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ravagernl 10-01-09 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160711)
Thanks :D

To all, another question:
Is it possible to get all libs ONCE and prevent having doubles in my UI? I have like 20 times AceGUI-3.0 as lib (161KB) which is about 3MB, and I also have more double libs, can't these be all united to one from which all addons call? I thought that was the function of a library at first instead of having functions 200 times :D

This is the concept of "embedding". Only the latest version of a library is loaded. If you want to have them seperately, you should download the no-embed version of the AddOns. You can set up Curse Client to do that.

If you are releasing the UI, it's a good idea to make both versions downloadable.

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:31 AM

Lol, definitaly(I'll never learn how to spell this word..) going to make PowerAura's optional. It's 10 MB LOL!

Sitting at 25MB now.

Zyonin 10-01-09 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160713)
Sorry, will thumbnail from now :D Your right anyway, but this UI is not only for people who are download UI's, I want this UI for everyone, and I don't feel like scaring away people that I would love see using my UI. Your target public makes the product :D (No I'm not selling this UI lol...)

Another question:
Is there some intro section/thread, I'm planning to stay here for a while :D

Most of the people (like around 95%) who download UIs here won't bat an eye at a zip file that is only 30 MB in size. If someone is going to balk at a 30 MB download, then they should not be playing WoW at all with its 600 MB+ Patches.

Regarding your second question, no I have not seen an Intro/Hello! type of thread (and I have been here a while), however feel free to start one in the Chit Chat section.

Slakah 10-01-09 09:39 AM

Static memory does matter especially if you don't enjoy waiting 2minutes while waiting for your addons to finish loading.

If you can find a mod which does the same job as another while using less memory, then more power to you.

ravagernl 10-01-09 09:39 AM

If you want to disembed your addon compilation, please read the following thread by Seerah. It mentions WAU (WowAce Updater), however that one is no longer in use (the thread is also 2 years old but the information about Embeddable libraries is still valid). Similar functionality can be found in the Curse Client.

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 160719)
If you want to disembed your addon compilation, follow this guide:

Disembedding is the exact opposite of what I want, I didn't know that only the latest version of a library was loaded. Thanks anyway!

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:42 AM

Sitting at 22MB unzipped now!

And another question, is there any way to get rid of the Blizzard_xxxxxx addons? They are annoying >.<

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:43 AM

If anyone cares, this is how I'm planning how to reduce the installation process to 3 clicks(I hate people saying "I can't install, omg it's so hard"):

Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160684)
Hmm, nice guide, but IMO it's still too confusing for the end user. I'm experimenting with a simple form the end user has to fill in, and press download to generate a zip file with in it:

The raw data of your UI, with the WTF folders not renamed
An installer.exe
A .ini file which has the data from the form in it.

Now the installer.exe extracts the data from the .ini file and automaticly extracts, copies and renames all folders to the WoW folder. An EXAMPLE of this can by found at The content is still just me trying to get a description of an UI not finished lol. The form is there and works, the script for creating a zip file on the fly is there also, but not applied yet. Try it out and give your thoughts!

ravagernl 10-01-09 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160721)
Sitting at 22MB unzipped now!

And another question, is there any way to get rid of the Blizzard_xxxxxx addons? They are annoying >.<

You don't need to include the Blizzard AddOns in your package. They are generated automatically.

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 160724)
You don't need to include the Blizzard AddOns in your package. They are generated automatically.

Yeah, ok, but I've had errors in the past with Blizzard_TimeManager by deleting it, that's why I'm asking.

Guys, just one second of respect for this guy please... Full UI with 360 KB:

Zyonin 10-01-09 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160723)
If anyone cares, this is how I'm planning how to reduce the installation process to 3 clicks(I hate people saying "I can't install, omg it's so hard"):

Read my response in my Sticked Guide:

nightcracker 10-01-09 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 160728)
Read my response in my Sticked Guide:

Already did and replied there. I have fast forum reflexes you know :D

Zyonin 10-01-09 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160730)
Already did and replied there. I have fast forum reflexes you know :D

As do I :D

shkm 10-01-09 10:26 AM

If you plan to stick around as you say you do, I strongly recommend using the edit button.

nightcracker 10-01-09 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by shkm (Post 160742)
If you plan to stick around as you say you do, I strongly recommend using the edit button.

Hmmm, since you strongly recommend to use the edit button, I will, but IMO the edit button should only be there for mistakes. Edit's can get messy with quotes, what you said first and what after. In the beginning of me using forums I used the edit button a LOT, but now I try to avoid it as much as possible. But I'll try using it more than now.

jasje 10-01-09 11:19 AM

i dont rly know how u got so many mb in your tiny ui
the ui ive got uses around 9mb in raid(with all raid feature's)
and out of raid ~5mb here's a ss

addons used:
  • oUF( with oUF_Viv and oUF_Saul)

shkm 10-01-09 11:25 AM

Some addons which display memory usage include Blizzard's "addons" whilst others do not, so that's a possibility.

nightcracker 10-01-09 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by jasje (Post 160749)
i dont rly know how u got so many mb in your tiny ui
the ui ive got uses around 9mb in raid(with all raid feature's)
and out of raid ~5mb here's a ss

addons used:
  • oUF( with oUF_Viv and oUF_Saul)

Thank you for bragging about how "you don't know how I could have done so badly". Not appreciated. The answer is downloading addons with GUI's.

Yhor 10-01-09 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 160755)
Thank you for bragging about how "you don't know how I could have done so badly". Not appreciated. The answer is downloading addons with GUI's.

I don't think it was meant as you took it. This isn't the Oforums, folks around here don't typically bash someone for no good reason (and I don't see bashing or bragging, here, just a statement). Don't be so sensitive :).

GUIs and libraries greatly increase size, but as others have said, size doesn't matter in the world of addons... performance is what matters (unless you have the bare minimum RAM). In the end, you really shouldn't care what others think of your ui. You're the one using it, so make it to please yourself, because making something to please others only will bring you headaches. I'm glad some people don't mind headaches, really, I am... I just think some are more into pain and suffering than others.

nightcracker 10-01-09 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Yhor (Post 160757)
I don't think it was meant as you took it. This isn't the Oforums, folks around here don't typically bash someone for no good reason (and I don't see bashing or bragging, here, just a statement). Don't be so sensitive :).

GUIs and libraries greatly increase size, but as others have said, size doesn't matter in the world of addons... performance is what matters (unless you have the bare minimum RAM). In the end, you really shouldn't care what others think of your ui. You're the one using it, so make it to please yourself, because making something to please others only will bring you headaches. I'm glad some people don't mind headaches, really, I am... I just think some are more into pain and suffering than others.

Sorry, I'm very defensively when it comes to critique, especially critique which contains "look I'm better". Experience over the years you know. I'll change that attitude a little bit down on WoWI :D

Also uploaded my first addon ever on WoWI, Dequip! Yes, this also was the first ever AddOn I made. Have about 5 now all bundled in one AddOn in my UI, will extract them from it and upload them one by one over the coming next week.

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