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wilykat 10-28-14 01:24 PM

Wow so much misinformation. The addon has not required payment or requested donation since the original creator dropped it a couple years ago. Any money sent are completely free will.

Blizzard even has rule that bans anyone from asking for money or requiring payment to use addon for a while now. I think it's 5 years now? Anyone who thinks Carbonite needed money is an idiot.

To AleXuTzU may you become eunuch. You don't deserve to pass your idiot gene to your offspring.

eqsanctum 10-28-14 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by AleXuTzU (Post 299142)
What,did u put your friends to throw bad words on me?cut that donate buton and all will be good.You people are blind or what?The autors of Carbonite,had never done this.If you don't have time to develope Carbonite,dive it to others,how the first autors,did.You people are blind,really...

God that hurt my eyes.

The original Carb authors put out fast patches when they got paid for it. They put out one or two fast patches when they didn't then the updates came REALLY REALLY slow. They were honest about it, they didn't make money off it anymore and it wasn't a priority. Rythal has never asked for money. He doesn't expect it... Sooooo what's the deal? Leave the guy alone and let him do his work, if he wants to, or doesn't.

Kyzmet 10-28-14 02:07 PM

I seriously don't get the whining and complaining.
Blizz maps have made huge improvements and while I greatly prefer the flexibility and usability of Carbonite due to being 50% blind I can function fine with the built in options. If you think you can do a better job than Rythal than by all means get jumping.
He is having to basically rewrite the add-on to get everything to work.
If you don't have the skill or training required to take over then step away form your electronic courage and wait.
If you have the skills and knowledge then download the newest one and rebuild it yourself and yet again quit trying to hide behind the anonymity of the internet and flame someone that is doing something to help others.
Don't want to donate? Don't donate.
Won't donate until it is fixed cool shut up and wait.
Think you can help Ry Send him a private message instead of trying to blow your own horn on a forum.

LadyTash 10-28-14 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Spheo (Post 299134)

Like many here, I am anxiously awaiting the fruits of your hard work and dedication to the future of this AddOn.

Perhaps, we may send you a 12 pack of your choosing? It would be appropriate, because for most of us, it takes copious amounts of alcohol to put up with the Blizzard mapping UI and Quest Guide.

Let us know if there is a PO Box somewhere we can send liquid appreciation, don't mind if there are a few brews missing when it arrives; just the thought of playing without Carbonite makes me thirsty.


Amen, and Amen and Amen! LOL Take as long as you need sir, we (those truly dedicated to you and your work) will wait with baited breath (well, maybe a little alcoholically baited breath) for real life issues to release their strangle hold upon you so that you might return to us again :) Until then, I'm with the majority here who don't wish to listen to the whiners and complainers. Part of the reason I've not really involved myself in any game forum's...I hate the undeserved bashing and unyielding complaining..and thus the reason I will most likely turn away from them once this update is completed.

HammerRed 10-28-14 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by AleXuTzU (Post 299142)
What,did u put your friends to throw bad words on me?cut that donate buton and all will be good.You people are blind or what?The autors of Carbonite,had never done this.If you don't have time to develope Carbonite,dive it to others,how the first autors,did.You people are blind,really...

LOL your poor thing, Carbonite is released License: GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) if you can do better download the source code and have at it.

Eternal_Lynx 10-28-14 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by AleXuTzU (Post 299142)
What,did u put your friends to throw bad words on me?cut that donate buton and all will be good.You people are blind or what?The autors of Carbonite,had never done this.If you don't have time to develope Carbonite,dive it to others,how the first autors,did.You people are blind,really...

Carbonite was an add-on you need to BUY before Blizzard forced all wow add-ons to be free of charge. Are you blind or what?
And that one day they stopped to update and release it under GPL lisense. That means ANYONE can make a new working version based on it and accept donation.
If you think Rythal's work worth nothing, just make a new Carbonite by yourself and stop being such a selfish jerk.

Draven006 10-29-14 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by AleXuTzU (Post 299142)
What,did u put your friends to throw bad words on me?cut that donate buton and all will be good.You people are blind or what?The autors of Carbonite,had never done this.If you don't have time to develope Carbonite,dive it to others,how the first autors,did.You people are blind,really...

This just goes to show your incomprehension of what you are saying.
This goes to show you are a NOOB about this addon.

If you don't know the truth SHUT THE F@*K UP.

The ORIGINAL Carbonite developers gave away a free, cut down, stripped to shit addon.
If you wanted the FULL addon then you HAD to pay them either a monthly fee or pay for it for a year!

Blizzard put a stop to that and said no-one should be paying for an addon.
Carbonite ORIGINAL developers throw the towel in and STOPPED ALL UPDATES, cos they were greedy buggers.

RYTHAL... our addon savour, picked up the project as a fan, and he has been doing it for free ever since.
Donations are welcome to him, but YOU AleXuTzU, you dim witted dumbass.... YOU show me where Rythal has ONCE, EVER, asked for money, donations, beer or ANY gratuity for what he has been doing.

AleXuTzU... if you don't like it F@*K off (oh and learn to type proper English)

Rythal, I support and salute you.

Fera_Luna 10-29-14 12:41 PM

Add my name to the pile of antsy (read: "impatient") Carbonite users that are here to support you, Rythal! :p

Carbonite original was the only addon I used when I first started playing back when 40 was the level cap and flying (oops! I meant riding) lessons were cheap and the mounts were expensive. Over the years, I tried to replace it with "freebies" but they just couldn't compete. I left WoW for a bit and came back to find that Carbonite was still available and now FREE! (yeah...I was gone for a LONG while) and was super happy that I'd be able to get ready for WoD using my "pal" of an addon. Then it broke due to "Improving" the game. (Damn you Blizzard patch minions!) :mad:

At this point I feel like Brando on the street screaming "Stella-aaaaa!" up at the balcony! :banana:

So, short story long, Rythal, I too support you and can't wait until your RL allows you to fix this so I can log into WoW and truly be able to say, "Carbonite, you complete me". :D


Because I couldn't just "Like" a comment, I've picked the two I liked most and embedded them below...


Originally Posted by Spheo (Post 299134)

Like many here, I am anxiously awaiting the fruits of your hard work and dedication to the future of this AddOn.

Perhaps, we may send you a 12 pack of your choosing? It would be appropriate, because for most of us, it takes copious amounts of alcohol to put up with the Blizzard mapping UI and Quest Guide.

Let us know if there is a PO Box somewhere we can send liquid appreciation, don't mind if there are a few brews missing when it arrives; just the thought of playing without Carbonite makes me thirsty.



Originally Posted by Draven006 (Post 299199)
This just goes to show your incomprehension of what you are saying.
This goes to show you are a NOOB about this addon.

If you don't know the truth SHUT THE F@*K UP.

The ORIGINAL Carbonite developers gave away a free, cut down, stripped to shit addon.
If you wanted the FULL addon then you HAD to pay them either a monthly fee or pay for it for a year!

Blizzard put a stop to that and said no-one should be paying for an addon.
Carbonite ORIGINAL developers throw the towel in and STOPPED ALL UPDATES, cos they were greedy buggers.

RYTHAL... our addon savour, picked up the project as a fan, and he has been doing it for free ever since.
Donations are welcome to him, but YOU AleXuTzU, you dim witted dumbass.... YOU show me where Rythal has ONCE, EVER, asked for money, donations, beer or ANY gratuity for what he has been doing.

AleXuTzU... if you don't like it F@*K off (oh and learn to type proper English)

Rythal, I support and salute you.

Fathersin 10-29-14 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fera_Luna (Post 299206)
Carbonite original was the only addon I used when I first started playing back when 40 was the level cap

40? And flying? Do what?

wilykat 10-29-14 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Fathersin (Post 299242)
40? And flying? Do what?

Think he meant back when first riding level was still at 40 (and more expensive), not at 20 right now.

Rythal 10-29-14 10:57 PM

Status Update: Instances / Scenarios are detected and working, have not yet tested BG's

Question, I have never in all my WoW career run an Arena match.... what exactly did Carbonite do during arena's? From what I can see they have no maps, and no map ID's...

asctt1 10-29-14 11:24 PM

so we should have it back soon ?:) and nothing that i can remember

Origami 10-29-14 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299254)
Status Update: Instances / Scenarios are detected and working, have not yet tested BG's

Question, I have never in all my WoW career run an Arena match.... what exactly did Carbonite do during arena's? From what I can see they have no maps, and no map ID's...

I don't believe carbonite did anything special for arenas if anything at all... But I could be wrong... Never thought to use it during one lol...

Louisa Bannon 10-30-14 02:29 AM


This is a great addon. I know you know that because you made a rather significant effort some time back to take it over. IMHO, the addon is in pretty good hands. I appreciate that you resist band-aid solutions and generally just wait to get it right instead.

I just wanted to add my voice to those expressing gratitude. I know your efforts are appreciated by many.

mjumnito 10-30-14 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299254)
Status Update: Instances / Scenarios are detected and working, have not yet tested BG's

Question, I have never in all my WoW career run an Arena match.... what exactly did Carbonite do during arena's? From what I can see they have no maps, and no map ID's...

I never noticed it doing anything in arenas. Although they get over so quick and are in such a small space I kept the map close when I was in there.

Looking around on wowpedia though I did find where they had arenas listed (at least it has the newer arenas). Its below if its anyhelp.


MapID  Map Name
 ?        Blade's Edge Arena
 ?        Dalaran Arena
559        Nagrand Arena
572        Ruins of Lordaeron
 ?        The Ring of Valor
1134        The Tiger's Peak
980        Tol'Viron Arena

Wowpedia says to use /dump GetInstanceInfo(). if you need Ill try to get into some to get the numbers this weekend

Mordralis 10-30-14 09:11 AM

Just A Suggestion?

Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297724)
I'll stick to this thread instead of making a new one...

A short explanation of what's being worked on currently:

The old Carbonite had 2 Zone tables. One followed blizzards zoneID's (4 = Durotar, 9 = Mulgore etc etc),
and One used it's own numbering system (1000 - 1999 was Eastern Kingdoms, 2000 - 2999 was Kalimdor, 3000-3999 was Outlands etc etc)

The entire mapping system relied on and was using the 1000,2000 system while guides locations quest tracking etc was using the zoneID system. The two were tied together strictly by the zone name. So during the table initialization, it looked at zone 1001 saw Durotar was it's name and created links between 1001 and 4 in various tables.

With the new continent coming, that entire system no longer works, as it can't tell Burning Crusade Shadowmoon Valley from WoD Shadowmoon Valley. So I am working on converting the 1000,2000 system over to zoneID's.

This is also leading to some problems on it's own, as things like Battlegrounds were placed in 9000-9999 and through out the entire mapping system it would check if you were in a battleground by seeing if carbonites internal ID was 9001 etc, so I need to find new ways to check for instances or battlegrounds.

I've done extensive programming over the last 30 years, but it has been in databases, like Access, Oracle, etc...really different from this type of programming. However, I've had scenarios where queries were based on a numbering system, similar to that you describe, and extensive links, joins and unions hat corresponded to that system.
Some would say that it would be easier (in database programming) to just scrap it and remap the entire numbering system. However, in doing that, you have to create a whole new set of rules in addition to a restructure that throws away the old system as being irrelevant - and in so doing you lose a mapping history trail, since in essence you are redesigning the entire database. To relate in WoW terms, although you remap to show the new areas, you lose the historical trail of some of the older points.
Would it not be possible in these instances to utilize an additional number set that would identify the new content, retaining the original number set relationships? If in the past the number sets were 1000-1999, 2000-2999, 3000-3999, etc, maybe use an additional number set of 0000-0999?
It would still be a lot of work, tying the relationships in, building the passthroughs, unions, etc...but much less work than revamping the entire system.
Anyway, again, just a suggestion from a database programmer.
I have been using Carbonite since 2009, before you acquired it from the original developers. It is by far and without exception the best module for what it does. I feel totally lost and can no longer get the value of mapping with Blizz's mapping system, or with any other addon I've been able to find to date. Your dedication and commitment to the continual development of Carbonite is appreciated!

Fenraire 10-30-14 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by LadyTash (Post 299160)
Amen, and Amen and Amen! LOL Take as long as you need sir, we (those truly dedicated to you and your work) will wait with baited breath (well, maybe a little alcoholically baited breath) for real life issues to release their strangle hold upon you so that you might return to us again :) Until then, I'm with the majority here who don't wish to listen to the whiners and complainers. Part of the reason I've not really involved myself in any game forum's...I hate the undeserved bashing and unyielding complaining..and thus the reason I will most likely turn away from them once this update is completed.

I'd just like to add my voice to those who are here to thank and applaud someone who gives of their time like this, just for the love of the gaming community. It really astonishes me that anyone would make petulant demands about this. I know Blizz won't let you accept money, but seriously, if someone happened to private message me a PO Box, I happen to know that baked goods ship pretty well :)

onenutmcgee 10-30-14 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fenraire (Post 299306)
. I know Blizz won't let you accept money, but seriously, if someone happened to private message me a PO Box, I happen to know that baked goods ship pretty well :)

As an FYI, it's not that Blizz won't let addon developers accept money. There is a donate button on the main addon page at wow interface. You *can* donate. What blizz disallowed was having an addon that you had to pay money for. Which is what Carbonite was way back when. You had to pay for it.

atl77 10-30-14 02:24 PM

Pre-beta release?
Rythal, can't you put a pre-release (early beta) up so we can help you figuring out what needs fixing?

Rythal 10-30-14 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by atl77 (Post 299317)
Rythal, can't you put a pre-release (early beta) up so we can help you figuring out what needs fixing?

As soon as I get battlegrounds working I planned on doing that :) It'll be the maps system only as I haven't even started looking at making the rest work with the revamped system

Fizgig1973 10-30-14 03:24 PM

Thank you so much Rythal =)

evie2883 10-30-14 09:32 PM

Rythal, just wanted to say a huge Thank You for all your hard work, I have loved carbonite since before you took it over, and it has only gotten better since then.

I am eagerly awaiting an update so that my maps work again!

Thanks again!


kswizzle71981 10-30-14 10:43 PM

A big thanks

Thank you for your hard work, we all appreciate it very very much. Although money is tight right now id be happy to send a donation if you want to set up a paypal. Carbonite is the best addon and i miss it dearly, i wanted to help out and if i still can let me know. You are the man and do not let these other noobs tell you otherwise!!

atl77 10-31-14 06:15 AM

Thank you so much!

Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299321)
As soon as I get battlegrounds working I planned on doing that :) It'll be the maps system only as I haven't even started looking at making the rest work with the revamped system

That's great news! Thank you for the great work, Rythal!

Pied67 10-31-14 11:07 PM

WTB Carbonite
I have used Carbonite for years, and am so grateful you took over the development of the add-on. I just donated to the cause and I'm very much looking forward to the next release. Godspeed sir!


killmachine 11-01-14 06:55 AM

Carbonite for WOD
Just wondering how long it's going to take to update for latest patch

twystedfate 11-01-14 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by killmachine (Post 299393)
Just wondering how long it's going to take to update for latest patch

as stated in previous posts it will be done when it's done Rythal is working on it. if you need detailed info read the rest of this thread

Mmorpgfan32 11-01-14 10:10 AM

I have had carbonite almost since I started wow and I have played wow on and off for years.

When I start back at wow the first thing I do is try and get carbonite as I resume. Its a must have, for quality gameplay in my opinion.

Carbonite, recount, DBM, xtolevel, and auctionator are the addons that I use. This time after a 3 month brake I dowloaded it from curse client and it was non functional due to patch and I must say, the game is less enjoyable.

Blizzard should hire Rythal, put him on the payroll and permantly integrate carbonite into wow. It seems almost more than a addon to me.

When I first started playing before questhelper was put in questing was a nightmare and a waste of time, then later I descovered carbonite and decided not to quit the game.

You must understand wow was my first exsperence with mmorpgs. I had not yet played eq1 and stuff, just old sierra point and click adventure games like kings quest and gabriel knight, quest for glory and such...which is ironicly now owned by activision, hahaha.

Anyway I did not know how it is with most mmorpgs, before that...and as a mmorpg was not divided into screens like an adventure game...well you see what I mean.

Were it not for carbonite, I would have quickly gave up on mmorpgs earily on and would have missed out on years of enjoyment and entertainment. Thanks carbonite and Rythal!

frannyanny 11-01-14 12:45 PM

I'm new to W.o.W and the first add on i did was Carbonite i miss it and the help it gave i am patiently waiting for the up date so i can really enjoy W.o.W again Thank you Rythal for all your hard work:banana:

webbdog88 11-01-14 01:53 PM

update notices
Will you include in the early release a system that notifies used when the updates are available.

matt_b19 11-01-14 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by twystedfate (Post 299394)
as stated in previous posts it will be done when it's done Rythal is working on it. if you need detailed info read the rest of this thread

Rythal must have some idea of how long it is going to take.... a week a month...longer???

Chaeden 11-01-14 04:13 PM

Rythal, Thank you from the bottom of my motherboard and to the depths of Dreanor!! Carbonite it the best multiple use addon out here for WOW!! I'm making due with Blizzards FAILS at map gen, and greatly appreciate every second and keystroke you utilize in continuing this module. I wish I could help progress things or make your load lighter. I thank you and anyone in your life who allows/enables you to continue this.

Rythal 11-01-14 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by matt_b19 (Post 299411)
Rythal must have some idea of how long it is going to take.... a week a month...longer???

I don't have any idea, The addon had to be fixed for the new mapping API's to start with, I could of at that time released it and it would of worked with 6.0, instead I started tearing it apart and redoing the back end way it deals and stores tables so that I can properly support WoD. In either case it was either people have it now, and not have it when WoD comes, or they don't have it now and hopefully will have it in time for WoD.

In previous posts within this thread the current progress has been mentioned, and hopefully i'll have a beta version out of the new system so people can test it and find bugs with it.

crzyface 11-01-14 04:44 PM

thank you for all your hard work and care to make this addon work like it used to. from me and the majority
of carbonite users thank you so very much :D

Origami 11-01-14 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299415)
I don't have any idea, The addon had to be fixed for the new mapping API's to start with, I could of at that time released it and it would of worked with 6.0, instead I started tearing it apart and redoing the back end way it deals and stores tables so that I can properly support WoD. In either case it was either people have it now, and not have it when WoD comes, or they don't have it now and hopefully will have it in time for WoD.

In previous posts within this thread the current progress has been mentioned, and hopefully i'll have a beta version out of the new system so people can test it and find bugs with it.

Rythal, we appreciate all that you are doing, having to wait a little longer is no big deal, blizzard maps, clunky as they may be aren't terribly bad once you get use to them lol, the wait will pay off in the end when carbonite makes its return 😄 thank again for all that you do!

corsika 11-01-14 10:43 PM

Do you have a list of 'grunt work' tasks that someone with development experience could do for you to speed the process along? Like entering raw codes or doing large search and replaces?

Rythal 11-01-14 11:07 PM

I wish I did, right now the only 2 major things to get working are to rework the BG maps / detection and to figure out why guide images are not displaying... guide is working and I can hover over stuff on the map and see the guide info, but no graphics.

Whoanylle 11-02-14 08:30 AM

We love you Rythal!

Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299415)
In previous posts within this thread the current progress has been mentioned, and hopefully i'll have a beta version out of the new system so people can test it and find bugs with it.

Thank you for continuing to put your blood, sweat and tears into this. We also have been stumbling along with the default map and are really excited about having Carbonite back. I totally agree with waiting until you are ready and hopefully having the beta with the new system. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Designadrug 11-02-14 08:51 AM

Project Management
Rythal you are a fscking legend.

I have been programming for 31 years and have taken multiple products to market. You are a better person than I by long way; I couldn't conceive of taking-on the pressures of a project as big as Carbonite in my spare time.

For all the people who offer programming help, Rythal has politely declined many times. And the reason is one that can be hard to explain or understand if you have ever tried to code one project with multiple programmers. It is such a famous problem that books have been written about it. The most well known is "The Mythical Man-Week".

Basically the problem is project coordination. The more people there are on a project, the more time they spend coordinating instead of actually working at the coal-face. If the code is modular, this 'interference' can be reduced by coordinating how the modules will talk to each other, then going about writing the bits you 'own'. However, I get the impression that Carbonite was what we in the know call "monolithic" in that it was one enormous non-modular codebase. And that, is probably why he doesn't want other people working on it - controlling which changes get put in and when is a nightmare in a professional environment; on a hobby project I can imagine it could be fatal.

more than one coder = administrative overheads
Rythal = legend

chilidogg11 11-02-14 10:14 AM

Thank you!
Rythal, I just wanted to add my thanks for you taking the time out of your busy schedule to tinker with and hopefully fix Carbonite in time for WoD. I am also someone who has used it for years and there's just nothing else out there like it. I know that the few dollars you get from supporters isn't near enough money for the work but rest assured that you can go to bed at night having done your good deed for the year! Nerds everywhere appreciate all that you do. Thanks again.

Rythal 11-02-14 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Designadrug (Post 299442)
Rythal you are a fscking legend.

I have been programming for 31 years and have taken multiple products to market. You are a better person than I by long way; I couldn't conceive of taking-on the pressures of a project as big as Carbonite in my spare time.

For all the people who offer programming help, Rythal has politely declined many times. And the reason is one that can be hard to explain or understand if you have ever tried to code one project with multiple programmers. It is such a famous problem that books have been written about it. The most well known is "The Mythical Man-Week".

Basically the problem is project coordination. The more people there are on a project, the more time they spend coordinating instead of actually working at the coal-face. If the code is modular, this 'interference' can be reduced by coordinating how the modules will talk to each other, then going about writing the bits you 'own'. However, I get the impression that Carbonite was what we in the know call "monolithic" in that it was one enormous non-modular codebase. And that, is probably why he doesn't want other people working on it - controlling which changes get put in and when is a nightmare in a professional environment; on a hobby project I can imagine it could be fatal.

It is actually very modular now, and if I had svn or git setup I'd be more then happy for the help in cutting out the bugs. It's been mostly offers of data entry, or finding numbers, or search and replaces which while yes those things will be needed when it's time to add the WoD continent, right now with the back end work those won't help. I do need to stop being ADHD with the code tho and get the major things working instead of getting side tracked by smaller things like guide icons or instance points... I sit down planning to redo the battlegrounds, take one look at the map and current debug messages I have setup and get yanked into the other parts.

delabarra 11-02-14 05:02 PM

I must mention i miss bg map as i cried on MOP test posts 2 years ago.
Now i must admit that im missing "PUNK DETECTOR" aswell! so fkn awsome.

Keep up the good work!

DeaTHCorEKiD 11-03-14 01:29 PM

hmm Rythal, so let us help... without source we can't do this :( post the code, git or similar is not absolutely required, a free hoster to the same ;)

Rythal 11-04-14 12:45 AM

FirstSpeaker 11-04-14 01:43 AM

All thanks Rythal
Fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to set up !!!

All appreciation and gratitude for the incredible amount of work. And great admiration :-)

samyonair 11-04-14 03:37 AM

Language Translation deDE
Hi Rythal,

first Thanks for your Work,
I've forked your git to begin translations for deDE, if someone else with more freetime want it to do then feel free to do so.

But If no one begins it is a facepalm for rythal if all have asked for and no one do anything.

That's why I share my freetime with this great project, I've played with Carbonite since it has a free plan because my pocket is mosttimes emty and I'm Happy to help keeping this great project alive, and give something back to this project.

I hope you all can understand what I want to say because it's a longtime since I've written in English :-)



Eternal_Lynx 11-04-14 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299540)

Finally a neat Locale system and that's awesome!
I'm extracting every single zhCN translation from my own zhCN Carbonite BETA.

This addon is not so popular in China, but still got hundreds asking me for a working simplified-Chinese version.
You can see my work here:

So just trust me about zhCN locale, I'm a Chinese.:D

Rythal 11-04-14 09:27 AM

Yes the Locale tidying up and full implementation was what i was working on before the WoD stuff went live, so the main addon is fully done for it, the secondary modules are setup for it but not yet using it or finished.

asctt1 11-04-14 11:31 PM

where will you be posting the updates

Teener 11-05-14 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299540)

I am assuming this website is for the smart people that know programming ? When its ready will there be a link like the curse client link that just says " download " ?

evie2883 11-05-14 07:56 AM

Yes, once the addon is fully updated for the public, You will see it in Curse Client showing an Update/Download button.

Rythal 11-05-14 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Teener (Post 299600)
I am assuming this website is for the smart people that know programming ? When its ready will there be a link like the curse client link that just says " download " ?

Yes as mentioned by evie, while people can download the current work in progress from there and use it, it's definitely not stable nor fully working. It's meant for other's to work on it if they want to. When I actually have it working it'll be here on WoWI and on Curse.

ircdirk 11-05-14 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299540)

I have commited fix on Github for Carbonite.Social, please check it Rythal. Now Punk List gets updated.

Rythal 11-05-14 11:43 PM

*shakes fist* I still can't figure out for the life of me why battlegrounds maps are not working, and it didn't help I did a big faux pas by running other addons, so my map was flickering like mad and I spent 2 hours debugging it trying to figure out why.... and in the end it was another addon causing it.

I may give up on battlegrounds and move on to getting WoD zones working and the rest of the addon going for parts that are not (like Quests) so at least I can get a 90% working version out the door before WoD and worry about fixing BG's after.

sgtevmckay 11-06-14 12:04 AM

Don't you dare buckle under pressure.....

I agree with previous poster.....
Your tackling of this project in your spare time is an extraordinary feat.

If you feel it is ready, then ok, if not; we wait.

Ultimately this has become your baby, and we await patient as always for the delivery announcement.

You just Keep on, Keep'in on

I actually find that I am enjoying the anticipation as much as the expectation. When comes time for Beta, I know where to write my notes ;)

Thanks again

As always; Wife and I will donate as we can

ircdirk 11-06-14 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 299669)
*shakes fist* I still can't figure out for the life of me why battlegrounds maps are not working, and it didn't help I did a big faux pas by running other addons, so my map was flickering like mad and I spent 2 hours debugging it trying to figure out why.... and in the end it was another addon causing it.

I may give up on battlegrounds and move on to getting WoD zones working and the rest of the addon going for parts that are not (like Quests) so at least I can get a 90% working version out the door before WoD and worry about fixing BG's after.

Look at this Rythal this guy made self fixes to Carbonite: And on 6.0.3 BG maps works fine (i think most of Carbonite with this fixes works fine), maybe this will help u ;)

Eternal_Lynx 11-06-14 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 299679)
Look at this Rythal this guy made self fixes to Carbonite: And on 6.0.3 BG maps works fine (i think most of Carbonite with this fixes works fine), maybe this will help u ;)

It won't, it's just id and continent things since Carbonite originally use a four-digit number to represent a zone, and it check the first digit (math.floor(zoneID / 1000)) to tell which zone is on which continent.

But the old system has a weak point that it cannot handle duplicate zone names, unfortunately we have two "Shadowmoon Valley"s in WOD, so Rythal decide to use "Real" mapIDs instead of custom numbers.

Now the problem is, as far as I can see, the code on github, lack the funtional parts to check continent data of zones(BGs are former begins with number 9 but now it varies), I patched one of them and it works fine but still have much to do such as the "Minimap Blocks" and map "MID"s and so on. All funtions related to zone-continent things need to be rewritten.

...and I blame this on Blizzard.

Just look all the expansions after WLK:
vanilla world -> outland -> northrend -> vanilla world REBORN! -> outland REBORN!
So we are going to have a northrend REBORN! in 7.0? Lame!

ircdirk 11-06-14 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Eternal_Lynx (Post 299681)
It won't, it's just id and continent things since Carbonite originally use a four-digit number to represent a zone, and it check the first digit (math.floor(zoneID / 1000)) to tell which zone is on which continent.

But the old system has a weak point that it cannot handle duplicate zone names, unfortunately we have two "Shadowmoon Valley"s in WOD, so Rythal decide to use "Real" mapIDs instead of custom numbers.

Now the problem is, as far as I can see, the code on github, lack the funtional parts to check continent data of zones(BGs are former begins with number 9 but now it varies), I patched one of them and it works fine but still have much to do such as the "Minimap Blocks" and map "MID"s and so on. All funtions related to zone-continent things need to be rewritten.

...and I blame this on Blizzard.

Just look all the expansions after WLK:
vanilla world -> outland -> northrend -> vanilla world REBORN! -> outland REBORN!
So we are going to have a northrend REBORN! in 7.0? Lame!

Thanks mate for clearing this out... this will help ;)

Rythal 11-06-14 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Eternal_Lynx (Post 299681)
Now the problem is, as far as I can see, the code on github, lack the funtional parts to check continent data of zones(BGs are former begins with number 9 but now it varies), I patched one of them and it works fine but still have much to do such as the "Minimap Blocks" and map "MID"s and so on. All funtions related to zone-continent things need to be rewritten.

And that's why it's been driving me nuts.. in the testing last night I am not doing any continent detection.. if it realizes it's in a BG, it's forcing it to look up the information from continent 90 (and in MapData continent 9 is moved to 90, just so this doesn't come up again in 2-3 years when we are on expansion 9 lol) but the maps not drawing

So I'm missing something somewhere that it's not grabbing or setting the proper continent.

Everfroszt 11-06-14 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Designadrug (Post 299452)
Rythal you are a fscking legend.

I have been programming for 31 years and have taken multiple products to market. You are a better person than I by long way; I couldn't conceive of taking-on the pressures of a project as big as Carbonite in my spare time.

Yes, I *completely* agree. I've only been programming for 26 years, but I TRULY admire all your pro bono efforts to "fix" the Blizz default UI by taking on the clusterfsck that was Carbonite (well, internally, at least) and bring it up to date, all under the pressure of many impatient fans!

P.S. I'm glad I'm not the only one over 30 who's a fellow citizen of Azeroth xP

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