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Sepioth 08-10-10 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 202009)
Comcast has one? Really? Maybe where your at. I've had comcast in the past, maybe if it was there, its such a big threshold they don't want to state anything to anyone *shiftyeyes*

I have Qwest, and I yet to find out I have a cap, and if I do, well... I haven't ran into any issue's as of yet :)

edit - Comcast has a setup to where everyone shares bandwidth on your block or two. Maybe it's to try to not go over a certain threshold because people share connection? Qwest is dedicated per household, or mine is anyway, so I don't know if I have a cap, I'll have to research it :P

editx2 - It didn't take long, Qwest does have a threshold, but it's 250GB as well. LOL! Well, I'm sure I won't go over that threshold. :)

In the past Comcast had a threshold but never published it. Recently the government told them they can't have a cap and not tell people about it .. especially when they advertised Unlimited internet back then.

Now Comcast has a 250gb limit. They even added a usage meter to your online account. Different areas of the country may have different limits though.

It is true that Comcast's internet is setup to share connections with neighbors (that's typically how cable internet works) Having a user or two that use constant bandwith can affect the other users on that connection. Much in the way that having multiple PC connected in the same house would. In my area though they have upgraded most lines to fiber optics (everything but the drop to your house). Because of this they now offer 50mb/s speeds if you want to pay for it. Also this has made it so if every one maxed their lines in my block it would pretty much have no effect on speeds. There has not been a time of day that I can not get maximum speeds. Maybe no one in my area uses Comcast and has FIOS :)

Sannomiya 08-10-10 08:50 PM

(10 Letters)

Krahg 08-11-10 04:45 AM

I really do want to participate in the beta but I simply have not been invited yet. My neighbor has been invited and we installed the client on my computer so he can play here, since my computer is much better than his laptop. I still can't play though because it's his account and I also do not understand most of the Korean. (actually a lot of my friends that live here do not have really awesome computers at home, they tend to go to a special business called PC-Bang to play computer games.)

Anyway, it downloaded excruciatingly slow for us. I used the uninstall feature in windows control panel and deleted everything in the install folder, then deleted the files downloaded the first time I installed it. The first time, before the launcher update installed in less than twenty minutes. Anyway the second download really appeared to be EXACTLY the same files. After about four hours he must leave and go home and it was at about 20%.

I noticed something though, I decided to play Starcraft (I own a SC2 license) and the performance was terrible. I tried to 'pause' the download but it deleted the folder in program files and when I restarted the download it was at 0% again.

The other thing was that it was going really slow, but after I restarted SC2 it downloaded in about 45 minutes. To test that out I deleted the files and did it again with SC2 running and it took about 45 minutes again. (I deleted another 15gb download... in other words we have downloaded this four times now trying to test this out and see if it is the case) Plus I downloaded it again on his laptop with Diablo II running, but didn't notice any speed difference. Might totally be a coincidence, but I thought I would like to share.

After that point about 15 gigabytes where in the installation folder and about 700 in the download folder. I started the launcher and it claimed it was going to download another 15 gb and that took another hours.

When that completed the installation folder was about 15 gb. The launcher says it still needs to download 4.1 gb (and looks a lot like the screenshot on

My neighbor is out of town, so I haven't actually been able to see the game loaded more than 10 minutes since then, but I notice that now every time he zones into a new zone the textures take a long time to load. The character is floating in the middle of space for instance. After about twenty seconds the textures start to load.

Maybe I should not post this here, but I don't have access to the beta forums to post there, but it seems like the kind of thing others might be interesting in knowing what to expect. Say the word and this will be gone (or you can just moderate it away)

I guess I will delete it and download it again, since that's all I can test... lol. Something is better than nothing.

voodoodad 08-11-10 05:24 AM

Krahg, I don't think the admins or smods will have a problem with your post being here. The more information available, the better off we all are after all.

I'm sorry for your problems with the launcher, but rest assured that MANY people have experienced the same thing.

The "100% 4.1 gb left" thing is one of the most common refrains at the o-forums and I'm sure that and all the other issues are being addressed by Blizzard.

The texture loading is also a problem that almost everyone is having, some more so than others. Again, Blizzard is (I'm sure) on the ball.

Don't worry, when Cataclysm hits store shelves, it's gonna be the greatest thing to happen for WoW since vanilla.

akgis 08-11-10 07:18 AM

Any news about the next batch? Its been 20days since last batch and no WowI admin/moderator have said anything related to the next batch so far. Dont want to sound ungrateful but its close to a month soon and some news would be good for all of us still waiting.

Thanks for all the work

Nefrirr 08-11-10 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by akgis (Post 202070)
Any news about the next batch?

The last thing I remember reading from WoWI "officials" is that they maintain communictation with Blizzard, but there is no ETA.

Judging from the amount and immediacy of past communication regarding the beta key give-away, I expect that the WoWI staff will tell us new information as soon as they get it.

Krahg 08-11-10 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 202062)
I'm sorry for your problems with the launcher, but rest assured that MANY people have experienced the same thing.

Maybe the tone was off, but I am not complaining, simply documenting. I sort of hoped sharing my experience would be useful to others who are curious if they are having a unique issue or not.

One more thing I believe is worth mentioning. To switch locale:
  1. Close WOW and the launcher
  2. Open '' from WTF folder
  3. Change the 'SET locale' line
    • "koKR" (Korean)
    • "deDE" (German)
    • "enGB" (English?)
    • "enUS" (English)
    • "esES" (Spanish)
    • "esMX" (Latin American Spanish)
    • "frFR" (French)
  4. Copy the '' file from the DATA > "CURRENT LOCALE" folder
  5. Paste the '' into the DATA > "NEW LOCALE" folder
  6. Restart the launcher

example: you want to change from 'enUS' to 'koKR' - copy the file in the enUS folder to the koKR folder (leave it in both places, it won't hurt)

There are only various locales for the server to help the players who share a language to congregate together. So far the LFD tool has pulled players into the dungeon regardless of language, locale settings, or pseudo region.

Not in the download: (not supported for beta?)
  • "ruRU" (Russian)
  • "zhCN" Simplified Chine3se
  • zhTW (Traditional Chinese)

keywords: set locale WOW enUS koKR how-to change beta cataclysm language

Krahg 08-11-10 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by akgis (Post 202070)
Its been 20days since last batch and no WowI admin/moderator have said anything

I won't go back and find all the stuff that's posted since July 22, but this thread has been fairly active and worth following. The information is available.

Who am I kidding, it only took a few minutes to scroll a few pages back, lol... response) (directly implied) (completely unrelated, but somehow I missed this and I love drama!) (general information) (what really happens to the keys) (the conspiracy is revealed) (more truth)

This is just since the begining of August. Also many of the players who are participating more regularly in this forum, those with post counts over several hundred have given us a lot of useful feed back as well.

Just a note, I am also in the Beta giveaway lottery. Total updates from that site since I entered many months ago: zero

WyriHaximus 08-11-10 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Krahg (Post 202098)
"enGB" (English?)

Yes that is English ;). It's the English client we use in Europe :cool: .

Seerah 08-11-10 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by akgis (Post 202070)
Any news about the next batch? Its been 20days since last batch and no WowI admin/moderator have said anything related to the next batch so far. Dont want to sound ungrateful but its close to a month soon and some news would be good for all of us still waiting.

Thanks for all the work

Nothing? I would suggest reading the thread instead of only checking the first post in the future. Thank you, Krahg for that list. :)

Nuckin 08-11-10 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 202103)
Nothing? I would suggest reading the thread instead of only checking the first post in the future.

Do our off topic rants count as updates? lol :p

Seerah 08-11-10 12:31 PM

There have been more statements made about keys other than the jokes. ;)

Krahg 08-11-10 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 202114)
There have been more statements made about keys other than the jokes. ;)

In a way though, the jokes themselves are updates as well since it shows that the moderation team is participating in this thread and it's not fallen from attention.

Primarily, I thought it was humorous because there has been a lot of participation in this tread and the post I replied to seemed to imply that no time had been dedicated to reading anything beyond the first post.

Muqq 08-11-10 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Nuckin (Post 202111)
Do our off topic rants count as updates? lol :p

Every single one of my rants was entirely on topi SQUIRREL

eThuz 08-11-10 07:21 PM


Points if you get the reference

smoere 08-11-10 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 202160)

Points if you get the reference

i still don't get whats so scary about a walnut munching moose.

Nuckin 08-11-10 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 202160)

Points if you get the reference

What's GIR stand for? I... Don't... Know

now where are my points?

Bluspacecow 08-11-10 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 202062)
The "100% 4.1 gb left" thing is one of the most common refrains at the o-forums and I'm sure that and all the other issues are being addressed by Blizzard.

The file in the WTF folder is the file responsible for how that bar displays.

Deleting that file will reset it and make the bar redraw itself to what it should be.

Be warned tho it won't fix the 100% but still streaming data error?bug?feature?

eThuz 08-11-10 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nuckin (Post 202164)
What's GIR stand for? I... Don't... Know

now where are my points?

Points for effort, but it's "GIR? What's the G stand for?" "I... Don't... Know"
("Is he meant to be... stupid?" "He's not stupid, he's ADVANCED)

*Hands you half an internets

Nuckin 08-12-10 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 202183)
Points for effort, but it's "GIR? What's the G stand for?" "I... Don't... Know"
("Is he meant to be... stupid?" "He's not stupid, he's ADVANCED)

*Hands you half an internets

I yield to the master of Invader Zim quotes

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