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Seerah 06-25-10 10:54 AM

Tunnel vision.


/edit: You guys have been warned, and linked to other (more relevant) threads for your addon hate. Any subsequent posts not related to the news post will be removed.

MidgetMage55 06-25-10 12:16 PM

Aside from the noted effect it will have on UI elements, do you think this will have any visible effect on overall game performance?

Being that I know next to nothing about programming on this scale my brain wants to think that a reduction in server load may improve some aspects of performance. Any thoughts on this? Just randomly curious. :D

Seerah 06-25-10 01:06 PM

Well, the less things bombarding your client at once.... ;)

Cladhaire 06-25-10 03:21 PM

You won't see anything except for inspect requests that don't necessarily work correctly. It won't change the performance of your client in any way.

LittleWhiteDove 06-26-10 10:27 AM

I am not certain I understand what this is going to do. Will it effect searching for minerals and plants? or is it just when you inspect another player? A bit of an explanation for those of us who are less than brilliant when it comes to computer programing would be helpful. Thanks.

Seerah 06-26-10 12:43 PM

Just inspection queries for other players.

Mirrikat45 06-28-10 04:03 AM

This change didn't cause any errors to GearScore. The only change is that on mouseover the GS displayed could be several days out of date. So I added some date information and now only request an inspect when a player is targeted.

I didn't get a chance to test it, but does CanInspect(unitID) return nil if your past the inspection throttle threshold? My guess is no, and if so Blizzard should add that functionality to give addon Authors a very easy way to manage inspection requests.

Cladhaire 06-28-10 04:07 AM

No it does not, nor will it. The throttling is done on the server-side of things, so the client can't possibly know if it's next request is going to be satisfied or not. The irony is, to make

work, the client would need to communicate with the server, which would make this point completely irrelevant.

The other APIs that have server communication do not have this sort of queryable API (with the exception of the full auction house scan, which is clearly an exception), so I wouldn't anticipate getting a function of this sort.

rolfba 11-26-10 03:09 AM

One way of making CanInspectUnit work without putting extra strain on the server by having to query the server on each call would be to send a time value along with each inspect reply from the server telling how many seconds or whatever before another inspect call should be available. Or they could send the amount of inspect calls still left before throttling starts. Either way its just 1 integer extra per inspect reply, and not an entire extra server query.

Just an idea.

Cladhaire 11-26-10 04:32 AM

Certainly, but this change was made five months ago, and was a stop-gap solution, as I state in the initial post. A longer term solution is of course, incoming.

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