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voodoodad 06-15-09 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 143018)
Wow, I didn't know this thread was here. How did I miss it? lol

Here's mine!

Silenia! Someone's got a toon named Silverraven, and she looks JUST like you! Who'da thunk it?!?

tinyu 06-18-09 01:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's nUI with some changes of my own.

I covered up the nUI player/target/target of target/pet frames with kgPanels and placed the X-Perl frames there.

I covered the minimap with Carbonite.

I've also adjusted the max auras to 0 now if only i could hide the player/target names as i use Elkano's Buff Bars i done need them.

Ive also gotta get around the minimap button bag as carbonite uses its own type and the nui minimap button bag covers some of the carbonite minimap options.

spiel2001 06-18-09 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by tinyu (Post 143667)
Here's nUI with some changes of my own.

I covered up the nUI player/target/target of target/pet frames with kgPanels and placed the X-Perl frames there.

I covered the minimap with Carbonite.

I've also adjusted the max auras to 0 now if only i could hide the player/target names as i use Elkano's Buff Bars i done need them.

Ive also gotta get around the minimap button bag as carbonite uses its own type and the nui minimap button bag covers some of the carbonite minimap options.

With all due respect... why are you even using nUI? Or is this a troll?

tinyu 06-18-09 02:15 PM

Not a troll at all, i like the over all layout of nUI its just that i find some of the features kinda boring, no offense. and really other than what ive listed its still pretty much the same.

Think of it as making nUI more me :D.

Petrah 06-18-09 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by tinyu (Post 143667)
Here's nUI with some changes of my own.

I covered up the nUI player/target/target of target/pet frames with kgPanels and placed the X-Perl frames there.

I covered the minimap with Carbonite.

I've also adjusted the max auras to 0 now if only i could hide the player/target names as i use Elkano's Buff Bars i done need them.

Ive also gotta get around the minimap button bag as carbonite uses its own type and the nui minimap button bag covers some of the carbonite minimap options.

It saddens me to see nUI butchered this way /cry

spiel2001 06-18-09 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by tinyu (Post 143670)
Not a troll at all, i like the over all layout of nUI its just that i find some of the features kinda boring, no offense. and really other than what ive listed its still pretty much the same.

Think of it as making nUI more me :D.

Well... to each their own I guess... but you have disabled pretty much every feature nUI has inclusive of the HUD, the unit frames, the raid frames, the auras, the minimap, the focus, the console and more and looking to lose the button bag as well... the only part of nUI you're using are the action bars and the dashboard skin.

I just can't see the point of adding all of the overhead of nUI's features just so you can cover them up with another mod. Why not use KGPanels (which you already have installed) to create a bottom bar the shape of nUI's, install a bar mod and then throw away nUI? It would save you a ton of system resources.

tinyu 06-18-09 06:06 PM

the console is still there its set to show on mouse over :D

spiritwulf 06-18-09 06:49 PM

I was gonna comment when i saw this earlier but managed to hold it in. Glad to see im not the only one with the same thoughts though. My thoughts exactly Scott lol

tinyu 06-18-09 08:29 PM

at least I'm unique seriously who can say that have a setup like mine :D of the thousands of players that are using nUI, each and every single one of theirs looks exactly the same, yes there is some different skins and color options but the overall look of them all is exactly the same, if you wanted to look like everyone else then stick with the default WoWUI.

I'm not trying to bad mouth your UI, i know that a but load of time has gone into it i even know that you considered abandoning it when Blizzard introduced their new addon policy, all I'm doing is making it more me and personally for the 30mins i spent modifying the look of it i think it looks okay and once I'm finished tinkering it'll look even better.

I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for what I'm doing but hey your entitled to your opinion and so am I.

And with my system i don't have to worry about resources :D

Petrah 06-18-09 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by tinyu (Post 143711)
who can say that have a setup like mine

I'm sorry, and I say this with the utmost respect and no malice intent whatsoever... but I honestly hope no one else has a setup like that. To me, and this is of course my own personal feeling on the matter, but it's like slapping Scott in the face and telling him all his hard work was for nothing. I really feel like you've butchered his work, and it seriously saddens me.

tinyu 06-18-09 11:06 PM

no offense taken :D, but one could also assume that anyone who uses any type of mod or UI is slapping Blizzard in the face and telling them their hard work is for nothing.

If players can use mods or UIs to alter the original look of the games default UI than surely they can use the same mods to alter the look of nUI or any other UI for that matter.

Same here not trying to piss on anyones hard work just making it more my style.

eaglepgc 06-19-09 01:21 AM

Sooo.. Here's mine... lol

I added Needtoknow so I can easily see certain buffs/debuffs

And the "Pope Heroism" is a inside guild joke, lol

voodoodad 06-19-09 01:34 AM

Being an active member of the Illuminati, I take great umbrage at the "heroic pope" reference!:cool:

(Actually, I just always wanted to use the phrase "I take great umbrage" in a sentence, and this was the first chance I've had)
<---Livin' life to it's fullest!:D

PS. Ummm, when I admitted to being a member of the Illuminati, I was only kidding... Hmmm... Who's knocking on my door at this hour? Brb (hopefully):cool:

Petrah 06-19-09 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by eaglepgc (Post 143740)
Sooo.. Here's mine... lol

I added Needtoknow so I can easily see certain buffs/debuffs

And the "Pope Heroism" is a inside guild joke, lol

Oooo whutchu got there around the map? I like that design :)

MidgetMage55 06-19-09 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 143777)
Oooo whutchu got there around the map? I like that design :)

Looks like the alliance border texture from chinchilla. In chinchilla its default to blue. Never tried to alter its color within its config GUI though i imagine its doable.

Petrah 06-19-09 12:25 PM

Ah, thanks Midge! Was just curious... it looks pretty the way he has it.

eaglepgc 06-19-09 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 143778)
Looks like the alliance border texture from chinchilla. In chinchilla its default to blue. Never tried to alter its color within its config GUI though i imagine its doable.

That is entirely correct!

neuralassassin 06-19-09 11:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Heres mine for my shammy Ive switched all nUIs fonts over to morpheus :cool:

voodoodad 06-20-09 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by neuralassassin (Post 143850)
Heres mine for my shammy Ive switched all nUIs fonts over to morpheus :cool:

Ok, I know it's posted here somewhere, but I'm too tired and lazy to find it. How do you change the fonts for nUI, and where can I find the morpheus font? Really liking that!

spiel2001 06-20-09 06:03 AM

Here you go Voodoo...

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