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pelf 06-15-13 09:39 AM

That's very flashy. The only thing I might say is that you could enlarge the don't-splat-here region in the center a bit to give a bit of a larger window through which to see.

Resike 06-15-13 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by pelf (Post 279571)
That's very flashy. The only thing I might say is that you could enlarge the don't-splat-here region in the center a bit to give a bit of a larger window through which to see.

It's gonna be user adjustable later ofc. This size feels right for my human warrior, when i use much lower only like 15-25 textures. Also i havn't added the "size based on the crit's damage" function, gonna need to recalculate things after.

Resike 06-27-13 04:17 AM

Blood and Wipe test.

Dawn 06-27-13 11:37 AM

Yey, animated! love this stuff. still using blodyscreen, btw. can't wait for this. :D

Resike 07-08-13 08:45 AM

I'm so lazy nowdays (Pretty much late with all my projects atm), i blame summer!

But finally i added the blood:

If you want to mess with the settings edit "WOWINSTALL/WTF/ACCOUNTNAME/SERVERNAME/CHARATERNAME/SavedVariables/BloodyMask.lua".

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