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Led ++ 10-22-10 05:21 AM

Where does YOUR nickname come from?
Pretty straightforward. Don't think a topic already exists (didn't search) and if it does, it'sp robably too old anyway. ;)

Anyway my name simply comes from Led Zeppelin. But ofcourse having jsut Led Zeppelin is kinda lame imo so I just took Led. The ++ came a bit after that, imo it had a nice look.

Since then I'm hooked on it =(

Miralen 10-22-10 05:38 AM

My nickname comes from my hunter I used to play in vanilla during that time she was my main character I have since gone through and changed my mains several times, I don't remember how I came up with the name but I like the name alot its unique and last I checked only a handful of queries on wowarmory shared the same name...Shame I dont play my hunter anymore.

carebear. 10-22-10 05:54 AM

My surname is care. Most people have called me carebear since I was in school ^_^

Jigain 10-22-10 06:22 AM

Mine's from the first novel I started writing, where the name of the main character was Jigain To'lerean. After I scrapped the project, some of those who had read what I had written thus far began calling me by that name, and... well, it stuck.

Funnily enough, my name is also protected by way of copyright law, being part of an original work of art. All right reserved! ;)

Xubera 10-22-10 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 213274)

Funnily enough, my name is also protected by way of copyright law, being part of an original work of art. All right reserved! ;)

But if you scrapped it, meaning its not public, does that make it copyrightable? (no expert here)

Mine derives from Exuberant, i forgot why I liked it but ive been using it online since '04... Wasn't till later I say a Insulin inhaler named Exubera too... weird eh

Ferous 10-22-10 06:53 AM

I got the name Ferous from my BC main Tauren Druid on Hydraxis server. Though I don't play her no more, I still like the name alot :P


a combining form meaning “bearing,” “producing,” “yielding,” “containing,” “conveying,” used in the formation of compound words: coniferous; pestiferous.
I thought it be a good resto druid name lol.

I started to do interface UI crap when I played Ferous.

v6o 10-22-10 07:38 AM

My initials are V G but most of the time the shortest is 3 characters so I just add o (letter, not number) to it. V six o, not v sixty. Sometimes I've used variations like v6oooo but also Vidgy, Vesix and a few others as fillers when you're not allowed shorter names.

Petrah 10-22-10 07:42 AM

From one of my fav TV shows, La Femme Nikita (first original US series, not the lame new one) with Peta Wilson. When naming my DK, someone already had the name so I had to spell it differently. Peta Wilson has always been one of my most fav actresses.

Jigain 10-22-10 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Xubera (Post 213276)
But if you scrapped it, meaning its not public, does that make it copyrightable? (no expert here)

My lawyer says so at least, apparently an original work is copyrighted at creation and not at publication.

p3lim 10-22-10 09:23 AM

The name "p3lim" comes from my first character, Pelim.

No idea why i swapped e for 3 though.

Starinnia 10-22-10 09:45 AM

My name comes from my first WoW character who was a night elf hunter. I hit randomize a few times and added an extra 'n'.

Since then I've switch to my paladin (hence my signature) and race changed/renamed my hunter. It sucked getting bug reports mid-raid during BC, I think it caused a Vashj wipe....

MidgetMage55 10-22-10 10:01 AM

Mine came about from my EQ days. I played a gnome mage for about 4 years. On vent during raids one of my guild mates took to referring to me as the midget mage. It stuck.

The 55 came about from an online card game called Sanctum where I was a magistrate (moderator) for quite a while. The 'mags' had number designations and i was Magistrate55. Combine the 2 and taa daa.

If you are still awake after all of that congratulations. =)

Krazie 10-22-10 10:15 AM

Because I'm Krazie
Mine comes from the nickname I was given by my friends, approximately 15 years ago, because I did a lot of off the wall crazy crap. Mostly like the stuff you see in the Jackass movies now. Stuck and I even have it tattooed on the back of my neck now.

/points @ avatar

Sythalin 10-22-10 10:39 AM

Read some of my posts. Pretty self-explanatory at that point. ;)

W-ing 10-22-10 10:49 AM

"Wing" was what my first character's name translated to in English. The "-" comes from a Japanese boyband that I loved as a kid, and in all honest, still love today. :)

Xarl 10-22-10 10:52 AM

Might Sound odd but mine is my First Name :)

Easy as that...

Taryble 10-22-10 11:57 AM

Mine has a long and storied history. :P

It started off as one of two main characters in a short story I wrote about 18 years ago, and was planning on turning into a book. Well, that never went anywhere. But 13 years ago, when I first started on IRC, I took one of those two names, "Taryl", and used it as my IRC nick.

We all know how IRC is, and after a d/c when my old nick was still on as a ghost connection, I shifted it to Taryble. Started joking about being the "Taryble Twentysomething Texan", or the "Taryble Texan". So the Taryble ended up sticking around a lot longer than anything else did. :)

Tithulta 10-22-10 12:34 PM

Well I've played on-line games back when they were txt adventures only...I sucked at typing back then and you had to type /heal (name) . So really long goofy names would just end up dead. That name is mine and is my sole creation. I own it, I am it forevermore. Saaxz

He is almost always a Paladin type. Period

I am more well known by Elchion now days tho. I'm a fan of Chi not Ki pronunciations.

Tithulta is the creation of Raymond E. Fiest and he owns the name even tho i've borrowed it for years and years. Tithulta is the Pentathion Serpant Priest in one of Fiests books series. Very minor character who dies in the same scene he is introduced.

I also write and have several names of my own. Used to post the stories to a guild website until i started seeing people ripping it off as their own work. The final straw was when my villain name was stolen. Wow i'm goig to have to dig that old manuscript out. Happened sometime between 95 and 2k. He's in a game if i could only remember which. Was playing Realm at the time in the guild LanZburg.

WAKE UP!! Sorry I bored you all so badly.:eek:

Mechrior 10-22-10 01:16 PM

Mechrior was originally Mechorian which was an OC name I used for D&D WWWWAAAAAYYYYYY back in the day!!!!
Full version was Mechorian Dedaleus Hamarrassa Riorchitorian.

I originally picked up the nickname mech when I was a kid because I had a knack for taking things apart and putting them back together REALLY fast so they joked I was a robot! XD

I have pretty muched used the nickname Mech in some form or another for around 20 years now....

Nice thread btw!!!!

def9 10-22-10 02:19 PM

The story of def9 handle goes back to the original Street Fighter in the things we used to go to play games at. They were called arcades. Thats right us crazy gaming addicts back in the day used to gather in these places or corner convenience stores and play our favorite games.

While street fighter was by no means my first game played in an arcade, it is the first one outside of pinball were I felt a need to compete with friends and other gamers.

The reason I started using DEF was due to the insane number of people that actually just hit AAA or put their real initials. A friend started putting ABC to save time and so we could see his ranking hence I had the ingenious idea of using DEF. This went on for years including other games like Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct.

Well then the world wide web was born and games like Command and Conquer Red Alert went online instead of direct dial modems. When I went to register my name back in Red Alert it required a number. So I added the 9.

This def9 nickname has carried me through my online career in rts, fps games and forums ever since.

ShadowProwler420 10-22-10 03:11 PM

Well, back in the day when I was experimenting with different table top rpgs, I was playing in a Marvel Super Heros game; and my character's name was Shadow Prowler (he had an ability to blend in with shadows). As for the 420 part, well I'm sure that's self explanatory. :D

However, maybe I should think about using my first D&D character's name (Ulcifer), since in most any game I play nowadays, I make some sort of incarnation of him (same dark elf necromancer) or closest I can come to it. For example, my first character I ever made for this game was a male blood elf warlock, as that was the best match I could get.

Wimpface 10-22-10 04:25 PM

My name simply came from a shaman I created way back in the days after having a laugh with a few buddies on vent about it's name. It ended up being "Wimpface" since that's what we called one of the friends.

It brought quite a few laughs. :D

My in-game nick though, is Hulari, pronounced like the actor Hugh Laurie. House MD!

carebear. 10-23-10 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Wimpface (Post 213402)
My in-game nick though, is Hulari, pronounced like the actor Hugh Laurie. House MD!

QFT. I still want that name once you change yours. :>

Coote 10-23-10 03:18 AM

TMcMahon51 used to be my district login waaaay back when I was still in school (first initial, last name, last 2 numbers of school ID). It sort of stuck, and I've been using it ever since, as well as using alternate changes to it (TMc, TMc51, McMayhem, etc). I still use my old password whenever I encrypt personal files.

voodoodad 10-23-10 03:25 AM

Way back in the stone-age of the internet, my nick on AOL dialup was badvoodoodad. So named for a contemporary swing band I was really into at the time named Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Loved the band and really loved the name. Well, before too long I got tired of typing that many characters (this was before sites could remember your log-in info) so I eventually dropped the "bad" and I've been using this name or variations thereof ever since.

Oddly, I never used the name as a character until after Scott and several of us founded the "Knights Who Say nUI" guilds on Nesingwary. Now, I use various spellings of it for almost every toon I create.

Wimpface 10-23-10 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by carebear. (Post 213479)
QFT. I still want that name once you change yours. :>

The deal was that I'm willing to change it if you racechange me to a troll. ;)

haylie 10-23-10 02:27 PM

Well that's easy. My nick comes from my main character's name, which is also Haylie. Most people in-game (and I guess out of game too) believed Haylie was my IRL name. Truth is, it isn't, one cause naming your char after your irl name is terribly uninspired (lol@carebear) and two because I used to be an online security freak and never gave up personal info (things have changed a little since then). I was just standing there one day, trying to come up with a name for this blood elf hunter that would become my main for about 5 years and Haylie was the first thing that popped into my mind. No idea why.

Ither 10-23-10 02:30 PM

Well ----

[ haylie snipped me! *GASP* ]

haylie 10-23-10 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by StormCalai (Post 213557)

It's *nick* not character name :p

Ither 10-23-10 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by haylie (Post 213562)
It's *nick* not character name :p

OH... hell..

It's my name LOL. Now you can all track me down :))

I'm not a very private person.

Saintvallen 10-23-10 03:08 PM

Saintvallen on here, comes from the movie "gangs of new york". Hate it.
All other places in the world I go by the name Ghepip or Mr G.

[Edit away]
Ghepip, blood elf warlock. Named him after the words "The Pimp" but sound lame since he is a blood elf. Now I use this username all over the web.

Piptide, Orc Shaman. Named him with Pip after my warlock and then tide from the resto spell Riptide.

Gestas, undead Rogue. Named after the thief to the right of Jesus on the day of his crusifiction.

Many other alts with "#¤%ed up names.

FrackMe 10-23-10 03:11 PM

BSG, of course.

voodoodad 10-23-10 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by FrackMe (Post 213570)
BSG, of course.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica!

/nuff said

zork 10-23-10 04:12 PM

My nick comes from the movie the 5th elment and is actually a typo. Because that douchebag acutally has a "G" in the name instead of a "K". But it took me years to notice that one. *lol* I heard of the text adventure later on but that's not the source.

voodoodad 10-23-10 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 213580)
My nick comes from the movie the 5th elment and is actually a typo. Because that douchebag acutally has a "G" in the name instead of a "K". But it took me years to notice that one. *lol* I heard of the text adventure later on but that's not the source.

Lol, you reminded me of how old I really am. I not only remember "Zork" (the text adventure) but I actually HAD it for my TRS 80. That thing was the size of a truck...

MidgetMage55 10-23-10 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 213587)
Lol, you reminded me of how old I really am. I not only remember "Zork" (the text adventure) but I actually HAD it for my TRS 80. That thing was the size of a truck...

I'm with ya there. Don't forget the 16kb expansion module that was the size of 2 pizza boxes stacked on each other. =P

tralkar 10-23-10 05:23 PM

A GM in EQ told me i need to change my name, I told him i can't think of one so he gave one to me. I been useing it every game i play now..

OttoDeFe 10-23-10 05:24 PM

My nick comes from here . I was driving along in my car singing along and trying to think of a good IRC nick (this was in the early 90's) and it sorta just stuck in my head.

kneeki 10-29-10 10:05 AM

About 12 years ago in high school, on in #warez_cafe back when you could actually transfer files via DCC. I was a moderator there, as well as a mIRC scripter. I think someone spoke to me using the name via accident, and I just started using it after that. -.o

Xrystal 10-29-10 10:30 AM

I've been using this name ever since I started using the internet .. some erm .. 20 years ago now. It started off from wishing my real name was Christina and liking Crystal as a name also. X was implanted to make it more unique.. or so I thought, the name seems to be just as frequent from searches on the internet.

zork 10-29-10 11:23 AM

X-Tina + Crystal = Xrystal. I like that. :)

MoonWitch 11-01-10 02:21 AM

Well, mine is a combo of a few things.

You see, when my godmother died (Yes, I was baptized and yes, I've had it undone too) I was only 2yrs old and I didn't understand why I didn't see her anymore. So mom explained to me that she went to live with the stars, and with the moon.
Since I was a tiny person, (Believe me, it's been a long time) on my birthday, I go outside and look up to the stars at night to talk to her. But, that started my fascination with the stars, moon and sun.
That would be part 1 of the name :P

Part 2 is simpler, it's who and what I am.

Xrystal 11-01-10 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 215030)
X-Tina + Crystal = Xrystal. I like that. :)

Rofl, when I used to play Sims Online I used to have 2 characters .. one called Xrystal Belle the other called Xrystal Ball. I just love play on words.

kachi 11-01-10 01:24 PM

Mine's not all that fancy like the others...

my nick name is Pachy and many ppl had a hard time saying it unless your Latin... and I enjoy Anime a lot as well so then I created " Kachi " so it would be easy for my american friends to say it.

I know corney but i likes :D

Opthimus 11-03-10 05:35 AM

Not from the Autobots...
Mine is from the Latin word "Optimum".

"" Etymology
< New Latin, neuter of Latin optimus (“best, very good”) < root op in ops (“work”), omnis (“all”).
optimum (plural optima or optimums)
The best or most favorable condition, or the greatest amount or degree possible under specific circumstances.""

I wanted the name Optimus like in the famous transformers, but couldn't take the name, so Opthimus it is.

I have used the name from the release of wow.

My first Opthimus

jeffy162 11-03-10 09:57 AM

Mine is pretty simple. Partially my real first name, and the numbers are from some of my favorite cars at a couple of local dirt tracks near where I grew up. If anyone recognizes these names, then you've got a clue as to the region I grew up in: [1] Wally Marks (owner, too many drivers), [6] Jackie Hamilton, [2] Johnny Botz, or [62] Chuck Welty. Made it easy to remember. 8^)

Ketho 11-03-10 12:00 PM

Mines comes from 祈祷 and that means "to pray" in cantonese dialect ..

Cairenn 11-03-10 01:33 PM

"Cairenn nic Giolla Coinning" is 11th Century Gaelic. It started out as my name in the SCA 'lo these many years gone, and it just "fit" in the mmorpg world too, so I've been using it here for as long as I've been on-line gaming. It is also the name I use on all of my * sites.

"Cairenn" - From the Gaelic "cara" + the diminutive "-in" meaning "little friend or little beloved." Caireann Chasdubh ("Cairenn of the Dark Curly Hair") was the mother of the legendary warrior Niall of the Nine Hostages and thus was the maternal ancestor of the high kings of Ireland. Translated to modern day English it is "Karen" (which is my 'real life' first name). While most will tell you that Karen is a derivative of Catherine, there are many that believe that Cairenn is the actual originating name.

"nic" means "daughter of", the same as "mac" means "son of' and "o" means "grandson of" (Now you know where all the MacDonalds and O'Reillys came from )

"Giolla Coinning" translated to modern day English means "Kilkenny", the name of my SCA clan.

Thus fully translated to modern day English, it's "Karen, daughter of Kilkenny" and is my main's name in any given mmorpg. She is always an elven ranger/hunter.

Freebaser 11-03-10 06:17 PM

I had just watched this video before creating a new character.

sevti 11-03-10 07:26 PM

When I was in high school, I was looking through an online name dictionary for a name for a character in a story; it was defined as "white rose." At first she was just a foster child that climbed trees, caught lizards, and read books. She "grew up" into a woman with a green mohawk who worked in a plant nursery.

So, it was only natural that in WoW, she manifested as a troll herbalist. :) Sevti was my main raiding in BC, and my guild called me "Sev" for short. All my alts on that server since have had the same prefix. I'd probably respond to it IRL at this point :P

TransformedBG 11-05-10 03:39 PM

Transformed B = By G= God. All in all Transformed By God, been using ever since the day i took Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior Aug 18,1998.

Neef 11-05-10 06:18 PM


It started out as my name in the SCA 'lo these many years gone. . .
You too! A friend once convinced me to help out with an SCA event. I wasn't a formal member, but I played "Niv bar Efron". Niv is the first name of a prominent ancestor in my family, bar means "son of" (a la Mac or Mc) and Efron is a surname that appears several times in my family history.

My online persona was originally Natowarhead (two childhood nicknames slammed together). But after I graduated High School, I felt a name that would not put me on an FBI watch list would be better. :p
Niv was taken on the server I originally started on so I changed it to a misspelled variation I once found while filling out my family tree.

Ironically enough, after it was chosen I found out that "Neef" is an actual name; albiet a rare one.

Seerah 11-05-10 07:51 PM

Mage not a priest, but...
blended with

Coote 11-05-10 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 216526)


Cidrei 11-05-10 10:05 PM

Cid + Rei = Cidrei

The Cid portion specifically came from a friend who called me that once in real life and amongst that group of friends it stuck. As for Rei, I needed a longer user name than Cid and I was watching Evangelion at the time so why not.

Slaxi81 11-07-10 03:36 AM

Hey, brauchst du irgendwie Zahnseide Alter?

*schmeiss mich weg*

thefrogi 11-07-10 05:55 AM

frogi is the first two letters of my first and first three of my second name.


Frigobar 11-10-10 10:41 AM

I used to play a gnome frost mage.

In portuguese, frigobar is a small fridge :p

MidgetMage55 11-10-10 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Frigobar (Post 217217)
I used to play a gnome frost mage.

In portuguese, frigobar is a small fridge :p

The epicness of this is truly staggering. :D

Kendian 12-01-10 03:44 PM

Pretty lame but my name is Ken, wifes name is Dianna~~Kendian

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