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Marthisdil 05-09-13 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 277832)
But that doesnt mean if i have a server in china, then i can do anything.

Technically, you're right. Morally, you're right.

However, if you don't care what the rest of the world thinks, and are in a country that doesn't require you to heed DMCA type of notices, then, if you wanted to, you could do nearly anything you wanted, with impunity.

Just ask all the Chinese, Russian, etc, servers where tons of illegal stuff happens all the time, and they don't give a hoot about a DMCA takedown notice.

SDPhantom 05-09-13 09:59 AM

Even if the site host doesn't respond to the DMCA notice, I'd think the DNS registrar would. From what I can see, is a US company.

Vlad 05-09-13 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 277839)
But that doesnt mean you need to rehost the addon, you can get a proper link to the newest version both on curse and wowinterface.

I agree, but, if IP blocking is involved on the Chinese/Korean side then they got to host themselves or the links wouldn't work.

Resike 05-09-13 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Vlad (Post 277845)
I agree, but, if IP blocking is involved on the Chinese/Korean side then they got to host themselves or the links wouldn't work.

To be honest i'm not really familiar with the Chinese internet situation, but this site is hosted as .com, so i think if you can reach this site, then you can reach curse and wowinterface too.

Seerah 05-09-13 03:20 PM

They shouldn't hotlink directly to the files, either. That would use our bandwidth to serve the file, while not getting any revenue from the advertisements.

Marthisdil 05-09-13 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 277857)
They shouldn't hotlink directly to the files, either. That would use our bandwidth to serve the file, while not getting any revenue from the advertisements.

While you're correct, I bet you a good number of people use adblock plus, java and flash blockers, because of the way a lot of malware comes around through those methods as of late.

Phanx 05-09-13 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by SDPhantom (Post 277843)
Even if the site host doesn't respond to the DMCA notice, I'd think the DNS registrar would. From what I can see, is a US company.

Yes. GoDaddy is extremely zealous about responding to DCMA notices regarding sites they host. I'm not sure how they respond to notices regarding sites they're just the domain registrar for, but they may do something.

Also, regardless of whether Chinese players can or can't read English, it doesn't help them for a Chinese-language site to serve them an outdated version of an addon that isn't translated into Chinese and may not even work on Chinese servers. The site could easily just provide a link to the author's official download page. Even if you don't speak the language, it's obvious which button is the "Download" button on both Curse and WoWInterface if you've ever used any website with a Download button.

Resike 05-10-13 05:19 AM

Well i got this from GoDaddy:

Dear -----,

We are in receipt of your incomplete online complaint regarding 178.COM. Although that domain name is registered through Go Daddy, the website itself (which is separate from the domain name registration) is hosted elsewhere and we have no control over the website or its content. Any issues regarding the content of the website will need to be addressed either directly to the owner of the site or to the hosting provider (who should be in a position to assist you with your concerns).

If you have a complaint about the issue of ownership or wording of the domain name itself (as opposed to the content hosted on the associated website), that matter will need to be taken up with the domain name owner directly, or should be filed in a UDRP or court proceeding. Our internal policies, as well as ICANN regulations, prevent us from acting as the arbiter of domain name disputes.

We are only able to assist with complaints about trademark infringement that may occur in the viewable content of a website hosted on our servers (as opposed to the wording of the domain name registered).

At Go Daddy, we are committed to assisting intellectual property owners in taking action against IP infringement. Please feel free to contact us if we can provide further assistance.

Thank you,

Ryan S.
Trademark Claims, LLC

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