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shinma 12-23-06 01:02 PM

rep bars
is there any way a new 'bar' (or a container of some sort) could be added to display any reputation bars that the user wishes?

Itanius 12-23-06 01:02 PM

*EDIT* - Nevermind, I figured it out.

Thanks, and great mod. :)

feaster 12-24-06 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gorrok
I was using the WoW UI since Nurfed has not gotten their bars up and running yet. I was fed up and tried Trinity. I enjoyed that it left my buttons configured the same as I had them set in the WoW interface and still bound the same. By mistake I added buttons to my main bar and then tried to delete them. In doing so it has moved my button configuration off of the original spots so my "action button 1" in the WoW key bindings is no longer bound to the same place holder on the Trinity bar. All my attacks have shifted to the right (now several boxes over as I tried to fix it and made it worse). How can I get it back to the original config as it looked when I first installed Trinity?

Deleted the saved variables for the affected character and restart, should come up just like when you first installed. I found mine at

\program files\World of Warcraft\WTF\account\<username>\<servername>\<charname>\Trinitybuttons.lua

but that was a beta from a couple of weeks ago so the file name may have changed now.

feaster 12-24-06 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Coldbrew
I'm using the last pre-beta version of Trinity, and about 3 days ago, my minimap icon disappeared. So far, I've been unable to find any text commands to either restore it or bring up the functions I need...mainly to hide the docks on characters that hadn't been setup before the minimap button disappeared. Anyone know a way to fix this? I'd really, all in all, just like to have the button back.

Btw, great mod, i love it :)

Is it possible your minimap icon is under another icon in the exact same place? So many mods love that interface tool I find it's getting really crowded up there and I often have one on top of another.

Fiskpinne 12-24-06 06:06 PM

hey, got a problem here, im trying to get another bar to change page when i shift form, in the tutorial you say that i should hold shift and left click to get to stance/page/etc, but the only thing i get up then is the header editor, and i cant make out much of it.

only thing i have been able to jump between is the target type and normal, dunno what im doing wrong, any help would. . . . . help :p

razoon 12-25-06 05:45 AM

Can we please get instructions about the Header Editor please? How it works etc.

Icepanther 12-25-06 04:20 PM

Trinity sucks, you cant type /trinity for options, i don't have an icon on my minimap and there is NOTHING about how to bring up the options any other way in the intructions just rambling bull**** about "blah blah dont flip wildly though pages" that doesn't even matter. Way to make a mod. Not. :mad:

Kobol 12-25-06 04:33 PM

It's great you added a bar changing option for priests, is there any way (yet) to change bars for hunters depending on a active buff? ;)
What i want to do is, setting up a bar with my ranged attacks for the aspect of the hawk buff and a different bar with melee attacks for the aspect of the monkey buff.

Is something like this possible with Trinity?

Yinchie 12-25-06 05:40 PM

How do you remove/disable/hide a entire bar thing like all the bags, menu buttons etc. ?

Rajax 12-25-06 06:13 PM

Hi, I just DL'ed your mod today and it looks very awsome, but im having an issue with my main bar paging.

I will try to explain the best i can. Basically when i hit stealth my main bar switches to my stealth bar and everything works dandy, but when i get out of stealth it seems my hotkeys stay with the stealth bar. So when i get back out of stealth i see my main bar but when i hit say my Sinister Strike key its actually hit my Sap key. The only way i can use SS is if i click it.

Also when i use the hotkey and i have a mob targetted and in range i get an error with the DockFrame in the .lua file. Please help. =)

asch 12-26-06 09:56 AM

Is there any way i can save my template by now ?
I want it so much because i want to use some modifications in other chars.

xistonlyinyou 12-26-06 12:18 PM

Man this is making me nuts. I am loving Trinity but for some reason I have lost all but the main action bar. I have the other bars for the bags, pet, casting bar, XP bar, but I can't get the other bars to come back. Can someone PLEASE help out. I have ready every post and tryed everthing I can think of. This sucks. :(

Jhe'nara 12-26-06 02:45 PM


Click on the minimap Trinity button, then shift-click on the
button that appears that has a number on it. Another set
of buttons will appear, and one of these will give you the
option to show or hide (store) all bars. Click on this, and the
bars 'should' appear.

Granted, I downloaded this 'today', and have looked through
the directions and found them to be extensively confusing, so
some of what I know is just from messing around with buttons.

G'luck, and hope it helps, or at least points you in the right direction.

Great addon!

xistonlyinyou 12-26-06 05:13 PM helped lots, I have no idea what I'm doing still but was able to follow what was sugested and got my bars back. :p

laughingdog 12-26-06 11:57 PM

I've loved your early versions of this addon. But ever since about 20000.19 or so, it's been getting harder and harder to make this work. 20000.19.5 kept bugging out on me with paged bars (I'd have to select show/hide docks button to get it to start working again).

Now, with 20003.5, I just can't seem to get paged bars to work at all. Shift-clicking the button that used to cycle through paged/stances/bar would bring up the menu. But clicking "paged" would do nothing. I've tried reading your instructions on how to use them, and it isn't helping.

Maul 12-27-06 12:40 AM

Some paged bar improvements are in the works.

oelbox 12-27-06 08:34 AM

Trouble configuring shapshift...
I might be unusually dense, but I can't seem to be able to configure other bars than the main bar for shapeshifting. Now on the older version called "Trinity Buttons", i simply pressed the Dock-label to indicate ST-0 or similar. In the documentation listed on this site for "Trinity Bars" (which you have stated "are no longer 100% accurate") it states under the header "Changing Bar Type": "This is the default mode the docks are in. There are three different modes that a dock can be in. LeftClick to cycle through the modes". The thing is though, left-clicking on the dock label switches between "Normal" and "None", the latter has something to do with the default targeting of that dock.

Now my denseness comes into play - is the documentation deprecated, and changes made in the Header-editor replace the functionality of the Bar-Type? If that is true, i seem to be to stupid to figure out how to do this correctly. If not - any suggestions to what I'm doing wrong?

Jahlin 12-27-06 03:32 PM

Trouble configuring shapeshifting
I'm right with the poster oelbox. With Trinity Buttons I had absolutely no problem configuring multiple bars to change with my shapeshifts. With Trinity Bars I'm lost on how to accomplish the same setup that I had with Trinity Buttons for my Druid.

I tried mimicking the Trinity Bar "Druid" default configuration with other bars but can't seem to replicate it. I've played around with "Stance" and nada so any help on how to achieve multiple bars to change with each of my Druid forms would be appreciated.

kaashar 12-27-06 05:33 PM

I give up
I spent two hours trying to figure out the simple task of hiding 4 bars when not in caster form.

This was something that took 2 clicks the old way.

Experimenting to figure out how things work generate a lot of errors (Interface\AddOns\TrinityBars\TrinityBars.lua:212: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value).

Once you see that error the bar associated with it is nuked. There is no fixing it other than going into the WTF dir and blowing configuration files so Trinity will revert to initial settings (I know you can ctrl-alt-shift click but that makes the bars worthless unless you can understand this cryptic header system).

The crowning moment that determined I was in over my head:

Also, would you be willing to add a way to toggle the minimap button? :D

Maul 12-27-06 09:35 PM

New, simpler header editor instructions post in the first message. Also a newer, simpler header editor is now in 20003.6.x

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