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amonawow 09-16-12 08:32 AM

Thanks for replying to my post in other forum. It worked!

Chmee 09-16-12 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Entropyutd (Post 264230)
Thank you for continuing to support this addon.

As for my take on the situation, I think it takes balls of brass to continue to take donations and then sit on your arses giving your user base zero feedback.
I appreciate that this is your baby, but the very least you owe those who have donated is a quick sticked message on the forums or main page letting us know what is or isn't going to happen.

Seriously? Apparently you are not aware that Rythal is not the original developer of Carbonite, he's a fan who has helped the community by providing fixes that the original developer has not provided. You owe Rythal a most abject apology.

Xrystal 09-16-12 10:24 AM

I think Entropy was holding 2 conversations there. I initially read it as you did then realised that the paragraph separation could also imply that the second one is for the carbonite authors and the first one for Rythal.

Chmee 09-16-12 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 264249)
I think Entropy was holding 2 conversations there. I initially read it as you did then realised that the paragraph separation could also imply that the second one is for the carbonite authors and the first one for Rythal.

if that was his intention he certainly could have made it more clear.:cool:

Necrosage 09-16-12 10:53 PM


Just ran all the dungeons in Outland with a guild-mate to lvl them and noticed none of the maps are working there. Did your fix have the same issue or is this another "Official" bug?

I've also noticed you can't see party member's quests in the "Official" version either. I started blocking the code yesterday so I could locate that section and see what the problem is and couldn't help but end up with a better appreciation for the work you put into your update lol.

Rythal 09-16-12 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Necrosage (Post 264337)

Just ran all the dungeons in Outland with a guild-mate to lvl them and noticed none of the maps are working there. Did your fix have the same issue or is this another "Official" bug?

I've also noticed you can't see party member's quests in the "Official" version either. I started blocking the code yesterday so I could locate that section and see what the problem is and couldn't help but end up with a better appreciation for the work you put into your update lol.

party member quests works, and doesn't work... for some reason the client is quitting the chat channel used to talk with group members, I haven't really looked into it beyond that.. I just know I created a new chat tab so I could watch the channel, and saw that I left it after a few minutes (when I was in it, my journal did show my parties quests right).

Not sure on outland maps, and with the servers going offline every couple minutes can't really check right now.

suppie 09-17-12 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 264226)
As already said, the only fix for that is to set minimap transparency to either 0 or 100 ... anything in between causes that to happen in broken zones :( You can turn it back to whatever you want after you leave the zone.

thanks for that must have missed it when reading :rolleyes:

LostinTime 09-17-12 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 264338)
party member quests works, and doesn't work... for some reason the client is quitting the chat channel used to talk with group members, I haven't really looked into it beyond that.. I just know I created a new chat tab so I could watch the channel, and saw that I left it after a few minutes (when I was in it, my journal did show my parties quests right).

Not sure on outland maps, and with the servers going offline every couple minutes can't really check right now.

So group questing is a chat channel? This is driving me nuts without it. Do you know of a fix or another addon that has group questing?

RedEagle 09-17-12 04:21 AM

I really really want to thank you for showing the code in the lines to be replaced.

My notepad did not line up with the line numbers provided in the initial post.

Thank you, and thanks to Rythal.

I now have an updated Carbonite that actually works. :)

Drarkan 09-17-12 08:44 PM

to get the numbers to line up download Notepad++, its free and works wonders!

Necrosage 09-19-12 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 264338)
party member quests works, and doesn't work... for some reason the client is quitting the chat channel used to talk with group members, I haven't really looked into it beyond that.. I just know I created a new chat tab so I could watch the channel, and saw that I left it after a few minutes (when I was in it, my journal did show my parties quests right).

Not sure on outland maps, and with the servers going offline every couple minutes can't really check right now.

Well so far it has tracked the quest updates of party members but the quest list itself is the issue I'm having. It has a white button that once turned on should show your party member's quests in your own quest list. Currently that button does absolutely nothing. Being able to see their quests in the list helps a ton when they can't share those quests.

Shoogar 09-19-12 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263724)
It's just not in me to do that... at least I only posted how to fix the bugs instead of fixing them and releasing it :P

Hey Rythal, thanks for the great fixes, I am still using yours rather than the "official" update.

Why not download some free patch software, fix and update everything, then post a link to the patch software and release a patch?

That way you aren't releasing anyone else's code, but at the same time making a "good" version of Carbonite available.

Just a thought....

Dr Sasa 09-19-12 12:48 PM


-- Carbonite Copyright 2007-2009 Carbon Based Creations, LLC
original 2007-2012

i think we have to hold it.

woici 09-19-12 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by coyot (Post 264096)
Version 5.041 do not work at me on RUru. no quest tracker, i don't can open tha map (same as the original map) and the questlog is the original blizzard questlog.There is too no welcome logo of carbonite and the only i can see, that carbonite is acitivated is, that the little carbonite symbol is shown at the minimap. it seems, that carbonite is not activated, but it is!

Please help me.... :(:(:(

i also have this problem.
if i start wow, i get the following error

Message: ..\AddOns\Carbonite\Carbonite.lua line 19737:
attempt to index local 'map' (a nil value)

(tail call): ?
[C]: ?

Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:19737: ToS1()

Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:1597: ToggleFrame()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1

no carbonite map, no quest tracker
i have replaced the carbonite.lua with the file from jovenyoung after i try to replace the lines by myself
i only see the wow-questlog and the wow-map... :-(

ReaL_DX 09-20-12 06:48 AM

Can Somebody tell me pls easy and short what i have to do to use Carbonite the newest version with the German WoW Client that would be super Nice


Rythal 09-20-12 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Shoogar (Post 264546)
Hey Rythal, thanks for the great fixes, I am still using yours rather than the "official" update.

Why not download some free patch software, fix and update everything, then post a link to the patch software and release a patch?

That way you aren't releasing anyone else's code, but at the same time making a "good" version of Carbonite available.

Just a thought....

I could do that, but
a) most people would get lost if I tried explaining how to use patch / diff, or would not like having to install new software.
b) every version of carbonite is different, so a patch for 5.041 would fail in every chunk for 5.042. Every time they did an update i'd have to find where the functions moved to then redo every change.

Shoogar 09-20-12 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 264612)
I could do that, but
a) most people would get lost if I tried explaining how to use patch / diff, or would not like having to install new software.
b) every version of carbonite is different, so a patch for 5.041 would fail in every chunk for 5.042. Every time they did an update i'd have to find where the functions moved to then redo every change.

Hmmm, for a), a something like GNU Patch for Windows (or other similar software) should be portable, so if the patch.exe, the patch file, and a batch file were extracted into the addon directory, the user could just run the batch file and it would do the rest.

For b), doesn't the software to generate the patch look at both files and generate the patch? If you developed your own version starting with what you did before, and maintained it yourself adding features and fixing bugs without going back to their version at all, whenever an "official" release were made all you should have to do is run the patch/diff software against your .lua and their current one, and you should get a valid patch for that version, regardless of how different they were.

S@thi 09-20-12 10:45 AM

Which file needs to be edited?
I see various folders and i'm not sure if i'm editing the correct file..

jovenyoung 09-20-12 03:09 PM

The file you will edit is Carbonite.lua in the Carbonite folder...

Someone posted the complete addon with fixes on thepiratebay website as well I believe...


As I did before, I combined the update with Carbonite 4.301, and uploaded the complete package to ThePirateBay. It should be searchable via index in a half hour or so.

Dridzt 09-20-12 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shoogar (Post 264618)
Hmmm, for a), a something like GNU Patch for Windows (or other similar software) should be portable, so if the patch.exe, the patch file, and a batch file were extracted into the addon directory, the user could just run the batch file and it would do the rest.

For b), doesn't the software to generate the patch look at both files and generate the patch? If you developed your own version starting with what you did before, and maintained it yourself adding features and fixing bugs without going back to their version at all, whenever an "official" release were made all you should have to do is run the patch/diff software against your .lua and their current one, and you should get a valid patch for that version, regardless of how different they were.

(a) That's a whole lot of hoops to jump through to support someone else's addon.
(b) It is my understanding that they are still running a code obfuscator on their addon and not publishing the lua source they themselves are working with.
They've just adjusted it so it doesn't run afoul of Blizzard's addon policy in a very blatant and obvious way.

For that reason their lua code changes disproportionately between revisions and someone trying to fix the new one would have to start over duplicating all the work they did on the last one tracing functions and such.
(I'm assuming that's one of the reasons they still run an obfuscator on their code to discourage fan updates)

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