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Sepioth 08-04-10 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 201256)
My connection speed is 3.5 Mb/s, and it's not that slow (by comparison).
Optus in AU get to 8Mb/s, but I haven't heard of any 1MB/s connections

If I'm not mistaken but I thought 8Mb = 1 MB (8 megabits = 1 megabyte)?

I have a 16mb/s (20Mb/s when it uses powerboost) connection through Comcast. My newsreader maxes that line. It shows download speeds in Mb and MB. When maxed it says 16Mbps / 2MBps.

The lowest Comcast offers for their internet is 12Mbps which would meet the 1MB requirement that Blizz is saying.

Nefrirr 08-04-10 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 201312)
If I'm not mistaken but I thought 8Mb = 1 MB (8 megabits = 1 megabyte)?

Indeed. Since 8 bit = 1 byte (at least in ISO standards), 1 Megabyte = 10^6 byte and 1 Megabit = 10^6 bit, your reasoning is totally sound.

Damn, we have come a long way since the C64 era of 64 kB RAM...

Sepioth 08-04-10 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nefrirr (Post 201314)
Indeed. Since 8 bit = 1 byte (at least in ISO standards), 1 Megabyte = 10^6 byte and 1 Megabit = 10^6 bit, your reasoning is totally sound.

Damn, we have come a long way since the C64 era of 64 kB RAM...

Hehe .. you aint kiding ...

I still remember the old BBS days ... firing up my old 1200 baud modem on my Tandy 1000 EX. Used to love playing all the Sierra classics. Rogue was a favorite too.

Nefrirr 08-04-10 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 201316)
I still remember the old BBS days ...

Good ol' days where BASIC was still BASIC, programmers could read machine code and each program was a space efficient, unreadable mess. Not like those kids today with their object orientation, their design patterns and their whatnots...

Seriously, though. I think we are derailing this thread with our nasty off-topic discussions. Remember that the true intention of this thread was to uncover the horrible conspiracies of the WoW Interface administration. The people need to know!

WyriHaximus 08-04-10 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nefrirr (Post 201319)
Good ol' days where BASIC was still BASIC, programmers could read machine code and each program was a space efficient, unreadable mess. Not like those kids today with their object orientation, their design patterns and their whatnots...

Seriously, though. I think we are derailing this thread with our nasty off-topic discussions. Remember that the true intention of this thread was to uncover the horrible conspiracies of the WoW Interface administration. The people need to know!

Yeah have to give you that altho the code was a mess it was efficient, small and fast mainly cause of the hardware limitations. Tho I have to admit OO, MVC and Frameworks make my life a lot easier :cool: . And isn't all this just a tool to achieve that goal?

Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 201278)
I'm on the Caelestrasz US (It's in my sig :P)

Asia isn't bad to connect through, but Sydney->US is a more direct route, so a lot faster

doh xD

Nefrirr 08-04-10 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by WyriHaximus (Post 201320)
Tho I have to admit OO, MVC and Frameworks make my life a lot easier :cool: . And isn't all this just a tool to achieve that goal?

In spite of my wisecracking comments on "the (g)olden days" of programming, I myself wouldn't want to go back to that age. I have to admit that I actually write most of my code not only with modern design principles in mind, but even sacrifice speed for readability (I mostly do implementations in a research context, where the task is mainly to understand algorithms or do a proof of concept, not for end users).

The ironic thing is that I am often forced to use ANSI C and basically simulate OO design principles without proper language support. It's a twisted world.

Muqq 08-04-10 05:06 PM

I just spent the last 15 minutes or so reading through the last couple days worth of posts and all I have to say is "Kan I haz kie?".....

As for internet connections, I'm on something like 16Mb/s cable here which is one of the "lower" speeds for the area.

kokomala 08-04-10 05:20 PM

Apparently a bunch of guilds have been selected for the guild/beta invite thing this week, with keys to be sent out to them shortly (1-2 weeks).

Perhaps the next lot of addon author keys will be sent out at the same time.

Talryn 08-04-10 06:11 PM

I don't think the author keys are tied to the guild beta key give away. In fact, I'd think it easier not to send them all out at once.

Hopefully we'll hear something soon. It seems like it is usually a week or so in between the batches. At least it felt that way.

I have no idea if they'll let Cairenn know batch is coming or if they'll just send it to him.

Just keep an eye out here (the forum posts) or on the front page.

Cairenn 08-04-10 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Talryn (Post 201331)
I have no idea if they'll let Cairenn know batch is coming or if they'll just send it to him.

Him? HIM? HMPH! Her, thank you very kindly! :p

Talryn 08-04-10 06:31 PM

Oops, sorry. I just typed that up quickly. Now that you mention it, I did learn that earlier. :-)

I think I'm still confused though from the last gender debate (over Cladhaire) in another thread...

Motig 08-04-10 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Talryn (Post 201333)
Oops, sorry. I just typed that up quickly. Now that you mention it, I did learn that earlier. :-)

I think I'm still confused though from the last gender debate (over Cladhaire) in another thread...

Everybody uses real life avatar pictures here!

eThuz 08-04-10 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 201312)
If I'm not mistaken but I thought 8Mb = 1 MB (8 megabits = 1 megabyte)?


Originally Posted by Nefrirr (Post 201314)
Indeed. Since 8 bit = 1 byte (at least in ISO standards), 1 Megabyte = 10^6 byte and 1 Megabit = 10^6 bit, your reasoning is totally sound.

I'm hesitant to call what Optus offer 1MB/s.
ISPs over here like to play games and say you get UP TO X, when really that's only in the best case scenario, and you shouldn't expect to get anywhere near it

Shadowed 08-04-10 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Motig (Post 201350)
Everybody uses real life avatar pictures here!

For the record, I look exactly like my avatar in real life.

Bluspacecow 08-04-10 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Shadowed (Post 201357)
For the record, I look exactly like my avatar in real life.

What Avatar ?

You has none. Does this mean you don't exist IRL ?

BTW Everyone who hasn't already - you need to delete your Beta folder now and redownload the whole thing has they've completely changed how the updating system now works. To get it all up and running again you gotta go delete your Beta folder and reinstall it from the client page for beta on

This will get you to download a 658 MB new installer that installs a "Cataclysm-Beta-Installer-" folder

That one gets updated to the latest build.

kokomala 08-04-10 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Talryn (Post 201331)
I don't think the author keys are tied to the guild beta key give away. In fact, I'd think it easier not to send them all out at once.

Hopefully we'll hear something soon. It seems like it is usually a week or so in between the batches. At least it felt that way.

Yea. I'd imagine they're a bit interested in the new launcher and doing initial testing on that before a stress test with new keys being given out.

Here's hoping for next week at the latest however :)

Quokka 08-05-10 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 201364)
What Avatar ?

You has none. Does this mean you don't exist IRL ?

BTW Everyone who hasn't already - you need to delete your Beta folder now and redownload the whole thing has they've completely changed how the updating system now works. To get it all up and running again you gotta go delete your Beta folder and reinstall it from the client page for beta on

This will get you to download a 658 MB new installer that installs a "Cataclysm-Beta-Installer-" folder

That one gets updated to the latest build.

hope the enUS works for Europe this time :D
Since there is no option to change anymore :eek:

AtliThor 08-05-10 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Quokka (Post 201376)
hope the enUS works for Europe this time :D
Since there is no option to change anymore :eek:

It does. I've tried. :banana:


Originally Posted by eThuz (Post 201351)
I'm hesitant to call what Optus offer 1MB/s.
ISPs over here like to play games and say you get UP TO X, when really that's only in the best case scenario, and you shouldn't expect to get anywhere near it

That's my situation as well. I have this fancy 16MB/s connection that only manages, at best, 1.2MiB of actual data per second. That's like a 40% drop :mad:

Sadly, this is the best ISP in my area. You don't want to hear about the second best...

akgis 08-05-10 04:32 AM

You mean that Europe ppl have to download the Cataclysm-Beta-Installer- there is no enGB one?

ricks322 08-05-10 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by akgis (Post 201389)
You mean that Europe ppl have to download the Cataclysm-Beta-Installer- there is no enGB one?

Correct, as of right now the installer installes all versions.

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