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Nuckin 08-09-10 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 201758)
I'll keep you posted...

In the mean time, I still gotta figure out a name for this damn thing :P

Unique Arcade Shooter EXTREME!

Coming Soon™ to Steam

WyriHaximus 08-09-10 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nuckin (Post 201759)
Unique Arcade Shooter EXTREME!

Coming Soon™ to Steam

With Steam Achievements for 1 shot 3 kills and run skippy run! Preorder nauw!

eThuz 08-09-10 09:09 AM

ONLY $1*

*$1 will buy you the unmodifiable game engine. All content files will be released as individual DLC packs starting at $9.95. BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? GO BUY IT ALREADY

WyriHaximus 08-09-10 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 201764)
ONLY $1*

*$1 will buy you the unmodifiable game engine. All content files will be released as individual DLC packs starting at $9.95. BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? GO BUY IT ALREADY

Activision already bought you out? :confused:

Nuckin 08-09-10 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by WyriHaximus (Post 201778)
Activision already bought you out? :confused:

Not only did they buy him out but they already canned him too

(Infinity Ward reference)

WyriHaximus 08-09-10 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nuckin (Post 201779)
Not only did they buy him out but they already canned him too

(Infinity Ward reference)

Great so it also gets a non functional MP mode :(

Muqq 08-09-10 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by WyriHaximus (Post 201780)
Great so it also gets a non functional MP mode :(

This is the first game, it'll be great. 2 on the other hand will be a pile of dog poo in a camo colored wrapper.

Sannomiya 08-09-10 05:56 PM

I wonder which will last longer time before the next batch or a game of Monopoly??? might be a close call

Talryn 08-09-10 06:29 PM

Which one is more agonizing though? The wait for a beta key or a game of Monopoly? :-)

Since it's been a while, hopefully it will be this week.

voodoodad 08-09-10 07:56 PM

Just a heads-up; A LOT of people are having problems with the new downloader/installer. Blizzard has a lot of kinks to work out before the system really works well again.

And a couple of words of warning;

1) The game client (including patches) is in the neighborhood of 16 gigs. This number is likely to grow as more patches arrive.

2) For some people the new system is agonizingly slow. Be prepared to be downloading and installing for at least 24-48 hours straight. Even people with uber-fast connections have complained about this.

3) This one is REALLY important: IF YOUR ISP HAS IMPOSED A DOWNLOAD CAP ON YOU, YOU MAY WANT TO RECONSIDER BEING A BETA TESTER. I'm honestly not trying to be mean here, but there are many many people screaming that they have been (or will be) charged enormous amounts of money for overages. Blizzard may very well end up asking us to download the entire client again. Possibly more than once. If you are under a download cap from your ISP then please keep this in mind.

Please don't think I'm trying to flame anyone here or on the o-forums (it's usually pretty apparent when I do that:eek:), I just want everyone to be aware of what's going on.

Nuckin 08-09-10 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 201835)
Just a heads-up; A LOT of people are having problems with the new downloader/installer. Blizzard has a lot of kinks to work out before the system really works well again.

And a couple of words of warning;

1) The game client (including patches) is in the neighborhood of 16 gigs. This number is likely to grow as more patches arrive.

2) For some people the new system is agonizingly slow. Be prepared to be downloading and installing for at least 24-48 hours straight. Even people with uber-fast connections have complained about this.

3) This one is REALLY important: IF YOUR ISP HAS IMPOSED A DOWNLOAD CAP ON YOU, YOU MAY WANT TO RECONSIDER BEING A BETA TESTER. I'm honestly not trying to be mean here, but there are many many people screaming that they have been (or will be) charged enormous amounts of money for overages. Blizzard may very well end up asking us to download the entire client again. Possibly more than once. If you are under a download cap from your ISP then please keep this in mind.

Please don't think I'm trying to flame anyone here or on the o-forums (it's usually pretty apparent when I do that:eek:), I just want everyone to be aware of what's going on.

Actually, the download size is likely to increase only a little more and then drop off significantly. The reason there is so much to download right now is because the beta isn't optimized to use previously unchanged files from the Live version of the game. So with the beta installed, you have two complete copies of atleast Northrend and Outland in addition to all the Azeroth files that are being reused.

And the warning about ISP download caps is still a good thing to worry about unless you have a good ISP that doesn't do download capping :p

voodoodad 08-09-10 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Nuckin (Post 201837)
Actually, the download size is likely to increase only a little more and then drop off significantly. The reason there is so much to download right now is because the beta isn't optimized to use previously unchanged files from the Live version of the game. So with the beta installed, you have two complete copies of atleast Northrend and Outland in addition to all the Azeroth files that are being reused.

And the warning about ISP download caps is still a good thing to worry about unless you have a good ISP that doesn't do download capping :p

Thanks, Nuckin. I had forgotten about it not being optimized. But it's still gonna be a big download. Thank god for uncapped ISP's! :D

Ferous 08-09-10 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 201838)
Thanks, Nuckin. I had forgotten about it not being optimized. But it's still gonna be a big download. Thank god for uncapped ISP's! :D

I've never even heard of ISP's having capped download capacity...

eThuz 08-09-10 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 201840)
I've never even heard of ISP's having capped download capacity...

Australia... nuff said.

Said it before in this thread, but I'll say it again.

I get 80gb for the months cycle from 12pm-12am (peak), and another 280gb for the months cycle from 12am-12pm (off-peak)

(Un-)Fortunately, when I get capped, instead of getting charged $2/gb (like people on Telstra do), my download speed just slows to 56k speeds

WyriHaximus 08-10-10 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Muqq (Post 201819)
This is the first game, it'll be great. 2 on the other hand will be a pile of dog poo in a camo colored wrapper.

Thats why I'll buy the second one in the cheapest store I can find :p .

Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 201838)
Thanks, Nuckin. I had forgotten about it not being optimized. But it's still gonna be a big download. Thank god for uncapped ISP's! :D

Aside from that from what I've heard from people in the beta the changes they push are huge.

Bluspacecow 08-10-10 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 201835)
1) The game client (including patches) is in the neighborhood of 16 gigs. This number is likely to grow as more patches arrive.

Maybe maybe not.

From a cursory examination of the mfil files , 12694 was only another 255 MB. Business as usual for new builds in beta or the PTR.

While there is occasionally a 1GB build update we shouldn't need to download another 16 GB again unless Blizzard decide to overhaul the client again.

2) For some people the new system is agonizingly slow. Be prepared to be downloading and installing for at least 24-48 hours straight. Even people with uber-fast connections have complained about this.
You can turn off P2P downloading by opening the Live Launcher and turning the option off in there. Once you've done sometimes you can download faster as it's not relying on the amount of people currently sharing a complete copy of the files you are downloading and is instead downloading via HTTP.

The new launcher does appear to be robust in picking up where it left off tho. Remember to quit it and wipe the file in the WTF folder to keep it's estimates honest.

I have yet to find the torrent file it uses yet. I've extracted a URL for one out of cache.db and downloaded it. It loads up fine and displays a list of files (with some hefty placeholder files too) but the tracker reports a 404 :(

3) This one is REALLY important: IF YOUR ISP HAS IMPOSED A DOWNLOAD CAP ON YOU, YOU MAY WANT TO RECONSIDER BEING A BETA TESTER. I'm honestly not trying to be mean here, but there are many many people screaming that they have been (or will be) charged enormous amounts of money for overages. Blizzard may very well end up asking us to download the entire client again. Possibly more than once. If you are under a download cap from your ISP then please keep this in mind.
I know you're trying to help here voodoo but just because your ISP imposes a download cap does not mean you should stop being a beta tester.

It just makes things a little harder downloading the client files and patchs that is all. You don't need to download the entire patch in order to play - in fact one of the key features of the new launcher is being able to play without downloading all of it.

I myself am on a capped plan. And I will not stop being a beta tester just because I don't have enough bandwidth left for the month to download as much as I like. If I had my way I would download all I liked included the Diablo II client files so I didn't have to install it from the DVD. I will not stop pulling what I do have apart looking for little gems in how they've put the client together now. I will not stop browsing the forums in search of tech support tips that work and sharing them with other people.

I'm testing things both by being support for other testers and testing what I can - how well the streaming launcher works. They will still need input from those on slower / capped ISPs as everyone doesn't have a super fast connection. If they don't test it now in some limited capacity they will have problems come launch.

Coming from a person on a capped plan here's 3 tips I can share for those on capped ISPs :

1) Keep a close eye on your bandwidth usage. Learn what the webpage is to check your usage even after downloading all of the client IE when it's streaming. Make sure you're aware of how often it updates. Have some idea of how fast it takes you to go through your bandwidth.

2) Be aware of your reset date. This is the day in the month where your cap gets reset. Rule 1 still applies. Be careful with your usage and watch it like a hawk.

3) If your ISP has times of the day where they offer free downloads that don't effect your cap get some sort of software that will open and quit the launcher at those times.

4) If you've already gone through your bandwidth cap don't worry ! Most ISPs do them in blocks. EG an extra 5GB for $$$. If you've gone over but haven't used all of the block feel free to keep downloading to use up that block (within reason of course and keeping Rule 1-3 in mind)

5) Consider using a connection that isn't capped just to get the 16GB client downloaded. It's 16 GB as they reconfigured the Data folder. The MPQ files are set up differently from Live and have files for 7 locales in it. You shouldn't have to download 16GB again (hopefully)

Examples of an uncapped connection could be a mate's house you bribe with beer , a net cafe or even free wifi at the Uni or Starbucks. Make sure you do it in little parts tho if you think they would raise some objection to 16GB being downloaded all at once.

WyriHaximus 08-10-10 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 201872)
Long bunch of useful text I'm not going to quot :P. Btw kick ass link in your sig!

6) Get an USB stick, ask around at friends who has a connection without limit and ask if you can download it there. After download transfer the files on to the USB stick and get back home to install it. (Repeat the last step untill you have all files at home.)

Cralor 08-10-10 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 201840)
I've never even heard of ISP's having capped download capacity...

Actually, quite a lot of them do (though, they vary significantly.)

I know that Comcast does have one. It's 250GB. (Should be PLENTY! ;))

Ferous 08-10-10 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cralor (Post 202004)
Actually, quite a lot of them do (though, they vary significantly.)

I know that Comcast does have one. It's 250GB. (Should be PLENTY! ;))

Comcast has one? Really? Maybe where your at. I've had comcast in the past, maybe if it was there, its such a big threshold they don't want to state anything to anyone *shiftyeyes*

I have Qwest, and I yet to find out I have a cap, and if I do, well... I haven't ran into any issue's as of yet :)

edit - Comcast has a setup to where everyone shares bandwidth on your block or two. Maybe it's to try to not go over a certain threshold because people share connection? Qwest is dedicated per household, or mine is anyway, so I don't know if I have a cap, I'll have to research it :P

editx2 - It didn't take long, Qwest does have a threshold, but it's 250GB as well. LOL! Well, I'm sure I won't go over that threshold. :)

voodoodad 08-10-10 04:42 PM

Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous post. I am NOT trying to talk anyone out of entering the beta if and when they get the chance. I just want everyone to know what they might face once they get there and to not have false expectations. My view is that the more people from the WoWI community in the beta, the smother things will run and that many fewer trolls will get through.

So PLEASE, as long as you know what the few downsides are, get that key and use it! I look forward to a meet and greet when you all come through the gate. My name is Talas on the Lost Isles server, and I approve this message.

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