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Xrystal 09-30-12 03:43 PM

And it looks like the extra button cheat I set up is also working as a mover as well.

I'll do some tidying up of the code and post up what needs to change. It's not perfect but will work until version 6 is available.

Daveo77 09-30-12 03:50 PM

Cool. Looking forward to this.

Helidoc 09-30-12 04:44 PM

Nice work, looking forward to it :banana:

Xrystal 09-30-12 05:14 PM

I wish I could take credit but the only work I did on it was write the code from the code in this thread and test it .. repeatedly .. to make sure it worked with nUI.

crazzzzi 09-30-12 05:46 PM

you and Scott totally rock!!! thx for going the extra 10 miles on this thing, now hopefully you can get some time to enjoy Mists

Xrystal 09-30-12 06:03 PM

rofl, yeah it does get a bit boring repeating the same quests over and over and over rofl .. but glad that they finally added the features to regular play as it does make it a bit hard to test addons with those features if they only occur in raids haha.

But got my warlock almost to 88. Most of it yesterday and today mind you .. think I got half a level during the week due to 11 hr work days rofl.

wacko1 10-08-12 11:18 AM

picked up the 2 lua bar files xrystal posted up there somewhere.

the darkmoon quest whereu have to shoot the targets doesnt switch to the gun actionbar.

and another ( cooking ) quest in valley of the 4 winds still doesnt show the new big button.

quest im talking about it "chasing the chicken" , i figured out i had to push the button when i got the wrong chicken and used the extrabutton macro.

its getting a little frustrating , gambling when u should use the button on which quest or in which dungeon

havent checked the dungeons yet since i installed the 2 new files xrystal posted.

yet another quest i hope will help scott or xrystal fixing this thing :D

Xrystal 10-08-12 01:47 PM

Hmm, never seen a chasing the chicken quest yet.

Will have to check the fair again to see if my new changes has messed up the old changes but they shouldn't have because they were totally different bars and files.

The fair uses the Override bar which changes your main action bar for the game/ride etc and then switches back when you exit the *vehicle*.

The instances and quests that have a single pop up button that pops up when needed and doesn't stay on screen all the time is the Extra Action Bar and that was working when I was finishing up my warlock to 90 yesterday.

The link in my signature shows the files I change and are using myself. I'm levelling my druid now so will have the opportunity to double check that my multi tests prior to finding the final solution didn't make the tests pass when they really failed. But that may take another week depending on work finish time and whether I get asked to do a dungeon run on the warlock.

The thread also should list the known quests I stumbled across that use the Extra Action Bar and perhaps the Override Bar ( the latter I can't remember though ).

Blanckaert 10-08-12 08:43 PM

Chicken Quest is a Daily, lvl 90....

the '/click ExtraActionButton1' Does work for that quest.
(sorry I got Xry's 'new' file after I did the quest)

Xrystal 10-09-12 01:39 AM

Ok, just hit 90 so I'm sure I'll see it soon. Otherwise my Druids questing will come across the other quests in time.

Blanckaert 10-09-12 06:30 PM

Xrystal's 'latest' patch file, I did get the 'extrabutton' pop up on the screen.... dont need the macro anymore...

I dont know about any other quests yet (that I can do with My 90) working on lvl'g other toons to see if it still pops up on those other quests.....

Belechannas 10-09-12 06:56 PM

Latest patch worked flawlessly for me on the Chicken quest. Thanks Xrystal!

spiel2001 10-09-12 07:08 PM

Xrystal --

I think I have found a reliable way to display the vehicle exit button (at least it's worked for me so far)

Here's the snippet I'm using...


        local actionBar = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI6_VehiceExitBar", nUI6_UIParent, "SecureHandlerStateTemplate" );
        local exitButton = CreateFrame( "Button", "nUI6_VehicleExitButton", actionBar. "ActionButtonTemplate" );
        -- set button size, bar size, anchor points, blah blah blah

        exitButton:SetAttribute( "action", nil ); = nil;
        exitButton:SetScript( "OnClick", VehicleExit );

        exitButton.icon:SetTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Up" );
        exitButton:SetPushedTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Exit-Down" );
        exitButton:SetHighlightTexture( "Interface\\Vehicles\\UI-Vehicles-Button-Highlight", "ADD" );

        local highlightTexture = exitButton:GetHighlightTexture();
        local pushedTexture = exitButton:GetPushedTexture();

        exitButton.icon:SetTexCoord( 0.140625, 0.859375, 0.140625, 0.859375 );
        pushedTexture:SetTexCoord( 0.140625, 0.859375, 0.140625, 0.859375 );
        highlightTexture:SetTexCoord( 0.130625, 0.879375, 0.130625, 0.879375 );
        RegisterStateDriver( exitButton, "visibility", "show" );
        RegisterStateDriver( actionBar, "visibility", "[vehicleui] show; [target=vehicle, exists] show; hide" );

Maybe you can use some of this for a better managed exit button than throwing it over the main action bar?

Xrystal 10-10-12 12:47 AM

I just used your existing code for the vehicle button it might prove a bit more visually appealing as a separate entity to the bar. I just don't want to mess up what I have managed to get working rofl.

Can you email over the next version of nUI6 so that I can test the button stuff while Im levelling the druid to see if the action bars change properly.

spiel2001 10-10-12 05:54 PM

I'll get a copy packaged up tomorrow evening and send it over to you. I'm away from the house this evening.

wacko1 10-10-12 08:52 PM

thx for the "last patchfiles" .

tried running the quests and dungeons where the button is needed and it works flawless.


Xrystal 10-11-12 12:26 AM

Sweet, finally nUI5 can be left as is while we wait for nUI6 to come into play.

wacko1 10-11-12 01:16 AM

:D lets see whos faster..... scott with getting nui 6 ready for release or blizz to mess up nui5 again :D

Xrystal 10-11-12 05:50 AM

ooh low blow.

With the amount of changes between 5 and 6 I am sure 5.1 will be out before 6 is completely finished. And of course that probably means that I'll be doing more fixes rofl.

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