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morpheusxeno 01-04-16 05:02 PM

I have to say wow, I saw when you started working on this way way back. It looks fantastic. But now that I feel it , Feels waaaaaaay too thick, Everything is too big, no way to scale it down ? Over all I would say your UI is a solid 9/10 you have done an amazing job on the textures and everything flows nicely, You sir I think have made the best UI on WoW Interface. Good job.

Things in my own opinion need to be addressed. After these things addressed it would definitely be 10/10

- The character unit plates are way too big. Needs to be thinner. Border is too large (add option to change)
- Insanely bad ass UI , open character panel - Mindfuq , No skinning, all plain.
- Need move things in the placement tool by pixel instead of drag and drop only
- Chatbox border is too thick
- Unit plates borders too thick
- Add a easy to bind mouse over keybindings, Like elv UI
- Theme the Quest Log watcher thinger,( possibly only show on mouse over option )
- Add Option to make mini map icons only show when moused over
- Ability to Increase minimap size
- Ability to toggle bag style, Normal + syncui style
- Ability to add a seperate bar on the screen some where, with syncui styling.
- Ability to Change size and scale of the cast bar.
- On/oFF Toggle Tool tip to show status text x/x HP value

Again, I want to say wow , Amazing UI - Best I have seen yet. I'll be making more edits to this later, I am at work.

Things that need fixes:

Mousing over some elements do not highlight them. (unclickable as well)

syncrow 01-05-16 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by morpheusxeno (Post 312465)
Mousing over some elements do not highlight them. (unclickable as well)

seems to be an addon issue, but don't actually know which one..

You are welcome to use the UI's comments section rather posting here, i don't really use this thread any longer...

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