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todd0168 12-20-13 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 288602)
So, you are saying that this (from what you quoted)


We asked him to apologize to our community, because he was yelling at everyone.
Contradicts this (from what you linked)?


and apologize to the community for the way he has treated everyone
I just want to make sure we're on the same page. :)

Just out of curiosity, where did he yell at "everyone"? The only thing I ever saw from him that could be construed as yelling, was when he informed us of the vitriol that was spewed at him for sending out a request to look into his charity effort. I never once felt that anything he posted anywhere would be directed at me (a non flamer).

Petrah 12-23-13 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 288525)
because he was yelling at everyone.

I respectfully and strongly disagree. (Notice I said "respectfully". People can disagree and discuss things without being pissy to one another.)

I didn't know anything about any of this until tonight, and have been reading these threads to get a grasp on what's been going on.

While reading Scott's post not once did I feel he was yelling at me. Why? Because I am not part of the hate group that caused him to get annoyed in the first place. Why would you, or anyone else for that matter, feel he was yelling at the entire community when he was very specific in stating exactly what group he was pissed at? Those bits in his post where he was berating those who mistreated him, who he was speaking to in those bits were as obvious as the light of the sun.

If anyone feels that they were being yelled at and they were not part of that hate group, go back and re-read the posts to get clarification regarding who he was speaking to. If you're innocent and still feel you were yelled at then you've clearly misunderstood what Scott said.

Scott does not owe this community any apologies. Those who were mean and unappreciative are the ones who owe HIM an apology. IMHO WowI has lost one of the good ones. I guess this thread and what's been said has pushed him right out the door. Nice going.

Todd0168; lol. It's nice seeing the banner I created in your sig. Very happy that people are still using it!! :)

Chmee 12-24-13 02:34 AM

I have to agree with Petrah.

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