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Psychtrip 10-15-07 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by slamb
I copied the Autobar and AutobarConfig back out of my 1.1 Mazzle backup, then added an .svn directory to each one to keep WAU from updating (and breaking) them. It working fine for me now.

And if Mazzle or any of the patch and bug-fix contributors read this, thanks a ton for your work. I'm extending a big middle-finger to all the whiners who seem to think you owe them fixes without so much as a thanks or anything.

Another work around for that in WAU is to right click the add-on and select ignore, then it wont update til you un-ignore it, works for me. :D

fyrye 10-15-07 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zarther
Mazzle or Fyrye
Do I have to make the changes to all characters on all servers manually? Or will changing one make changes to all others once I log them in? Thank you.

Referencing the MoveFrames I assume, if so, follow the steps to reset the frames for each character as moveframes saves its variable information based on server\character layout.
But as long as your BG/BattleGround/WorldStateScoreFrame isnt messed up, changing the code in the lua file, and doing /mf reset while in game should be enough.

The actual code change is done in addons, so it should only be needed to do that part once as its a permanent fix, or at least until blizzard changes the way it reads the UI window.

kudata 10-16-07 08:08 AM

not mazzifying. error report included

Originally Posted by toybreaker
Oh man, the trials we go through with the addiction and love we call Mazzle.

I have done all that i should, i go through the mazzify process, click "Mazzify Me", it does part of it deal but then i never get that second button to complete the process and reloadui. I tried doing it myself but no luck. Any suggestions on what to work on?

errors seen:
[2007/10/06 20:31:33-6-x1]: Fubar_Auto_LootFu-1.0\Fubar_Auto_LootFu.lua:104: attempt to call global 'GetAutoLootToggleKey' (a nil value)
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:364: in function `runChildren'
Tablet-2.0-41876 (TabletLib):2355: in function `children'
Tablet-2.0-41876 (TabletLib):2399: in function `Open'
Tablet-2.0-41876 (TabletLib):2533: in function <Interface\AddOns\TabletLib\Tablet-2.0\Tablet-2.0.lua:2527>
FuBarPlugin-2.0-40928:413: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:412>


Some more info. I rebooted, tried to mazzlefy and here is the error.

[2007/10/06 20:41:59-7-x1]: Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:351: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'

Remarked that last line out and got my secend button and the mazzify completed. However it is all jacked up. No bongos, itemrack on the wrong spot, other add ons all over the screen...weird

I'm getting the same problem with the same bugsack error. In the chat box, it stops at "Configuring Blizzard" i get the 'fatality' noise and the bugsack has "Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:351: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'" as the error.

I installed it a while ago on my desktop (windows XP) and it works fine. went to install it on my new laptop (windows vista) and it gives me this problem. tried a clean install twice and still getting the same error.

oh by the way, mazzleui rocks XD ...just need to get it working on my laptop.


Arkive 10-16-07 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by kudata
I'm getting the same problem with the same bugsack error. In the chat box, it stops at "Configuring Blizzard" i get the 'fatality' noise and the bugsack has "Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:351: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'" as the error.

I installed it a while ago on my desktop (windows XP) and it works fine. went to install it on my new laptop (windows vista) and it gives me this problem. tried a clean install twice and still getting the same error.

oh by the way, mazzleui rocks XD ...just need to get it working on my laptop.


Did you happen to perform the hack that disables the error sound when targeting mobs that aren't defined in Mazzle? If so, undoing whatever you did may fix that.

Zengard 10-16-07 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by kudata
I'm getting the same problem with the same bugsack error. In the chat box, it stops at "Configuring Blizzard" i get the 'fatality' noise and the bugsack has "Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:351: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'" as the error.

I installed it a while ago on my desktop (windows XP) and it works fine. went to install it on my new laptop (windows vista) and it gives me this problem. tried a clean install twice and still getting the same error.

oh by the way, mazzleui rocks XD ...just need to get it working on my laptop.


SAME PROBLEM i have mac osx btw but omg i love you i now know that he says FATALITY and not vitality woot please anyone else have a fix for the problemo

Lighty 10-17-07 08:56 PM

EnableErrorSound error

Originally Posted by toybreaker
[2007/10/06 20:41:59-7-x1]: Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:351: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'

It was changed from EnableErrorSpeech to Sound_EnableErrorSpeech by Blizzard. If you feel up to it, open the file Interface\Addons\Mazzifier\Mazzifier_Configs.lua and on line 351, change it so it says:


Note that I got other errors (this is a completely fresh install of WoW and Mazzle+Patch), so I'm trying to find and clean things up).

Kierrkian 10-18-07 03:57 PM

For those of you having issues with renaming or changing the WTF folder in windows Vista:

Open the WoW folder on your Hard Drive, locate the WTF folder. RIGHT click the folder and select PROPERTIES.

On the top of the window that just opened select the TAB named SECURITY. You should now see a list of " Users " in the upper box and a EDIT button below the upper box. Select EDIT, this will open yet another window that looks alot like the one you were just in. Now select your USER account in the upper box and in the lower box you will see little boxes that you can put check marks in. Put a check mark in the box labeled FULL CONTROL. You know have full access or control to change the name or do anything with that folder.. Select APPLY and close all the windows..

Have fun..

fyrye 10-18-07 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kierrkian
For those of you having issues with renaming or changing the WTF folder in windows Vista:

Open the WoW folder on your Hard Drive, locate the WTF folder. RIGHT click the folder and select PROPERTIES.

On the top of the window that just opened select the TAB named SECURITY. You should now see a list of " Users " in the upper box and a EDIT button below the upper box. Select EDIT, this will open yet another window that looks alot like the one you were just in. Now select your USER account in the upper box and in the lower box you will see little boxes that you can put check marks in. Put a check mark in the box labeled FULL CONTROL. You know have full access or control to change the name or do anything with that folder.. Select APPLY and close all the windows..

Have fun..

He went to college to write that :P Very well written, like the part when you broke down the checkboxes. Another way is to add another user group (one that isnt known like, EVERYONE, and use something like WOWADMIN) and giving it full control, then adding your account to that user group, though thats probably a bit more detailed than most would like to go into.

Kierrkian 10-19-07 08:05 PM


He went to college to write that :P Very well written, like the part when you broke down the checkboxes. Another way is to add another user group (one that isnt known like, EVERYONE, and use something like WOWADMIN) and giving it full control, then adding your account to that user group, though thats probably a bit more detailed than most would like to go into.
I guess I should of mentioned you need to have ADMINISTRATOR rights before it will allow you to do any of this ( with out promt for password ). So...... call mommy in and ask for the password if needed ( joking ).

Thats all they would need is to have a completely new USER account to fubar, lol

GraemeF 10-24-07 01:01 AM

Complete instructions
Hi guys,

I wanted to recommend MazzleUI to a friend but I couldn't find a post with all of the instructions (including applying the patch) in one place. So, to help him out I wrote some, and I've also posted them here .

Hope this is useful to somebody, please let me know about any glaring inaccuracies or omissions!


GraemeF 10-26-07 02:12 PM

I lifted that step from the original MazzleUI instructions, but I don't see any need to rename the WTF folder. It would be better to rename the Account folder in it then you get to keep your video settings etc, and that would keep WAU happy too.
(fixed the comments on my site btw, sorry about that... you comment wasn't lost though)

[email protected] 11-11-07 03:59 PM

Problems installing Mazzle!! PLZ HELP!
After I do the questionaire and what not, I hit the mazzlefy me button, then nothing. I have old mods enabled. From what I can see, it doesnt get past phase 1 of the mazzlefy process. Is anyone else having this problem? :(

GraemeF 11-11-07 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by [email protected]
After I do the questionaire and what not, I hit the mazzlefy me button, then nothing. I have old mods enabled. From what I can see, it doesnt get past phase 1 of the mazzlefy process. Is anyone else having this problem? :(

I would recommend starting without your old addons and then adding them back again after your Mazzlegasm.

delpia 11-24-07 07:05 PM

Same Problem

Originally Posted by Dynnyn
ok mabye i'm jsut an idiot but i downloaded the patch went in game after doing everything u said and i dont get the mazzifier popping up and when i run the /mazzify command nothing happens i get the unkown command text :s

is there some addons missing i need to copy from my old addons folder?

I have waited for 5minutes+ for the mazzifier to load with no luck. On the add-ons screen I have load out of date checked and it shows that mazzifier, mazzleoptions, MAZZLEUI, and uiskin arabian tile have a dependancy missing. When i mouse over mazzleui it shows that Ace2, Babble-2.2, Banzailib, Metrognome, DiscordUnitFrames, and RosterLib are required and missing. I have done a spotlight search on my Mac and it shows that none of these exist anywhere on my comp.

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