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northsider 09-28-07 10:30 AM

one little problem

everything worked perfectly except the fact the my healt and rage bar sit to the left of my character icon on the bottom of the screen (as you can see in the picture) how can i fix that
thank you

BleepBleep1216 09-28-07 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by meio
I've heard that some people are having problems with the patch. My guess is what is happening is that when the patch is being unzipped it is replacing the old folders rather than just copying the newer files into the directories. If you are experiencing this you may try unzipping the patch on your desktop and manually copying the new files.

Like the initial post says there are still issues with the tradeskills mod, which unfortunately I don't have time to even look at yet. Hopefully the author can come up with a solution soon. Until then it may be necessary for those with the problems to just disable it until it is resolved. I've heard that most of the problems with the professions occur on Mac clients. If you use a mac and would be willing to help the author test it out, you may try to get ahold of him on the forums for ATSW.

Yup that fixed it. The Winzip was replacing the whole file not over writing the old ones. Thanks!

StrikerTS 09-28-07 11:18 AM

Meio, I love you!! <3<3

The patch got me 100% since I run Bongos 2 for a different error...I do NOT recommend switching to Bongos2 unless you're prepared for a lot of manual work...I had no choice.

Yurlen 09-28-07 11:32 AM

After going through these installations for a fresh install - I got it working great and it mazzifies, however, there is one critical error. Bongos is still very buggy for me. All buttons except the 1st bar that has 1-5 hotkeys all use the same ability. it is strange so I'll have Holy Shield on Z / Shadowform on R (Mazzify set all these and this is the default setting) but they all cast Renew for me.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Arkangyl1 09-28-07 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dynnyn
1 quick question

running windows vista business and it wont let me delete/rename my WTF fodler. says i do nto have permission but i am the Administrator of the pc got all righrts blad bla bla like that

any help?

Yeah do away with that piece of garbage. (Vista)

cflanny 09-28-07 11:44 AM

ok I know I am a noob and you will probley wonder how I function but...copy the AddOns folder into your WoW installation directory, does this mean in the main wow folder?? or do I just unzip into interface ??

Yurlen 09-28-07 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by cflanny
ok I know I am a noob and you will probley wonder how I function but...copy the AddOns folder into your WoW installation directory, does this mean in the main wow folder?? or do I just unzip into interface ??

Unzip into interface. You want that to copy INTO where all the other addons are.

onetruebob74 09-28-07 12:25 PM

Thanks Melo for the patch. I had previously applied most of the manual fixes and did some WAU updates myself, but decided to go ahead with the patch for testing. All the things that I had fixed previously still seem to be fixed, but one thing I was never able to fix and still seems broken is context menus on characters. If I click on a target and then right click the portrait in the target window, nothing pops up (no options to whisper, invite, etc...). Same thing for the portraits of party members (no Uninvite, promote, etc...). Is this still a known issue of just a problem with me? I did a quick glance and didn't see it listed (at least not prominently in the forums).


Geboran 09-28-07 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by onetruebob74
Thanks Melo for the patch. I had previously applied most of the manual fixes and did some WAU updates myself, but decided to go ahead with the patch for testing. All the things that I had fixed previously still seem to be fixed, but one thing I was never able to fix and still seems broken is context menus on characters. If I click on a target and then right click the portrait in the target window, nothing pops up (no options to whisper, invite, etc...). Same thing for the portraits of party members (no Uninvite, promote, etc...). Is this still a known issue of just a problem with me? I did a quick glance and didn't see it listed (at least not prominently in the forums).


Clique is the culprit.

There is also a setting using the MazzleUI FuBar plugin to disable click casting on the 3D portraits (which will also solve this problem for you).

FAQ has the information you're looking for.

zeuscool 09-28-07 01:25 PM

bug with window and trinkets
My Social (O press) and Spells (P press) window are gone.
one is left out of screen, can't move it back and one doesn't show , problably off screen so much that i can't see it

also i was in black morass tonight, and my healing trinkets were changeing with damage trinkets very often .. had to change them back a lot :(:(

anonymity22 09-28-07 01:30 PM

for mac

Originally Posted by Raidme

First of all thanks for your speedy work on this fix. I am having a problem though, I cannot mazzify, it tells me that is an unknown command. Also I might just mention that I am using a Macbook Pro with OSX. Everything worked great until 2.2. Thanks again. :)

you are going to have to manually replace your warcraft addons with the patch addons. only replace the files that have content. dont replace the ones your warcraft addon folders with the patch folders that are empty. if any other mac users are having trouble i may upload my addon folder and then you can simply replace it.

fyrye 09-28-07 01:50 PM

does this fix the randomly moved frames by moveFrames, so far I've only heard of the Mail Box, QuestLog, and WolrdStateScore (Bg scoreboard) being moved, all to the top left of the screen, where the title bar is up above fubar.

If not I'll take a deeper look into why this is occuring to see if I can come to a resolution or workaround until a comlpete fix can be found.

As a side note, I tried to edit the x/y in layoutcache.txt, but since moveframes is enabled, it just puts the frame back up there.

Thinking of making a new function in moveFrames where if the winow is out of the ThreshHold (out of the ViewPort) dimensions, it pushes the window back into the viewable dimensions, similar to how windows does with its windows.

Alkar 09-28-07 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Yurlen
After going through these installations for a fresh install - I got it working great and it mazzifies, however, there is one critical error. Bongos is still very buggy for me. All buttons except the 1st bar that has 1-5 hotkeys all use the same ability. it is strange so I'll have Holy Shield on Z / Shadowform on R (Mazzify set all these and this is the default setting) but they all cast Renew for me.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Yeah bongos is still having problems but whay i did is disable paging in keybindings shoudl be like 5 buttons for shifting just unbind them so you can acidentally page any of them and mine works just peachy now

Viroc 09-28-07 02:53 PM

Perfection, it's like the patch never even happened. Thanks to Meio for a great fix, and thanks to Mazzle for the best UI in history. My world may now continue to turn.

Mindfold 09-28-07 02:59 PM

I'm kinda confused here. I install the mazzle ui 1.1 And where is the patch inside the new interface folder? I tried out what you said and it was all fooked up when i logged in. Obviosuly did something wrong. Noob could use some help :(

And thanks Meio and of course Mazzle for all the time you put into this

meio 09-28-07 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by northsider

everything worked perfectly except the fact the my healt and rage bar sit to the left of my character icon on the bottom of the screen (as you can see in the picture) how can i fix that
thank you

What screen resolution do you run? I suspect that the problem is something that I forgot to mention in the patch notes. With the WoW 2.2 patch Blizzard changed how the wide screen resolutions scale. If that's the case, which it looks like it is, then it will take the time that it takes to redo the widescreen layouts which isn't that easy of a task.

meio 09-28-07 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by zeuscool
My Social (O press) and Spells (P press) window are gone.
one is left out of screen, can't move it back and one doesn't show , problably off screen so much that i can't see it

also i was in black morass tonight, and my healing trinkets were changeing with damage trinkets very often .. had to change them back a lot :(:(

The trinkets are something that I've had a problem with before. If you use ItemRack, I would check the settings of that. I don't remember exactly where they are, but there's a setting regarding the priority of trinkets. If your damage trinkets are for some reason set at a higher priority then they will automatically be switched in. Until I figured that out I had to leave my damage trinkets in my bank when I ran an instance because it would automatically swap them out as soon as I would equip my healing trinkets.

Macalese 09-28-07 04:02 PM

Ok, i followed this but when i try to mazzify, i does not bring up the finishing spell, i tried reloading the UI manually, but it brought up the mazzify screen again, please help!

[email protected] 09-28-07 04:12 PM

Hello, I'm downloaded the patch and updated the addons, and it seems to "break" the mazzifier.

It doesn't even appear to be working. I tried a fresh install, which worked fine, ie: when I log in the mazzifier is present. But when I patch everything and log in, I have a regular WoW interface (bottom bar, etc)

Any ideas?

Mindfold 09-28-07 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by [email protected]
Hello, I'm downloaded the patch and updated the addons, and it seems to "break" the mazzifier.

It doesn't even appear to be working. I tried a fresh install, which worked fine, ie: when I log in the mazzifier is present. But when I patch everything and log in, I have a regular WoW interface (bottom bar, etc)

Any ideas?

Thats what happens to me to

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