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Phanx 05-13-13 10:30 PM

Someone awesome had an extra ticket, so I will be there after all!

MentalPower 05-14-13 07:39 AM

I'll be there as well!

Tojaso 05-14-13 08:45 AM

Jaslm and I get to attend our first Blizzcon this year. We are looking for a flight that will get us in early enough for the dinner. Is it usually held within walking distance of the convention center hotels?

Cairenn 05-14-13 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tojaso (Post 278034)
Jaslm and I get to attend our first Blizzcon this year. We are looking for a flight that will get us in early enough for the dinner. Is it usually held within walking distance of the convention center hotels?

Absolutely. That's part of the criteria I look at when picking where to book. Shall I put you down for 2?

Tojaso 05-14-13 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 278049)
Absolutely. That's part of the criteria I look at when picking where to book. Shall I put you down for 2?

Yes, please.

jaslm 05-17-13 06:42 PM

I'm Tojaso's +1. Can I get my own line in the dinner sign-up? I developed the small but somewhat beloved addon ColorPickerPlus.


Seerah 05-17-13 07:15 PM

As you wish. :)

Xinhuan 06-16-13 02:17 PM

Hi I'm coming again! Put my name down.

Cairenn 06-16-13 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Xinhuan (Post 279710)
Hi I'm coming again! Put my name down.


Gethe 06-17-13 11:56 PM

I'll be coming down! Should be fun.

Sargeras 09-23-13 02:27 AM

Sargeras + Mrs. Sargeras :)

Lothay 10-18-13 04:38 PM

Oh you KNOW I'm in.


Gnarfoz 10-28-13 04:52 AM

Woot, P.F. Chang's is like, next door to our m/hotel! :-D

nebula 11-05-13 01:29 AM

oops, I completely forgot about this, still room at the table?

Cairenn 11-05-13 03:25 AM

Yup yup! Will add you to the list. Also, sending you a PM in a moment.

Cairenn 11-05-13 06:18 PM

Okay guys and gals, in addition to being signed up for dinner on Thursday, your names have all been added to the VIP list for the combined Wowhead, WoWInterface & Wowinsider BlizzCon Party! That way you can get in a bit quicker and get started partying before coming to the dinner at 9pm.

Also, I forgot to mention, but unlike previous years, I won't be going to Disney on Sunday the way I normally do, because of my health issues. I'm sure there are others that normally go as well that probably will be going again this year, though, so you'll probably still have other folks to hang out with there. :)

I think I've got everything sorted and finalized, but if I've missed something let me know tonight. I leave the house at 8am my time (edt) tomorrow morning.

Can't wait to see all the familiar faces again and get to meet the rest of you (face to face) for the first time! RAWR!

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