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Ch3vr0n 11-27-07 08:50 PM

CTmod is constantly tainting the shapeshift bar

11/28 03:44:06.250 Global variable GetQuestLogTitle tainted by CT_Core - Interface\AddOns\CT_Core\CT_Core_Other.lua:21
11/28 03:44:06.250 Execution tainted by CT_Core while reading GetQuestLogTitle - Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:623 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarRight:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.250 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - ShapeshiftBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.250 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - VoiceChatTalkers:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.250 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.250 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - PossessBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.250 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.250 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:67 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.250 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarRight:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.671 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - ShapeshiftBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.671 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - VoiceChatTalkers:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.671 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.671 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - PossessBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.671 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.671 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.671 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarRight:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.687 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - ShapeshiftBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.687 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - VoiceChatTalkers:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.687 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.687 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from CT_Core - PossessBarFrame:SetPoint()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2287
11/28 03:44:06.687 securecall()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2342 UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:688 QuestWatch_Update()
11/28 03:44:06.687 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:59 QuestLog_OnEvent()
11/28 03:44:06.687 QuestLogFrame:OnEvent()

any fix ?

Fleata 12-06-07 02:12 AM

hiya i have one issue and a few of my guildies do too

the bottombar class bar doesnt move for some reaon ive read the previous posts and have changed the .lua as described but alas it doenst work on my pally it does work fine but not druid or rogue. really quite frustrating

do we have a working change that will sort this out ?

ToolPunk 12-17-07 02:00 PM

I would realy appreciate it if someone would post the status on the issue regarding the "Unmovable Class Bar".

I am currious as to why there are so many options and movability when it comes to the Pet Bar and yet you would think the same Options would be available for the Class Bar as this was the case in the old CtMod.

This is an extreme anoyance and some other anoyances has had me looking for alternative mods. Though, I would love to just be able to stay with the CtMod Suite (as I have been using it ever since I started playing WoW) if these issues could just be looked into and resolved.

Other Annoyances:
Unit Frame: After the removal and re-up, there is no longer an option to import settings from another Char.

Buffmod: When switching a Spell or Poison application to weapon (such as Rockbiter to Flametongue or a Rogue's Poisons) the Buffmod does not update to the correct poison or spell that is applied.

Unit Frame: Allow for the display of Class Plates above Target of Target.
Bottom Bar: Allow for the Resizing of the XP and Rep bars.

CCMCornell 12-19-07 09:24 AM

I'm unable to stop CT_Mailmod from logging received items in the maillog. I have the option unchecked in the CT menu screen but the mail mod continues to save these items to my SavedVariables/CT_Mailmod.lua, taking up quite a bit of space.

Elhana 01-07-08 09:31 AM

selected few items in mailbox, pressed open selected and got this after all was opened:

Error:  bad argument #7 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
AddOn: CT_MailMod
File: CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua
Line: 26
Count: Infinite
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:26: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:20>
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:80: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:71>
(tail call): ?
...Ons\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailStructure_Incoming.lua:150: in function `?'
...terface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailActions.lua:76: in function `key'
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod.lua:71: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod.lua:67>

tntrkdrvr 02-21-08 08:32 AM

ct core
When is ct gonna update their mods??????? :banana:

Zyonin 02-21-08 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by tntrkdrvr (Post 83790)
When is ct gonna update their mods??????? :banana:

Dunno, I have pretty much moved this to the "Dead" category when dealing with mods for my guidlies and now recommend other mods.

tntrkdrvr 02-21-08 05:53 PM

ct core
ct core is screwing up my beql with the quest tracker, its not showing up.

Zmorfius 01-23-09 10:12 AM

CT mods is being updated by dedicated user i belief... so if anything give him a litle credit for trying to maintain the ctmods. Good job i say, i could not have done it.

Hopefully these buggs will get fixed, as old as the ct mods i still use a number of them and i hav not been able to find good replacements.

Only error im personaly getting is the mailbox one tho

Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:26: bad argument #7 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)

Stack trace:
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:26: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:20>
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:84: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailLog.lua:75>
(tail call): ?
...Ons\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailStructure_Incoming.lua:150: in function `?'
...terface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod_MailActions.lua:76: in function `key'
Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod.lua:71: in function <Interface\AddOns\CT_MailMod\CT_MailMod.lua:67>

I dont use all the ct_mods anymore tho let me list some replacements.

ct_core, i still use altho most functions can handled by other addons. requirement for most other ctmods.

ct_barmod. both replaced by Bartender4. much beter, LDB compatible.

CT_BuffMod. can be replaced by Elkano's buffbars. most unitframe addons can show buffs aswell.

CT_ExpenseHistory. I dont use it personaly but there is probly a LDB compatible addon to replace this.

CT_MailMod. still use this.

CT_MapMod. i dont use this. other map addons do all i need.

CT_PartyBuffs. outdated, raidframes or raidbuff addons like Zomgbuff take care of this.

CT_UnitFrames. Still use this, if you still use the blizzard frames for Player, Target and focus this will add a few some flexibility to use them with a custom UI.

CT_RaidAssist. Still use this, and its a guild raid requirement. outdated as it may be its rather good on resources and light on setup. Been wanting to change over to something like OpenRMX but thats just alot of "options" to throw at people when they first start raiding 10man's.

CT_Timer. dont use it, use a LDB display for the clock.

CT_Viewport. still use it from time to time, can be nice to have unrendered area for displaying part of your UI

Would like a revive of CTmod, strip out the useless mods, a few bugfixed and some LDB display functions :)

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