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Bluspacecow 05-16-09 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fin (Post 136286)
you say yourself, the author feels they should be getting something out to the public that's new with their addon - as a member of the public, and as a user of said author's addon, I'd like to see what that is, by installing it.

Personally I like my UI stable. I like that an addon I don't always use doesn't generate UI errors when I load it up to use for the 1 time I use it per week.

Any update you download has the potential to do so. I would prefer to know exactly why I should be installing this update. I don't like blindly installing stuff.

A change log will show what an author's changed about an addon.

Quickly examining change logs is central to my plan of updating. Without it I wouldn't be able to disregard 50-75% of the emails/notifications of updated addons I get. I only play in English so any localisation changes get thrown out. Similarly with Tagging changes.

With the "install it and see" method you run the risk of it either breaking something , eventually breaking something further down the line or changing how a feature of your addon works. And that means further wasted time for you when you have to go track down what went wrong , how it went wrong and how to fix it.

To me examining change logs isn't a waste of time because I'm not doing it every single day. Updating my addons isn't something I do a lot. So I don't really care if it takes 10 minutes or 45 minutes.

For me instead of blindly installing every update an author comes out with I examine the change logs instead :) (hint authors if you want me to install your updates just put the keywords "major rewrite" or "code optimisations" somewhere in it)

Bluspacecow 05-16-09 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Daelic (Post 136279)
Why do you, the OP, feel the need to try and coerce people to do things your way? What do you feel you're losing by wowinterface releasing an updater, and allowing people to have an easier method of addon updating?

Like MidgetMage's said above.

This thread's all about changing attitudes towards updating addons.

Why do we update our addons ?
Is it necessary to do this every day ?
Do I need to download every single update that comes out ?
Is an updater client the only fast and easiest way to do this ?

Theres many different methods of updating that work equally well for people - updater clients, RSS, SVN , email updates , favourites , bookmarks etc etc etc. At the end of the day you'll use w/e is comfortable for you.

It's about changing the attitude of downloading every single addon update that comes out and that you have to do it every single day.

So to answer your question : I'm not trying to co-erce people to my method of updating. If I did I would of named the thread "The one true method of updating" or "This updating method pwns all others".

I love it how they are coming out with a new updater client. The more ways of updating the method.

I'm just trying to change peoples attitude to where they don't need to use it every single day nor to download every single update and no an update program is not the only way you can update an addon.

Yhor 05-16-09 03:42 PM

I can remember the days when someone would say "you need to update <suchnsuch>", it would mean that you yourself, had to open your editor of choice and edit line 121, line 144-148, and update version number in the .toc. I was a MazzleUI user, though, so not everyone had that issue. I do think updating in that way was more rewarding though; it also helped to make me aware of what went into creating addons... and it was nice to not have to depend on the original author to update some of the more simple addons...

sorry for the semi offtopic post, I'm still confused at how some people claim 'manually' updating addons is too hard/time consuming, when clearly, it could be much worse.

Bluspacecow 05-23-09 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137681)
However, both of your posts have a preachy feel to them (as if to say shame on your for using automatic updaters)

Well I for one apologise for any undue tone that may be read into my words. What I'm trying to change peoples minds about is how , why and when they update their addons. I'm not trying to say "shame on you for using an automatic updater".

What I'm trying to combat is the attitude out there that you *must* update your addons every day (or every 2 days or some other arbitrary regular interval) and that an automatic updater client is the only fast and easy option to update your addons.

There is many many many varied ways of updating your addons. An automatic updater program is not the only option out there ...


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137681)
and I think you should realize that to the average person that your system is... well imho... off the beaten path. I get that emails about updates could be rather handy if left with no other option, but you say that out of 22 updates you download 4. I for one am a raider and I have seen the chaos that can arise of other people in the raid not having the latest version of addons. Omen for one can be way off, DBM and BigWigs can be way off to name a few good examples.

Would respectefully like to point out I'm not the only person who uses this method of updating. I'm not some archic hermit in the woods whos invented his own special way of cutting grass :D

Omen has access to the direct threat numbers now so other raiders not having the latest version doesn't matter anymore. DBM and Bigwigs have been known to off by a few seconds even with the latest updates installed. Possible due to latency , possibly due to hot fixes made , possibly due to a new raid instance being out . I don't believe a few seconds off here and there really matters - IMHO a good decent raid can adjust itself for litte "suprises" like that here and there. I often hear over vent someone saying that DBM must be a few seconds out so one of the tanks has to taunt a few seconds earlier. All part of raiding IMHO.

Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137681)
To me I think that when an addon author releases an addon, they have released something that they thought was worth updating for. I know it isn't a perfect world an that sometimes it is only a localization update, but for the most part who better to say "Okay guys time to update" then the people who are intimate with the coding of the addon. Do you know something that they don't? Are you in a better position than they are to judge whether something is worth it? Like I said I can't and won't push you to change your system, just providing some food for thought here.

I treat my UI as a closed working system.

That is for each update I think "why should I download this?" "why should I risk breaking my working system?"

This is why authors provide change logs for. They show exactly why they updated. Bear in mind they know that not every update they do will be for everyone. Also I get notifications of plenty of localisation updates. Most of the stuff they release are relatively minor updates . I know this because I read the change logs for every email I get.

So yes. It's my UI. I should decide wheter I want to download build v3698 of an addon or not. Is it worth my time downloading it ? My finger is just itching to press that delete key to ignore that update. I need to be given a reason to download that update. If I have no reasons to download then I don't waste my time on it :D

Most of the time when an author recommends updating to the latest patch of an addon it's because they've fixed a bug or made some kind of code optimization somewhere. If the change loge mentions fixing a bug I've personally been getting then of course I update it. Code optimizations are also nice too - it shows the authors figuring out more efficient ways of doing things and I'm all for that :D

Zaydok 05-23-09 04:59 AM

Let me start this post by saying I respect your opinions as your own, and I am not intending to flame anybody here. Just going to answer back and share my own point of view/opinion.


Originally Posted by honem (Post 137940)
Well I for one apologise for any undue tone that may be read into my words. What I'm trying to change peoples minds about is how , why and when they update their addons. I'm not trying to say "shame on you for using an automatic updater".

What I'm trying to combat is the attitude out there that you *must* update your addons every day (or every 2 days or some other arbitrary regular interval) and that an automatic updater client is the only fast and easy option to update your addons.

There is many many many varied ways of updating your addons. An automatic updater program is not the only option out there ...

Well actually everything you have posted on this thread seems to contradict your statement that you're "not trying to say 'shame on your for using and automatic updater'". The point you are using as your basis for why you are trying to change peoples' minds is because of all the problems that you say automatic updaters have caused in the addon community. So if you truly believe those facts to be true (I for one have not seen anything substantiated) then you are inferring that anyone who uses or wants to use an automatic updater is contributing to these "problems".

I would like to think that most people realize that automatic updaters aren't the only way to update. And I agree that the whole email notification system is one valid way of doing it. Shoot I rather like it. I just don't like the suggestion about not updating addons for weeks, months, years???


Originally Posted by honem (Post 137940)
Would respectefully like to point out I'm not the only person who uses this method of updating. I'm not some archic hermit in the woods whos invented his own special way of cutting grass :D

Omen has access to the direct threat numbers now so other raiders not having the latest version doesn't matter anymore. DBM and Bigwigs have been known to off by a few seconds even with the latest updates installed. Possible due to latency , possibly due to hot fixes made , possibly due to a new raid instance being out . I don't believe a few seconds off here and there really matters - IMHO a good decent raid can adjust itself for litte "suprises" like that here and there. I often hear over vent someone saying that DBM must be a few seconds out so one of the tanks has to taunt a few seconds earlier. All part of raiding IMHO.

Being that I have no exact numbers for what the majority of the WoW population uses as guidelines to update or not to update I'll have to stick to my own experiences here. In my experience most players that I know update their addons at least 1-2 times per week, more often if crucial addons/updates are released. So that is why I stated that your method for judging an update seemed "off the beaten path".

As far as errors caused during raiding yes I agree that some can be played around. We have all seen the timers on boss mods be a few seconds off. I'm not new to raiding here so I realize that. But sometimes you don't know the timer is off until a wipe is caused and then you've lost time. I see this happen more often when different people are running different versions of addons. I would rather keep everyone updated and then just deal with the curve balls here and there.


Originally Posted by honem (Post 137940)
I treat my UI as a closed working system.

That is for each update I think "why should I download this?" "why should I risk breaking my working system?"

This is why authors provide change logs for. They show exactly why they updated. Bear in mind they know that not every update they do will be for everyone. Also I get notifications of plenty of localisation updates. Most of the stuff they release are relatively minor updates . I know this because I read the change logs for every email I get.

So yes. It's my UI. I should decide wheter I want to download build v3698 of an addon or not. Is it worth my time downloading it ? My finger is just itching to press that delete key to ignore that update. I need to be given a reason to download that update. If I have no reasons to download then I don't waste my time on it :D

Most of the time when an author recommends updating to the latest patch of an addon it's because they've fixed a bug or made some kind of code optimization somewhere. If the change loge mentions fixing a bug I've personally been getting then of course I update it. Code optimizations are also nice too - it shows the authors figuring out more efficient ways of doing things and I'm all for that :D

Well I really can't disagree with this part of what you said. It is up to you to decide what you want and don't want to download and install. Each person had to decide this for themselves. And they have to decide which they prefer to do things and to each their own. I just don't agree with someone who tries to push their way on others, and I fully disagree with suggesting to people that they go extended periods of time without updating.

I think, WoWI, etc. are in a position to truly look at the facts and the impact of automatic updaters on the overall community. The fact that they are both releasing their own automatic updaters tells me that things aren't that bad as some might say. So I'll take the 1-3 minute update they provide and backout any updates that I install that break my UI until a fix (which is usually available by the time I notice a problem) is available.

Cairenn 05-23-09 05:04 AM

Now, see, this is the way a proper debate should happen. Disagreement while respecting the opinions of another, stated in a courteous and civil manner. Thank you. :)

voodoodad 05-23-09 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 137954)
Now, see, this is the way a proper debate should happen. Disagreement while respecting the opinions of another, stated in a courteous and civil manner. Thank you. :)

What's that supposed to mean???


Bluspacecow 05-23-09 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
Well actually everything you have posted on this thread seems to contradict your statement that you're "not trying to say 'shame on your for using and automatic updater'". The point you are using as your basis for why you are trying to change peoples' minds is because of all the problems that you say automatic updaters have caused in the addon community. So if you truly believe those facts to be true (I for one have not seen anything substantiated) then you are inferring that anyone who uses or wants to use an automatic updater is contributing to these "problems".

When I started these threads (there is one like this on Curse) I admit that it was my goal to demonize the use of automatic updater programs.

Ok still with me ? Good :D

The thing is with someone's opinion it can change over time with more and more discussion on the topic. Even the hardest rock wears down over time with water as Confusicous would say.

I'm now of the opinion that yes you can use an automatic updater program if that floats your boat. Whatever gets the job done quicker for you. It doesn't matter which tool you use to get the job down - checks in from SVN , email updates , favourites list on wow interface, automatic updater programs , IRC and watching for when they submit new updates to the repo , pan handling in front of the author's place of work ... (ok getting a little off track there :D)

What matters to me is how often you update you addons and why.

Do you really need every single update an author comes out with ? If there's a bug then you update to the latest version anyway


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
I just don't like the suggestion about not updating addons for weeks, months, years???

Here's the thing - if somethings working why update it ?

What I mean here is if it's
* Still working
* Not producing any errors
* Not producing any bugs
* Does everything you need it to do.
* Nothing else you would want it to (this includes being smaller in memory/cpu usage)

Then you should be able to afford to go long lengths of time without a single update.

If all the above is true then you don't need to update that addon. That's my point with my whole "don't download this update" thing. You don't need to download every single update out there. Some addons will work absolutely fine without any updates to them as long as they aren't producing any bugs.

EG I'm still using an addon that does 1 thing and does it really well. It was last updated in July 2006. It's a few lines of code (maybe 7 or 8) for hooking the tooltip onto the mouse. The API call it uses hasn't been changed so it doesn't need an update.


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
In my experience most players that I know update their addons at least 1-2 times per week, more often if crucial addons/updates are released. So that is why I stated that your method for judging an update seemed "off the beaten path".

Ok my friend :D. My experience from posts from wow matrix users is slightly different.

They come into a forum where something like this is being discussed and blast the decision by wowinterface/curse to block WM. Not to get off topic here but I assume that if they are so angry because they are now in convenienced because of this. From this I then assume that they are updating all their mods every day or every 2 days.

Now if it's 1-2 times per week does it really matter how long it takes you ? Or what method you use to update ?


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
I see this happen more often when different people are running different versions of addons. I would rather keep everyone updated and then just deal with the curve balls here and there.

Well I don't know about that. During the bad days of Threat-2.0 if you had different versions of addons it would cause you to be having different threat numbers.

Those days are past us. We now have accurate threat numbers. I don't know of any particular addons that cause problems when you have different versions of the addons.

What my former raid leader use to do for essential raid mods was to post a link to the stable versions of the essential raid mods to the guild forums. He would tell the whole guild "before raiding check this thread and make sure you have these versions of the raid mods downloaded.


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
I just don't agree with someone who tries to push their way on others, and I fully disagree with suggesting to people that they go extended periods of time without updating.

I'm not trying to push my way onto others. If I have then I sincerely apologise. You can lead a horse to water but no matter what you do sometimes you just can't get him to drink.

And what's the worse thing that can happen if you can for extended periods of time without updating ? Have a wee think about that and let me know what you think :D


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 137953)
So I'll take the 1-3 minute update they provide and backout any updates that I install that break my UI until a fix (which is usually available by the time I notice a problem) is available.

I think Shirik's posted that roll backs are a feature coming in a later version. That would be cool :D

PS I've not looked at any of my addon update emails since May 03. I did have a problem with Chatter that I did download an update for. Other than that the rest of my addons have not been updated since then. My UI is working fine.

Zaydok 05-23-09 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by honem (Post 137973)
When I started these threads (there is one like this on Curse) I admit that it was my goal to demonize the use of automatic updater programs.

Ok still with me ? Good :D

The thing is with someone's opinion it can change over time with more and more discussion on the topic. Even the hardest rock wears down over time with water as Confusicous would say.

I'm now of the opinion that yes you can use an automatic updater program if that floats your boat. Whatever gets the job done quicker for you. It doesn't matter which tool you use to get the job down - checks in from SVN , email updates , favourites list on wow interface, automatic updater programs , IRC and watching for when they submit new updates to the repo , pan handling in front of the author's place of work ... (ok getting a little off track there :D)

What matters to me is how often you update you addons and why.

Do you really need every single update an author comes out with ? If there's a bug then you update to the latest version anyway

Here's the thing - if somethings working why update it ?

What I mean here is if it's
* Still working
* Not producing any errors
* Not producing any bugs
* Does everything you need it to do.
* Nothing else you would want it to (this includes being smaller in memory/cpu usage)

Then you should be able to afford to go long lengths of time without a single update.

If all the above is true then you don't need to update that addon. That's my point with my whole "don't download this update" thing. You don't need to download every single update out there. Some addons will work absolutely fine without any updates to them as long as they aren't producing any bugs.

EG I'm still using an addon that does 1 thing and does it really well. It was last updated in July 2006. It's a few lines of code (maybe 7 or 8) for hooking the tooltip onto the mouse. The API call it uses hasn't been changed so it doesn't need an update.

Ok my friend :D. My experience from posts from wow matrix users is slightly different.

They come into a forum where something like this is being discussed and blast the decision by wowinterface/curse to block WM. Not to get off topic here but I assume that if they are so angry because they are now in convenienced because of this. From this I then assume that they are updating all their mods every day or every 2 days.

Now if it's 1-2 times per week does it really matter how long it takes you ? Or what method you use to update ?

Well I don't know about that. During the bad days of Threat-2.0 if you had different versions of addons it would cause you to be having different threat numbers.

Those days are past us. We now have accurate threat numbers. I don't know of any particular addons that cause problems when you have different versions of the addons.

What my former raid leader use to do for essential raid mods was to post a link to the stable versions of the essential raid mods to the guild forums. He would tell the whole guild "before raiding check this thread and make sure you have these versions of the raid mods downloaded.

I'm not trying to push my way onto others. If I have then I sincerely apologise. You can lead a horse to water but no matter what you do sometimes you just can't get him to drink.

And what's the worse thing that can happen if you can for extended periods of time without updating ? Have a wee think about that and let me know what you think :D

I think Shirik's posted that roll backs are a feature coming in a later version. That would be cool :D

PS I've not looked at any of my addon update emails since May 03. I did have a problem with Chatter that I did download an update for. Other than that the rest of my addons have not been updated since then. My UI is working fine.

Well this post has shed a bit more light on where you currently stand and what your thinking. Now it sounds like your just supporting a system that your experience has found to be the best route. Like I said I like the email notifications, and if it weren't for Minion I would start adapting that part of it. And I am going to assume that you mean May 3rd and not May 2003? Amirite? Gotta be because WoW wasn't released until 04. ;P

I will just say that truly my experience has shown that updating regularly is the way to go. I personally recommend at least 1-2 times per week, TBH for my raiders I'll be recommending a Minion update check each raid day.

The other thing I would like to bring up is that not all traffic and bandwidth usage is bad, in fact quite the contrary if managed correctly. The other reason why I suggest regular updates, especially with the business model that is being implemented with Minion is that sites like WoWI are supported by donations and ads. Minion will be utilizing adds so by using Minion you are helping to support WoWI. If everyone only updated every month or so you might see some of the sites we love starting to struggle and/or disappearing.

Zaydok 05-23-09 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 137954)
Now, see, this is the way a proper debate should happen. Disagreement while respecting the opinions of another, stated in a courteous and civil manner. Thank you. :)

You're very welcome. Thank you for bringing such an awesome site to the addon community.

w01ph 05-23-09 11:49 AM

I'm going to add a little more food for thought here.. I am one of the many that runs my updater every day, and 'blindly' updates with any changes... I'm fully aware and capable of using a method similar to what has been suggested. Now this is where the opposing argument comes in, I personally choose not to waste my time with reviewing every little change and deciding whether or not this is a change I need. You have your way, you like it better, and it works for you. This is the important feature for anyones updating method. My counter point, and likewise, I'm not trying to change anyones mind on how to do things, is that the time you spend checking your e-mail, reading the changes, deciding which updates to get, downloading them, installing them, etc.. actually wastes more time than firing up the updater seeing an update, clicking the install button and moving on. And just to make sure it's clear, whether intended or not, the statement was essentially made that your method actually takes less time than an auto-updater. Also, your posts do have that preachy feel to them, though I'm also not the greatest at getting my true intent and feeling across in text form :P

Bluspacecow 05-23-09 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 138010)
And I am going to assume that you mean May 3rd and not May 2003? Amirite? Gotta be because WoW wasn't released until 04. ;P

Yeah May 3rd 2009.

I did update Prat but only because I was getting an error when I went to invite someone. It's an intermittant problem so it hasn't come up often enough for me to worry about. Not sure if I fixed or not but oh well :)


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 138010)
I will just say that truly my experience has shown that updating regularly is the way to go. I personally recommend at least 1-2 times per week, TBH for my raiders I'll be recommending a Minion update check each raid day.

If there's one thing i'ld like you to take from this little conversation is that you don't need every update that comes out. If you only play in one language then you shouldn't need to download localization updates for a language you don't play in. Localization & tagging changes can usually be safely ignored.

This is why I take a quick squeeze at the change logs - I'm trying to reduce the number of things I have to look at. If the only change on an email update email is something about tagging or an update for a specific locale then I delete it and go to the next thing.

When Minion comes out I'll have a look at using it. But only to reduce the time spent examing emails - i'll still be mark stuff as not to update based on if I think it's a major enough change to update.

Bluspacecow 05-23-09 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by w01ph (Post 138018)
I'm going to add a little more food for thought here.. I am one of the many that runs my updater every day, and 'blindly' updates with any changes...

But do you know what's being updated ? And why ?

And do you need to download every single update that comes out ?

You see I've examined the change logs for a lot of addons that update regularly. Recount is the only one out of the ones I keep an eye on that gets regular updates and I update that when I get into a PUG group with people I don't know. The rest are for the most part localisation changes and tagging changes.

Prat is the only addon I've updated in 3 weeks. I don't see any error that come up regularly in play. All my addons do exactly what I've been using them for.


Originally Posted by w01ph (Post 138018)
Now this is where the opposing argument comes in, I personally choose not to waste my time with reviewing every little change and deciding whether or not this is a change I need.

Personally I prefer to know exactly what's changed instead of updating something and assuming it's going to be optimization or needed bug fix


Originally Posted by w01ph (Post 138018)
My counter point, and likewise, I'm not trying to change anyones mind on how to do things, is that the time you spend checking your e-mail, reading the changes, deciding which updates to get, downloading them, installing them, etc.. actually wastes more time than firing up the updater seeing an update, clicking the install button and moving on.

My point continues to be when updating you don't need to do it every day.

I'm not doing this whole update process every single day. It's either every week or every 2 weeks. I'm late for my regular update schedule as I'm waiting for one of my addons to break. They aren't breaking dang name it !

So let's do comparison for my way against yours :

Your way:

Open a program
Click an update all program
Downloads all the updates
Installs them in the correct place.

Estimated time taken : 5 mins

You do this every day.

My way :

Alt-Tab to my email client
3-5 minutes going through emails.
3-5 minutes going through multiple addon pages
Downloading time.
2 Minutes to install them

Estimated time taken 8 - 14 minutes

I do this every 2 weeks.

So in the time I take to do one update you would already of updated 14 times (once per day).

14 X 5 minutes = 70 minutes you've spent spread over 2 weeks updating your addons.

So my counter point is - If you do have to compare the two methods you need to take into consideration the fact that I only update every 2 weeks while you've done it every day. I could use an automatic update program to assist me in doing this but it's only going to save me a few minutes here and there on a process that takes me no more then 15 minutes every 2 weeks.

Lastly not a personal dig but when writing a response to someone a good thing to do for readability is to put paragraphs in your response. Your wall of text without any paragraphs in it just about critted me for 9999 damage :(

Zaydok 05-24-09 01:49 AM

Well the only problem I see in your math is that all us auto updaters have to do is hit update and then we can walk away and grab a snack/drink before we play. The process pretty much runs itself so all in all your talking 1 second to double click the desktop button and then another second to push the update all button. The rest of the time you can be zoning on whatever else, browsing the web, snacking, etc. So your talking about 14 seconds per week/28 for 2 weeks. Whereas your method requires you to be focused on the task the entire time. So no cookies for joo! :p :)

forty2j 05-24-09 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by honem (Post 134959)

The consequences I can see ?

Questhelper - It might have the wrong locations for stuff. Easily solved with alt-tabbing to Wowhead :D

OP, I largely agree with your sentiment. The whole addon updating addiction can be traced back to Omen, which proved superior to KTM and thus required everyone to jump on to it, but was updated multiple times a day and each version was somewhat incompatible with its previous, necessitating each entire guild to be running the same build number. Thus came the unwashed masses to WAU to update their Omen (and everything else) just before raid time each day.

That being said.. the whole point of an addon like QuestHelper (or Lightheaded, or Carbonite, or any number of other similar services) is to bring out-of-game help into the in-game environment. If there is anything wrong in the addon I use for this purpose for which the only workaround is alt-tab, I consider the addon majorly broken.

Zaydok 05-24-09 10:58 AM

I guess the point is then, that if you have to take the time to download a fix for a broken add on, which we all know happens, that you might as well grab the updates for the rest of your addons. Some of the extra updates might be minimal localization updates while others provide really cool new features and performance tweaks. Either way with an auto updater it is a single button push "Update Addon" or "Update All". ;)

Vis 05-24-09 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 137954)
Now, see, this is the way a proper debate should happen. Disagreement while respecting the opinions of another, stated in a courteous and civil manner. Thank you. :)


It looks like you stunned and astonished Cairenn so much she even used a regular smilie :D

Just to add on topic, I come from the school of thought that addons change frequently, thank you ThreatLib and a few others, lol. Since that has changed, so have my methods.

My stance being that I truly enjoy the convenience (yup, I'm lazy and don't want to unzip them myself, even though I do know how) that updaters provide, but I also prefer to be an informed consumer by keeping tabs on what has changed and why. So before hitting the update/update all buttons I peruse the changelogs of any updated addons. Then make my decision on what to update.

Bluspacecow 05-24-09 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 138095)
So your talking about 14 seconds per week/28 for 2 weeks. Whereas your method requires you to be focused on the task the entire time. So no cookies for joo! :p :)

I think you're still missing my point here.

By the time i've updated my addons or any of one of addons once you've already updated 14 times. So you've run a program before logging into wow every single day when me I just use the program's I've already got open to do it.

What I'm trying to get people to see is you don't need to download every update that comes out and you don't need to do this every day.

Like I've said above. If you move updating your addons to be something you don't do very often then it doesn't matter what method you use. You just don't need to be hitting up any servers for addon updates every day.

Lastly I'm wondering - do you let the process of updating stop you from logging in ?

I doubt that an updater client can check all the updates , download them all and unzip them in 1 second. This timing is included in the time I say to people of how long it takes me to update my addons. Start to finish. Under 15 minutes.

Are you spent waiting for the addon updates to finish downloading before you log into wow?

If so why ?

Bluspacecow 05-24-09 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by forty2j (Post 138136)
OP, I largely agree with your sentiment. The whole addon updating addiction can be traced back to Omen, which proved superior to KTM and thus required everyone to jump on to it, but was updated multiple times a day and each version was somewhat incompatible with its previous, necessitating each entire guild to be running the same build number. Thus came the unwashed masses to WAU to update their Omen (and everything else) just before raid time each day.

The wow ace packager was a tad bit insane. It would package up a new zip each time an author would submit an update. Often times it was a minor update that 75% of the WAU users did not need.

An author makes a change in his russian localisation. It's maybe 4 or 5 lines of code. The packager makes a new zip version automatically. 1.7899 billion wow players all click their magic "update all" buttons. That's a ton of necessary bandwidth. Bandwidth paid for mainly by Kaelten btw :(


Originally Posted by forty2j (Post 138136)
If there is anything wrong in the addon I use for this purpose for which the only workaround is alt-tab, I consider the addon majorly broken.

My analogy was flawed IMHO. I was trying to say "if this addon breaks ....this is what you can do as an alternative".

I was not trying to condemn the use of QH or Carbonite here. I use Carbonite as a radar . QH's too big too bright and too "there is only one way to do these quests and you will follow the arrows or DIAF" for me. For me the fun of questing is how chaotically you can do quests.

Bluspacecow 05-24-09 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Eklypse (Post 138148)
Some of the extra updates might be minimal localization updates while others provide really cool new features and performance tweaks.

Personally I prefer not to play Russian Roulette with addon updates :eek:

I prefer to know _exactly_ what addons have changed and why.

Not only because it places me in a much better position when it comes time to fix something but also so if my friends are having problems I'm better equipped to help them with their problems.

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