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meio 09-28-07 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Detritis
Hi Meio, I have fixed my version of DUF and am not getting any FrameXML errors at all, which errors are you still getting, I might be able to help.

The incorrect variable name is what I was getting after the mazzification process. It's because those items are coded into the mazzifier and I didn't feel like digging through that part of the mazzification code just yet. I also had not had time to verify that every aspect of DUF that Mazzle used was working and setup properly with the new one and I wanted to get this first patch out tonight. I will most likely put the new version of DUF in the final patch. Which will be after I've had plenty of time to go through all of the details.

Cani 09-28-07 01:04 AM

Meio can't think you enough. thank you for all the work you have put in,

also for the vista user make sure your wtf's permissions are not set to read only.

Dynnyn 09-28-07 01:24 AM

hmm cani i 'll give that a shoot :) cheers

Xinlin 09-28-07 05:26 AM

thx this ui like crazy :D i hope mazz will be able to cont and meio thx for the gd wrk...hope mazzle will be more fixed up....cheerz~~~ ;)

Luvshot 09-28-07 05:34 AM

thank you so much! :)

rekman 09-28-07 05:38 AM

Nomatter what I do I can't get Mazzify to start. I even hear her talk when I log in but she never appear.

In my C:\Programfiler\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\Mazzifier I got an empty DUF and Images. There are 2 files:


Vesania 09-28-07 06:18 AM

Thanks so much Meio!

Fugainai 09-28-07 06:36 AM

Meio, you are a godsend! I, personally, had already gone through and done all of the .lua code changes to get my MazzleUI up and running again. But this just makes it SO much easier for all the people out there who don't want to sift through all the code to make a few little changes.

Looking forward to the next patch. Good luck and god speed with it!

psychozombie 09-28-07 07:02 AM

need some help plz
ok i got a problem with this dont know if anyone know how to fix it, i installed mazzle ui, put replaced the interface/WTF fold with the original"renamed to Old"
and i log in and the mazzleui pops up i go though the option it tells me at the end i click mazzifier button, but when it loads the the only thing i see is the skin pop up and its not even then right onw i choose and all my skill are in one straight line made in circles wich i chose square >_< and the frames arent 3d and cant seem to move em plz help

sphinxatl 09-28-07 07:18 AM

Man you are a rockstar! MazzleUI is back!

Raidme 09-28-07 07:41 AM

Cannot Mazzify

First of all thanks for your speedy work on this fix. I am having a problem though, I cannot mazzify, it tells me that is an unknown command. Also I might just mention that I am using a Macbook Pro with OSX. Everything worked great until 2.2. Thanks again. :)

Malinoric 09-28-07 07:43 AM

for Mazzle to work with the newest version of DUF you can go to the mazzifier DUF settings, and replace all instances of $ut with $tn. I just applied this fix last night, and it seems to fix the target of target problems. I'm not sure if any other problems are going to crop up, but DUF for 2.2 seems otherwise perfectly fine for the UI.

Nemish 09-28-07 08:46 AM

Meio or mieo or what ever, I LOVE YOU!! wanna marry me? I am a sexeh girl you know with hair in the arm pits ;) hahaha just had to say that, I LOVE YA!

BleepBleep1216 09-28-07 09:00 AM

I downloaded the patch and everything but when I get through to the end of the mazzifier I hit Mazzify me and then the skin comes up and thats it. It doesnt give me "Finish the Spell" part.

mr2cool 09-28-07 09:05 AM

need help please, just installed this patch and all works ok except when i go on my hunter.
i have the mend pet button in the normal action bar spot but i also have this really annoying mend pet button right in the middle of my screen??? yes i can move it around but its a bigger button them all my others so no i can just put it over the other mend pet and no it doesnt attach to the action slots anyways...i need to get rid of it if possible....please help thanks

Kynki 09-28-07 09:14 AM

Ok, I have posted this a few times now, but it seems to be getting overlooked :(

I have my MazzleUI 99.9% working, but for this tooltip problem when I look in my bags.

Basically I get no tooltip at all when I look at any item in my bags and in the bags in my bank.

I have tried all number of things to try and correct it, but as yet have had no luck. tbh I am not even sure if it's a MazzleUI issue, but I know it has only occurred since the WoW patch, Like I say I get tooltips from my bank vault and from my equipped items, its just the items in my bags where I have nothing.

Please help, cos it's driving me cwayzeee...

cheers ;)

BadMage 09-28-07 09:18 AM

Hangs on install
THANK you SO much for fixing Mazzle, however, I am unable to use it yet :eek:

My install hangs when I click the mazzify me button at the end. When I click through the chat tabs, I can see that it hangs on 'Mazzifying Blizzard' (or that is the last item that appears).

Thank you again for fixing the best UI ever put together!

northsider 09-28-07 10:07 AM

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Are A God, Thank You So Much For The Quick Fix Download Which Fixed Everything!!!!
I Cant Thank You Enough!!!

meio 09-28-07 10:07 AM

I've heard that some people are having problems with the patch. My guess is what is happening is that when the patch is being unzipped it is replacing the old folders rather than just copying the newer files into the directories. If you are experiencing this you may try unzipping the patch on your desktop and manually copying the new files.

Like the initial post says there are still issues with the tradeskills mod, which unfortunately I don't have time to even look at yet. Hopefully the author can come up with a solution soon. Until then it may be necessary for those with the problems to just disable it until it is resolved. I've heard that most of the problems with the professions occur on Mac clients. If you use a mac and would be willing to help the author test it out, you may try to get ahold of him on the forums for ATSW.

Beeder 09-28-07 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by meio
Like the initial post says there are still issues with the tradeskills mod, which unfortunately I don't have time to even look at yet. Hopefully the author can come up with a solution soon. Until then it may be necessary for those with the problems to just disable it until it is resolved. I've heard that most of the problems with the professions occur on Mac clients. If you use a mac and would be willing to help the author test it out, you may try to get ahold of him on the forums for ATSW.


I've been monitoring the progress of two mod packages: Mirage and Mazzle. From what it looks like, Mazzle is going to be "production ready" for 2.2 before Mirage; so I'm going to backup my AddOns/WTF folders tonight and give Mazzle a try (I've been using Mirage). I guess that will make my wife and I Mazzlites if everything works well (yes, she plays too).

One of the 2.2 suggestion threads on the Mirage forums mentioned an alternative to ATSW you might want to check out. Here is a paste of the pertinent part of the original thread from the Mirage forums:


Originally Posted by Archaeon
2. Trade Skills: The Skillet addon is a nice ACE'd replacement for ASTW. It's still missing the sorting options (which I personally never use, but some like them) and some other ASTW functionality, but according to the author, he's working on making those additions. It's not on WowAceUpdater yet, but it's coming I believe.

Click here for the entire thread (registration required I believe).

Not sure if it's worth the time to look into or not.

Best regards, and I look forward to taking Mazzle for a spin tonight.

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