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Cladhaire 04-04-09 03:02 PM

Feature requests for TomTom
I'd like to hear what you guys would like to see added to TomTom. I'll keep the main post updated with suggestions, so feel free to ping me if I don't update it when you post something new. In particular I'd love to hear how you would like the addon to WORK for you, things like optimization I can manage on my own. Please try to be as specific as you can, and feel free to outline an entire workflow.

  • Instead of saying "this zone" perhaps you could look up the zone the waypoint in question references, and then change the text to "Remove all waypoints from <Zone name>"
  • It would be nice to have an option to supply an icon texture when using the TomTom API.
  • Is there a way to get the distance to waypoint to show in the LDB display (directly - rather than in the tooltip)?
  • Can you add the Send To -> Party .. options to the crazy arrow's menu (stand-alone and LDB)? It's much easier to grap the current waypoint that way than to try to pick it out of the army of points I tend to have on my minimap or to flip to my world map.

Zergreth 04-04-09 03:11 PM

A way to set new waypoints by shift-right-clicking (or some other combo) on the world map would sure as hell be awesome :D

Cladhaire 04-04-09 03:28 PM

This already exists.. Open World Map Options, and set the modifier in order for it to work.

Shirik 04-04-09 05:26 PM

When removing waypoints, the context of "Remove all waypoints from this zone" can become ambiguous. This happens especially when referring to the crazy taxi arrow pointing to another zone.

Instead of saying "this zone" perhaps you could look up the zone the waypoint in question references, and then change the text to "Remove all waypoints from <Zone name>"

Zergreth 04-05-09 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cladhaire (Post 124191)
This already exists.. Open World Map Options, and set the modifier in order for it to work.

Holy ****, I must be blind >.<

Slakah 04-05-09 07:53 AM

It might be nice to have an option to set the icon texture when using the TomTom API.

forty2j 05-27-09 02:07 PM

LDB - display distance
Is there a way to get the distance to waypoint to show in the LDB display (directly - rather than in the tooltip)?

forty2j 05-27-09 02:07 PM

Crazy Arrow Menu
Can you add the Send To -> Party .. options to the crazy arrow's menu (stand-alone and LDB)? It's much easier to grap the current waypoint that way than to try to pick it out of the army of points I tend to have on my minimap or to flip to my world map.

Carvynn 06-24-09 03:43 PM

A way to set the waypoint marker color would be nice, for instance in the Summer Festival to differentiate between the Horde and the Alliance waypoints with a Red or Blue marker.

Hambil 08-04-09 11:57 AM

3.2 Poi
Does the new POI API supply co-ords, and if so will Tomtom make use of them?

Cladhaire 08-04-09 11:58 AM

The new POI system is not new because its not actually included in the build.. it was pulled a few PTR patches ago. Also, there's not really anything for TomTom to "take advantage" of. TomTom just displays waypoints.. so I'd be interested to hear what TomTom could do with that data?

Hambil 08-04-09 12:01 PM

Well, nothing if it's not in the build. But I was hoping that the POI system was going to contain co-ordinates for quests objectives and quest givers. Perhaps I misunderstood. If it did (does when and if it is released) then I assume Blizz has some way of accessing that. It would be nice not to need such heavy mods as Carbonite or Quest Helper anymore - plus in theory a Blizz supplied database would be more complete?

Cladhaire 08-04-09 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hambil (Post 150714)
Well, nothing if it's not in the build. But I was hoping that the POI system was going to contain co-ordinates for quests objectives and quest givers. Perhaps I misunderstood. If it did (does when and if it is released) then I assume Blizz has some way of accessing that. It would be nice not to need such heavy mods as Carbonite or Quest Helper anymore - plus in theory a Blizz supplied database would be more complete?

Well that's not something for TomTom. An addon could easily make decisions based on the quest POIs when they eventually come into play, but that wouldn't be something to go in TomTom. A TomTom_QuestPOI addon or something would be the best bit.

Cantankerous 08-04-09 12:25 PM

Thank you so much for this addon. It would be nice to have an option for what text to display when there is no waypoint set, and also change the text and arrow color. I was able to find "No waypoint" in the Lua so now I show "-" instead and a gray arrow. It's less distracting as my arrow is in my DockingStation top bar.

Baraius 08-12-09 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by forty2j (Post 138870)
Is there a way to get the distance to waypoint to show in the LDB display (directly - rather than in the tooltip)?

Me too on this one. That's the only niggle I have.


Cirk 08-16-09 01:50 AM

Hi Cladhaire,

Would it be possible to modify TomTom to have it to store the (dragged) location of the TomTomCrazyArrow frame in the profile?

Reason I'm asking is that if I ever start up WoW without TomTom present and enabled, which happens often enough on new patch days when everything is already a little crazy ;), then the client tends to discard the position information that it normally stores automatically, and I end up with the crazy arrow back in the center of the screen again, for every character, ugh!

I know managing the position stuff can be a bit of a pita (handling reset, screen size changes, etc.) and the problem doesn't happen that often, but it sure would be nice to have... :D

-- Cirk

rubberwow 09-03-09 04:44 AM

Bigger numbers
Hi Cladhaire, my father is getting old and has trouble reading the details on the screen of his TomTom one. He finds the speed display particularly useful, because it is displayed in relation to the current speed limit, but he cannot see it easily. Is there a way to augment one or all of the statistics visually? I can imagine having the current speed (or the time for example) fill the screen, in some degree of opacity, while still allowing the twists and turns of the road ahead to be seen.


Cladhaire 09-03-09 05:35 AM

I'm not sure I really understand. The speed isn't displayed anywhere in TomTom, are you perhaps thinking of another addon? As for the ETA, that information is already displayed with the TomTom arrow, but I'm not sure what you're asking me to do to it. I definitely can sympathise with having issues seeing, but I'm not sure what you're asking for!

Miralen 09-03-09 07:07 AM

I am wondering and maybe this is dumb of me to think this but are you referring to the World of Warcraft addon TomTom or the Portable GPS Device TomTom. As I re-read your post rubberwow it sounds more and more like the latter...But I could be very wrong.

Cladhaire 09-03-09 07:26 AM

That would be incredibly interesting.. :P

voodoodad 09-03-09 04:04 PM

Pretty sure he is referring to the real-world TomTom. The whole thing about seeing the twists and turns of the road ahead is kind of a giveaway.

But good new Clad! You must be near the top on Google searches for TomTom! :D

Torhal 09-03-09 05:07 PM


I smell Troll.

alimjocox 02-10-10 12:32 AM

I'm not sure if I am a major fail and the featuer already exists but is there any chance u could add an option where TomTom automatically makes waypoints using the default Blizzard questing system so if people arent using questing mods?? thx

Cladhaire 02-10-10 03:35 AM

I don't know that I want to add automatic waypoints for them, but I'll consider it. Thanks.

bebob 06-25-11 12:06 PM

Send nodes
First of all thank you for this great addon.

With midsummer festival I was busy sending guild members all the nodes for the flames.

During this i was thinking of a few features:
- a command to send your current waypoint arrow to your party (/scway party or charactername) party. This would be very handy for when your guiding people to a location you both want to go to. Or when you are in the passengers seat of a vehicle and the driver does not know the location.

- a way to send waypoints by command ( /sway zone 10 10 charactername description). I'm not sure if it is possible but I think i would be useful. Although the first feature is many times handier.

Cladhaire 06-25-11 03:11 PM

I don't know when I'll get a chance to implement these, but I do think they are good ideas. I'll see what I can do.

Positronic_Tomato 01-30-14 09:40 AM

An option to route between waypoints in the order in which they are entered (either first to last, or last to first - doesn't matter as long as there's a tooltip saying the way it is processed) with cross-zone support.

Usage example:
The Unborn Val'kyr pet has 3 spawn points in each Northrend zone

A user may want to create a route that passes through all points, some of which are farther than other points, but lead to a more efficient overall route:

Or they have pet battle dailies and want to take a specific route:

An option would exist in the Addon options menu to "Route in Specified Order."
It would be mutually exclusive from quest routing and routing to the next closest waypoint.

Even the simplest, most bare-bones implementation would be helpful:
If there is a memory or storage limitation, only accepting coordinates without descriptive text.
Once entered, the order can't be changed and the only option is to remove all waypoints and re-enter them (this is easy enough to do with a text editor out-of-game and re-entering them with an addon like Paste).

More fancy options could include:
Seeing lines and arrows between waypoints on the world map (display which would be toggled).
A new coordinates list window that lets you enter and change the order of entered coordinates (drag and drop or select and press "+" or "-" buttons to move the selected entry higher or lower).

Phanx 01-30-14 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Positronic_Tomato (Post 290313)
An option to route between waypoints in the order in which they are entered (either first to last, or last to first - doesn't matter as long as there's a tooltip saying the way it is processed) with cross-zone support.

You should check out the addon Routes, which will let you do exactly what you describe (and has TomTom support). You could also write your own addon with a pre-defined list of waypoints, that would set TomTom's arrow to the next arrow in the list once you reached one. A whole new UI for grouping waypoints and manually ordering them is a bit outside the scope of TomTom itself, I think.

Positronic_Tomato 01-31-14 12:02 AM

Hi Phanx,

Thanks for the tip on Routes - I gave it a shot but it only seems to support creating routes within a zone (not routes from one zone to another, which is what I would need it for).

The more advanced interface suggestions were ideas for if Cladhaire were interested in making it a major feature. I was only hoping for the minimal implementation.

I have a tiny amount of programming experience and feel that creating an addon would be over my head, but will look into it.

Phanx 01-31-14 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Positronic_Tomato (Post 290324)
I have a tiny amount of programming experience and feel that creating an addon would be over my head, but will look into it.

Well, if you want to start a separate thread in the code help forum, I have some partly-written code for that, from an addon I started years ago and never finished, but I don't want to derail this thread with that. :p

Positronic_Tomato 02-01-14 12:30 PM

Thank you, that would be fantastic!

I've created the thread here:

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