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Cilas 12-15-06 09:57 AM

First, thanks for the easy to use and well designed mode. I really like a lot of the features it has-especially the ease of assigning key bindings.

However, I'm having some problems using bars in the Paged mode. Whenever I set a bar to Paged, every bar reads as the same page. So I'll have three bars set as Page 1-which isn't what I want. I want to have a Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3 bar.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

amaunet 12-15-06 11:16 AM

Great addon.

I personally downloaded Insomniax yesterday and have been using these bars. I cannot register nor post on their help forums and seeing as how I think this question relates to these bars I'm going to ask it here..

I am not sure if there is any way to change this, but the way I have all my buttons configured at the bottom middle of my screen, every time I hover over one it pops up the information of what spell it is and blocks the rest of my buttons. It's just getting annoying and wondered if theres any way at all to turn the popup information off, or better yet, move it to the bottom right of my screen like what typically happens when you scroll over a user in the regular WoW UI.

Any help would be great :)

VicD714 12-15-06 12:15 PM


First off, I just want add my voice to all the others complimenting you on Trinity. It truly is a thing of beauty.

I do have one question, or feature request if this is not possible. Is there any way to show the Blizzard XP bar while Trinity Bars is active? I know Trinity XP is included, but there is just something about the look of the Blizzard XP bar that I love. I did see your comment about planning to add a new dock with the XP and rep bar on it, but am curious to know if it will be like Trinity XP, just a larger version, or a hideable/adjustable version of the Blizzard XP bar.

Thanks again for all your efforts, and keep up the great work.

cieran 12-15-06 01:06 PM

Cooldown count
This addon seems to have a built in cooldown count, how would I go about disabling that?

ShakyJake 12-15-06 04:31 PM

I like this mod. The buttons look great.

However, I have a very basic problem that makes it useless to me. I am a druid and have key and mouse bindings to various attacks. These key/mouse bindings represent a button on the bottom bar but will change from form to form. For example, in Bear form my middle mouse button is "Taunt". But in Cat form that same button is "Shred".

With the Trinity Bars, the bindings appear to be bound to the actual function or spell rather than the button itself.

Am I missing something? Thanks for the help and good work.

Hexcaster 12-15-06 04:45 PM

Lost Minimap Icon
I can not find the button for bars. How can I activate it again or restore the button? pls thx

Isaac 12-15-06 05:41 PM

Hey, I love your mod, but i seem to have a error thats making life difficult in WoW lol, my buttons disappear. not the ones i have a skill assigned too, but all the empty ones. so if i need to move one, or add a new one i cant because all the empty slots no longer exist, tryed a buncha stuff to get the to reappear but to no avail....plz help took me forever to situate my ui, would hate to have to do it over :(

gabter 12-15-06 10:10 PM

Missing Minimap Button!
Great addon, I love what I'm able to do to my UI with it.
However, I have a (big) problem now!

I have two characters, and I've been playing only with one recently. I set up my Druid's interface how I wanted it, locked/hid the moving bars with the minimap button. One day (can't remember exactly), the minimap button dissapeared, but I didn't think much of it since the bars were where I wanted them.

However, today, I go to set up the trinity bars on my Warlock, and for a while the minimap button is there. I reloaded the UI a couple times while setting up my whole interface, and during this process, the minimap button dissapeared also!

Now I'm sitting here with all the bars laid out nicely, except I can't lock them (can't remove the arrows that increase/decrease the size of buttons etc.)!

Is there a /command I can use to lock them?
Maybe a suggestion as to how to get the minimap button back?

Please help.

Much thanks in advance.

P.S. I am positive that the button is NOT under any other icon.

EDIT: Heh, this question is the exact same one that hexcaster posted. Hope the detail in mine can help with the "diagnosis" of the problem!

Zaldinar 12-16-06 03:38 PM

For the cooldown count people
Anyone who wants to disable the cooldown count, and who isn't afraid to edit the .lua on their own (heheh), heres what I found:

Go to the ~/addons/TrinityButtons/TrinityButtons.lua file, on line 2491 (in my version of the file at least, might vary) in the function 'Trinity_UpdateButton()' there's a check that looks like this:

'if ( start > 0 and duration > 4 and enable > 0) then'

to disable the numbers for the cooldown count, just add 'and false' to that check, so it now reads

'if ( start > 0 and duration > 4 and enable > 0 and false) then'

And bingo, no numbers. For the author, a configuration option for that would be awesome :-D

Abyss111 12-16-06 05:54 PM

This mod is the best button mod i've ever used bar none. Your work is appreciated here, and hope to see trinity stay in my WoW folder :)

blueberrylyl 12-18-06 10:07 AM

Hi Maul - first, awesome mod and I really appreciate all the hard work you've put into it! :) My problem however is that when I went to set up my druid, I followed your instructions - switched back to default ui and set up my bars then added Trinity in. I see all of my buttons and when I mouse over them I can see the spell in my tooltip - but all of my graphics /icons for each button is gone. I look like I have a lot of empty bars, but when I mouse over them the description is there, just not the graphic. Any ideas? I had this issue with my hunter yesterday and I blew out my entire ui and rebuilt from scratch. It's now working fine - but I can't get it to work for my druid. Help!?! :)

marikris 12-18-06 06:22 PM

I installed Trinity Bars today and I accidentally bound a button to "R". When I rebound R to my whisper command, it won't sitck. It keeps going back to the bound key with Trinity Bars (which in this case is shadow meld). I've relogged everytime and it still continues. How can I fix this?

wibbo 12-19-06 09:59 AM


would it be possible to add support for theory craft? Would be nice to get it!!!

Greetings Wibbo

VicD714 12-19-06 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by marikris
I installed Trinity Bars today and I accidentally bound a button to "R". When I rebound R to my whisper command, it won't sitck. It keeps going back to the bound key with Trinity Bars (which in this case is shadow meld). I've relogged everytime and it still continues. How can I fix this?

If you haven't tried it already, exit the game (not just logging out). When you get back in-game check your WoW keybindings (not Trinity), to make sure the key is bound to the action you want, if it's not go ahead and bind it now. Hit OK, hit return to game, and see if that fixes it.

I've had the same problem with keybindings, more than a few times and that always seems to fix it.

Awahuch 12-20-06 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by blueberrylyl
Hi Maul - first, awesome mod and I really appreciate all the hard work you've put into it! :) My problem however is that when I went to set up my druid, I followed your instructions - switched back to default ui and set up my bars then added Trinity in. I see all of my buttons and when I mouse over them I can see the spell in my tooltip - but all of my graphics /icons for each button is gone. I look like I have a lot of empty bars, but when I mouse over them the description is there, just not the graphic. Any ideas? I had this issue with my hunter yesterday and I blew out my entire ui and rebuilt from scratch. It's now working fine - but I can't get it to work for my druid. Help!?! :)

I'm having this problem as well. The tooltip show my spells are there, but they're just empty buttons. Also, when I use my keybindings with the graphicless buttons, the highlight stays around them even after the spell is cast until I use that spell again.

Another problem I have encountered concerns the stealth button. I had my UI all set up with two bars using the stealthed until moused over settings. The first time I moused over them they showed up fine, but after that, they wouldn't show up at all, even when I went back into config mode. I tried adding and removing the buttons, ect. but nothing brought them back short of using the reset option.

Great mod, even with the few bugs. I can't wait to see what kind of new features get added!

cieran 12-20-06 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Zaldinar
Anyone who wants to disable the cooldown count, and who isn't afraid to edit the .lua on their own (heheh), heres what I found:


And bingo, no numbers. For the author, a configuration option for that would be awesome :-D

Thanks! That's exactly what the mod needs.

Herokz 12-20-06 12:42 PM

really great addon, but i have a little problem, i play a druid and whenn i am on a bg an i am in combat and i change my form, my bars doesn't change but this is only when i am in combat.

can somebody help me pls?

sorry for my bad english

PaulR 12-20-06 10:37 PM

Great Mod. I am having problems getting the mob/player bar up when I mind control them. How do you see the mob/player bar ?

Gorrok 12-22-06 11:49 AM

I was using the WoW UI since Nurfed has not gotten their bars up and running yet. I was fed up and tried Trinity. I enjoyed that it left my buttons configured the same as I had them set in the WoW interface and still bound the same. By mistake I added buttons to my main bar and then tried to delete them. In doing so it has moved my button configuration off of the original spots so my "action button 1" in the WoW key bindings is no longer bound to the same place holder on the Trinity bar. All my attacks have shifted to the right (now several boxes over as I tried to fix it and made it worse). How can I get it back to the original config as it looked when I first installed Trinity?

Coldbrew 12-23-06 01:46 AM

I'm using the last pre-beta version of Trinity, and about 3 days ago, my minimap icon disappeared. So far, I've been unable to find any text commands to either restore it or bring up the functions I need...mainly to hide the docks on characters that hadn't been setup before the minimap button disappeared. Anyone know a way to fix this? I'd really, all in all, just like to have the button back.

Btw, great mod, i love it :)

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