on it

FriKinzoku 07-05-07 09:45 AM

Hi Mazz, first, thanks for this great UI ^^
I've just upgraded from last version to the new one, following the upgrade instructions, I enter with my character, and after selecting all the options, I click on the mazzify button, it "mazzify's" but it doesn't appear the other button to reload the UI, i wait... after a while, I decide to reload it myself with the /reloadui command, and once in: The mazzify window is opened and none options have been changed, so I select all the options again, and again the reload button doesn't appear... I don't know what to do, I can't play without your mod, ¿What can I do? Thanks ^^

EDIT: I tried to simply install it completely with the new version, but I still have this problem... ¿what can I do...?

RE-EDIT: I solved the problem, I simply have to play in english (I used to play in spanish)

Maxian 07-05-07 09:47 AM

New version new baggins bug :p

[2007/07/05 17:43:07-35-x3]: Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4147: C stack overflow
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4209: in function `ToggleAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:3581: in function `OnClick'
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:935: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:932>


[2007/07/05 17:43:07-35-x2]: BugSack-\BugSack.lua:427: C stack overflow
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:296: in function <Interface\AddOns\!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:126>
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):270: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4209: in function `ToggleAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:3581: in function `OnClick'
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:935: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:932>


[2007/07/05 17:43:07-35-x1]: AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):84: C stack overflow
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Handlers.lua:292>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):269: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-40601 (Ace2):910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
<in C code>: in function `CloseBankFrame'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4128: in function `CloseBag'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4148: in function `CloseAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:4209: in function `ToggleAllBags'
Baggins-Beta 1\Baggins.lua:3581: in function `OnClick'
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:935: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:932>

And doesnt always happen tho.....any clue about it?


brynchel 07-05-07 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by brynchel
First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

Not to single you out, but this is yet another question answered in the FAQ. People, please look there. The search on the forums quickly becomes useless as people make slews of posts about the same stuff over and over.

Thanks for pointing me in this direction. It was my mistake for not reading the new FAQ. Pre 1.1 I never had this problem and assumed it was a bug. I guess when you expanded the clique sweet spot it took up the whole 3-d model.

Geboran 07-05-07 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by brynchel
Originally Posted by brynchel
First off awesome update to this wonderful package.

The only problem I have found so far is with my mage, I cant right click on my 3d model to get menu to leave group/raid. I had to use /script LeaveParty(); to get out of a party. When I tried to right click it would just cast AI no matter where on the picture I was.

This was posted in a different thread.


Originally Posted by `i-right-i
if You click the M button down on the right hand side, it will bring up the mazzle options. Under the mazzle options, there is a question thats asks if you want to be able to click cast on the 3d characters. If you choose no, then that should solve your issue.


This is not enabled by default (which it probably should be for MOST users of the UI).

The casting of the spells is from keybindings set in the addon Clique (accessible for configuration as a tab in your spellbook). It's a fantastic addon to use, but if you don't intend on using it, simply disable it.

Hope this helps.

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