Results: 3Comments by: faile486
File: SpartanUI12-02-10
Target of Target
Posted By: faile486
Is there a way to disable the target of target? I haven't been able to find it so far.
File: HealBot Continued05-06-08
In a previous version of HealBot (I...
Posted By: faile486
In a previous version of HealBot (I'm not sure which one, unfortunately) I had the ability to 'set' the order that group members were displayed in - there was a little button thingy next to their name that could be clicked to 'lock' them in place. Is that feature still around? If so, how do I activate it? Thanks in advance!
File: PitBull 3.005-04-08
This is an idiotic question, I'm su...
Posted By: faile486
This is an idiotic question, I'm sure...but how do I change the width of the bars T.T I took a three month break, came back and I have to re-set up everything, and I don't remember how any of it works = /