Results: 8Comments by: Nandonini
File: Quick Auctions 307-28-09
Re: Re: Re: Sharing data across characters
Posted By: Nandonini
Originally posted by Clockspider How are you making that work? I get data on my bank alt and then log onto my crafter and I have no prices stored for glyphs. It's the craft queue that is stored between characters so make the Craft queue-list @ your bank alt then log your crafter and open profession and press the QA-button.
File: Quick Auctions 307-28-09
Re: Sharing data across characters
Posted By: Nandonini
Originally posted by Clockspider Is data not shared across characters? I want to be able to scan the AH on my glyph selling alt and then get on my inscriptor in Dalaran at the ink trader and be able to set up a craft queue. Is this possible? It is shared across characters, atleast on the same account, that I know because im d...
File: Quick Auctions 307-27-09
Originally posted by kevmar If yo...
Posted By: Nandonini
Originally posted by kevmar If you think about going this far, look at altaholic. It shows you how many you have on all chars in the item tooltip. Craft queue dosent have the link for the item tooltip its the spell tooltip in there so addons like that dosent work, atleast not the one I have atm.
File: Quick Auctions 307-27-09
Any chance to make it so you can se...
Posted By: Nandonini
Any chance to make it so you can see how many of X item you have in Inventory + Bank and just not inventory while looking @ craft queue?
File: Quick Auctions 307-26-09
Re: Quick Fix
Posted By: Nandonini
Originally posted by kevmar If you need bid to = buyout and are comfortable looking at lua Look for this line in modules\post.lua StartAuction(bid, buyout, QuickAuctions.Manage:GetConfigValue(itemID, "postTime") * 60) change it to StartAuction(buyout, buyout, QuickAuctions.Manage:GetConfigValue(itemID, "postTime") * 60)...
File: Quick Auctions 307-26-09
"Is anyone else having problems wit...
Posted By: Nandonini
"Is anyone else having problems withe the pid percent? I am trying to set it to 100% and its not doing that for me. Some items in the group work, but others in the same group get listed as low as 40% bid." Got the same problem ;<
File: Quick Auctions 307-26-09
Any way to make the numbers on the...
Posted By: Nandonini
Any way to make the numbers on the numpad to work while working with the craft queue? ;o Or maybe it's just for me that it aint working? Tried 3 diffrent keyboards so shouldnt be that.
File: cAspectOfTheViper11-16-08
Just the thing I where looking for,...
Posted By: Nandonini
Just the thing I where looking for, thanks.