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Yhor 05-17-09 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 136694)
What?? Tofu?! Barbies?!?! A respiratory rate?!?!?!? Those are all things I look for in a guy. I'm looking him up.

I was going to reply with a "Ohh, stop it.." funny sentence, but I think that tone and context would be lost in interpretation :). Just know that I have no ....phobia and I will not hold it against you, err, I mean, don't try to hold it against me.


Originally Posted by Gako (Post 136695)
Are you insinuating that to punt is the same as to kick? I assure you the differences are not purely cosmetic. Take for example the matter at hand. If I was to kick a kitten I would vigorously give it the boot. If I where to punt a kitten I would first raise it above my chest, holding its chest, and then drop it striking out with my foot before it hit the ground. My punting method would assuredly provide the kitten with a greater velocity than that of a kick. So you see, they are not the same, and the fact remains that while kicking kittens is a cruel and inhumane thing to do, the punting of said kitten can be viewed almost as a sport, if unnecessary and frowned upon.

And the video was really funny. :p

That paragraph is /win.

You know, something else that always bothered me, and is the reason I can't play a hunter, is when you get rid of your pet you get a message saying something to the affect of, you have destroyed ....
I just felt brokenhearted after seeing that and found it easier to delete the hunter than the pet. :(

us2006027321 05-17-09 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Yhor (Post 136701)
That paragraph is /win.

That may be so if only for a moment. It's about to be /owned.

Originally Posted by Gako (Post 136695)
Are you insinuating that to punt is the same as to kick? I assure you the differences are not purely cosmetic. Take for example the matter at hand. If I was to kick a kitten I would vigorously give it the boot. If I where to punt a kitten I would first raise it above my chest, holding its chest, and then drop it striking out with my foot before it hit the ground. My punting method would assuredly provide the kitten with a greater velocity than that of a kick. So you see, they are not the same, and the fact remains that while kicking kittens is a cruel and inhumane thing to do, the punting of said kitten can be viewed almost as a sport, if unnecessary and frowned upon.

Ah, but here, sir, we diverge in theory. While your definitions may seem to imply a difference, they in fact eliminate any differences. By your definition, they are in fact the same thing. Your punt methodology involves kicking. A kick is defined as any forceable application of one's foot to an object with the intent to move it any distance by way of that forceable application. While you are adding other steps, you are still using a kick. By your definition, it would be said that all punts are kicks, but not all kicks are punts. The punt remains a kick.

Consider for a moment that dogs are dogs. A Saint Bernard has several differing characteristics from a Boxer, but that doesn't stop either one from being a dog. All Saint Bernards are dogs; not all dogs are Saint Bernards.

Consider also the sport of diving. One jumps off a ledge of substancial height, and while he allows gravity to control his body by moving it closer to the earth (and in this case, a body of water), he does a series of flips, turns, and twirls. Falling is the process by which one's body is controlled by gravity. So then, all dives are an act of falling, but not all falls are dives. It could be said that while much like diving, kitten putting is a sport, where diving involves falling, so also kitten punting involves kitten kicking.

Originally Posted by Dimitri Martin
Diving is falling... with style.

I will amend Mr. Martin's quote to say that kitten punting is kitten kicking... with style.

Equivocation ftw. :p

BWarner 05-17-09 10:55 PM

In the same sense that a square is a rectangle that meets certain (additional) criteria, a punt is a kick that meets certain criteria. While a square may technically be called a rectangle, it is much more accurate, and conveys a number of implications by instead calling it a square. In the same manner, a punt is different from a general kick, even though the act of punting technically is based on some general aspects of the broad class of "kick".

I love this thread. *snuggles in the warm geekiness of it all*

Baltharus 05-17-09 11:08 PM


it has been established that Yhor is in fact the kicker of kittens..

and we have a semi guide on how to exercise you right to kick kittens...

and... im rofling so hard that i cant see straight...

So what is the best way to kick a kitten?
Boot or no Boot?
Across the yard? or against a wall?


MidgetMage55 05-17-09 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Baltharus (Post 136735)

it has been established that Yhor is in fact the kicker of kittens..

and we have a semi guide on how to exercise you right to kick kittens...

and... im rofling so hard that i cant see straight...

So what is the best way to kick a kitten?
Boot or no Boot?
Across the yard? or against a wall?


I prefer through a flaming hoop, while wearing a sombrero and a bugs bunny outfit. It adds a bit of a challenge and certainly some bonus excitement for the furry little critter. Music of choice would be In a Metal Mood by Pat Boone (played through a very loud P.A. for full effect), its excellent for punting. You keep score by number of flips, 2 points each. Number of times a neighbor takes a picture while shaking their head, 3 points each. There is also an alcohol score multiplier. Every .05 on a breathalyzer gives a 1.5 multiplier. You lose 5 points each time a punt so far that you cant find the critter.

Baltharus 05-17-09 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 136741)
I prefer through a flaming hoop, while wearing a sombrero and a bugs bunny outfit. It adds a bit of a challenge and certainly some bonus excitement for the furry little critter. Music of choice would be In a Metal Mood by Pat Boone (played through a very loud P.A. for full effect), its excellent for punting. You keep score by number of flips, 2 points each. Number of times a neighbor takes a picture while shaking their head, 3 points each. There is also an alcohol score multiplier. Every .05 on a breathalyzer gives a 1.5 multiplier. You lose 5 points each time a punt so far that you cant find the critter.

i would also add that you would get extra points for multiple bounces...

but thats just personal taste :D

MidgetMage55 05-17-09 11:39 PM

Thats the beauty of the concept in general. Its all about personal taste. For example for your average beginner any ol' kitten will do. I have discovered however that breed is a factor in hangtime, drag, elasticity as well as durability. There are other factors as well but these are key to a good punt.

Cornish rex's for example generally have no hair or extremely short hair so they tend to be great for distance although their rather lanky build isnt designed for long term use. They are more for exhibitions and artistic display.

While a good solid tabby is great for practice since they tend to be more durable and generally bounce (elasticity) like a superball. My punter of choice is a tabby. Had it for years though it tends to make less noise these days so im guessing the thrill is gone for ol' Fieldgoal.

A fellow competitor swears by a good black and grey striped calico cat. While i agree somewhat the striping tends to make me dizzy as they spin.

One breed to avoid would be Persians. The long hair kills your hangtime but the drag it creates is nice for flips and spins. They also dont bounce very well. Not to mention the dangers around a flaming hoop.

Pop on down to your local crazy cat lady and test a few out. Make sure to bring comfortable footwear and to stretch for a few minutes before going through your testing regimen.

us2006027321 05-18-09 04:09 AM

The most deserving kitten of a hardcore punting (I will accept that as adequate terminology as good precident was established that punting was a far more accurate description of the action even if it is still technically a kick) is a six week old male Siamese. They're young enough to have that kitten-like cute factor still working for them in some fashion, and they're just old enough to have developed a rude sense of hormonally-enhanced territorial aggression (something for which the breed is renowned).

As I previously determined that kitten punting is kitten kicking with style, I should note that a shiny pair of knee-high, steel-capped (not -toed) boots make for an excessive amount of flare in the act, and judges look favorably on good footware in the sport.

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