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ValorPrince 03-16-12 09:21 PM

I know twitter ****ed this whole thing up for alot of us.

Nibelheim 03-16-12 09:29 PM

Yeah, the days of keeping secrets are long gone. :p

Anj 03-16-12 10:19 PM

Unless you purposely don't use Twitter to challenge yourself :)

Grats to all, I would have passed on my beta key if I won.

HeroZero 03-17-12 12:37 AM

le sigh....

Carighan 03-17-12 12:50 AM

Thank you. :)

p3lim 03-17-12 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 253966)
You make europeans stay up all night. That is atleast something.
I wonder how p3lim made the top 2 while complaining about the time himself. ;)

Well, as it was explained, it didnt matter at what time you entered.

Melikae 03-17-12 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 253853)
I wonder how many new accounts have been made on WoW-I :p

Tons probably, like all those accounts that have been created for each contest, have 1-2 posts and never came back... and reading through the whole post I wonder how many people are just unable to even read the first few posts, as the same dumb questions popped up on every single page.

P.S.: A shame that only ~1/4 of the keys went to accounts not created solely for the purpose of leeching it. Big congrats to all those formerly existing members that got a key ;)

Ketho 03-17-12 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Melikae (Post 254042)
Tons probably, like all those accounts that have been created for each contest, have 1-2 posts and never came back... and reading through the whole post I wonder how many people are just unable to even read the first few posts, as the same dumb questions popped up on every single page.

P.S.: A shame that only ~1/4 of the keys went to accounts not created solely for the purpose of leeching it. Big congrats to all those formerly existing members that got a key ;)

I agree,
it's all about getting more customers/subscribers, even if there's only 1% that will come back I suppose :)

Vlad 03-17-12 05:33 AM

This about newly registered accounts and such, usually some contests say "you need active account pre X date to be eligible" to avoid this, but considering 20 keys, it's not much, no biggie. Shame tough, a lot of work was put in making the art and page for the mini-giveaway. :D

karmamuscle 03-17-12 05:39 AM

Well, if some of those newly registered people stick around it is well worth it for the site, and us older members, since they provide revenue to keep it running.

With that said I do agree that it is abit sad that so few oldtimers won, but congratulation to those, hope they'll enjoy it! :D

zork 03-17-12 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by p3lim (Post 254038)
Well, as it was explained, it didnt matter at what time you entered.

Forget what I wrote. I thought the previous posted lists where just the first 5 to sign up and not the actual winners. Gz on winning!!

Mike-N-Go 03-17-12 09:15 AM

I tried, yet could not find any of the chests; how deep were they hidden!!?

Cairenn 03-18-12 12:58 AM

They were all at the bottom of each respective page. After all, treasure chests, you gotta dig down to find them. ;)

We wish everyone could win! Unfortunately, can't happen. :/

Congratulations to everyone that won, and thank you to everyone that played. Hope you had fun!

FuxieDK 03-18-12 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Vladinator (Post 253683)
For non-US you can look the date and time on wolframalpha and it will tell you the time relative to your location (based on IP). Also, I know it's pointless to look at the clocks for each day, considering the clues are to be given out at the same time each day, but it shows the exact time until that happens in hours, minutes, seconds, for us geeks. :PFor me it's indeed early, I guess I can take a peak at the clue before work or university. :P

By the way, does the treasure chests spawn at the first clue giveaway, or do all chests spawn when the first clue is posted? I took a peak around, couldn't find any chests right now, so I guess they aren't placed on the site yet.

It's not logical to use US timezones AT ALL..
CET = 450 million people in 1 timezone, NOT counting Africa..
US = 4 timezones (6 if you include Hawaii), for 300 million people, NOT counting South America
Go do the math, which timezone would be more logical to use..

And if people start to whine, simply use Zulu-time and all will be good.. No need to summer/winter time or timezones...

Cairenn 03-18-12 03:37 AM

Timezones didn't matter. The clues were posted for a full 24 hours before the winners were drawn.

Vlad 03-18-12 10:16 AM

Cairenn, it looks like you put a lot of work to make the pages and to put the code in the source of the page and all, shame it was only for 20 keys. You put way too much work for such a little contest! :P

Cairenn 03-18-12 04:08 PM

We always try to do right by you guys. That means putting forth our best effort on everything we do, no matter how 'small' the project. :)

Nibelheim 03-18-12 04:37 PM

Just one of the reasons I love the Zam :)

lerb 03-19-12 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 254116)
Just one of the reasons I love the Zam :)

I feel you :)

Congratulations to all the winners! :D

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