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Maxian 06-12-07 09:45 AM

I cant get the macro to work is it like a /script
before it bc i did so and doenst work +im getting this error.

[2007/06/12 17:40:07-276-x1]: <string>:"if (nQuestLogFrame:IsVisible()) then":1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2114: in function `value':
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3400: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3325>:
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3092: in function `ChatEdit_SendText':
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2344: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2338>:
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: in function `UseAction'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:218: in function `SecureActionButton_OnClick':
<string>:"*:OnClick":1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: in function `securecall'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateHeader.lua:998: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateHeader.lua:979>:

and the rest of the macro is spammed in chat.

Would like some help plz:)

Detritus 06-12-07 10:03 AM

KTM or Omen/Threat
Just found out about a new threat tracking mod that's available. Threat/Omen has been written in response to increasing concerns about the heavy CPU usage of KTM. It's been written as an ACE2 based, event-driven mod rather than poll-based like KTM.

You can find a link to the forum discussion about it here. The mod itself is in beta and can be found on the ACE SVN. Currently it takes input from KTM as well as generating its own threat values. It's worth noting that, at the time of writing, these don't feed back to KTM. An interesting point of note it that it can track threat on multiple targets...which is nice. :)

I've provided an image below (1000 words, and all that).

Points of note are the nice bar under the hunter showing the point at which aggro will be gained (Red Bar), the hunter threat (green bar) and the pet threat (orange bar).

Shows a lot of promise, imo...especially if it makes good on the performance claims. KLH is by far the most CPU intensive mod in Mazzle (AFAIK) and it would be nice to see something like this take its place.

Mazzlefizz 06-12-07 03:21 PM

Maxian, I don't typically run long scripts in macros. That's the code I use for the hotspot. I'd try entering it all on one line.

Detritus, that does indeed look interesting. I'd love to have something that isn't as resource intensive as KTM. Is that add-on ready in prime-time for high-end raids?

Detritus 06-13-07 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Maxian, I don't typically run long scripts in macros. That's the code I use for the hotspot. I'd try entering it all on one line.

Detritus, that does indeed look interesting. I'd love to have something that isn't as resource intensive as KTM. Is that add-on ready in prime-time for high-end raids?

It's looking pretty close but is still in Beta. My main concern about it at the moment is that it does not feed threat values to KTM, it only reads values from KTM. I'm my guild's MT and I'm a little nervous about taking it on a raid in case my threat doesn't get recorded properly by those using KTM. Still, I'd like to give it a try so I'll check with my guild and try and use it on the next raid. I'm going offline for a while soom, so I'll not be able to get to you for a week or so. :)

EDIT: Just read the following on the Omen forums...

Originally Posted by Demmin View Post
Just wondering... What do you predict the ETA will be for OMEN to be officialy out of beta and gold? 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? Just a rough guess would be nice.

A few weeks of testing should see it out of beta, provided nothing major goes wrong.
Looks promising. :)

Pankracy 06-16-07 04:26 AM

my big sugestion is to completly remove all ur ah addons and replace it with auctioneer pack

Vicious_bomber 06-16-07 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by TigerHeart

Here's an interesting one for you kermitus, it goes up 8mb just from installing it :). About 3 or 4 months from now when you finally get a 'comprehensive' AH listing for a good deal of items in the game, do not be surprised when it is up around 90mb or more. Every time you do a scan, it saves each and every item it finds. Over time you store up a *LOT* of items. I guess the question here you must ask yourself, is this: Is doubling or tripling my UI memory, and thus decreasing my overall performance actually worth just having an AH price in the unlikely event a guildy asks me "How much is this worth?" or in the even less likely event I get an item and ask myself the same thing? Also, keep in mind, Auctioneer, while nice for a baseline, never can compete with actually looking items up on your own :).

This is coming from a long time Auctioneer fan. I used to have that on my *required* list. I've found out over time though, that it's really not as good as it may seem at first. Try playing without it for awhile, soon, you won't even miss it :).


I would suggest a way to load and unload aucitoneer. That way you can load it when you want to use it and ulnoad it afterwords. If you scan regularly and use the search functions you can really make a ton of gold with the add on. But you have to put in the time to do the scans and searches.

But you only really want it on at certian times, so yah....a load/unload button would be great.

isaacquotien 06-22-07 05:55 PM


Just wanted to say - Great product.

for the next release you should really look at TBag as a replacement for Baggins. I tried baggins and was very disaapointed in its capability compared to the ease and simplicity of TBag. It is very powerfull....sorts everything in a logical oganization..that you can edit if you choose....and allows you to see all your other characters bags and thier banks. Just found the search portion will display in chat window what characters have the item you are searching for. Shefki just did an update and cleaning of the code and has released it as TBag-Shefki.

Baggins may be cool....but seems to require a high lvl of user interface to configure least thats what it seemed like to me...having already been using TBag which didnt require any user configuration...and had a dropdown bar to pick which characters bag you want to see.

so please check it and consider it as a replacement for Baggins..... TBag-Shefki from curse-gaming.

since loading Mazzle i have seriously cutdown on the number of "other" addons i use. WIM, TBag, and auctioneer are the main three that help people in our guild that use mazzle to continue to use.

Oh and one last Fubar one to consider - TCG tradeskills.

Okay....thats it for now.....I hope TBag can be considered for the next release of mazzle!!!

IQ out

malad 06-24-07 04:44 PM

I'm curious; why the removal of DamageMeters/DamageMetersFu from MazzleUI 1.1?

Detritus 06-26-07 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by malad
I'm curious; why the removal of DamageMeters/DamageMetersFu from MazzleUI 1.1?

I'm guessing this is because Recap does the same thing but in a much more efficient manner...

Mazzlefizz 06-26-07 01:24 PM

There's no huge reason. I originally removed everything but recap since it now syncs and uses the same combat log parser as everything else in the UI. Then I decided to re-add SWStats b/c it does do something Recap doesn't, namely update in combat. While I find that a disadvantage, some people really like it.

Zamian 06-30-07 02:31 PM

Do not know if it has been posted or not

WIM is a Must have for all my addons.. it handles Private messages perfectly.. I cant live with out it.

Wow Instant Messenger

It works flawlessly with your Addon Mazzle

Surefire 06-30-07 02:57 PM

auctioneer adds about 10 MB of mem usage, but it's definately worth it imo

stec 06-30-07 03:45 PM

Cellular is the one i use at the mo and its ace2, was it included with mazzle cause i aint sure if i added it seperatly, and by the way its really good

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