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syncrow 09-27-14 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 297236)
Why only show 3 items at a time in the loot frame? It's a very temporary popup, so no reason to worry about it taking up too much space.

Its only reskinned, the LootFrame offers only the 4 buttons. And there's is no reason (for a temporary popup) to rewrite it's functions if i only want to skin it, right?

Most people probably use the auto loot function, therefore the lootframe is not important enough to give it more than necessary observance. (I'm pretty lazy these days)

Jansus 10-02-14 10:06 PM

Love the look of this, looking forward to it being released, nice work!

Tonyleila 10-03-14 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 297243)
Its only reskinned, the LootFrame offers only the 4 buttons. And there's is no reason (for a temporary popup) to rewrite it's functions if i only want to skin it, right?

Most people probably use the auto loot function, therefore the lootframe is not important enough to give it more than necessary observance. (I'm pretty lazy these days)

reskinn xloot instead else you'll need to reskin the Roll Frame and Bonusroll is missing too :)

syncrow 10-03-14 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 297388)
reskinn xloot instead else you'll need to reskin the Roll Frame and Bonusroll is missing too :)

I want to make it stand alone ;) therefore i'll skin it seperately.
(step by step)

morpheusxeno 10-15-14 01:08 PM

Will this interface have support for its users running 9600x1080 ? I run 5 screens. Only UI I have seen that supports the movment of elements is Elvui ( that works really nice )

Will there be options to turn off your theme on some elements?

Can we move the UI elements around as we see fit?

How much Memory will it use?

MalachiDraven 10-15-14 01:16 PM

Wow that looks incredible. Did you modify the artwork from Wildstar's default UI? Do you have a Raid UI yet?

syncrow 10-16-14 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by morpheusxeno (Post 297882)
Will this interface have support for its users running 9600x1080 ? I run 5 screens. Only UI I have seen that supports the movment of elements is Elvui ( that works really nice )

Will there be options to turn off your theme on some elements?

Can we move the UI elements around as we see fit?

How much Memory will it use?

- Currently there is no option for changing the layout its fix @ 1920x1080
- I have to look if it will insult the artwork
- 400 kb outfight, 600-800 kb in combat after 8 mins ~ (There is a ingame memory gain, 'cause of mass update for buffs and debuffs.


Originally Posted by MalachiDraven (Post 297885)
Wow that looks incredible. Did you modify the artwork from Wildstar's default UI? Do you have a Raid UI yet?

ty :cool:

Only the bottem bar is from wildstar. all other elements ie.: unitframes are selfdrawn.

There is a minimalistic raid ui for dd's and tanks. a new layout for healers is under constructions!

morpheusxeno 10-20-14 06:15 PM

Could you post the link to this wildstar UI ?

Irelia 10-20-14 11:11 PM

This UI ...
Lemme just say ...

It's very clean looking. Can't wait to see how you make the healer frames. (: You'll get my download for sure once it's all finished and stuff.

Irelia 10-21-14 10:18 AM

raid frames
Any luck with the raid frames yet? I'm really looking forward to seeing them! C:

Rozzick109 11-12-14 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 295409)
dunno! Maybe prepatch 6.0 or WoD release...can't say it yet

:D:D:D wheeeen is it coming out since its wod tomorrow/today!! :P :)

syncrow 11-15-14 12:45 PM

The UI is freakin' bugged right now!

Telaq 11-26-14 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 300474)
The UI is freakin' bugged right now!

^ ah, to bad. hope it can be fixed,, I'd really like to have a shot at this ;)

Snowy42 11-28-14 02:53 AM

Hey Syncrow. Been a while with no updates. We can all understand that you're probably all tied up with playing the new xpac, but we're all so keen on this interface!

syncrow 11-28-14 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Snowy42 (Post 301218)
Hey Syncrow. Been a while with no updates. We can all understand that you're probably all tied up with playing the new xpac, but we're all so keen on this interface!

Take a look at this Gallery for now.

Aftermathhqt 11-30-14 08:20 AM

Did you make the buff frame addon you're self or? :)

syncrow 11-30-14 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Game92 (Post 301395)
Did you make the buff frame addon you're self or? :)

the whole UI is written by myself!

Aftermathhqt 11-30-14 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 301396)
the whole UI is written by myself!

Oh okay! Maybe you would be able to share how you did for the spiral countdown on the buffs? :3

syncrow 11-30-14 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Game92 (Post 301397)
Oh okay! Maybe you would be able to share how you did for the spiral countdown on the buffs? :3

exactly the same way blizzard does

Aftermathhqt 11-30-14 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 301398)
exactly the same way blizzard does

How is that? :rolleyes:

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