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Talyrius 11-13-13 03:00 AM

It was a pleasure to participate in your survey.

ericpeeg 11-13-13 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Talyrius (Post 286918)
It was a pleasure to participate in your survey.

Thanks! :)

ericpeeg 11-20-13 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Elkano (Post 286697)
Done as well...
Hope you still remember us once you're done, could be interesting to read your results (even though it will be months ahead and Ill most likely have forgotten about it by then )

Your wish is granted - A longish summary post is now posted for your perusal.

Thanks again,

myrroddin 11-21-13 09:59 AM

I threw in my two cents. Um, hmmm. Might have to upgrade to a nickel. Canada doesn't have pennies anymore! :D

ericpeeg 11-21-13 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 287267)
I threw in my two cents. Um, hmmm. Might have to upgrade to a nickel. Canada doesn't have pennies anymore! :D

Thanks! I'll put some pennies in the mail for you. I'm sure that you're going through withdrawal shakes and whatnot...


DelayedReality 12-23-13 03:15 AM

That was a fun survey, and well done to boot.

MoonWitch 12-23-13 11:15 AM

Filled one in too

Phanx 12-23-13 07:34 PM

I'm pretty sure it's too late, guys. He already posted a summary of his findings from the survey, and is probably too far along in his dissertation to go back and incorporate more new input.

MoonWitch 12-23-13 11:50 PM

Probably but it did make me think about a few things though :)

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